1. Aghast (Adj.) Filled with Amazement, Disgust, Fear, Or Terror

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1. Aghast (Adj.) Filled with Amazement, Disgust, Fear, Or Terror

Vocabulary Unit 5 January 23, 2017 - January 27, 2017

1. Aghast – (adj.) filled with amazement, disgust, fear, or terror Example: People were aghast at the senseless brutality of the crime. Synonyms: shocked, horrified, stupefied Antonyms: delighted, overjoyed, unmoved

2. Ample – (adj.) more than enough, large, spacious Example: Thanks to the wet spring weather, birds and other animals will have an ample supply of food for the rest of the year. Synonyms: sufficient, adequate, considerable Antonyms: insufficient, inadequate

3. Apparition – (n.) ghost or ghostly figure; an unexplained or unusual appearance. Example: The vivid apparition seemed so real that it completely unnerved me. Synonyms: phantom, specter

4. Assert – (v.) to declare or state as truth, maintain or defend, put forward forcefully. Example: Throughout the trial and the lengthy appeal process that followed, the defendant firmly asserted her innocence. Synonyms: affirm, avow

5. Cower – (v.) to crouch or shrink away from in fear or shame Example: The tiny kittens cower in the corner, obviously frightened by the huge, growling dog. Synonyms: cringe, flinch Antonym: stand up to

6. Disdain – (v.) to look upon with scorn; to refuse scornfully; (n.) a feeling of contempt Examples: 1) I emphatically disdain their cowardly behavior. 2) Fair-minded people have only disdain for racism in all its forms. Synonyms: spurn, reject Antonyms: admire, idolize, esteem, respect

7. Ethical – (adj.) having to do with morals, values, right, and wrong; in accordance with standards of right conduct; requiring a prescription for purchase Example: New developments in medicine often lead to discussions of important ethical questions. Synonyms: upright, virtuous, honorable Antonyms: immoral, unscrupulous, dishonest

8. Facetious – (adj.) humorous, not meant seriously. Example: We had to laugh at her facetious remarks. Synonyms: comical, witty, tongue-in-cheek Antonyms: serious, humorless

9. Inaudible – (adj.) not able to be heard Example: Some high frequency sounds are inaudible to even the keenest human ear. Synonyms: faint, indistinct Antonyms: audible, easily heard

10. Indiscriminate – (adj.) without restraint or control; unselective Example: The indiscriminate slaughter of whales brought certain species to the brink of extinction. Synonyms: haphazard, random, uncritical Antonyms: selective, discriminating, judicious

11. Intrigue – (n.) crafty dealings, underhanded plotting; (v.) to form and carry out plots; to puzzle or excite the curiosity Examples: 1) Investigators uncovered a shocking network of lies and international intrigue. 2) The old album full of faded family pictures and postcards from exotic places intrigued me. Synonyms: scheme, plot, conspiracy Antonym: fair play

12. Plausible – (adj.) appearing true, reasonable, or fair Example: Their story didn’t sound plausible to me. Synonyms: believable, probable Antonyms: improbable, far-fetched

13. Proximity – (n.) nearness, closeness Example: People with children often choose a house because of its proximity to schools. Antonyms: distance, remoteness

14. Pulverize – (v.) to grind or pound to a powder or dust; to destroy or overcome (as though by smashing into fragments) Example: At many old mills in Vermont, granite stones were used to pulverize the grain. Synonyms: crush, demolish

15. Volatile – (adj.) highly changeable, fickle; tending to become violent or explosive; changing readily from the liquid to gaseous state Example: A person who is usually calm and collected may nevertheless sometimes behave in a volatile manner. Synonyms: unstable, erratic Antonyms: stable, static, passive, dormant Name: ______Vocabulary MONDAY NIGHT’S HOMEWORK Unit 5

Synonyms & Antonyms Synonyms - Directions: Choose the word from the unit that is THE SAME or MOST NEARLY THE SAME in meaning as the BOLDFACED word in the sentence. Write the vocabulary word on the line provided.

