Project Feasibility Study

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Project Feasibility Study



For Office Use Only IP/2018/

This application form takes you through the key questions that need to be answered to examine the innovative merit of your Project Feasibility Proposal. Advice and assistance is available to you from the Programme Team: Declan McGee [email protected] 01 727 2668 Cormac Cantwell [email protected] 01 727 2517

Guidelines and Conditions 2 Section 1 Summary Page 7 Section 2 Project Details 8 Section 3 Project Description 9 Section 4 Curriculum Vitae of Principal Investigator & Grant History 10 Section 5 Project Cost Details 11



The Enterprise Ireland Innovation Partnership Programme is co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) under Ireland’s European Structural and Investment Funds Programmes 2014-2020.

Aim of the Programme  The aim of the Enterprise Ireland Innovation Partnership Programme is to support Collaborative Research where companies and academics come together and undertake high quality, innovative collaborative projects.  The Innovation Partnership Programme encourages Irish companies to access the research and development capability in Ireland’s universities, institutes of technology and other public research institutions (collectively termed ‘Research Performing Organisations’ or RPOs) to develop new and improved products, processes and services, and generate new knowledge and know-how.

Project Feasibility Study  The PROJECT FEASIBILITY STUDY is NOT intended to be a standalone, discrete piece of research.  It is intended to provide a ‘stepping stone’ to enable researchers and Third Level Institutions to become involved in full INNOVATION PARTNERSHIP projects with industrial partners.

Proposal Content The proposal should clearly demonstrate: 1. The intended industrial partner(s) and the commercial rationale supporting their involvement in the project. 2. A description from a scientific / technological / services innovation vantage of the challenges associated with this project. 3. A brief outline of the full research project with a clear explanation of why the Feasibility Study is a necessary first step. 4. A detailed description of the research activity to be undertaken in the Feasibility Study along with plans outlining how the team will proceed to a full project submission if this project is successful.

2018 IP Feasibility 2 Who May Apply and When  All manufacturing, processing and internationally traded service companies, with an operating base in the Irish Republic, collaborating with Irish third-level institutions are eligible to participate.  Multi-partner consortiums are welcome to submit proposals.  An open call programme will operate with monthly approvals.  Please submit your proposals to: [email protected]

Scope of the Programme  The scope of the Programme includes all science and engineering disciplines including environmental sciences, energy efficient technologies, construction technologies as well as internationally traded service industries.  The focus should be on new product, process and /or services development.

Degree of Innovation  Projects should demonstrate a reasonable level of innovation from a product, process or services perspective and should carry a degree of development risk.  Projects involving direct consultancy, routine testing, non-innovative software development and company specific market research are not eligible for support.

Compatibility with other National programmes  The proposer should consider existing facilities and centres of expertise, particularly those established under National and ERDF supported development programmes.  As a general principal, funding will not be provided to support duplication of existing services and facilities.

Duration of Project

 The duration of a PROJECT FEASIBILITY STUDY project will be not more than six calendar months from agreed start date.

2018 IP Feasibility 3 Costs and Financial Structure of Feasibility Projects  Realistic costing will be expected and will be considered in the evaluation of the PROJECT FEASIBILITY STUDY Proposal.  Eligible expenditure includes also: o Cost of employing a Research Assistant o Cost of Materials o Cost of Specialist Equipment (for example not routine IT equipment) o Cost of Specialist Studies and Training o Directly Relevant Travel  The maximum grant awarded is €9,000

2018 IP Feasibility 4 Evaluation of Feasibility Proposal

Eligibility  The proposal will first be assessed for eligibility.  Only those that are eligible will be considered by the Industry Research and Commercialisation Committee for funding.  The decision of the Committee is binding and will be conveyed to the proposer as soon as is practicable.

Selection Criteria  In the evaluation of a proposal, particular attention will be paid to the following items: o Conformity of the project with the scope and objectives of the programme o Clearly stated and quantified objectives o Demonstration of the innovative nature of the project o The project plan o Justification of costs under the prescribed expenditure headings o Demonstration of linkage to industry and the proposed route to commercialisation o Demonstration of the potential to develop into a FULL INNOVATION PARTNERSHIP application with an industrial partner (for example a support letter from industry).

 It should be noted that a condition of the contract is that a FINAL PROJECT REPORT - both technical and financial should be lodged within seven months of the project start date.

General Conditions of Approval  A project should be commenced as soon as practicable after notification of approval of grant support.  If a project is not commenced within 6 months of such notification, the grant approval may be withdrawn.  Whilst it is the general intention that all projects approved should be completed, it is nevertheless necessary for Enterprise Ireland to reserve the right to terminate a grant at any time, subject to reasonable notice and the payment of such final instalment as may be necessary to cover outstanding and unavoidable commitments.  Enterprise Ireland reserves the right to vary or rescind these conditions from time to time, as it may consider appropriate.  All questions as to eligibility to participate in the programme, scope of the programme and support obtainable are to be ultimately decided by Enterprise Ireland.

