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Mark Your Calendars!

Speakman at 610-597-3135, or Kathy Chamberlin at From Father Jim 410-398-7299. We would love to have you! Thank you so much for your continued generosity. “The kingdom of heaven may be likened to a king who gave wedding feast for his son He dispatched Why music ministry? his servants to summon the invited guests to the "I come from a musical family. Music feast saying ‘Tell those invited ‘Behold, I have was part of life and part of worship. I never thought prepared my banquet…and everything is ready, twice about it. When I converted to Catholic and no come to the feast’…’Go out, therefore, into the main longer had family to sit with at church, joining the roads and invite to the feast whomever you find… musicians meant I was still part of a tribe. Over the Many are invited, but few are chosen.” years it became a source of great joy to me to make A recent popular book was entitled ‘What Is music in church and to encourage others to do so. I Heaven Like?’ It was a compelling story. Years ago, feel most alive and most in touch with God when I am Matthew used the parables of Jesus to tell us what worshipping through song. No matter how hard or the kingdom is like. Using very descriptive examples sorrowful life is, the joy of music never fails me. I we learned about a treasure, a pearl, a net, a seed, cannot keep from singing." - Carol S. and on several occasions a banquet, a fine wedding For information about the many music ministry reception, a fiesta or party. opportunities in our parish, please contact Dana Brehany at [email protected] or 410-398-1100. We have been invited through our baptism to join a great banquet. We have responded as we try to live ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ a Christian life of holiness and service. But the parable adds another dimension. We have a role as guest, but also are servants. New this Year!! “The Giving Tree!" In substitution of the "Angel Tree," our purpose and objective will be We who have accepted the invitation and to stock and fill the pantry shelves for this essential participate in the banquet, are also the servants, ministry, our Outreach Program. “The Giving Tree” being sent to the main roads to bring others to His will be set up in both churches the weekend of table of plenty. Our task is to have others encounter November 11th and 12th. It will be decorated with Jesus, invite them and accompany them to the ornaments representing the items we need to serve banquet. We need to show them they already have the hungry and needy in our community during the their ticket and a place at His table. long cold winter months. We will ask you to sign a commitment letter and return your items back to the Mark your calendars! church on Sunday, December 3rd. Thank you The Feast of All Saints is November 1st, and is a Holy Day of Obligation. Our Mass schedule for the feast ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ day will be: Tuesday, October 31st: 7:00pm at St. Jude Wednesday, November 1st: 8:30am, 10:00am, 12:15pm, and 6:30pm at Immaculate Conception Thursday, November 2nd: 7:00pm at IC October 16, 2017 St. Hedwig, Religious ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ & St. Margaret Mary Alcoque Our next Community Kitchen will be held on 8:30 AM Linda & Larry Bray 50th Friday, October 27th at the Elkton Presbyterian Anniversary (Living Church. Back by popular demand is our second fried Intention) chicken luncheon, which was well received last year by our guests. We need donations of large size cans October 17, 2017 St. Ignatius of Antioch of green beans, ready-to-serve rolls, and any kind of 8:30 AM Kevin Nichols desserts. These can be delivered to the Parish October 18, 2017 St. Luke, Evangelist Center or the Presbyterian Church on the day of the 8:30 AM Luke Coiner luncheon. We also need volunteers to help in the kitchen and to serve the food from 11:00-1:30. If you can help in any capacity, please call Joyce October 19, 2017 Sts. John de Brèbeuf priesthood and September 21st. RCIA & Isaac Jogues, religious life. The next (Rite of Christian Priests opportunity is Sunday Initiation of Adults) is 8:30 AM Maryanne Armillei Nov 5th. Contact the process by which October 20, 2017 St. Paul of the Cross Dermott Mullan at baptized Christians 8:30 AM Rev. Albert J. Gandek, 410-398-3368 and those who are OSFS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ unbaptized become October 21, 2017 