Verb Revision

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Verb Revision

Verb Revision:

I. Finite verbal forms:

1. Tenses:

 Now: Anterior to now (Present Perfect); Simultaneous to now (Present Tense); Posterior to now (Future)

 Then: Anterior to then (Past Perfect); Simultaneous to then (Past Tense); Posterior to then (Future in the past)

2. Aspect: simple vs. Continuous forms 3. Voice: the passive (the car is being repaired); the causative (I had the car repaired) 4. Mood: the subjunctive and the imperative

II. Non-finite verbal forms: the infinitive, the gerund, the participle.


- ABIDE, ABODE, ABODE: in archaic use means ‘dwell/remain’- His name abode on the villagers’tongues. ‘Abide by’ means to be faithful, to keep promise, to be true to: He abode by his promises. - BEAT, BEAT, BEATEN but ‘dead-beat’. - BEHOLD, BEHELD, BEHELD, but I am much beholden to you for your help. - BEND, BENT, BENT but ‘on bended knees’. - BEREAVE, BEREFT, BEREFT: He acted as if he was bereft of reason./ Are you bereft of your senses?/ The blow bereft him of his consciousness./ He was bereft of home and friends. - BURN-BURT, BURNT, but She burned to ask where the boy lives (longed to) - DRINK, DRANK, DRUNK but his drunken habits/a drunken man - GET, GOT, GOT, but ‘ill-gotten gains’. - HANG, HUNG, HUNG, but: I’ll be hanged if I know/I am blest if I know (and with reference to execution- He was hanged for murder. - KNIT, KNITTED/KNIT, KNITTED/KNIT: She knitted a pair of socks (when used literally) but metaphorically – They are closely knit in friendship/ The families are knit together/ a closely knit argument/ She knit her brows. - LIGHT, LIT/LIGHTED, LIT/LIGHTED: His face lighted up, or used as an attributive adjective- a lighted cigarette, but metaphorically used: Her eyes lit up. / A smile lit up her face./ star-lit - MELT, MELTED, MELTED but molten steel/gold, lava, glass. Melted butter/ice - MOW, MOWED, MOWED/MOWN: used attributively- mown grass/ new mown hay -SHAVE, SHAVED, SHAVED/SHAVEN: used adjectivally- well shaven/ clean-shaven - SINK, SANK, SUNK but ‘sunken eyes/sunken cheeks’ - SPEED, SPED, SPED, but to ‘increase the speed’: He speeded up/ He speeded the work.

ON MOOD. IMPERATIVES - Two imperatives are joined together by ‘and’: Come and stay here, or they are not joined at all: Come stay! - Indefinite pronouns can follow or precede the infinitive: Somebody go/ Go somebody! - DO is used to make the imperative more urgent: do hurry up!, or to make it more polite: Do help yourself! - The imperative can replace an if-clause: Do that once again and you’ll be sorry. / Stop at once or you’ll be sorry.


- MUST expresses internal obligation imposed by the speaker, HAVE TO expresses external obligation: e.g. I must eat something, I’m starving / You have to leave now or you’ll miss the train. - MUST expresses an occasional activity (Today I must be at my office at nine) HAVE TO marks a habit (I have to be at my office at nine). - MUST expresses deduction, logical assumption and estimating statements (He must be well over seventy)

-OUGHT TO expresses logical deduction (If they started at dawn, they ought to be there by now) and moral obligation/duty (You ought to go and see your grandmother, she is ill.)

2 WILL expresses a command (You will work here under my supervision) but it loses the modal value with a continuous tense-form (You will be working here under my supervision) expressing a statement - WILL can also express supposition, estimation and general valid truths: He’ll be there by now (I think he is here)/ That will be the tower./ That will be the postman (The bell is ringing)/ This hall will hold a thousand people./ He will go all day without eating./ Oil will float on water. - WILL YOU / WOULD YOU are placed after an imperative to make the request more polite. e.g. Shut the door, will you? For a polite request: Will you show me how to do this? / Would you please do this for me?)

- WOULD marks a habit in the past replacing ‘used to’. It is also used to express a high degree of certainty (He would know the answer) and as a subjunctive after ‘wish’ (I wish he would come to the cinema with me). - WOULD YOU CARE is used in the interrogative/negative in the same way as ‘would like’: e.g. Would you care for another piece of cake? - WOULD RATHER/WOULD SOONER expresses preference: I’d sooner go now.

- SHALL expresses a promise (You shall have this if you’re good) and a command/threat (He shall have such a whipping if he ever does this again/ You shall do it whether you like it or not). These uses are too formal.

- SHOULD expresses a deduction: He should be here by now.

Semi-modals : DARE/NEED

-NEED as a modal expresses absence of obligation: You need not go if you don’t want to. Need you go so soon? - NEED + Perfect Infinitive: When the activity is performed (We needn’t have left ho so early as the train won’t be here for an hour) and when it is not performed (We didn’t have to leave home yet, as there was an hour till the arrival of the train).

- MIGHT JUST AS WELL + short infinitive’: You might just as well jump in the lake. - MAY/MIGHT expresses an ideal concession: However careful you might drive, you’ll have an accident eventually./ However frightened you might be, you must remain calm.

3 - PREVENT + noun/pronoun + gerund: He dyed his beard so that his friends wouldn’t recognize him./ He dyed his beard to prevent them recognizing him./ He dyed his beard to avoid being recognised. (AVOID+gerund)

ON AGREEMENT: 1. in the singular: - when there are conjunctions (together with, as well as, no less than): The boy as well as the girls has learned English. - when there is a single concept: bread and butter, a cart and horse (was seen at a distance)/ My colleague and friend comes with me. - when singular subjects joined by ‘and’ are introduced by ‘many a’, ‘such a’, ‘no’, ‘every’, ‘each’: Every man, woman and child is to be included. - with ‘not only’, ‘and not, ‘not’: action, and not words is demanded now. - with disjunctive conjunctions such as “not only…but also’, ‘either…or’, ‘neither…nor’, ‘partly…partly’ the verb agrees with the nearest of the two subjects: Neither the girls nor John is to be blame./ Either he or I must be in the wrong./ We or John is in the wrong.

2. in the plural: - with ‘one or two’ - with a singular noun determined by two adjectives: Secondary and higher education are important.

Now make some practice ON VERBS from Mihai Zdrenghea, Anca Greere, A Practical English Grammar (with exercises), Cluj, Clusium, 1997


1. M-am programat la dentist pe mâine. Am o carie care trebuie plombatã. 2. Pentru lucrarea de diplomã e nevoie sã fac unele experimente. 3. Ai fii dispus sã-mi faci un servicu. 4. Hai sã-ti fac o propunere. Ce-ar fi sã vii mâine la mine? 5. Noi facem afaceri doar cu firme renumite. 6. Ce-ar fi sã speli tu vasele? 7. “John lipseste. Vei tine tu discursul intoductiv.” “Dar nu sunt pregãtit.” “ Descurcã-te cum poti mai bine.”

4 8. Cu afacerea aceasta a fãcut o grãmadã de bani.

EXERCISE P.248 / THE VERB Rephrase these sentences to use ‘be’:

1. Act like an angel and fetch me the newspaper. 2. Don’t act like a silly idiot! 3. The advertisement said: “Become the proud owner of a sportscar.’ 4. Don’t become a writer. You’ll regret it. 5. You play the part of Batman and I’ll pretend to be Robin. 6. Act kindly and show me that blouse. 7. Would you like some food? 8. In the garden one can see many trees.

EXERCISE P.249-1 / THE VERB What is the meaning of ‘have’ or ‘have got’ in these sentences?

1. I’ve just got a letter from Pam. 2. I’ve got a black sweater. 3. They’ve got a villa near the beach. 4. They’ve just got a puppet. 5. We have been having a good time since the party started. 6. I had two dances with Molly. 7. Let’s go and have some dinner! 8. I think I’ve just got a cold. 9. She never had milk in her coffee. 10. Don’t phone between 6 and 7. I’m having a rest. 11. Don’t come near me. I’ve got a bad cold. 12. Have you any large envelopes in your drawer?

EXERCISE P.249-2 / THE VERB Rewrite these sentences with ‘have’.

1. Those twins are always fighting. 2. Look at this! 3. I want to rest this afternoon. 4. Can I ride in your car? 5. I talked to Jim about it. 6. Come and swim with us. 7. I must wash before lunch. 8. Sleep and you’ll feel better. 9. I dreamt about you last night. 10. Help yourself to another sandwich.

EXERCISE P.253 / THE VERB Insert may or might in the following sentences:

5 1...... I borrow your car? 2. I ...... never see you again. 3. It ...... rain, you’d better take a coat. 4. He said that it ...... rain. 5. We ...... as well stay here till the rain stops. 6. If we wave to him he ...... give us a lift. 7. “...... I come in?” “Please do.” 8...... all your wishes come true. 9. He ...... be on the next train. We ...... as well wait. 10. “...... I give you some advice?” “If you must.” 11. If you said that, he ...... be very offended. 12. You ...... be right, but I don’t think you are. 13. We’d better be early; there ...... be a crowd. 14. “I can’t think what to do.” “...... I make a suggestion?” 15. I don’t think I’ll succeed but I ...... as well try.

TRANSLATION P.256 / THE VERB Translate into English using ‘can’ or ‘be able’:

1. Nu-ti poti nici mãcar aminti numele strãzii pe care locuieste? 2. Puteam sta în cap când eram la scoalã, dar acum nu mai pot. 3. Când se va ridica ceata, sper cã vom putea recunoaste locurile. 4. Când eram copil nu-i puteam întelege pe adulti si acum cã sunt adult nu-i mai pot întelege pe copii. 5. Nu încerca sã te uiti la toate tablourile din expozitie, când vei ajunge acasã nu vei putea sã-ti mai amintesti de nici unul. 6. Când m-am dus prima data în Anglia puteam citi englezeste, dar nu puteam vorbi. 7. “Poti scrie la masinã?”Da, dar nu pot stenografia.” 8. Sunt prea multe lucruri în valiza. Sunt sigur cã nu vei putea sã o duci. De când te-ai lovit la spate nu ai mai putut cãra atîtea lucruri fãrã sã ai dureri. 9. Chiar dacã ne-am strãduit din rãsputeri nu am reusit sã ajungem. 10. Se poate sã se ajungã la temperaturi de peste 40 de grade C. 11. Nu pot sã nu mã gândesc ce s-ar fi întâmplat dacã nu am fi putut rezolva problema. 12. “Vreau sã renunt la slujba pe care o am si sã mã mut în Canada.” “Doar nu vorbesti serios?” 13. Îti vine sã crezi ? În sfârsit am fost lãsati singuri.

TRANSLATION P.257-1 / THE VERB Translate into English using could for polite requests or conditionals:

1. “As putea vorbi cu D-l Thomson?” “Nu e în birou în acest moment. Ati putea suna mai târziu?” 2. “Ai putea sã ajungi la raftul de sus dacã te sui pe umerii mei?” “Nu cred ca as putea.” 3. Dacã soseste vreo scrisoare pentru mine, ai putea sã mi-o trimiteti la noua adresã? 4. A fãcut gardul foarte înalt ca sã nu poatã copiii sã sarã peste el. 5. Ati putea sã-mi spuneti cât e ora? 6. “Dacã ar trebui, ai putea rezista fãrã mâncare o sãptãmânã?” “Cred cã as putea, dacã as avea suficientã apã.” 7. “Ai putea sã-mi împrumuti douã zeci de lire?” “Nu, n-as putea.”

6 8. Dacã am fi avut o masinã, i-am fi putut salva viata. 9. Îmi spune cã l-a vãzut înecându-se, dar nu l-a putut ajuta deoarece nu poate înota. 10. Dacã as fi avut sculele necesare, as fi putut repara masina.

TRANSLATION P.257-2 / THE VERB Translate into English using could or was/were able. Point out the cases where either forms can be used.

1. Când era tânãr era foarte rezistent; putea lucra toatã ziua si dansa toatã noaptea. 2. Autoturismul a cãzut în apã; soferul a putut sã iasã afarã, dar pasagerii s-au înnecat. 3. Eram destul de departe de scenã. Puteam vedea bine, dar nu puteam auzi prea bine. 4. “Luna trecutã am avut un accident la munte.” “Ai putut sã mergi sau a trebuit sã te ducã cu targa?” 5. N-aveam cheie, asa cã n-am putut închide usa. 6. Stiam orasul bine asa cã am putut sã le explic cum sã ajungã la garã. 7. Dupã ce ne-au reparat masina, am putut sã ne continuãm cãlãtoria. 8. La cinci ani deja putea citi bine. 9. Când am sosit acasã toatã lumea dormea si eu nu-mi gãseam cheia. Din fericire am putut s-o trezesc pe sora mea si ea mi-a deschis. 10. Politia a fost suspicioasã la început, dar în cele din urmã am putut sã-i conving cã eram nevinovat.