2018 IP Feasibility 5  Third Level Institutions, which participate in the Programme, must accept: o all normal duties and responsibilities of an employer in relation to any person whose services are provided there by means of the grant. o full responsibility regarding all claims for compensation or other claims for which it may become liable as employer. o responsibility for any liability, financial or otherwise arising out of the project.  Applicant colleges and institutions are required to consider equality issues in line with the Equality Authority’s guidelines when applying for funding.  Innovation Partnership Feasibility Projects are co funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) under Ireland’s European Structural and Investment Funds Programmes 2014-2020. It is an explicit requirement of participation in the Innovation Partnership Programme that College authorities, Finance Officers and all Principal Investigators undertake to comply fully with ERDF Publicity, Audit and Reporting requirements as will be specified by Enterprise Ireland and/or its agents. Please ensure that Enterprise Ireland and the European Union are given acknowledgement for their support in all reports; Publications derived from the Project and with respect to EU acknowledgement ensure that it is in accordance with the requirements detailed in the Common Provisions Regulation 1303/2013 (Article 115) and Annex XII of the Common Provisions Regulation as amended.

2018 IP Feasibility 6 Section 1 Summary Page


DATE OF COMMENCEMENT OF PROJECT: Note: Project must be completed within 6 months of the agreed start date unless otherwise agreed with Enterprise Ireland.



Name Contact Position Address Telephone Mobile e-mail Size of Company* Small Medium Large Contact Details Company is a client IDA Enterprise Ireland of which agency? Údarás na Gaeltachta County Enterprise Board Name of Assigned Development Advisor

SUMMARY OF PROJECT COSTS Cost Category Total Third Level Institution Costs (Maximum Grant = €9,000) Personnel (including college € fees) Equipment € Materials € Travel (Domestic) € Travel (Int’l) € Other Costs € Total Grant requested €

2018 IP Feasibility 7 Section 2 Project Details

Project  Provide a summary of the intended work to be carried out. Summary &  Provide background information against which the intended work can be Background justified: i.e. what is known so far, why it should be done, what can be achieved.

(maximum 200 words)

 Detail the objectives of the study. Project  Use bullet points for brevity. Objectives  A short descriptive text in support of the bullet points may be used if further clarification is required.  Summarise any Intellectual Property Agreements, options or other commitments between the company, the college and/or a third party.

(maximum 200 words)

 Outline why the Project Feasibility Study is needed rather than proceeding Industrial directly to a Full Proposal submission. Linkage  Detail how the findings of the Project Feasibility Study will lead to a full Innovation Partnerships Proposal.  If possible, identify the target company and other potential consortium partners in the case of the formation of a multi-partner consortium.

(maximum 1/2 page)

Interim Targets & Timing

 Provide a table, detailing the duration of each task and the associated deliverables

TASK TASK NAME DURATION DELIVERABLE(S) NUMBER (WEEKS) - 1 - - 2 - - 3 - - 4 - - 4 - - 6 -

2018 IP Feasibility 8 Section 3 Project Description

Introduction  Provide a detailed description of the individual tasks to be carried out.  This description should be detailed enough to demonstrate research nature of project and allow a referee to make a confident judgement of the feasibility of the project.  Using bullet points, issue a clear set of deliverables for this project.  The use of schematics, diagrams and/or CAD drawings can greatly facilitate the communication of ideas.

(maximum 2 pages)

2018 IP Feasibility 9 Section 4 Curriculum Vitae of Principal Investigator & Grant History

(maximum ½ page)

2018 IP Feasibility 10 Section 5 Project Cost Details

SUMMARY OF PROJECT COSTS Cost Category Total Third Level Institution Costs (Maximum Grant = €9,000) Personnel (including € college fees) Equipment € Materials € Travel (Domestic) € Travel (Int’l) € Other Costs € Total Grant € requested

Justify the costs listed above in the relevant sections below:

Personnel/Pay: e.g. Any college fees for research students plus Post-Doc salaries etc.

Equipment: e.g. tools, apparatus etc.

Materials: e.g. reagents, prototyping and other items needed in experimentation during the project

Travel: e.g. trade show X or conference Y or company visits Z will provide valuable information for work packages g, h, and k etc.

Other: e.g. Projected cost(s) that do not fit under any of the above expenditure headings.


2018 IP Feasibility 11 Correspondence /Assistance

For further information or assistance please contact:

Forms to: General Enquiries to: Ms Maureen Fox Declan McGee Contracts Unit Tel: 01 727 2668 Enterprise Ireland [email protected] East Point Business Park, Dublin 3 Cormac Cantwell Tel: 01 727 2543 Tel: 01 727 2517 Fax: 01 727 2064 [email protected] [email protected]

Copies of this application form may be downloaded from:

Enterprise Ireland will not release any information received as part of this application except as may be required by law.

2018 IP Feasibility 12

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