1. wrote a witty caption for the photograph ______2. crushed turquoise to use as paint pigment ______3. puzzled by their unusual behavior ______4. known for having a highly erratic disposition ______5. the clearest way to affirm our freedom ______6. cringed in terror as the tornado roared past ______7. terrified by phantoms ______8. spurned their offers of friendship ______9. honorable standards for doing business ______10. horrified at the sight of the sickly children ______

Antonyms - Directions: Choose the word from the vocabulary unit that is OPPOSITE or MOST NEARLY OPPOSITE in meaning to the BOLDFACED word or expression in the given phrase. Write the vocabulary word on the line provided.

11. a person of judicious spending habits ______12. offered us a far-fetched alibi ______13. made a reply that was easily heard ______14. insufficient food for all the guests ______15. bought the property because of its remoteness ______Name: ______Vocabulary TUESDAY NIGHT’S HOMEWORK Unit 5

Choosing the Right Word

Directions: Circle the boldfaced word that more satisfactorily completes each of the following sentences. Each word is used ONE time.

1. In recent decades, we were forced to make greater use of our (ample, inaudible) coal resources to meet our growing energy needs.

2. Finally the voters, (volatile, aghast) that such scandalous goings-on could have occurred in their town, demanded the mayor’s immediate resignation.

3. Only a foolish snob would show such (disdain, intrigue) for someone who doesn’t belong to a country club.

4. His explanation that he is failing math because “the teacher doesn’t like me” doesn’t seem (plausible, volatile).

5. The purpose of this experiment is to find out whether a substance will dissolve more rapidly in water if it is thoroughly (cowered, pulverized).

6. I find my friend’s stories about her life in her native country when she was a child most (disdainful, intriguing).

7. During the Cuban missile crisis, the (apparition, proximity) of nuclear war between the superpowers once again raised its ugly face.

8. Your thoughtless remarks hurt me deeply, even though you say that you were merely trying to be (plausible, facetious).

9. The (proximity, pulverized) of the two men’s ideas on many subjects made it easy for them to work together during that critical period of our history.

10. My neighbor’s furniture is supposed to be “original” and “colorful,” but I think it is an (indiscriminate, facetious) collection of junk.

11. I thought that my whispers to you were (ethical, inaudible), but I learned otherwise when the teacher told me in no uncertain terms to be quiet.

12. Although I may not agree with what you have to say, I will always (assert, disdain) your right to say it.

13. You can show respect for your supervisors without seeming to (assert, cower) whenever one of them speaks to you. 14. Her moods are so (ample, volatile) that we never know if she will be in good humor or down in the dumps.

15. Lawyers may be punished by being discharged from their job if it can be shown that they have violated the (ethics, ample) of the legal profession. Name: ______Vocabulary WEDNESDAY NIGHT’S HOMEWORK Unit 5

Completing the Sentence

Directions: From the words in this unit, choose the one that best complete each of the following sentences. Write the word in the space provided. Each word is only used ONE time.

1. Observers on the ground were ______to see the rocket explode and plunge back to earth seconds after launch.

2. Although they did not dare to attack the emperor’s favorite publicly, they ______in secret to bring about his downfall.

3. Since you were given ______time to prepare your report, I can see no excuse for your failure to complete it.

4. The giant crushers lifted the boulders and quickly ______them into a uniform gray powder.

5. In answer to unfair criticisms, we ______proudly that Americans have been most generous in giving aid to the needy.

6. The way the child ______in fear whenever an adult spoke to him gave me the impression that he had been mistreated from infancy.

7. An ______TV viewer, who watches any program, good or bad, is bound to waste a lot of time.

8. Because the public-address system was not working, the voice of the speaker was completely ______to most of the people in the hall.

9. The planning board refused to allow the construction of a factory in close ______to our school building.

10. Who would be so proud of so foolish as to ______a helping hand in time of real need?

11. The writer of the mystery story set up an interesting situation, but in my opinion the ending was not ______.

12. One ______question that is implied in the novel Flowers for Algernon is whether or not it is right to alter someone’s intelligence by surgical means.

13. I hope he was just being ______when he said that my dancing reminded him of a trained bear. 14. The “ghost figure” you think you saw in graveyard was no more than a(n) ______created by your imagination.

15. For the moment the crowd was quiet and subdued, but we knew that it was so ______that it might become ugly and dangerous at any time.

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