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ members of the 8:30 AM Lourdes E. Marasigan ~~~~ Catholic Church. It is 5:00 PM Bernadette Sniadowski Does your child need also the process by October 22, 2017 29th Sunday in to be Baptized? which baptized Ordinary Time Baptism Classes are Catholics who never 7:00 AM People of the Parish January 8, March 19, received the 8:30 AM Edward and Patricia May 14, and August sacraments of McCarthy 20 7:00-8:30pm in the Eucharist and 9:00 AM SJ Sue Wade Parish Center. It’s Confirmation receive 10:15 AM John Schweizer III never too early to those sacraments. Do 12:00 PM Albert Wepf prepare for the you feel being called Baptism of your child. to have a deeper Parents are required Liturgy relationship with God? and Godparents are If so, please call the Readings for this Seeking to entrap encouraged to attend. Parish Office at 410- th Contact us to register week: 29 Sunday in Jesus, the hostile and 398-1100 or email and arrange the Ordinary Time [email protected] to hypocritical Pharisees Baptism date at 410- First Reading: Isaiah learn more about ask him this 398-1100. RCIA and to schedule 45:1, 4-6 dangerous question, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ an interview with Pat Cyrus, King of Persia “Is it lawful to pay tax ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kosman to register for ~~~~ and friend to the to the emperor or RCIA. The RCIA Jewish people, not?” Realizing their process is a wonderful way to have a greater becomes the Lord’s treacherous motives, Less than one month understanding of the anointed one, and Jesus asks for a Roman left until the start of Catholic faith and through God’s coin, and pointing to RCIA!! become closer to God intervention, returns the inscription of Are you unbaptized in the process. the Jews to their own Caesar’s, he answers, and desire to be Sponsors are also country. “Give to Caesar what baptized? Are you a needed to walk with Second Reading: 1 is Caesar’s, but give to baptized Christian those who are learning about the Catholic Thessalonians 1:1-5b God what is God’s.” interested in faith through the RCIA Paul rejoices that the ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ becoming a Catholic? Are you a process. Do you love Thessalonians, newly ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ baptized Catholic your Catholic faith? Do converted to Adoration for who never received you want to share it Christianity, are Vocations: On the 1st Eucharist and with others? Please displaying remarkable Sunday of each Confirmation? If you consider being a constancy in their month, exposition of said yes to any of sponsor for RCIA! Call the Parish Office at new-found faith. the Blessed these questions then Sacrament occurs RCIA is for you!! 410-398-1100 to sign Gospel: Matthew from 1pm-3pm in IC up. It requires a small 22:15-21 A new RCIA program Chapel. Join us to will be starting amount of effort yet pray for vocations to yields large rewards. Liturgical Ministers Ushers: Teresa G, are not in this for Next Week: Charles C category are asked October 21-22 th to remain in church. Daily Readings: 28 5:00pm Children’s Liturgy of the Word The catechist for Sunday in Ordinary Altar Servers: Time Children’s Liturgy is next Sunday, Mason H, Henry W October 22th is: Sunday EM’s Mary Ann E, for children ages 5-8 Dana Bell Is 25:6-10a; Phil 4:12- Diana B, Mary Ann S ONLY. Children who 14, 19-20; Mt 22:1-14 Lector: Francis C Faith Formation or 22:1-10 Ushers: Eileen P Bill B, Monday Pat C Immaculate 6:00 to 8:00. We will Rom 1:1-7; Lk 11:29- 7:00am Conception have student 32 Altar Servers: School News ambassadors Tuesday providing tours with *Unfilled* EM’s: We continue Rom 1:16-25; Lk staff available to Frank S, Gerald M, with our answer any questions 11:37-41 Sandra H Lector: special you may have. Now is Wednesday traditions to Dave D Ushers: a perfect time to plan 2 Tm 4:10-17b; Lk honor Mary as Charles M, William C ahead is you would 10:1-9 we move through 8:30am like to take advantage Thursday October. We will recite Altar Servers: Layla of our tuition a decade of the Rom 3:21-30; Lk assistance B, Grace S EMs: Rosary daily as a 11:47-54 opportunities. Friday Kathy C, Don H, school. If you have a Rom 4:1-8; Lk 12:1-7 Mary Ann H Lector: special intention for ICS will be hosting a Saturday Ron G Ushers: which you would like new Story Time Rom 4:13, 16-18; Lk Wendel S, Steven C, us to pray, please program for children email Jeanne Dinkle at 