MACADA Board Meeting – April 11, 2014 William Woods University—Columbia Campus 3100 Falling Leaf Court, Columbia, MO 65201

I. Call to Order Meeting was called to order at 10:41 AM

II. Roll Call Rachael Orr, University of Missouri-Columbia Christina Bowles, Missouri State University Joan Finder, Webster University Ehren Oncken, University of Missouri Joie Hendricks, Columbia College Juli Panza, Missouri State University Kristel Schlemper, University of Missouri-Columbia Tyrone Davidson, Missouri S & T Jackie Schneller, University of Missouri-Columbia

III. Reports President-Elect: Christina Bowles, Missouri State University. No reports. Past President/Historian: Paula Aguilar, Webster University. Not present. Secretary: Joshua Porter, Missouri State University. Not present. Treasurer: Kristel Schlemper, University of Missouri-Columbia. Christina Bowles, Missouri State University, former Treasurer. MACADA bank account balance is $4,606.04. Christina and Kristel looked into online payment options. The two they recommend are PayPal and Square. PayPal is 2.9% + $0.30 per sale, or less, so for 150 registrations= $480.00. For Square: $15000 x .0275 = $412.50. PayPal is more recognizable and might be the better option. Christina suggested either charging $3.00 for credit card transactions or raising the total cost of the conference to $110.00 or $150 to recoup the cost. Ehren stated that charging for credit card transactions could create backlash. Rachael noted that registrants would also like to have better speakers, so we could justify raising the fee. Christina moved to raise the conference fee to $110.00. Juli seconded and the motion passed. Christina also moved to move forward with online payment options. Kristel seconded and the motion passed. NACADA Liaison: Joan Finder, Webster University. Region 7 membership is strong, but NACADA would like to know what we (MACADA) are doing to promote NACADA. Ehren mentioned that last year at the conference we had books available. Joan suggested a feature in the NACADA newsletter, or a table/poster with information at the MACADA conference. Next NACADA annual conference is in October in Minneapolis. The next Region 7 conference will probably be in Baton rouge, LA, but membership for LA is small. Vice President of Membership: Ehren Oncken, University of Missouri. 186 members are currently a part of MACADA which represents 30 campuses. There are two memberships that are “unaffiliated,” but wanted to join. Discussion of region changes moved to new business. Rachael asked about a grad student or associate category, but then they would not have a representative. Vice President of Professional Development & Diversity: Joie Hendricks, Columbia College. No report. Vice President of Programming: Karie Stroder, Southeast Missouri State University. Deferred. Vice President of Communications: Juli Panza, Missouri State University. Save the Date info for the annual conference—she will email out what is needed. Juli also asked that members let her know about ideas for an article for the June/July newsletter. It was suggested that we include an article about open board positions, and she can send an email out just prior to the conference with photos and information about the board members. Central Representative: The board appointed Jackie Schneller, University of Missouri-Columbia, as Central Representative. Kansas City Representative: Vacant position. North Representative: Vacant position. St. Louis Representative: Brittany Neunuebel, University of Missouri-St. Louis. Not present. Southeast Representative: Tyrone Davidson, Missouri S&T. Members up from 4 to 16. Southwest Representative: Jamie Schweiger, Missouri State University. Not present.

IV. New and Continuing Business Open positions  Central Representative Rachael motioned that Jackie Schneller be appointed as Central Rep. Ehren seconded and the motion was passed.  North Representative This position has not been filled in about 3 to 4 years. It is a large region, but not many schools. The board discussed changing region boundaries. Joan mentioned that the regions may have been divided by the number of schools because this would have been pre-email. It was suggested that the board needs a map with all Missouri schools. Ehren suggested a Google map with pins. Rachael also suggested checking with the Department of Higher Education for a list of schools. Rachael also noted that removing the North Rep would remove a board position.  Transition for Exec Board The official change happens at the December meeting. Christina suggested a meeting where all exec members go out to lunch and get to know each other in November or December. Juli also suggested having a meeting at the conference—maybe for 30 minutes. Ehren also mentioned lunch after the conference and Joan noted that many schools go out to eat together because of rides, etc. Rachael suggested a welcome packet for new board members. Christina motioned that the board add the creation of welcome packets to the working job description for the President-Elect. Tyrone seconded. Motion passed. 2014 MACADA Conference, September 18-19th, 2014  Theme—“Destination: Success”  Keynote Speaker: Jenny Bloom o Location Juli liked the Kinderhook room, but Ehren noted that it was difficult to hear. Christina suggested that Karie talk to Camden about sound options. Rachael also noted that we may have requested sound too late at the last conference. Tyrone suggested that the welcome be in the Gravois room and we move to the Kinderhook after.  Conference Schedule, Logistics o Rachael suggested the following for the schedule: . 5:00-5:45, dinner . 5:45-6:00, awards . 6:00-7:00, Jenny Bloom . 7:30, trivia o Joie suggested more networking opportunities. Rachael mentioned table topics where people could rotate from table to table. Christina suggested another bingo/passport activity to get to know other advisors.  Preconference Workshop o Christina will look into presenters for an e-portfolio, using Linked In, Twitter, etc. o Rachael asked about box lunches. There were about 20 purchased last year, so the board decided to offer them again.  Welcome o Juli suggested handing out passports to table topics with destination names. Ehren also mentioned an interest group fair, and Christina suggested poster sessions.  Food o New Orleans Buffet or Camden (for cost) with Tossed Salad, Marinated Vegetables, Baked Potato, Green Beans, Roasted Beef, Fillet of Sole, Fruit Cobbler and Cheesecake. Kristel suggested contacting vegans and vegetarians separately so they know what is on the buffet and let them decide if they would like a different meal.  Giveaways o Christina suggested luggage tags; other items included a travel mug  Publicity o June/July Newsletter will include information. August 1st us deadline for awards and July 11th is deadline for proposals. The board discussed having poster sessions.  Panel Sessions o Directed by the Board. Rachael requested that the board have ideas for panel sessions by our next meeting. So far, ideas include: Adult Learners, Graduate Student Advising, and a panel for graduate students on how to find jobs, etc. June/July Newsletter · Joie will submit an article on diversity. There will also be an article about board positions and information about Jackie and Leslie (Webmaster) for their new positions.

V. Date of Next Meeting  July 11, 2014, tentatively

VI. Adjournment  Meeting adjourned at 1:03 PM

Submitted by Christina Bowles, President-Elect, Missouri State University