EXERCISE P.261 / THE VERB Fill the blank spaces with must or the present, future or past tense form of have to:

1. He sees very badly; he ...... wear glasses all the time. 2. She felt ill and ...... leave early. 3. Mr. Smith ...... cook his own meals. His wife is away. 4. I never remember his address; I always ...... look it up. 5. You ...... read this book. It’s really excellent. 6. I hadn’t enough money so I ...... pay by cheque. 7. The buses were all full. I ...... get a taxi. 8. Tell her that she ...... be here at six. I insist on it. 9. I got lost and ...... ask a policeman the way. 10. If you buy that television set, you ...... buy a licence for it. 11. When I changed my job I ...... move to another flat. 12. Whenever the dog wants to go out I .....get up and open the door. 13. Passengers ...... cross the line by the footbridge. 14. The shops here won’t deliver. You.....carry everything home yourselves. 15. Farmers ...... get up early.

TRANSLATION P.262 / THE VERB Translate into English using must not or need not/do not have to to express prohibition or absence of obligation:

1. Nu trebuie sã conduci asa repede; avem destul timp. 2. Nu-i voie sã conduci asa repede; este o limitare de vitezã aici. 3. Nu-i nevoie sã suni. Am eu cheie. 4. Nu-i voie sã bei asta; e otravã.

7 5. Nu trebuie sã-i scrii; ne-a anuntat cã vine el mâine aici. 6. Nu-i voie sã spui minciuni. 7. Nu trebuie sã faci tot exercitiul; zece propozitii este destul. 8. Nu-i nevoie sã aprinzi lumina. Pot vedea destul de bine. 9. Nu-i voie sã vorbesti cu alti candidati în timpul examenului. 10. Nu trebuie sã mai faci senviciuri. Acum avem destule. 11. Trebuie sã citesti textul încã odatã ca sã-l putem discuta. 12. Trebuie sã iei medicamentele prescrise de doctor. 13. Nu spune asa ceva despre el! Chiar dacã a gresit nu trebuie sã te rãzbuni pe el.

EXERCISE P.267 / THE VERB Use shall or will in the blank spaces in the following sentences:

1. Where ...... we meet? 2. Next time I go, you .... come with me. (a promise) 3...... be here when we get back? 4. “Who will go to the theatre with me?” “I ...... ” 5. You can go to sleep; I promise you ...... not be disturbed. 6. If you pull the lever, the roof ...... slide back. 7. We ...... know the result in a week’s time. 8. I am determined that my boy....have a better education than I had. 9. What .... I say? 10. “You forgot to post your letter.” “So I did. I ...... go back and post it now.” 11. “I ...... not be able to carry it by myself.” “I ...... help you.” 12. I’m very sorry about this incident. It ...... not happen again, I assure you. 13. If you ...... kindly wait a moment, I’ll see what can be done. 14. “It’s very dark here.” “So it is. I ...... turn on the light.” 15...... I write my address on the back?

EXERCISE P.269 / THE VERB Fill in the blank spaces with should or would:

1...... like another cup of tea? 2. He insisted that the newspaper ...... print an apology. 3. That hat doesn’t suit you; you ...... buy another one. 4...... you please help me with this? 5. They left Paris on the 2.54 train so they here any moment now. 6. It is very strange that he ...... think that. 7. Perhaps you ...... be kind enough to let us know about this. 8. If the telephone ...... ring, please say that I’ll be back at six. 9. What are you doing here? You ...... be in bed. 10. I wish you ...... not ask so many questions. 11...... the pain return, take one of these pills. 12. You ...... not argue with your father; you ...... obey him. 13. It is essential that this matter ...... be kept out of the newspapers. 14. He suggested that the money ...... be raised by public subscription.

8 15.” Shall I help you?” “If you ...... I ...... be most grateful.”

TRANSLATION P.269 / THE VERB Translate into English using shall/should or will/would whenever necessary:

1. Dacã sunteti amabil sã asteptati o clipã îl chem pe director. 2. Am deschis cutia si ce credeti cã vãd; un sarpe urias. 3. Când si-a dat seama ce bolnav este fratele lui, a insistat sã se facã toate efoturile sã fie transportat la spital imediat. 4. As vrea sã pleci sau sã te asezi sã citesti ceva. Cum ti-ar plãcea tie dacã eu m-as tot misca prin casã când încerci sã lucrezi. 5. E normal sã vrei sã stii adevãrul despre tatãl tãu si e mai bine sã-l auzi de la mine decât de la vreun strãin. 6. Drumul era acoperit cu gheatã si lui îi era groazã sã nu alunece. 7. Dacã cumva nici aceste mãsuri nu reusesc sã restabileascã ordinea, vom încerca mãsuri mai aspre. 8. “Toti cred cã tu esti vinovat.” “Nu vãd de ce ar crede asta.” 9. “Oare unde este el acum?” “O, ar trebui sã fie acolo de-acum. Zborul îi ia numai o orã.” 10. As prefera sã-l întrebi tu. Ultima datã cînd am vrut sã vorbesc cu el, n-a vrut nici mãcar sã mã asculte. 11.Trebuie cã a ajuns deja; se vede luminã în dormitor. ce zici îi facem o vizitã? 12. Eu am insistat, dar el nu avrut sã vinã cu mine la bazin nici azi, nici ieri. 13.Dacã este cineva care stie rãspunsul, sigur el este acela. 14. Mai degrabã nu mai vorbesc 10 ani decât sã trebuiascã sã vorbesc cu ea din nou. 15. Dacã asta îti doresti vei avea parte de o petrecere de ziua ta. 16. Vreti sã vã însotesc?

EXERCISE P.272 / THE VERB Use the perfect infinitive of the verbs in brackets with the appropriate modal verb. Phrases underlined should not be repeated but their meaning should be expressed by modal + prefect infinitive:

I found this baby bird at the foot of the tree. It (fall) from a nest = It must have fallen from a nest. 1. I used to visit her and I always wondered why she had those dreadful pictures on the walls. It is possible that she (like) them. 2. During the gale the captain was on the bridge the whole time.He (be) exhausted afterwards. 3. You (send) a telegram, which was quite unnecessary; a letter would have done. 4. You (cross) the road by the subway, but you didn’t. 5. It is possible that I (be) mistaken. 6. You (leave) a note. (=It was inconsiderate of you not to do so) 7. I had my umbrella when I came out but I don’t have it now. You (leave) it on the bus. 8. I’ve brought two bottles of milk.You (buy) milk. We have heaps in the house. 9. I phoned you at nine this morning but got no answer.I’m sorry. I (be) in the garden. 10. I’ve opened another bottle.You (do) that. We’ve only just started this one. 11. Perhaps he swam across. No, he (do) that; he can’t swim. 12. You (warn) him that the ice was dangerous, but you didn’t.

9 TRANSLATION P.273 / THE VERB Translate into English using modal verbs + perfect infinitives:

1. N-ar fi trebuit sã pleci ieri fãrã hainã. Nu-i de mirare cã ai rãcit. 2. -Cineva a telefonat la ora 2 dar nu i-am retinut numele. -Trebuie sã fi fost fratele meu. El obisnuieste sã telefoneze atunci. 3. Doctorul a fost un bãrbat svelt cu pãrul alb. Atunci nu se poate sã fi fost doctorul Smith pentru cã el e scund si gras. Trebuie sã fi fost doctorul Thomson. 4. Ar fi trebuit sã verifice frânele înainte de plecare. 5. Am vãzut un tigru ieri în pãdure. Nu se poate sã fi vãzut un tigru. Nu sunt tigrii în tarã la noi. 6. M-ai auzit când am venit acasã seara trecutã? Nu, trebuie cã adormisem. 7. I-am spus sã o ia la stânga si el a luat-o imediat la dreapta. Probabil cã nu te-a înteles. 8. Tocmai am terminat de udat florile. Nu era nevoie sã le uzi. Uite cum plouã acum. 9. Usa era deschisã. Nu se poate sã fi fost deschisã. Am închis-o chiar eu la plecare. 10. Am trimis dupã doctor. Nu trebuia sã trimiteti. Mã simt foarte bine. 11. Sã-ti fi spus din timp care este situatia? 12.Sigur au fost multe sticle de vin în pivnitã. Altfel de unde sã fi avut sã serveascã toti musafirii


1. Autobuzele sunt foarte aglomerate. Mã vãd obligat sã iau un taxi. 2. M-am rãrtãcit si n-am avut încotro si am întrebat un politist cum se poate ajunge la garã. 3. N-are nici un rost sã cari tu pachetele singur. Magazinul ti le va trimite. 4. Vreau sã bati aceastã scrisoare la masinã dar nu trebuie s-o faci azi. Si mâine e bine. 5. Îti pot împrumuta cartea dar trebuie sã mi-o aduci înapoi sãptãmâna viitoare. 6. Oare trebuie sã raportãm accidentul la politie? 7. Stii destulã englezã ca sã poti sã ceri un bilet la garã? Nu trebuie sã spui nimic. Poti sã ti-l cumperi de la un automat. 8. N-a trebuit sã mergem pe jos. Ne-a dus el cu masina. 9. Am vãzut accidentul dar din fericire nu a trebuit sã depun mãrturie pentru cã au mai fost multi martori. 10. Avem destul timp; nu-i nevoie sã ne grãbim. 11. Am întârziat ieri la operã. A trebuit sã astepti pâna la terminarea primului act ca sã-ti gãsesti locul? 12.Îti amintesti sã fi citit despre asta în ziare? Nu, trebuie cã eram încã în strãinãtate. 13. Nu se poate sã fi mers pe jos de aici pânã la Londra în douã ore. Sunt mai mult de zece mile. 14. Mi-a spus cã a udat florile în fiecare zi. Nu se poate sã le fi udat. Nu s-ar fi uscat dacã ar fi fãcut-o. 15. I-am vorbit în englezã foarte rar.

10 Nu era nevoie sã-i vorbesti asa rar. El întelege engleza bine. 16. Sã-mi scriu adresa pe spatele cererii? 17. Ce sã mai spun? Faptul s-a consumat. 18. Îmi pare rãu de acest incident. Nu se va mai întâmpla, te asigur. 19. Nu vei întârzia, nu-i asa? 20. E ciudat ca el sã gândeascã asta. 21. As vrea sã stiu unde ai fost. 22. Dacã cumva mã cautã cineva, spune-i cã mã întorc la sase. 23. Ai vrea sã vii cu noi sau ai prefera sã stai aici? 24. Sunt prea multe accidente. Lumea ar trebui sã fie mai atentã. 25. Sub nici o formã nu poate fi adevãrat ceea ce spui. 26. As vrea sã nu mai pui atâtea întrebãri. 27. L-am vãzut pe stradã, dar nu s-a oprit sã-mi vorbeascã. Probabil cã era foarte grãbit. 28. Nu era nevoie sã-ti fi cerut scuze. Nu tu ai gresit. 29. Stiu cã era acasã fiindcã am auzit radioul, dar nu mi-a deschis. Poate cã nu a auzit soneria. 30. Ar fi trebuit sã le multumesti. 31. Se prea poate sã se fi dus la teatru. 32. Este imposibil ca sã nu fi lãsat nici un bilet dacã a plecat de acasã. 33. El pleacã totdeauna linistit de acasã. Sustine cã usa de la casa lui nu poate fi distrusã decât cu toporul. Îmi pare rãu cã trebuie sã îti spun dar s-ar putea sã fi fost deja distrusã de huligani. 34. Dacã îi dai ocazia nu mai inceteazã cu povestile din rãzboi. 35. Acasã nu mãnânc niciodatã dimineata. Se prea poate dar aici esti la noi acasã si vei mânca.

EXERCISE P.276 / THE VERB Transform the following statements as requested maintaining the meaning of the modal verb used.

1. May I see Mr. Jones?(past,affirmative) 2.I might go out for a while. (present, interrogative) 3. Might I ask you what you are doing here? (past,indirect speech) 4. They may know the way to our cabin. (present, interrogative) 5. May the best man win! (interrogative) 6. I might just as well wait for him another hour. (negative) 7. You must go to school? (past, interrogative) 8. He was given permission to stay up late. (present, negative) 9. Can you do it yourself? (future) 10. Did you manage to do this? (future, negative) 11. This might be the way to solve the exercise. (past, negative) 12. I must read this one more time.(future, interrogative) 13. I had to talk to her before leaving. (present, interrogative) 14. You need not go to school, if you don’t want to. (present, affirmative) 15. He will have arrived by now. (present, interrogative) 16. Look at the watch! He should have finished his exam by now. (interrogative)

EXRECISE P.277 / THE VERB Transform the sentences to contain modals.