12:8-12 Anthony M, Anthony not enrolled in school. D [email protected] We welcome pre- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 9:00am (SJ) rg, and we’ll add you school aged children, to our list of intentions. early childhood ages, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Altar Servers: ~~~~ and young elementary Adam M, David M This week will be a ages. All children must Attention Liturgical EM’s: Narcy Z, Dotty busy one for our Ministers: All liturgical th be accompanied by an F, Diane C, Carol V, students! Our 7 adult. Our first Story ministers are asked to graders will travel to return their availability Peggy O, Lector: Time session will be Michele C Ushers: the courthouse to have this Tuesday, Oct. 17 forms ASAP! Please a mock trial on note that December 24th Jule V, Kevin O, Bill at 9:00. If you have Monday. Tuesday will th D questions about the is the 4 Sunday of be our school-wide Advent. Sunday masses 10:15am program or are Respect Life prayer interested in helping, will be Sat: 5:00pm, Altar Servers: service. Wednesday is Sun: 7, 8:30, 10:15 at IC please contact Emily Ariane S, Justin M the next session of our and 9:00 at SJ. We also Murphy at the school EM’s: Grace B, after school Science need to schedule for 410-398-2636. Richard B, Betty B, Explorers club. Holy Day masses: Dec Thursday, we will We currently have 24th at IC: 4pm, 7pm, David L, Richard L welcome special openings in multiple th Lector: Kathleen W midnight Dec 24 at SJ: guests of our 6th classrooms, including 4pm & 10pm. Dec 25th at Ushers: Bob W, th graders for Special our pre-school IC: 10:15am Dec 25 at Steve A Persons’ Lunch. On classes. If you are SJ: 9am 12:00noon Friday, interims will go curious about how you ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Altar Servers: Kendra M, home. and your child would fit ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Gabriel O EM’s: Cynthia into our school, please ~~~~ J, Gina L, Madison L Mark your calendars Lector: Roberto O consider coming in for for our Open House a tour to see us in this Thursday from action. center youth room. of St. Francis in Save these dates for Bring spaghetti or The Adult reaching out to the our upcoming Enrichment Program: spaghetti sauce for poor and provide for events: Outreach. Wisdom Oct. 19 – Open House “Wisdom is their elderly retired from 6:00 to 8:00 CONFIRMATION seeing with God’s sisters. In two Oct. 26-27 – Parent PROGRAM: eyes.” weeks, Oct. 28th th Conferences Sunday Classes 4pm, –Pope Francis and 29 they will be ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Wednesday classes Topic for this week: selling raffle tickets ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 6:15pm Wisdom For Peace of with the chance for Mind great prizes after ~~~ YOUTH MINISTRY This Session will be each Mass. The Faith Formation WISH LIST: held: Mon., Oct. 16th at Sodas in Cans, Pizza Sisters of St. Francis Religious 6:30pm and repeated have served in Gift Cards, Bottled th Education & on Tues., Oct. 17 at Immaculate Water, Salty Snacks. 9:15am. Sacraments Conception/St. Jude Are you being called ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Religion Classes for ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Parish for 87 years. to serve the parish Please come Grades K-8: Today, youth? If interested ~~~ Sunday, October 15th prepared with name in serving our parish at 8:30am and this stickers, a check Wednesday, October youth even once a made out to “Sisters 18th at 6:15pm. month, please of St. Francis” or contact Cheryl cash. Parent Conversation Nickle in the religion Just ten bucks will Session during office. We are support the Sisters religious ed. Topic: forming a Core When Kids Ask Tough Team of adults to Questions help with 7th-12th Social Concerns Preparation for grade youth groups. Reconciliation: Thanks to those who Outreach: The next meeting for have come forward Please consider *We are in need of: those who attended so far. We will begin donating non- Canned Vegetables, the Orientation to gather soon. perishable foods to and baby formula meeting will be a the Outreach! Thank (Similac Advance or Parent/Child Meeting you for your help, Similac Sensitive) th YOUNG ADULTS Sunday, October 29 We are forming a prayers, & donations Household cleaners, from 4 - 5:30pm in young adults group. to this essential toilet paper, Thank church. Please contact ministry!! you and God Bless! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cheryl Nickle in the ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Rel. Ed. Office for ~~~ more information. Parish and Family Life Youth Ministry & Get involved! Share Join us for Parish Confirmatio your faith Parish Coffee: Join Coffee, November experiences! us for Parish Coffee, n th 12th after 10:15 mass ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ November 5 after the at IC! Hope to see you ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 9 AM Mass at St. there ~~~ Jude’s. All parish high Adult Education school youth are Interested in a study invited to our group? Many Parish Events / Information opportunities are gathering TONIGHT, Immaculate Conception Sunday, October 15th available. Call the at 6pm in the parish Office at 410-392- Outreach would like to 3551. thank the members and you are unable to use ICCPMGRP! Check the Sign-Up Genius, you all who contributed to out the can still sign up to help the Cecil County Rotary by calling Lisa Kaminski awesome Sunday, October Club’s recent food drive at 410-392-9558 (please exhibits 15 at Acme and Redners. leave a message if no they are 8:20 AM This fundraiser helped answer). Thank you! currently running: Confessions - SJ to collect over 1,400 8:30 AM pounds of food as well BOOK Terracotta Warriors NOOK: We are of the First Emperor, Religious Ed as funds for our accepting Escape Rooms, Mirror 10:30 AM outreach. Thank you!! donations of books, Baptisms - SJ Maze, and much movies (No VHS, 4:00 PM -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- please), puzzles, and more!! Book tickets Confirmation =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- games for the Book today! Class - PC =-=- Nook. You can drop these off at the Parish 6:00 PM Center. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- HS Gathering PC =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- AMAZING prizes at the Monday, October =-=- Christmas Bazaar!! Amazon Smile: Shop 16 The Immaculate at, The Cecil County 9:00 AM Conception/St. Jude's Pregnancy center’s Novena – CH Christmas Bazaar will be select Immaculate banquet scheduled for 5:30 PM held on November 11th Conception, Elkton, October 8th has been Volleyball - gym and 12th. This year we MD as the charity of postponed until further have many awesome 6:30 PM your choice and notice. Please call 410- items to be won in the Adult Ed Program 398-7888 with any raffles and silent auction Amazon will donate - PC questions or for more such as Eagles tickets, 10% of your purchase information. 7:00 PM Ravens tickets, a to Immaculate Christian Yoga - vacation home in Florida Conception! Happy -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- gym for a week, Shopping! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 8:00 PM entertainment, =-=- adventures, restaurant AA Mtg - Caf -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Christian Yoga: Tuesday, October meals, family fun, adult =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- beverages, and many All are welcome to join 17 =-=- other things including of in an hour and a half; 9:00 AM course, $1,000 in cash! Christ-centered Holy Hour – CH Be sure to come to the meditative and gentle 9:15 AM bazaar for fun, food, stretching Yoga classes. Adult Ed Program shopping, and your Classes are: Mondays 7 - PC chance to win a fantastic Immaculate Conception - 8:30pm in ICS gym. prize. The next class is 9:15 AM is an affiliate partner tomorrow, October Book Discussion VOLUNTEER FOR THE with The Franklin 16th! Wear comfortable - PC BAZAAR!! We need Institute! As a clothes and bring a yoga 10:00 AM about 200 volunteers to parishioner, you get mat and towel. A $7 per ICS Prayer help with set-up, clean- discount pricing for class offering is Service - IC up, and the various suggested. Come to one Parish booths. PLEASE admission and or all classes and feel 4:45 PM volunteer to help. The exhibits!! Go to free to bring a friend! Finance Meeting - PC preferred method is to Call the parish center sign up by using the with any questions. 5:30 PM and enter our Sign-Up Genius at Volleyball - gym organization code: 6:30 PM AmericanaChristmas. If Handbell Rosary Crusade - amount!!