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Multicultural Academy Charter School

Multicultural Academy Charter School College Foundations Course Syllabus

Ms. Moyer Email: [email protected] Phone: 215-227-0513 ext. 204 (Teacher website with posted weekly lesson plans available through

Pre-requisite: None

Purpose/Mission: To equip first-year students with the necessary foundations for a solid academic high school experience and prepare them for college and beyond.

Objectives: To develop school-appropriate social skills/human relations To develop students’ organizational and note-taking skills To develop students’ research skills To develop students’ reading and writing skills across the curriculum To prepare students to use a variety of study skills To prepare students to use critical thinking and processing skills To prepare students to consider their place in the world

Instructional Materials (subject to change):

● The Absolutely True Story of a Part-time Indian by Sherman Alexie ● The Pact: Three Young Men Make a Promise and Fulfill a Dream by Sampson Davis, George Jenkins, Rameck Hunt, and Lisa Fraizer Page ● Reallionaire: Nine Steps to Becoming Rich from the Inside Out by Farah Gray ● Various supplemental materials.

Course Themes: ● Human Relations/Interactions o Common Struggles of Human Experiences o Choices & Consequences ● How to be a successful high school student ● Preparing for success in college and beyond

Assessments: ● Responses to assigned texts that demonstrate an understanding of Bloom’s Taxonomy, reading strategies, study skills, time management, and college/career choices. ● Group work ● Projects & presentations ● Various classroom assignments (including assignment book and binder checks) ● Various homework assignments


Moyer Multicultural Academy Charter School College Foundations Course Syllabus ● Loose-leaf paper (Absolutely NO spiral notebooks) ● Large 3-ring binder with one section labeled College Foundations ● Blue or black ink pens only ● Assignment book (marble composition note book)

Grading Policy: Points will be awarded for individual and group work. The College Foundations course grading policy will reflect that of the school’s: ● 97-100% = A+ ● 93-96% = A ● 90-92% = A- ● 87-89% = B+ ● 83-86% = B ● 80-82% = B- ● 77-79% = C+ ● 73-76% = C ● 70-72% = C- ● 0-69% = F

Gradebook Category Weights: ● 25% - Tests/Projects *Binder, assignment book, & locker checks included ● 20% - Quizzes ● 20% - Homework *100 words daily ● 20% - Classwork/Warm-ups ● 15% - Participation*

*Participation is a unique grade – it is the only grade where you start off with 100%!

This grade allots 1 point per day in the term to every student. If a student is unprepared (no book, no pen/pencil) or if they are disruptive (talking, disrupting class, not following directions) then they will lose their participation point.

Disclaimer: students can lose more than one participation point a day if they are especially disruptive (as an intermediate step before write-ups or referral to the Dean’s office). Students can also gain participation points if they are contributing to a positive classroom environment in some manner that is above and beyond normal expectations.

It is expected that students can perform well on this participation category if they choose to; students must realize that their behavior impacts the entire classroom. This system is meant to be a tiered consequences system to give students the opportunity to change their behavior before receiving a write-up or any other form of further disciplinary action.

Talking back, complaining, or attempting to argue when losing a participation point will cause further loss of points and further escalation of consequences! If you have questions about why you lost a point, politely talk to me after class or at lunch so we can come to an understanding together.

Class & Homework Procedures: ● All work must be written in blue or black ink, unless otherwise stated.

Moyer Multicultural Academy Charter School College Foundations Course Syllabus ● All work must showcase the proper heading based on the MACS’ writing guidelines. ● No work submitted on ripped-out pages from spiral notebooks or from other notebooks will be accepted. ● Typed work, if submitted, must be double-spaced, Times New Roman, font 12. ● Handwritten work must be legible and include the proper heading and a clear label of the specific assignment. ● 100-word assignments: Students must write the proper heading, copy the question assigned, and then write out their 100-word response. Students must indicate their word count every 25 words by marking the word count number every 25 words and circling the word count number. This will also be demonstrated in class.

Projects: Essays & Research Papers Procedures: ● ALL work MUST be typed, double-spaced, Times New Roman, font 12, unless otherwise directed. ● MLA format only.

Homework Policy: ● Homework is due at the beginning of class. ● No late assignments will be accepted after the due date, except in the case of absences (ex. illnesses).

Late Work Policy: ● ALL assignments are due at the beginning of class unless otherwise directed by the teacher. NO HOMEWORK WILL BE ACCEPTED AFTER THE DUE DATE. ● ALL projects are due on the assigned due date. o Projects turned late will be deducted a full letter grade for every day that it is late. o Absolutely no projects will be accepted beyond the 2nd day after the due date unless student has an excused absence. Make-up Work: ● Students are responsible for completing ALL missed work. ● Students have two school days to turn in and/or makeup ALL missed work (tests, quizzes, projects). ● It is the students’ responsibility to get any notes and/or hw assignments for ALL missed days.

Classroom Conduct: ● All school rules outlined in the student handbook are strictly enforced in my classroom.

Moyer Multicultural Academy Charter School College Foundations Course Syllabus

Please detach this form and turn in on Wednesday, September 7, 2016. In signing this form, we agree that we have read and understand the College Foundations Syllabus. Furthermore, we agree that we will abide by the expectations set forth in this syllabus to the best of our ability, and we will reach out to Ms. Moyer if anything is unclear at any time during the school year.

Moyer Multicultural Academy Charter School College Foundations Course Syllabus

Student Name:______(PRINT)

Student Signature: ______

Parent/Guardian Name:______(PRINT)

Parent Signature:______

Parent Contact Information:

Telephone number(s): ______


Best time to call: ______

Email address: ______

>Please use the space below to write any comments or concerns I should be aware of in regards to your child's education.

Parents: Thank you for taking the time to fill out this form. I feel so blessed to be teaching College Foundations to the incoming students! This course is shaped to fit the needs of incoming students in a way that their other content courses cannot do. The skills we learn and practice in this class build the foundation for success and happiness as a student (both at MACS and in college). I hope we can work together to start building and maintaining strong young people who are well-equipped to pursue their personal paths to a bright future!


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