11 1. There is a possibility that there were lots of people at the party, but I have no way of knowing as I was not there. 2. He wished them happiness all their life. 3. I would have appreciated it if you had told me the truth about the situation. 4. Having nothing else to do I intend to do my homework now. 5. It was not possible for us to go to the lake the road being very bad. 6. I requested to talk to the Prime Minister. 7. I deduced that he had come home already, on the basis of his car being parked in the drive- way. 8. There is a possibility that the road has been blocked by tree that have fallen during the storm. 9. I feel an obligation to go and visit her at the hospital. 10. I am impelled to go now and visit her. 11. Going to school every day is a habit. 12. I’m asking your advice whether to tell him or not? 13. I’m not sure but I am speculating that the other road is not as bumpy. 14. He ate a plate full of sandwiches. I am amazed at the fact that he is still hungry. 15. I see you have stayed up late to wait for me. It was not necessary.

EXERCISE P.293 / THE VERB Fill in the blank spaces with the correct form of the verbs in brackets:

1. The families are ...... together by common interests. (knot, knitted) 2. She has ...... a wonderful pullover for herself. (knit, knitted) 3. At sunrise, the ...... summit of the mountain could be seen in the distance. (gilded, gilt) 4. My brother gave me a history book with a ...... top as a birthday present. (gilded, gilt) 5. She ...... the washing out in the garden. (hung, hanged) 6. He was ...... for murder. (hung, hanged) 7. The trunk of the tree was quite ...... (rotted, rotten) 8. One of the branches has ...... off. (rotted, rotten) 9. As the night was rather cold he had ...... big fire. (lit, lighted) 10. A smile ...... up her face when she heard the good news. (lit, lighted) 11. The farmer has ...... his sheep. (sheared, shorn) 12. Wolsey was ...... of his wealth and honours by Henry VIII. (sheared, shorn) 13. Many people have ...... this ancient road. (trod, trodden) 14. The cattle have ...... a path to the pond. (trod, trodden) 15. The lawn was ...... yesterday. (mown, mowed) 16. The soldiers were ...... down by the enemy’s machine-gun. (mowed, mown) 17. The blow ...... him of consciousness. (bereaved, bereft) 18...... of her children, she didn’t know what to do with herself.(bereaved, bereft) 19. The ship ...... o rock. (struck, stricken) 20. He was desolate, utterly ...... because of the accident. (struck, stricken)


1. Ardea de nerãbdre sã vadã ce s-a întîmplat. 2. Se vede cã suferise foarte mult. Arãta jalnic: era prost îmbrãcat, slãbise, ochii îi erau intrati în orbite si avea obrajii trasi, nebãrbieriti. 3. Si-a încruntat sprâncenele si nu a mai scos o vorbã.

12 4. Când l-a vãzut intrând pe usã i s-a luminat fata de bucurie. 5. Când mergeam în satul bunicilor mei, cea mai mare plãcere a mea era sã simt miros de fân proaspãt cosit. 6. I-au trebuit ani întregi ca sã treacã peste tristetea cauzatã de aceea tragedie. 7. Ca sã poatã termina la timp a trebuit sã-si mãreascã ritmul de lucru. 8. Urma sã fie spânzurat în zorii zilei urmãtoare. 9. Mi-a pierit pofta de mâncare când mi-a dat vestea proastã. 10 Dupã o cãzãturã asa de tare mi s-a umflat piciorul cã nu mai îmi intra în papuc.

EXERCISE P.296 / THE VERB Fill in the blank spaces with the correct form of the verb (in brackets you will find the infinitive form of the verbs):

1. “The poultry haven’t been ...... too well lately”, complained the farmer. (lie, lay) 2. He ...... on the grass enjoying the sunshine. (lie, lay) 3. She has always ...... to me. (lie, lay) 4. A new submarine cable was .....from England to Holland. (lie, lay) 5. The old church ...... north of the town. (lie, lay) 6. He ...... the evening paper on the desk when he came in. (lie, lay) 7. The smoke from our fire .....straight up in the still air. (rise, raise) 8. Several problems ...... in connection with the building of the bridge. (arise, arouse) 9. The Government has ...... old-age pensions. (rise, raise) 10. His sufferings ...... our sympathy. (arise, arouse) 11. Joan is going to ...... the baby. (bath, bathe) 12. The doctor told him to ...... his eyes twice a day. (bath, bathe) 13. Mary has brought her bathing suit in case she decides to ...... (bath, bathe) 14. I ...... the remains of the castle, which was ...... centuries ago. (find, found) 15. Can you ...... your way back home? (find, found) 16. His novel is ...... on fact. (find, found) 17. Will you ...... me carry your bag? (leave, let) 18. She’s very ill; the doctors don’t think she’ll ...... through the night. (leave, live) 19. Surely you’re not going to ...... me all these heavy cases to carry? (leave, let) 20. He ...... medicine for the law. (leave, let) 21...... ABC be an angle of ninety degree. (leave, let) 22. Wine ...... his tongue. (lose, loose) 23. There is not a moment to ...... (lose, loose) 24. We ...... sight of him in the crowd. (lose, loose) 25. It will be cooler when the sun has ...... (sit, set) 26. This theatre was originally built to .... only 150 people. (sit, seat) 27. He was ...... quietly in the waiting room. (sit, seat) 28. Ed ...... a good example for his brothers. (sit, set) 29. How time ...... ! (fly, flow, flee) 30. The river was ...... faster owing to the rain. (flee, flow) 31. The enemy ...... in disorder. (fly, flee, flow) 32. The children ...... to meet their mother. (fly, flow, flee) 33. Tears ...... her eyes. (feel, fill) 34. We’ll go for a walk if you ...... like it. (fill, feel) 35. He ...... his enemy with a single blow. (fell, fall) 36. He ...... much better after a night’s sleep. (feel, fell) 37. My son often ...... when he was learning to walk. (feel, fell, fall)

13 38. Students sometimes write....for the past tense of.....(stroke, strike) 39. suddenly that I didn’t even know his name. (stroke, strike) 40. She was sitting in an armchair ...... the cat. (strike, stroke)

EXERCISE P.298-1 / THE VERB Complete each sentence below with the phrasal verbs: hold up, run out, keep up, pull over, make up for, drop out, run down, fall out

1. Tina’s problems started when she became a drug addict. Not only did she ... of college, but also society. (withdraw) 2. Jack was driving so fast along the lane that he... a deer. (kill) 3. He decided that the only way to ... his rude behaviour was to buy her flowers. (compensate) 4. The policeman signalled to the speeding motorist to...(park by the side of the road) 5. The reason the traffic was... on the M1 this morning was because of an accident.(delay) 6. It was just his bad luck to get stopped by the police the day after his licence had ... (expire)

EXERCISE P.298-2 / THE VERB Complete each sentence with a suitable verb and translate: break, bring, make, carry, set, put, be

1. We’re thinking of... up a small car hire firm. 2. Typhoid has ... out in this region. 3. The doctor says Arthur will ... up and about in a couple of days. 4. Isn’t it inhumane when scientists... out experiments on animals? 5. I could... out his features but I couldn’t remember his name. 6. Tom... up the subject of school violence at the teacher’s meeting.

TRANSLATION P.298 / THE VERB Translate using phrasal verbs when necessary:

1. Asta e! Nu mai pot face fatã situatiei. Mã scoti din minti. Hai sã vorbim deschis chiar acum, sau nu ai chef de discutii? Ascultã, chiar crezi cã am de gând sã mai tolerez asta? 2. Pam a trebuit sã-l suplineascã pe un profesor care era bolnav. 3. Adevãrul nu a iesit la iveala decât abia dupa moartea sa. 4. Când s-a terminat interview-ul domnul X a trebuit sã completeze un formular. 5. Nu-l asculta, totdeauna inventeaza povesti. 6. Ai vãzut-o pe femeia aceea care împãrtea brosuri? 7. Mã voi rãzbuna pentu ce mi-ai fãcut. 8. Poti sã mã primesti sã dorm la tine? 9. Nu înteleg nici un cuvânt din ce spune. 10. Fã-l sã tacã.

EXERCISE P.304 / THE VERB Choose the correct form of the verbs in brackets to fill in the blank spaces of the following sentences. Consult also the subchapters from the noun, the pronoun and the numeral:

14 1. They watched the crowd which ...... rapidly growing. (was, were) 2. I suppose every family ...... its black sheep. (has, have) 3. The crew ...... gathering on the deck of the ship for the morning roll-calling. (is, are) 4. The herd ...... in the field. (was, were) 5. Who ...... these people? (is, are) 6. There’s just one or two little things that ...... worrying me. (is, are) 7. Thomas and I ...... been friends all our lives. (has, have) 8. Official news ...... brief. (is, are) 9. My brother as well as I...... ready to give them a warm welcome.(is, am, are) 10. Have some bread and butter. The bread and butter ...... on a plate in the kitchen. (is, are) 11. A number of people ...... standing in front of the booking-office. (was, were) 12. A lecture and a report on this subject-matter ...... to be delivered on Friday. (is, are) 13. The pack of cards ...... lying all over the table. (was, were) 14. Everything we need ...... been packed up for the trip. (has, have) 15. The wounded ...... transported to hospital. (was, were) 16. The number of books in my library ...... increased. (has, have) 17. Phonetics ...... our pronunciation. (improves, improve) 18. The whole gang ...... arrested. (was, were) 19. Not only the teacher but also the students ...... of his behaviour. (disapprove, disapproves) 20. The Straits of Dover ...... not far from the French coast. (is, are) 21. Measles ...... an infectious disease mostly frequent with infants. (is, are) 22. Mechanics ...... to be the only branch of physics he likes best. (seems, seem) 23. Neither of them ...... right. (is, are) 24. Semantics...... a branch of philology concerned with changes in the meanings of words. (is, are) 25. The audience ...... asked to take their seats in the auditorium.(is, are)


1. Ce stiri sunt astãzi în ziare? 2. Nu te-ai hotãrât încã când vei pleca în concediu? N-ai mai fost plecatã la munte de foarte mult timp si e pãcat. 3. Mobila din sufragerie este modernã si de foarte bun gust. 4. Fizica este predatã de un profesor nou la aceastã scoalã. 5. Nici Dreiser, nici London nu au un stil usor. 6. Nici unul din autorii dramatici nu se poate compara cu Shakespeare. 7. A venit pictorul si decoratorul expozitiei. 8. Reparatia nu mai poate fi amânatã. Fie el, fie tu o veti face. 9. Trei sferturi din populatia tãrii sunt agricultori. 10. Familia ei este la mare. 11. Atât fratele tãu cât si prietenul lui au plecat acum o orã. 12. Foarfeca nu este destul de ascutitã. 13. Majoritatea studentilor vor sã învete limbi strãine. 14. Varietatea tablourilor de pe peretii locuintei lui mã surprinde. 15. Acustica acestei sãli este excelentã. 16. Aceastã veste a fost o surprizã pentru el. 17. Pojarul este o boala foarte contagioasã. 18. Sase si cu sase fac doisprezece, nu-i asa? 19. La scolile economice se predã statistica. 20. Politia este pe urmele hotului

15 21. “Cãlãtoriile lui Gulliver” sunt pline de satirã la adresa societãtii engleze contemporane cu Swift. 22. Nu mi-am fãcut încã temele pentru marti. Tu le-ai fãcut? Le-am fãcut duminicã dimineatã ca sã fiu liber dupã amiazã. 23. Ce-ai cumpãrat? Am cumpãrat tot ce m-ai rugat, în afarã de unele articole ce nu se vindeau în magazinele în care am fost. 24. Multi dintre copii vor sã-l vadã pe Mickey Mouse. 25. Atletismul este un sport practicat în lumea întreagã. 26. Forma este slabã, dar continutul este bun. 27. Sfatul meu este sã te duci sã-i spui totul asa cum s-a întâmplat. 28. Stirile au sosit acum o orã si informatiile pe care le contin sunt îmbucurãtoare. 29. Acest mijloc de cercetare a luat amploare în ultimul timp. 30. Banii sunt la bancã. 34. 300 de dolari, cât cere el pentru acestã marfã este foarte mult. 33. Nu mã priveste cum rezolvi problema tot ce îti cer este sã o faci. 35. Toatã lumea, adicã mai mult de 25 de persoane, este de acord.