** easy to sign up! Go to Rehearsal - IC CH Pledged: our website: 7:00 PM 6:00 PM Collected: % Collected Amount m, Click on “Go to Boy Scout Basketball Clinic - Online Giving,” and Sign Leader Meeting - PC Gym owed $95,344 $68,935 up! 7:30 PM 7:00 PM 72% $26,409 Contemporary NA - Caf Do you have an online Rehearsal Saturday, October giving account? It’s Wednesday, 21 October 18 9:00 AM 9:00 AM Rosary Crusade - Rosary CH Community Events / Information Crusade/SJ Novena 4:15 PM - CH Confessions - IC Knights of Columbus Vocations Guild of the Bishop Becker Council 9:30 AM 7:00 PM Diocese of Cantor Reh - IC NA - caf 2427 443-616-5370 or Wilmington invites 3:45 PM Children’s Choir you to commit to Meetings: 2nd & 4th praying for your Reh - IC Tuesdays of the parish priest, 5:30 PM month at 7:00pm in Volleyball - gym the Parish Center. seminarian, or our 6:15 PM Bishop. Then Knights of Columbus Religious download the free Soccer Shootout Ed/Confirmation spiritual bouquet Class Event: certificate, print it out, 7:00 PM 9am - 1pm on Offertory Saturday, Oct 14. at fill it out, and present Parish Council Week of: September Mtg - PC Chesland Soccer it to your priest on 17 Fiscal Budget Complex. 12 first Thursday, October Priesthood Sunday, or Immaculate place awards (6 age 19 any time of year! The Conception groups / boys and girls 9:00 AM $7,497.91 divisions).Winners will certificate is available Rosary Crusade - $9,413.50 advance to regional at CH St. Jude’s and State Finals in Oct 6:00 PM $1,612.00 / Nov ICS Open House $1,865.00 - Online Thank a Priest on 6:30 PM $3,028.00 Priesthood Sunday. Cantor Rehearsal $2,832.75 - IC Total: This year, Priesthood 7:00 PM $12,137.91 Sunday is October Parish Choir $14,111.25 29th. It is a time to Rehearsal - IC 2017-2018 Fiscal show appreciation to YTD Offertory short Friday, our parish priests for fall ($7,101.35) all that they do for us. October 16, 2017 Annual Appeal: Is there a better way to St. Hedwig, **Thank you for Religious & St. your support!! say “thank-you” than October 20 Please remember to to remember Father in Margaret Mary 9:00 AM fulfill your pledged prayer? The Diocesan Alcoque 8:30 AM Patricia McCarthy October 20, 2017 (Living Intention) Linda & Larry Bray 9:00 AM SJ St. Paul of the October 17, 2017 50th Sue Wade Cross St. 10:15 AM 8:30 AM Ignatius Anniversary John Schweizer III Rev. Albert J. of (Living Intention) 12:00 PM Gandek, OSFS Antioch October 17, 2017 Albert Wepf October 21, 2017 8:30 AM St. 8:30 AM Kevin Nichols Ignatius Lourdes E. October 18, 2017 of Marasigan St. Antioch 5:00 PM Luke, 8:30 AM Bernadette Evangeli Kevin Nichols Sniadowski st October 18, 2017 October 22, 2017 8:30 AM St. 29th Luke Coiner Luke, Sunday October 19, 2017 Evangeli October 16, 2017 in Sts. John de st St. Hedwig, Ordinar Brèbeuf & Isaac 8:30 AM Religious & St. y Time Luke Coiner 7:00 AM Jogues, Priests October 19, 2017 Margaret Mary People of the 8:30 AM Sts. John de Alcoque Parish Maryanne Armillei Brèbeuf & Isaac 8:30 AM 8:30 AM October 20, 2017 Linda & Larry Bray Edward and St. Paul of the Jogues, Priests 50th Patricia McCarthy Cross 8:30 AM 9:00 AM SJ 8:30 AM Maryanne Armillei Anniversary Sue Wade Rev. Albert J. October 20, 2017 (Living Intention) 10:15 AM Gandek, OSFS St. Paul of the October 17, 2017 John Schweizer III October 21, 2017 Cross St. 12:00 PM 8:30 AM 8:30 AM Ignatius Albert Wepf Lourdes E. Rev. Albert J. of Marasigan Gandek, OSFS Antioch 5:00 PM October 21, 2017 8:30 AM Bernadette 8:30 AM Kevin Nichols Sniadowski Lourdes E. October 18, 2017 October 22, 2017 Marasigan St. 29th 5:00 PM Luke, Sunday Bernadette Evangeli in Sniadowski st Ordinar October 22, 2017 8:30 AM October 16, 2017 y Time 29th Luke Coiner St. Hedwig, 7:00 AM Sunday October 19, 2017 Religious & St. People of the in Sts. John de Parish Ordinar Brèbeuf & Isaac Margaret Mary 8:30 AM y Time Alcoque Edward and 7:00 AM Jogues, Priests 8:30 AM Patricia McCarthy People of the 8:30 AM Linda & Larry Bray 9:00 AM SJ Parish Maryanne Armillei 50th Sue Wade 8:30 AM 10:15 AM Edward and Anniversary John Schweizer III 12:00 PM Ordinar 9:00 AM SJ October 16, 2017 Albert Wepf y Time Sue Wade St. Hedwig, 7:00 AM 10:15 AM Religious & St. People of the John Schweizer III Parish 12:00 PM Margaret Mary 8:30 AM Albert Wepf Alcoque Edward and 8:30 AM Patricia McCarthy Linda & Larry Bray 50th

Anniversary (Living Intention) October 17, 2017 St. Ignatius of Antioch 8:30 AM Kevin Nichols October 18, 2017 St. Luke, Evangeli st 8:30 AM Luke Coiner October 19, 2017 Sts. John de Brèbeuf & Isaac

Jogues, Priests 8:30 AM Maryanne Armillei October 20, 2017 St. Paul of the Cross 8:30 AM Rev. Albert J. Gandek, OSFS October 21, 2017 8:30 AM Lourdes E. Marasigan 5:00 PM Bernadette Sniadowski October 22, 2017 29th Sunday in

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