EXERCISE P.310 / THE VERB Put the verbs in brackets into the forms that might have been used by a radio commentator:

Jones (serve) from the right hand side of the far court. He has thrown the ball high in the air and (bring) his racket down hard to meet it. Now Brown (move) quickly up to the net to intercept a passing shot. His partner (cover) him from behind. But they both (miss) the ball and the point is lost. Jones (serve) again and this time he (take) his time about it. He (bounce) the ball once or twice to steady himself. Up it (go) high in the air and then ...... wham, smack into the opposite court, a winner all the way. The crowd (applaud) loudly.

TRANSLATION P.313 / THE VERB Say also which uses of the simple present have been exemplified:

1. El trece pe la biroul meu în fiecare luni dimineaþa. 2. De obicei îsi ia vacanta iarna pentru cã îi place sã schieze. 3. Pâinea cu unt întotdeauna cade cu partea cu unt în jos. 4. Dunãrea curge prin mai multe tãri. 5. Aceastã sticlã contine alcool. 6. Rabelais spune: “Pofta vine mâncând.” 7. Lumina cãlãtoreste mult mai rapid ca sunetul. 8. Celor mai multi oameni le displace sã li se dea sfaturi. 9. Nu mã misc de aici pânã când nu te vei întoarce. 10. Faptele vorbesc mult mai tare decât cuvintele. 11. Ai grijã de copil cât voi fi eu plecat. 12. Îl vãd pe George pe stradã. Spune-i sã intre. 13. Deseori îi aud pe vecini certându-se. 14. Dacã îl voi întâlni îi voi spune exact ce gândesc despre el. 15. Plecãm din Londra martea aceasta la 10 si sosim la Paris la 12.

16 EXERCISE P.318 / THE VERB Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple or continuous:

1. He (live) in London at present but he (hope) to move to Edinburgh next year. 2. I (hope) they (realize) what a difficult job they (undertake). 3. Mike and Jack (spend) a fortnight at the seaside; they (come) back next week. 4. Who (talk) to the pretty girl in the blue dress? 5. The teacher (say) that you usually (make) a lot of mistakes. 6. Anybody who (look) at his passenger while he (drive) is a danger on the roads. 7. Mary (sleep) in the sitting room this week because her bedroom (be) redecorated. 8. The path (lead) to the big house that you (see) on the hill. 9. My son (work) very hard. He (study) for an examination now. 10. “You (hear) anything?” “I (listen) hard but I can’t hear anything.” 11. Daddy (leave) always lighted cigarettes all over the house. We’ll burn down one day. 12. Mary (leave) for London in a fortnight. 13. They (clean up) the whole town in preparation for the summer. 14. Mr Green always (get up) early. 15. My husband usually (leave) his office at 3.00 p.m., but this month he (work) later. 16. Jack often (go) to the theatre but his wife (not go) very often. He (like) all sorts of plays. She (prefer) comedies. 17. Professor Brown (be) the perfect linguist. He already (speak) seven foreign languages. Now he (learn) an eighth. 18. My dog always (bark) at the postman. But look at that! For once, he (be) friendly to the poor man. 19. They left for London an hour ago. I (wonder) whether they (travel) by air or by train. 20. He (walk) very slowly because the bottle he (carry) (hold) nitro-glycerine and nitro-glycerine (explode) if it (be) shaken. 21. Let me explain what you have to do. First you...(take) the photos and (sort) them into categories. Then you (file) them according to subject. 22. The play is set in London in 1890. The action (take) place in Mary’s living-room. When the curtain (go) up , the hero and heroine(sit) down. They (argue). 23. Dear Jane, sorry to hear about your problem at work. I (think) you (do) the right thing, but I (doubt) whether your boss really ...(know) his job from what you...(tell) me. 24. The house is a mess because we’ve got the workmen in. The plumber (put) in a new bath. The electricians (rewire) the system and the carpenter(build) us some new bookshelves.


1. Am luat prânzul cu Jerry ieri. 2. Albert Einstein a murit în 18 aprilie 1955. 3. Câti ani a durat ca sã construiascã podul? 4. Am auzit pe fratele meu cu prietenii lui lucrând toatã ziua ieri. 5. I-am recunoscut fata, dar nu mi-am amintiti numele lui. 6. Când am avut un câine, întotdeauna îl duceam la plimbare seara. 7. Ieri sora mea a lucrat douã ore peste programul ei obisnuit. 8. Îmi pare rãu cã am ajuns prea târziu, dar când sã vin la tine mi-am dat seama ca nu-ti stiu adresa. Încercam sã gãsesc casa ta când m-am întâlnit cu John care venea si el la tine si m-a condus.

17 10. Cât am fost la Londra am lucrat în fiecare zi patru-cinci ore, iar dupã amiaza m-am plimbat prin parcurile londoneze. 11. Azi am terminat cursul si am început sã lucrez singur la proiect. 12. Acum câteva zile a fost ziua lui Paul. A dat o petrecere reusitã.

EXERCISE P.324 / THE VERB Replace the verbs in the following sentences by used to and remove the superfluous adverbials:

1. I once liked cowboy films. 2. Formerly trees grew round the lake. 3. In the past he played football for England. 4. He was once married to a film star. 5. At one time he worked in an important research institute. 6. My grandmother always said: “Well begun is half done”.

EXERCISE P.327 / THE VERB Put the verbs in brackets in the simple or continuous past tense according to the meaning. Remember! there are verbs that do not have a continuous form (check ‘the aspect’):

1. He (recognize) the voice that (shout) the loudest as that of the landlady. 2. I (go) to ask you to help me, but you (sleep) so peacefully when I (look) into your room that I (decide) to do it alone. 3. He (not keep) his appointment with you last Tuesday morning because at the time of the appointment he (be seen) by the Personnel Manager about a new job. 4. When the dog (bite) Mary again, mother (prepare) dinner and we (listen) to the radio. Mary (shout) blue murder and (have) hysterics again. 5. We (have) to go round the back door because Grandfather (have) his front door painted. 6. I (see) that the Browns (have) a lot of alterations made to their house, but I (not know) if the parents (go) to pay for them. 7. I (walk) down the street some minutes ago when I (see) a curiously dressed man. He (wear) a sports-coat with black trousers, and one of his shoes (be) black and the other (be) brown). 8. When they (get married) he (find) a job as a caretaker on a large estate. 9. She (wear) green and it (suit) her very well. Her face (be) mildly pretty but, because she (cry) and mascara (run) down her cheeks, she (not seem) as attractive as I (expect). 10. The person who (drive) the car on the day of the accident (no be) insured. 11. While she (wonder) whether to buy the suit or not, someone else (come) and (buy) it. 12. Ann (work) in the branch where the big robbery (take) place. She actually (work) there at the time of the raid? 13. While the schoolmaster (write) on the blackboard, he (not notice) that the boys in the back row (steal out) of the room on tiptoe. 14. He (come) into the room, (light) a cigarette, (open) the window and (lean) out. 15. A traffic warden just (stick) a parking ticket to my windscreen when I (come) back to the car. I (try) to persuade him to tear it up but he (refuse).


Mergeam spre Piccadily când mi-am dat seama cã un bãrbat cu barbã roscatã, pe care-l vãzusem deja de trei ori în dupã amiaza aceea, mã urmãrea. Ca sã fiu sigur, am grãbit pasul, am

18 luat-o la dreapta si apoi la stânga si m-am oprit brusc în fata unei vitrine. Câteva minute mai târziu bãrbatul cu barbã apãru si se opri la altã vitrinã. Am plecat mai departe. Oridecâte ori mã opream, se oprea si el si oridecâte ori îmi întorceam capul, el era acolo. Arãta un timp respectabil, purta haine obisnuite si eu mã întrebam dacã este politist sau detectiv particular.

M-am hotãrât sã încerc sã scap de el. Un autobuz 74 era oprit în statie chiar lângã mine. Conductorul a coborât si a sunat plecarea; chiar când s-a urnit din loc autobuzul, am sarit în el. Evident, bãrbatul cu barbã a pierdut autobuzul, dar s-a suit în alt 74 care venise imediat în statie. Amândouã autobuzele se târau încet pe strada aglomeratã. De câte ori autobuzele se opreau într-o statie, urmãritorul meu se uita alert sã vadã dacã nu cumva cobor. În cele din urmã, la un stop, a schimbat autobuzele si s-a urcat în cel în care eram si eu. La statia de metrou de pe strada Gloucester, am coborât si mi-am luat bilet de la un automat. Pe când asteptam pe peronul pentru trenul spre East End, l-am observat pe urmãritorul meu coborând scãrile. Avea un ziar si, dupã ce ne-am suit în acelasi vagon, s-a asezat într-un colt si a început sã-l citeascã. Eu citeam reclamele de pe peretii vagonului. La fiecare statie se uita pe deasupra ziarului sã vadã dacã nu cobor. A început sã mã irite faptul de a fi urmãrit asa. M-am sculat de la locul meu si m-am dus si m-am asezat lângã el. L-am întrebat de ce mã urmãreste. La început a negat cã m-ar urmãri, dar apoi, când l-am amenintat cã-l lovesc, a admis cã mã urmãrea. Mi-a spus cã e scriitor de romane politiste si încerca sã vadã cât este de dificil sã urmãresti pe cineva fãrã sã te observe. I-am spus cã nu fusese discret de loc deoarece l-am vãzut deja în Piccadily si l-am sfãtuit sã-si radã barba rosie dacã nu dorea ca victima sã-l observe.


1. La iarnã Tom si prietenii lui se vor duce la munte. 2. Probabil vor schia zilnic dacã nu vor fi plecati din localitate 3. Mã tem cã nu va avea suficient timp sã se pregãteascã. 4. Ei se vor întoarce cu certitudine mâine dimineatã. 5. Sper cã si voi veti veni cu noi la concert. 6. Probabil cã vom tine sedinta vinerea viitoare. 7. Cred cã vor trebui sa mai scrie o datã lucrarea. 8. Mã tem cã nu voi putea sã te ajut sâmbatã la lucru. 9. Ei îsi vor cumpãra probabil o masinã luna viitoare. 10. “Ai pus scrisoarea la postã?” “Nu, am uitat, dar o voi pune dupã amiazã.”


1. Când se va întuneca va trebui sã încetez lucrul Nu pot lucra pe întuneric. 2. Vom astepta pânã când se va mai încãlzi înainte de a ne duce sã înotãm. 3. Mergi înainte pânã vei ajunge la o piatã cu o statuie în mijloc, apoi ia-o la stânga si dupã doua sute de metri vei vedea teatrul la dreapta ta. 4. Stiu cã haina nu este la modã acum, dar nu o voi arunca. Voi astepta pânã când va fi din nou la modã. 5. Te rog sã-mi împrumuþi si mie revista aceea dupã ce o vei termina de citit. 6. Când se terminã piesa, fugi sã prinzi un taxi. Dupã ce vei lua taxiul, cere- i soferului sã vinã la usa teatrului. 7. Terry s-a gândit cã Jennifer va fi încântatã când va vedea ce cadou i-a adus.

19 8. Bãtrânul pescar a spus cã va începe ploaia cãnd se va opri vântul. 9. Vom discuta despre afaceri dupã ce vom fi servit cina, dar nu în timpul cinei. Eu niciodatã nu discut despre afaceri în timpul mesei. 10. Dupã ce voi lucra aici treizeci de ani, voi avea dreptul la pensie. 11. Dupã ce voi vedea tot ce este de vãzut, îmi voi cumpãra o cãsutã într-un sat si mã voi stabili acolo. 12. Copiii rezolvau încet exercitiul pentru cã stiau cã îndatã ce îl vor termina, profesorul le va cere sã-l rezolve si pe urmãtorul. 13. Dupã ce vei spãla vasele, vom juca ping-pong. 14. Iau lucrarea cu mine. O voi citi în timp ce voi astepta autobuzul. 15. Dupã ce voi vopsi usile, voi vopsi si ferestrele din camera ta.

EXERCISE P.334 / THE VERB Fill in the blanks with shall or will according to the meaning and note the meaning (check the chapter on modal verbs as well):

1. What ...... we do if we miss the train? 2. We ...... have to go. You and I ...... have to go. 3. We two ...... be able to manage it quite well. 4. You ...... be wondering why I have asked you to come. 5. We ...... do our utmost to get the work finished in time. 6. If you open that trapdoor you ...... see some steps leading to another door. 7. He ...... meddle in things that don’t concern him. 8. He says he ...... not go, but he ...... 9. If you sit in the draught you ...... catch a cold. 10. Don’t be uneasy, mother. When you come home, the room ...... be as tidy as when you left it. 11. She ...... make a very good teacher. 12. I ...... not marry him, whatever you say. 13. The supply is rationed so that everyone ...... have a share. 14. I am sure that I ...... recognize him. 15. If you ...... look after the luggage, I ...... buy the tickets. 16. What ...... we do if Nick is late again? ...... you have a cup of coffee while we wait? We .... have our coffee and then I .....ring him up and ask him to hurry, but I don’t think it .... do any good. 17. This is your first offence, so I ...... be lenient with you this time; but if you come again before me on a similar charge, you ...... go to prison. Is that quite clear? ...... I repeat it? 18. I admire him very much. Every day, winter or summer, he ...... have an early morning swim. 19. Really, I ...... go for a walk. It is four days now since my temperature dropped to normal and I ...... not be treated as an invalid any longer. 20. He is a very silly fellow. He ...... eat all this fried food every day in spite of his doctor’s warning that it ...... be bad for his liver. 21..... you please run an errand for me? It.... not take long. I promise back by lunch-time. 22. .... you take some more sugar in your coffee. 23. We are free tonight. .... we go see a movie? 24. I wonder what .... he do with all that money. 25. Just sitting around and crying .....not help the situation, nor do you any good

EXERCISE P.338 / THE VERB Use the be going to-form with the verbs in brackets:

20 1. You (miss) the train if you carry on like this. 2. The pressure cooker (explode). 3. That man with the tomato in his hand (throw) it at the singer. 4. The man in the helicopter (try) to rescue the man in the water. 5. Those swans (eat) all our sandwiches. 6. The Lord Mayor is standing up. He (make) a speech. 7. I (stop) here for a moment to get some petrol. 9. I’ve lent you my car once. I (not do) it again. 10. I have seen the play. Now I (read) the book.

EXERCISE P.339-1 / THE VERB Use be going to or shall/will future with the verbs in brackets:

1. “Did you remember to book seats?” “Oh, no I forgot. I (telephone) for them right now.” 2. “Where are you off with that ladder?” “I (have) a look at the roof; it’s leaking and I think a tile has slipped.” 3. “He has just been taken to hospital with a broken leg.” “I’m sorry to hear that. I (send) him some grapes.” 4. We bought our new garage in sections and we (assemble) it ourselves.” “That sounds rather interesting. I (come) and help you if you like.” 5. “Why do you want all the furniture out of the room?” “Because I (shampoo) the carpet. It’s impossible to do it unless you take everything out.” 6. “I can’t understand this letter.” “I (call) my son. He (translate) it for you.” 7. “Here are the matches; but what do you want them for?” “I (make) a bonfire at the end of the garden; I want to burn that big heap of rubbish.” “Well, be careful. If the fire gets too big it (burn) the apple trees.” 8. “You (wear) that nice dress in a dinghy?” “Of course not! I (sit) on the pier and (watch) you all sailing. I (not get) all wet and muddy and pretend that I’m enjoying it.” 9. “I’ve come out without any money.” “Never mind, I (lend) you some. How much do you want?” 10. “Why have you brought your camera? You (try) to take photographs? It’s not allowed, you know.” “No, I (try) to sell the camera.” “That’s not allowed, either. If a policeman sees you, he (confiscate) the camera.”

EXERCISE P.339-2 / THE VERB Use present continuous or shall/will with the verbs in brackets:

1. We have invited a lot of friends to join us next holidays as we (rent) a summer cottage in the country. We (take) our dog with us, so you (not have to) feed him this time. 2. “Don’t forget that your brother’s children (spend) the weekend here. I don’t know how we (manage) with four naughty boys under our feet in this small house.” “Don’t worry! I have an idea. We (turn) the attic into a playroom. Then they (be able) to play without tripping anyone up.” 3. Ann has just phoned to say that she (catch) the seven-thirty plane and (be) in Cambridge by nine o’clock. 4. “The Meads (give) a party for their daughter’s twenty-first birthday. You (go)?”“I’d rather not. They’re awfully boring.” “Perhaps you (enjoy) yourself more than you expect.”

21 5. ”Sarah (sit) for an exam next week.” “Do you thing she (pass)?”“I don’t know. If she doesn’t, she (take) it again at the end of next term.” 6. “I (give) you a lift to work tomorrow if you like.”“Have you borrowed a car?”“No, I’ve just bought one. I (collect) it this afternoon.” 7. “Where you (meet) your husband?” “We (meet) at the Opera House. He (take) me to see ‘The Magic Flute’.” 8. “We (leave) first thing tomorrow.” “Don’t worry about our meals. Everything’s been arranged. We (have) breakfast on the train, we (lunch) with my parents, and the Meads (give) us dinner.” 9. “When Jack (arrive)?” “Some time this evening.”“And how he (get) here?” “He (come) by car if the roads are not snowed up.” 10. “Look! I’ve broken the teapot. What your mother (say)?” “She (not mind); she never liked that one.”

EXERCISE P.340 / THE VERB Use present continuous or be going to to express future with the verbs in brackets:

1. I (go) to the cinema tonight with Tom and Ann. 2. “I’ve bought a piano for my son; it (be) delivered this afternoon.” “Where you (put) it?” “I (put) it in the sitting-room.” 3. I’ve reminded you once; I (not do) it again. 4. “Have you got a ticket for the big rugby match in March?” “No, I don’t even know who (play).” “France (play) England.” 5. He has just phoned to say that he (not come) back till tomorrow. 6. “Tom (arrive) tomorrow.” “He (spend) the weekend here or(catch) the train back as usual?” “He (spend) the weekend. He (give) a lecture on Friday and (attend) a big reception on Saturday.” 7. “I hear you’ve bought a caravan. You (use) it for your holidays?” “No, I (live) in it. I (start) moving my things next week.” “What you (do) with your house?” “I (sell) it to neighbour. He (get) married next month.” 8. “How long you (stay) in our country?” “Another month. I (go) home at the end of April.” “What you (do) then?” “I (write) a book about Indian art.” 9. “I (dye) this pullover.” “You (do) it yourself, or (have) it done?” “I (do) it myself. I’m quite good at it. 10. “You (do) anything next weekend?” “Yes, my nieces (come) and I (show) them round Toronto.” “You (take) them to the theatre?” “No, they are too young for that. I (take) them to the Zoo”

EXERCISE P.343 / THE VERB Put the verbs in brackets in the future continuous:

1. I (stand) outside the faculty at eight o’clock sharp.

22 2. They (listen) to music if you get there after nine. 3. This time next week she (travel) to Spain. 4. When I get home my dog (sit) at the door waiting for me. 5. In a few days’ time you (wish) you had come with us. 6. I (stay) in Manchester until 18th March. 7. I (look) after the baby until my sister comes home.

8. What do you think the children (do) when we get home. 9. He (use) the bathroom for an hour at least. 10. She (talk) for at least another three hours. 11. She (make fun) of him again at the party, I’m sure. 12. They’re on a trip to Bulgaria. They (crossing) the Danube just about now.

EXERCISE P.345 / THE VERB Put the verbs in brackets in the shall/will + infinitive future or the future continuous:

1. You (turn) off the radio, please? It’s making a terrible noise. 2. He doesn’t like being met so I (meet) him in the park, for sure”. 3. Peter (not come) to my party because he will be away on a trip. 4. I (not have) that student in my class. She is far too noisy. 5. “You’ve left the light on.” “Oh, so I have. I (go) and turn it off.” 6. “I’ve just been appointed assistant at the local library.” “Then you (work) under Mrs. Brown. She is head librarian there. 7. “I’m afraid I’ve just broken your goldfish bowl.” “Never mind. I (put) the goldfish in the bath.” 8. She says that she (not lend) me the book, because I never give books back. 9. “This time next week I (have) my first skiing lesson.” “And this time next month you (lie) in bed with a broken ankle.” 10. “But you can’t go to a fancy dress in a dinner jacket.” “Why not?” “Because everyone (wear) fancy dress.” “O.K! I (wrap) the hearthrug round me and (go) as a caveman.”

EXERCISE P.348-1 / THE VERB Supply for or since in the following sentences;

1. We haven’t seen Mary ...... (the accident/three months). 2. I haven’t spoken Italian ...... (1985/three years). 3. We have had two breakdowns ...... (we bought the car/last week) 4. John hasn’t paid any bill.... (he moved here/ eighteen months). 5. I’ve asked the same question....(a week/the beginning of the year). 6. Dr. Brown has been here twice ...... (you went out/lunch-time). 7. We haven’t had such a lot of snow here ...... (the war/ten years). 8. The Jamesons have not been away from Crew ...... (they were married/ longer than they can remember). 9. They have known each other ...... (their childhood/twenty years) 10. It hasn’t rained ...... (a month/March).

23 EXERCISE 348-2 / THE VERB Rephrase the following sentences, using the present perfect tense with for and since, according to the model:

The last time I was abroad was in the summer of 1983 becomes I haven’t been abroad since 1983.

1. He last shaved last Monday. 2. It’s years since Jane visited us. 3. He last ate snails when he was a student in Paris. 4. It’s years since I last had a really good night’s sleep. 5. It’s ages since I last wrote a letter. 6. She last went to the hairdresser’s for her brother’s wedding. 7. I last skated in my childhood. 8. It’s more than ten years since that house was lived in. 9. I last met her the day when she got a job. 10. It’s quite a long time since he rode a motorcycle.

EXERCISE P.349 / THE VERB Put the verbs in brackets in the present perfect:

1. He just (buy) a second-hand car. 2. I always (want) to meet Professor Leech. 3. What (happen) to the key of the car? I can’t find them anywhere. 4. I (finish) my letters and am going to the post. 5. We (be) to Brighton twice this year. 6. We (book) seats for tomorrow; here they are. 7. This parcel (arrive) for you; do you want me to take it into your room. 8. Someone (take) away the umbrella that used to hang behind the door. 9. I (get) a letter from my brother today. 10. Come and see the new furniture I (buy).

EXERCISE P.351 / THE VERB Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense: present perfect or simple past:

1. Peter (buy) a new car last month, but he (not sell) his old car yet, so at the moment he has two cars. 2. When we (move) into our new flat we (ask) for a telephone. The Telephone Company (tell) us to wait, but we (wait) a year now and our phone still (not come). 3. When I (be) on my way to the bus stop it (start) to rain. I (run) back home for my umbrella, but this (make) me late for the office. My boss (look) up as I (enter) the office. “You (be) late twice this week”, he (growl). 4. Ann (think) the garage (be) empty and (turn) off the lights. “Hey”, (shout) Paul from under the car. “I’m sorry, Paul”,(say) Ann, “I (not know) you (be) there.” 5. Tom (meet) Paul at lunch time and (say): “I (not see) you at the bus stop this morning. You (miss) the bus?” “I (not miss) it”, (reply) Paul, “I (not miss) a bus for years. But this morning George (give) me a lift.”

24 6. Peter (try) to come in quietly but his mother (hear) him and (call) out: “Where you (be)? Your supper (be) in the oven for an hour.” 7. “I just (buy) a copy of ‘David Copperfield’. You (read) it?” “As it happens it is the only one of Dickens’s books that I (not read). I (not even see) the film.” 8. “You (be) to Scotland/” “Yes, I (be) there last summer.” 9 “You (be) to the theatre lately?” “Yes, I (go) to ‘Othello’ last week.” “You (like) it?”“Yes, but I (not see) well. I (be) right at the back.” 10. “How long you (be) in your present job?” “I (be) there for six months.” “And what you (do) before that?” “Before that I (work) for Jones and Company. 11. I (smoke) forty cigarettes a day till the doctor(warn) be about the dangers. 12. I (work) as a civil servant from 1985 till 1989. For 5 years I (work). Since 1989 (work) in a hospital. It is now 1995. This means I (work) in a hospital for 6 years.

EXERCISE P.354 / THE VERB Supply present perfect simple or present perfect continuous forms:

1. We (garden) and we are quite exhausted. 2. Look at the beautiful flowers that John just (bring). 3. You (run)? You seem quite out of breath. 4. What you (do) with the map? I (disappear) from the usual place. 5. What the children (do)? Their room is in a frightful mess! 6. Somebody (use) my fountain-pen again. 7. I (not have) time to work at my translation yet. 8. Someone (smoke) my last cigarette


1. Bunica si-a pierdut ochelarii. I-am cãutat toatã dupã-amiaza, dar încã nu i-am gãsit. 2. Sunt moartã de obosealã; am alergat prin magazine toatã ziua. 3. Prînzul nu-i încã gata desi gãtesc de azi dimineatã. 4. Tocmai mi-am amintit cã nu am plãtit încã chiria. Sunt surprins cã proprietarul încã nu mi-a telefonat sã-mi reaminteascã asta. E prima datã în cinci ani cã am întârziat cu plata chiriei. 5. M-am uitat prin albumul de fotografii. E plin de fotografii de oameni cãrora le-am uitat complet numele. Mã întreb ce s-o fi ales de ei. 6. “- Ce-ai fãcut cu foarfeca? E îndoitã.” “- Am folosit-o sã fac gãuri în cutia asta de tablã.” 7. “- Deseori m-am întrebat de ce a plecat Bill pe neasteptate de la petrecere.” “- De fapt, eu tocmai am aflat asa cã îti pot spune secretul.” 8. Tom se uitã la televizor de când a venit de la scoalã. Cred cã ar trebui sã-i spui sã înceteze cu asta deoarece n-a învãtat nimic luna aceasta. 9. Mary locuieste în acest oras de mai multi ani. A venit aici sã studieze la Universitate si a rãmas aici dupã ce si-a terminat studiile. 10. Sunt foarte supãratã pe ei. Au sosit de o sãtãmânã din strainãtate si încã nu ne-au telefonat. 11. Ce i-ai fãcut surorii tale de ai fãcut-o sã plângã.

25 12. Cineva a fumat în camera aceasta.. Este scrum pe podea..


- Am fost seara trecutã la cinema si am vãzut un film vechi “Kind Hearts and Coronets”. L-ai vãzut? - Nu, am tot vrut sã ne ducem sã-l vedem, dar n-am prea avut ocazia. Copiii au tot fost rãciti în primãvara aceasta si nu am putut sã ne ducem la cinema.Apoi Geoffrey studiazã din greu pentru examenul pe care îl are în iunie, iar Catherine si-a vopsit si aranjat camera. De fapt, toatã familia a fost foarte ocupatã în ultimul timp. Dar spune-mi despre asearã. Le-a plãcut filmul lui John si Sarah? - O, da. Amândoi au râs pânã le-au dat lacrimile. Le-a placut îndeosebi sã-l vadã pe Alec Guinness în rolul bãtrânei doamne. John a si vrut sã stea sã-l mai vadã încã o datã numai pentru asta. Nu cred cã s-au mai distrat vreo datã asa bine la film.

EXERCISE P.358 / THE VERB Supply the simple past or the past perfect simple forms:

1. She said she (finish) her work. 2. He suddenly (realize) that he (leave) his wallet in the train. 3. The following Friday he (go) to pay the money he (borrow). 4. I (not wave) back at him until he (wave) at me several times. 5. I told James that he (have) no chance of catching that train. 6. When I (enter) the room, I (notice) that somebody was there. 7. When they (look) everywhere for the missing screw, Joe (find) it in the turn-ups of his trousers. 8. After he (explain) the situation there (be) a long silence. 9. The suspect declared that he (be) asleep in bed at the time when the bank (be robbed). 10. He (forget) to buy petrol, although his wife (remind) him to do so just before he (leave) the house. 11. When he (tell) them his extraordinary story, they (be) sceptical at first, but gradually (become) more interested.

EXERCISE P.360 / THE VERB Supply past perfect simple or continuous forms:

1. He (hope) to find John and was very disappointed when he didn’t. 2. We (cook) all day for the party and by 8 o’clock we still weren’t ready. 3. He (wait) for that letter for weeks when at last arrived. 4. I (work) for about two hours when John came with a letter 5. Mark looked at his watch. It was twenty minutes to three and he (wait) since two o’clock. 6. Their hands were quite numb because they (make) a snowman. 7. Everyone (pack) until the last minute and no time (be left) to take the dog round to their neighbours’. 8. They all (look forward) to the excursion and were disappointed to hear it (be cancelled). 9. She (be) up for three hours when the rest of the household awoke


26 1. M-am uitat pe fereastrã înainte de a mã duce la culcare si am vãzut un bãrbat ce stãtea pe trotuarul celãlalt privind casa. Când m-am trezit în dimineata urmãtoare, el încã era acolo si m-am întrebat dacã stãtuse acolo toatã noaptea. 2. Se uita tintã la ea de câteva minute, întrebându-se unde o mai vãzuse înainte. 3. Era ora sase dupã amiazã si Jack era obosit pentru cã lucrase toatã ziua. Era de asemenea flãmând pentru cã nu mâncase nimic de la micul dejun. De obicei sotia îi aducea mâncare la prânz, dar azi, nu stia din ce motiv, nu venise. 4. Si-a parcat masina sub un semn de “Oprirea interzisã” si a intrat în magazin. Când a iesit dupã zece minute masina nu mai era acolo. Se întreba dacã i-o furase cineva sau i-a dus-o politia. 5. Stia doar despre un tigru tinut ca mascotã si acest animal, în sapte sau opt ani, nu arãtase niciodatã nici o urmã de ferocitate. 6. Prietenul meu era extrem de furios si a spus cã mâncase douã muste cu salata de fructe. Ospãtarul l-a întrebat de ce le-a mâncat. El a rãspuns cã este miop si le înghitise deja când cineva i-a spus ce mânca. 7. El mi-a dat înapoi cartea, mi-a multunmit cã i-am împrumutat-o si mi-a spus cã i-a plãcut foarte mult. Dar eu stiu cã nu a citit-o pentru cã majoritatea paginilor erau lipite între ele. 8. Am pus o banknotã de douãzeci de lire într-o carte si a doua zi mi-au trebuit câteva ore pânã sã o gãsesc pentru cã uitasem în care carte am pus-o. 9. Am crezut cã trenul pleacã la 4.33 si am fost foarte dezamãgit când am sosit la 4.30 si am aflat cã tocmai plecase. Am aflat mai târziu cã folosisem un “Mers al trenurilor” de anul trecut. 10. Am auzit cã un incendiu izbucnise in casa de alaturi.

EXERCISE P.363 / THE VERB Use the correct tense of the verbs in brackets:

1. By the end of next week my wife (do) her spring cleaning and we’ll all be able to relax again. 2. I hope I (pass) the examination when I see you again. 3. Apparently Venice is slowly sinking into the sea. Scientists are trying to save it but by the time they’ve found the answer the city probably (sink). 4. In another week’s time you (see) everything worth seeing. 5. Come back in an hour. I (do) my packing by then and we’ll be able to have a talk. 6. I’ll be back again at the end of next month. I hope I (pass) my driving test by then. If I have, I’ll meet your train. 7. He (finish) mowing the lawn by dinner time. 8. When we (reach) Crewe we (do) half of the journey. 9. If you leave it too late he (sell) the machine to someone else. 10. In two months’ time he (finish) his preliminary training and will be starting work. 11. By next October I (work) in this office for ten years. 12. On May 2, 1999 we (live) in this house exactly thirty years. 13. When they arrive at the castle, a good fire (burn) in the fireplace since morning. 14. When you come back home, I already (read) for three hours. 15. When I retire, I (work) here for forty years.

EXERCISE P.366 / THE VERB Complete these sentences using the verbs given in brackets in the passive tense suggested at the end of the sentence:

1. Much of London (destroy) by fire in the 17th century. (past) 2. The man who (bite) by a snake was given a serum. (past perfect) 3. Many slums (demolish) to make way for new buildings.(present continuous)

27 4. The Police (instruct) to take firm action against hooligans. (present perfect) 5. A great deal of research (do) into the possible causes of cancer. (present perfect) 6. The driver’s licence (not suspended) if he hadn’t been drunk. (perfect conditional) 7. Three thousand new blocks of flats (build) by the end of next year. (future perfect) 8. The witness strongly objected to (cross examine). (gerund) 9. (Threaten) by a blackmailer, he immediately informed the police. (perfect participle) 10. Would you go if you were to (invite)? (infinitive)

EXERCISE P.371 / THE VERB In this exercise the sentences contain a verb + preposition/adverb combination. The preposition or adverb must be retained when the combination is put into the passive. Turn these sentences into the passive voice (sometimes the agent is required):

1. They threw him out. 2. All the ministers will see him off at the airport. 3. Everyone looked up to him. 4. He hasn’t slept in his bed. 5. Her story didn’t take them in. 6. Burglars broke into the house. 7. They took down the notice. 8. Fog held up the trains. 9. We called in the police. 10. They didn’t look after the children properly. 11. People often take him for his brother. 12. No one has taken out the cork.

EXERCISE P.372 / THE VERB Turn the following sentences into the passive:

1. People think that he is a little mad. 2. They say this surgeon is a brilliant practitioner. 3. They say that the rocket travelled six thousand miles and landed on the target area. 4. We consider that he is the best tennis player that our country has ever had. 5. We know that the expedition reached the South Pole in May. 6. People say he is a crook. 7. The teacher made me write the essay again. 8. Someone saw him enter the house. 9. We believe that he has special knowledge which may be useful to the expedition. 10. They reported that there were many casualties on the battle field. 11. People believe that he was killed in an accident. 12. We know that he has travelled a lot. 13. Some think there is a lot of coal in the Antarctic. 14. Everyone fears that there will be an avalanche. 15. We added up the money and found it was correct


28 Say which of these sentences is incorrect due to the fact that the transformation that was done upon it is not possible. Undo the transformations.

1. Her knees were bent by the doctor. 2. Each other were taken by the arm. 3. Mary was looked at. 4. Her mind is not to be thought of as going mad. 5. The splendid stadium was arrived at by the tourists’ bus. 6. That she was pretty was seen by John. 7 Order has been restored. 8. Linguistics interested John. 9. We are encouraged to go on with the project. 10. We were unimpressed by his attempts.

EXERCISE P.375 / THE VERB The following sentences would be better in the passive because the subjects are vague. Rewrite them in the passive, omitting the agent with by:

1. Everyone knows this fact very well. 2. Everybody admired the violinist’s virtuosity. 3. They were painting the door when we called. 4. They have at last repaired our road. 5. In some districts farmers use pigs to find truffles. 6. Somebody had better tell Mr. Johnson about it, too. 7. What should one do in such a case? 8. They will open the exhibition at two o’clock. 9. They wouldn’t have found the man if they hadn’t heard his cries. 10. You must finish the work by seven o’clock. 11. No one would have thrown it away if it had been any use. 12. People will soon forget it. 13. Can anyone unlock the door. 14. No one could possibly have known the secret. 15. We will execute all orders promptly


1. Vechiul teatru este dãrâmat pentru a face loc unei clãdiri noi. 2. Dupã spectacol se vor servi gustãri si bãuturi rãcoritoare. Acestea au fost pregãtite (use ‘cater for’) de cãtre un restaurant vestit. 3. Se va ocupa de aceastã problemã de îndatã ce se întoarece din concediu. Dar se pare cã acum nu mai poate fi nimic fãcut pentru a rectifica situatia. Ne pare rãu dar sã stiti cã vina este toatã de parte D-voastrã pentru cã nu ati reclamat mai devreme. 4. Cred cã e timpul sã i se spunã sã înceteze sã se comporte ca un copil. Se vorbeste despre el într-un mod nu foarte frumos-ceea ce de fapt este de înteles-de cãtre cei care sunt priviti fix de cãtre el si cãrora li se adreseazã cu cuvinte urâte. Atitudinea lui este pusã sub semnul întrebãrii si de cãtre cei care cred în el. De cãtre acestia se sperã un viitor strãlucit pentru el. 5. Dupã ce au fost puse în discutie (use ‘talk of’) multe variante de cãtre colegi, li s-a arãtat cel mai usor fel de a rezolva problema.

29 6. Impuscãtura fu urmatã de o liniste de mormânt. Nu am avut de ce sã ne temem pentru cã stiam cã pistolul fusese descãrcat cu o searã înainte tocmai de frica unui accident. Când am ajuns la locul faptei victima, care nu fusese accidentatã de loc, era totusi chestionatã de cãtre politisti. 7. Se va rãspunde la toate scrisorile de afaceri în cel mai scurt timp. 8. Picturile lui vor fi expuse pentru prima data la o galeria din Londra. 9. Nava avariatã era remorcatã spre port când s-a rupt cablul. 10. Originea universului nu va putea fi explicatã niciodatã 11. Când el a intrat în salã, ei tocmai i se lua un interviu. Se putea bãnui cã se descurca destul de bine având în veder felul cum zâmbea. Întrebarea la care urma sã rãspundã era despre o caracteristicã a englezei vorbite. 12. A fost nevoie (use ‘to call for’) de interventia promtã a pompierilor. In cele din urmã focul a fost adus sub control, dar nu înainte de a provoca pagube uriase. Se fac speculatii cu privire la cauza declansãrii focului; cea mai plauzibilã pare a fi o scurgere din conducta de gaz. Se crede cã a existat o teavã care necesita reparatii de mult si lumea a ignorat acest lucru. Acum va trebui sã se rezolve (use ‘to deal with’) aceastã problemã. 13. Ni se reaminteste mereu de cât de micã e lumea atunci când evenimente care se petrec la mii de kilometri depãrtare ne apar în fata ochilor pe micul ecran. 14. Dacã se întâmplã sã fii implicat într-un accident de masinã în care sunt doar pagube materiale fãrã ca cineva sã fie rãnit atunci poti pãrãsi locul accidentului. 15. Articolul trebuie sã fie scris pânã la data mai sus amimtitã si poate fi predat la secretariat. 16. Se credea cã în muntii aceea poate fi gãsit mult aur. Ca urmare multi cãutãtori de aur s-au dus acolo, dar spre dezamãgirea lor nici dupã multi ani de cãutãri nu a fost gãsit nimic. 17. Toti sunt de acord cã Beethoven a fost un geniu. Ca mãrturie stã muzica extraordinar de frumoasã compusã de el.(use the passive) 18. Se asteaptã ca preturile sã creascã din nou luna aceasta. De acest lucru le este groazã la toti. Se stie cã existã tot mai putini oameni care fac fatã acestor scumpiri. 19. S-ar fi putut lua decizia ca John sã fie cel care sã reprezinte firma dar nu au fost voturi sufuciente pentru cã multi erau de pãrere cã existã ( folositi constructie cu ‘there’) si altii care ar putea sã facã aceasta. 20. Ar trebui sã termine mâncarea pânã la venirea invitatilor, dar se bãnuieste cã nu va termina. (use constructions with ‘supposed’)

EXERCISE P.378 / THE VERB Supply the correct forms (active, passive, causative with ‘have’ or ‘get’) of the verbs in brackets:

1. What are you doing? I’m ....(clean) the car. 2. Where’s your car? It .... (clean) at the moment. I’ll collect it in an hour. 3. I never find time to clean the car myself, so I ... (clean). 4. Did you decorate the room yourself? No, we...(decorate). 5. We can’t use the living-room. It is ...(decorate) at the moment. 6. You ...(must/repair your shoes). They look quite worn out. 7. My shoes ...(repair). It was an expansive job. 8. The heel came off my shoe and I ...(repair) it myself. 9. “I’d like this film....(develop and print)” I said to the shop-assistant. 10. I ...(must/photocopy) this report 5 times, because I see I still have 3 copies left. 11. My car...(service) this time last year. 12. I ...(service) my car very soon now.


1. Am considerat cã este firesc sã-i informez de îndatã ce am aflat vestile. 2. Este necesar sã se ia imediat mãsurile potrivite pentru a se evita repetarea incidentului. 3. E esential ca ei sã înteleagã necesitatea unui efort sporit. 4. Ar fi pãcat sã ne oprim la jumãtatea drumului. 5. E imposibil ca el sã fi spus asa ceva. Îl cunosc prea bine. 6. E putin probabil ca ceea ce a spus el sã fie adevãrat. 7. E important ca noi toti sã ne formãm deprinderi corecte de lucru cât suntem încã tineri. 8. E normal ca oamenii sã vrea sã trãiascã în pace. 9. E de dorit ca toatã lumea sã fie aici pânã la ora cinci. 10. Este posibil ca el sã fi stiut asa putin de toatã povestea?


Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form:

1. I wish I (know) his name. 2. If only he (tell) you the whole truth. 3. If only he (not play) the piano every afternoon. 4. If only I (know) earlier. I’d have sent you a telegram. 5. It looks as if there (be) an accident. 6. He acts as if (be) the boss. 7. He said he wished he (never see) me. 8. I feel as if my head (be) on fire. 9. I wish it (be) summer now. 10. Don’t you wish we (go) on that trip together. 11. If only he (not leave) so early. 12. He was quite calm as if nothing (happen). 13. It looks as if you (hear) the news already. 14. It’s high time you (study) hard for your graduation exam.


1. Te uiti la mine de parcã n-ai sti ce vreau sã spun. 2. As dori ca ei sã vinã cu mine, dar mi-e teamã cã obligatiile din ultima vreme nu le vor permite sã lipseascã prea mult din Londra. 3. Mi-amintesc toatã povestea de parcã s-ar fi întâmplat doar ieri. 4. As dori sã te pot ajuta, dar cunostintele mele în acest domeniu sunt foarte limitate. 5. Se poartã de parcã am fi strãini, când de fapt ne cunoastem din copilãrie. 6. Uitã-te la el. Vorbeste de parcã n-ar sti cã nu putem nicidecum sã lipsim de la întâlnirea aceea. 7. As dori sã nu mai intervinã nici o schimbare în planurile tale. Este a treia oarã cã ti le schimbi si noi nu mai stim ce sã facem. 8. Numai de n-am fi plecat de acasã asa devreme. Acum va trebui sã asteptãm o jumãtate de orã pâna va începe spectacolul. 9. Sunt emotionat, dar as vrea sã fiu convingãtor. Numai de-as putea gãsi cele mai potrivite cuvinte. 10. Iarãsi avem probleme cu motorul. Numai de nu s-ar opri chiar pe pantã. 11. Asa nu se mai poate. Ar cam fi timpul sã avem o discutie deschisã.

31 12. Mi-e asa de somn. Cred cã ar fi timpul sã ne ducem la culcare. 13. Deodatã se ridicã din fotoliu de parcã ar fi vrut sã o ia la goanã.

TRANSLATION P.389 / THE VERB 1. Nu conduce prea aproape de masina din fatã, îmi spuse instructorul de la scoala de soferi. 2. Dupã ce v-ati ales cartea, aduceti-o la mine si eu o voi înregistra, spuse bibliotecara. 3. Ai grijã de bagaje cã locul acesta e plin de hoti, m-a sfãtuit prietenul meu. 4. Dupã ce ati citi aceste intructiuni, dati-le urmãtorului de pe listã, a spus functionarul. 5. Luati loc si spuneti-mi ce vã supãrã, a spus doctorul. 6. Dacã va trebui sã beti apã din râu, mai întâi fierbeti-o. Sã nu beti niciodatã apa de râu nefiartã, ne spuse ghidul la plecare. 7. Tom îi spune la telefon prietenei sale: Am luat bilete. Asteaptã-mã la aeroport la ora 6.30. 8. Nu uitati sã vã scrieti numele pe partea de sus a foii de examen! 9. Prezentati permisul de îmbarcare la poarta 15! 10. Chiar dacã ti-e foame, nu mânca nimic între mese! 11. Terminã odatã cu prostiile! Hai sã nu mai pierdem timpul. 12. Ai grijã de tine, te rog! Nu te mai lãsa pradã bolii. 13. Încearcã sã ajungi la timp la întâlnire, bine? 14. FII drãgut si pune scrisoarea aceasta la postã. 15. Lasã-mã sã vãd anuntul: Nu înotati prea departe. Sunt rechini. 16. Ascultã ce îti spun. Povestea aceasta nu se va termina cu bine. 18. Virati la stânga la sensul giratoriu, treceti podul si apoi mergeti drept pâna la urmãtoarea intersectie, unde trebuie sã iesiti de pe autostradã. 19. Sã te gãseasc vopsind gardul, când mã întorc acasã. 20. Sã nu îndrãznesti sã ridici vocea la mine cã nu stiu ce îti fac. 21. Dacã nu te grãbesti , vei întârzia. (use the imperative) 22. Te uiti un pic si la valiza mea? Dacã va trebui sã pleci las-o acolo si du-te. Oricum îti doresc o vacantã plãcutã si sã te distrezi din plin. Lasã-te dus de exotismul acestui loc! 24.Nimeni sã nu spunã un cuvânt. Toti sã fiti atenti la ce spune el. Lãsati-l sã termine si apoi veti scrie cu totii un referat pe acesastã temã. 25. Atentie! Vine trenul! Lasã-l sã treacã si abia apoi traverseazã linia feratã. 26. Dacã mã rogi frumos te voi ajuta. (use the imperative) 27. Nu te mai prostii, mã auzi? Haide sã plecãm odatã. 28. Dacã ti-ai cere scuze te-ar ierta. (use the imperative)

EXERCISE P.393 / THE VERB Supply the necessary process verbs and translate into Romanian. Point out how the sentences can be rewritten with ‘be’ instead of the verbs.

1. When I ... old I hope to have lots of grandchildren. 2. You must be careful you don’t ...ill when you’re travelling. 3. I think this milk...sour. 4. Food...very quickly in hot weather. 5. It hasn’t rained for months and our local river ...dry. 6. It’s no good....impatient every time I ask you a question. 7. She always wanted to retire before the age of 40 and her dream...true. 8. I had to cut my trip short because I ...ill. 9. I must get these shoes repaired. The soles... rather thin.

32 10. Don’t you ...bored listening to those broadcasts? 11. My son is determined to...a pilot when he grows up. 12. Personally, I thing he’ll...a very good pilot.

EXERCISE P.398 / THE VERB Put the verbs in brackets in the simple or progressive present:

1. How (like) your tea? I (like) it rather weak. 2. You (like) this nice trip on the sea? No, I (hate) it, I feel sick. 3. You (mind) my smoking in this room? 4. The headmaster (desire) your immediate presence. 5. I (feel) that your play is going to be a success. 6. Peggy is a little excited; she is saying that she not only (hate, detest) and (loathe) her husband, she also (despise) him. I (wonder) whether he was late again last night. 7. He (want) to tell you something. 8. Where’s Tom? He (see) the town. 9. What you (think) of this drawing? I (think) it is excellent. 10. Blue (suit) you very well. 11. What you (think) about? I (think) about my childhood days. 12. You (look) lovely today, my dear. I (love) you, I (adore) you, I (worship) you. 13. You (understand) nuclear fission? 14. Can you (small) anything? Yes, I (smell) petrol. 15. I (taste) this soup to see whether there is sufficient salt in it. It doesn’t need any more salt. It (taste) just right. 16. The flowers (be eaten) all by slugs! 17. He (is) a naughty boy!


1. “Cine vine cu mine la film?” “Astãzi nu mergem pentru cã avem cursuri si dupã amiazã.” 2. Este numai ora opt dar el deja studiazã pentru examenul de literaturã englezã. 3. Întotdeauna dupã amiaza ne plimbãm prin parc o orã. 4. Decanul este foarte ocupat acum. Discutã cu un grup de profesori de la Universitatea din Nantes. 5. În mod obisnuit ne petrecem sfârsitul de sãptãmâna la munte, dar acum rãmânem acasã pentru cã asteptãm niste prieteni.din Anglia. 6. Întotdeauna face la fel. Când vede cã nu reuseste sã câstige, încearcã sã însele. 7. Fratele meu e în camera lui. Lucreazã la calculator. 8. Întotdeauna luãm cina împreunã, dar acum tata e plecat din tarã si noi mâncãm numai cu mama. 9. De câte ori vine la voi, fratele tãu reparã ceva la masinã. 10. E prima datã cã conduc o astfel de masinã. Este o plãcere.

EXERCISE P.400 / THE VERB Reshape the following sentences using the present continuous with the adverbs in brackets:

1. You contradict me whenever you can. (continually) 2. She makes a fool of herself rather often. (constantly)

33 3. Our neighbours quarrel whenever we want to rest. (always) 4. You never stop moaning about your bad luck. (forever) 5. He borrows money from everybody nearly everyday. (constantly) 6. You have the annoying habit of going to sleep during my lessons. (always) 7. She stays away from work at the slightest excuse. (always) 8. He practices that dreadful instrument whenever we want some quiet. (always) 9. They get into trouble a great deal. (forever) 10. They move from one house to another very often. (continually)

TRANSLATION P.400 / THE VERB to have breakfast/lunch/dinner to have a laugh to have a good/bad weather have to (= must), to have a visitor/friend to dinner having someone as a guest to have a visitor/friend to stay to have a chat/drive/ride to have a good/wonderful time have (= own), to have a house painted/ a watch repaired

Translate into English using some of the expressions above:

1. Vremea este perfectã. Ne distrãm de minune. 2. Prietenii nostri au o vreme mizerabilã în vacantã. 3. Anul acesta vom avea vacanta în iulie. 4. De ce trebuie sã renunte la cãlãtoria aceasta? 5. Nu putem sã primim oaspeti acum pentru cã ne vopsim casa. 6. D-na Green discutã de o orã cu d-na Smith peste gard. 7. Mary va avea al doilea copil în iunie. 8. Iti speli toate ferestrele acum? 9. Traducerea trebuie terminatã pânã mâine. 10. Familia mea nu serveste întotdeauna un mic dejun continental. Acum, de exemplu servesc un mic dejun englezesc.

EXERCISE P.401 / THE VERB Use the simple present or the present continuous:

1. Why you (put) on your coat? I (go) for a walk. You (come) with me? Yes, I’d love to come. You (mind) if I bring my dog? 2. You (believe) all that the newspapers say? No, I (not believe) any of it. Then why you (read) newspapers? 3. This car (make) a very strange noise. You (think) it is all right? Oh, that noise (not matter). It always (make) a noise like that. 4. You (understand) what the lecturer is saying? No, I (not understand) him at all. 5. That plane that you (look) at now just (take off) for Paris.


1. Întotdeauna îti bagi nasul în treburile altora. 2. Imi place întotdeauna sã mã plimb prin parc dupã amiazã. 3. Femeia aceea îl sâcâie într-una pe sotul ei. 4. Masina aceea nu se opreste niciodatã; functioneazã într-una. 5. Ei întotdeauna îmi fac o vizitã când sunt în oras. 6. Întotdeauna vin pe la mine în cele mai nepotrivite momente. 7. Întotdeauna face promisiuni si întotdeauna le calcã. 8. Vrea într-una sã fie lãudat. 9. Intotdeauna pun zahãr în ceai. 10. Se plânge într-una de dureri

EXERCISE P.402-1 / THE VERB Use the simple past and the past continuous

1. When I (hear) his knock I (go) to the door and (open) it, but I (not recognize) him at first because I (not wear) my glasses. 2. How you (damage) your car so badly? I (run) into a lamp-post yesterday. I suppose you (drive) quickly or were not looking where you (go). 3. I often (tell) her that she (spend) too much money but she never (listen). 4. She said she (not like) her present flat and (try) to find another. 5. When I (see) him he (paint) a portrait of his wife. You (like) it? He only just (start) when I (see) it, so I couldn’t judge. 6. When I (arrive) at the station Mary (wait) for me. She (wear) a blue dress and (look) very pretty. As soon as she (see) me she (wave) her umbrella and (shout) something, but I couldn’t hear what she (say) because everybody (make) such a noise. 7. While he (water) the flowers it (begin) to rain. He (put) up his umbrella and (go) on watering. 8. When I last (see) her she (hurry) to the station. I (ask) her where she (go) and she (say) ‘London’, but I don’t think she (speak) the truth because there (not be) any train at that time. 9. The tailor said’ This suit will be ready on Monday.’ But when I (call) on Monday he still (work) on it.

EXERCISE P.402-2 / THE VERB Use the present perfect or present perfect continuous

1. They (pull) down most of the houses in this street, but they (not touch) the old shop at the corner yet. 2. What you (do) with my typewriter? I can’t find it anywhere. Tom just (go) off with it. He says he’ll bring it back when he (finish). 3. It was lovely at 11 o’clock, but since then the sky (get) steadily darker and the wind (rise). The fine spell (come) to an end. 4. I (do) housework all day and (not finish) yet. I (do) mine already.

35 5. She just (sell) two of her own paintings. She’s lucky. I (paint) for 5 years and I (not sell) one picture, yet. 6. Someone (use) my umbrella! It’s all wet! 7. That man (stand) at the bus stop for the last half hour. Shall I tell him that the last bus already (go)? 8. I wonder if anything (happen) to Tom. I (wait) an hour now. He often (keep) me waiting but he never (be) quite so late as this. EXERCISE P.403 / THE VERB Express politeness, annoyance or simply tone down the following commands:

1. Stop asking questions! 2. Get me some stamps! 3. Wait here! Try not to get into any trouble while I’m gone! 4. Help yourself to some cookies! 5. Don’t do that anymore! Do something else! 6. Don’t anybody say a word! Let’s not spoil the mood! 7. Come in! Let me show you the apartment! 8. Do something useful, for once! Stop jumping around the house! 9. Keep in line! Don’t leave the group!

EXERCISE P.405 / THE VERB Look at the two verbs in brackets. Put the first verb into the appropriate tense and the second one into the perfect infinitive:

1. I (like, bathe) but there wasn’t time. 2. There (seem, be) a fight here. Everything is smashed to bits. 3. My sister has just come back from abroad. She (seem, enjoy) her trip very much. 4. I (like, photograph) it but I had no more films. 5. I (like, go) to the match but the tickets were all sold. 6. I (like, ask) a question but I was so far back that I didn’t think I’d be heard. 7. The dinosaur (be said, be) rather a stupid animal. 8. The monument (say, build) in the Antiquity.

EXERCISE P.407 / THE VERB Where necessary use to in front of the infinitives in brackets:

1. She can (swim) very well. 2. Tom will be able (speak) English soon. 3. She made him (repeat) the message. 4. If you can’t (remember) his number you’d better (look) it up. 5. “You seem (know) this area very well.” “Yes, I used (live) here.” 6. He is expected (arrive) soon. Please let me (know ) when he does. 7. Would you rather (be) more stupid than you look or (look) more stupid than you are? 8. You may as well (tell) us the truth. 9. He should (know) how to translate this text, but if he doesn’t you had better (show) him.


36 Change the following direct commands into indirect commands using an object + infinitive:

The addressee is always ‘you’ in direct commands and that is why it is not always necessary to express it. In indirect commands, however, it is always mentioned as the object in the sentence.

Example: He said: ”Go away” becomes He told me (Tom, them, etc.) to go away.

1. She said, “Shut the window.” 2. I said, “Lend me your pen for a moment.” 3. Mother said, “Don’t read in bad light.” 4. I said, “Don’t hurry.” 5. She said, “Don’t drive so fast.” 6. The teacher said, “Sing it again.” 7. His mother said, “Brush your hair.” 8. The clerk said, “Go to the other counter.” 9. He said, “Look everywhere.” 10. My mother said, ”Don’t spend it all at once.” 11. The policeman said, “Keep moving.” 12. She said, “Please help me to mend it.”


1. Primul lucru pe care trebuie sã-l faci este sã-ti exprimi o optiune. 2. Rãmâne ca Tom sã hotãrascã. 3. Cred cã nu este cel mai bun lucru pe care poti sã-l faci acum. 4. Acestea sunt intructiunile de care trebuie sã tineti voi seama. 5. Era normal ca Tom sã gândeascã cã vom veni cu avionul. 6. Eu v-am spus cum trebuie fãcut, acum rãmâne ca voi sã puneti în aplicare sfatul meu. 7. Ultimul lucru ce vã rãmâne de fãcut este sã-l întrebati pe Tom. 8. Cel mai bun lucru pe care-l poti face acum este sã te odihnesti.

TRANSLATION P.412 / THE VERB Translate using an adjective + infinitive construction:

1. I-a pãrut rãu sã audã de plecarea prietenilor. 2. Am fost fericit sã ajung la timp. 3. A fost încântatã când a auzit de succesul lor. 4. Am fost surprins când am aflat cã echipa lor a câstigat meciul. 5. A fost încântat când a aflat cã vreau sã lucrez pentru firma lui. 6. Mi-a pãrut rãu cã am pierdut începutul piesei. 7. Eram nerãbdãtor sã-i întâlnesc. 8. Au fost fericiti sã mai primeascã o sansã.

EXERCISE P.413 / THE VERB Re-word the sentences using too and enough followed by an infinitive. Replace ‘enough’ constructions with alternatives.

37 1. The student was very clever and could solve any problem. 2. I’m so excited that I can’t think. 3. I think you are very strong and can lift this trunk. 4. The light is so dim that it can’t be used for close work. 5. You are quite old and you can ask her yourself. 6. It is very cold so you can’t bathe in the lake. 7. Tom was very foolish. He told lies to the police. 8. He was so furious that he couldn’t speak. 9. The path was so slippery that we couldn’t walk along it. 9. I was terrified. I couldn’t move. 10. It is very cold. We can’t have breakfast in the garden. 11. You aren’t very old. You can’t understand these things. 12. It was so dark that we couldn’t see the road. 13. He was very curious. He opened my letter. 14. The current was very strong. He couldn’t swim against it. 15. The fire isn’t very hot. It won’t boil a kettle.

EXERCISE P.414 / THE VERB Replace the words underlined by ‘only’+ infinitive:

1. He got to the top and was very disappointed when he found that someone else had reached it first. 2. He reached the station exhausted and was very disappointed when he learnt that the train had just left. 3. He put his hand into his pocket and was astonished when he found that his wallet was not there. 4. He took out his spare wheel and was disappointed when he discovered that the tyre was also punctured. 5. He walked five miles to his friend’s house and was disappointed when he found out that nobody was at home.

EXERCISE P.416 / THE VERB Combine the following pairs of sentences into one sentence using so as to/ in order to to express purpose:

1. I am sending him to the U.S.A. I want him to study medicine there. 2. They evacuated everybody from the danger zone. They wanted to reduce the risk. 3. He rushed into the burning house. He wanted to save the baby. 4. They got up very early. They wanted to get to the top of the mountain before noon. 5. He took off his shoes. He didn’t want to make any noise. 6. He was speaking very softly. He didn’t want to wake up the baby. 7. I am learning English. I want to read Shakespeare in the original. 8. I am saving up. I want to buy a race car. 9. He coughed. He wanted to warn them that he was coming. 10. You should take your holidays in June. In this way you would avoid the rush.

EXERCISE P.417 / THE VERB Replace the group of words underlined by an infinitival construction:

38 1. The captain was the last man who left the ship. 2. There are a lot of sheets that need mending. 3. There was no place where we could sit. 4. I want a kitchen in which I can cook. 5. He was the first man who swam the Channel. 6. He was the only one who realized the danger.

TRANSLATION P.417 / THE VERB Translate into English using an infinitival construction:

1. Stiam cã este ocupat. 2. Se stie cã este o artistã foarte bunã. 3. Ne asteptãm ca ei sã rãspundã foarte bine. 4. Consider cã el este cel mai bun student din aceastã grupã. 5. L-am observat cum se dã jos din masinã si intrã în clãdire. 6. Nu ti-am cerut sã termini lucrarea pânã mâine. 7. În cele din urmã l-am fãcut sã ne spunã adevãrul. 8. Am fost uimit sã aflu cã a emigrat în Australia. 9. Nu pot sã mã duc la seratã. Nu-am nimic cu ce sã mã îmbrac. 10. E putin probabil sã se mai însenineze.

EXERCISE P.418 / THE VERB Transform the words underlined into gerunds resembling nouns. Make the necessary changes, use the verbs in brackets:

1. I like to dance. It’s a lot of fun.(is) 2. Whenever I drive I get very tired.(make) 3. He reads a lot. (do) 4. I cut bread with this knife. (is) 5. The fact that you refused to help hurt him. 6. The sign said we aren’t allowed to park. 7. Who is the cook of the house? (do) 8. Before you complain about it, taste it. 10. We trained very hard.(have) 11. Somebody banged at the door.(was) 12. I shopped this morning for some clothes.(do) 13. The fact that we made a quick decision saved us from freezing. 14. Here we are not allowed to fish. 15. You can turn to your left.(is)


1. Mi-e teamã cã Tom se va rãtãci. 2. Te rog nu spune încã nimic de plecare pânã când vezi albumul meu de fotografii. 3. Sunt îndemânatici la reparat tot felul de lucruri. 4. Mã intereseazã sã-mi îmbunãtãtesc cunostintele de englezã.

39 5. E mândru de a avea o colectie atât de bogatã de fluturi. 6. Suntem surprinsi de faptul cã ti-ai schimbat pãrerea. 7. E nemultumitã de nereusita ta. 8. Eram obosit de citit si m-am dus la culcare imediat. 9. Este interesat sã afle cât mai multe despre computere. 10. Sunt surprins de refuzul lui de a ne ajuta.

EXERCISE P.420 / THE VERB Put the verbs in brackets into the gerund:

1. He finished (speak) and sat down. 2. He was fined for (drive) without lights. 3. He prefers (sleep) to (read). 4. They don’t allow (smoke) in this theatre. 5. Imagine (live) with someone who never stops (talk). 6. I don’t enjoy (go) to the dentist. 7. I hate (borrow) money. 8. He tried to avoid (get) wet as he had only one suit. 9. He dreads (have) to retire. 10. I suggested (hold) another meeting next week.

EXERCISE P.421 / THE VERB Complete the sentences so that the subject of the gerund is the noun in brackets either in the form of direct object or a possessive:

1. It is difficult to keep...working all the time. (John) 2. They resented....changing my mind..(me) 3. The police caught...sheltering in the barn. (the thief) 4. The chairman suggested ...taking more responsibility. (the committee) 5. I think that is enough to start...worrying again. (the girl) 6. I agreed to delay...leaving tomorrow. (I) 7.I stopped ...shouting. (I) 8. We enjoyed ....playing very much. (the band) 9. I can’t excuse ...not accepting our invitation. (she) 10. Please forgive...stepping on your foot. (I) 11. I really miss ...hugging and kissing. (he) 12. Will you please stop...changing T.V. channels.(your boy) 13. I can’t bear ... keeping secrets from me. (my brother) 14. We are going to postpone ....retiring. (professor Johnson)

TRANSLATION P.422 / THE VERB Translate into English using the following expressions: to get/be used to, to look forward to, to take to, can’t stand, can’t help, it’s no use, it’s useless, it’s worth

1. E dificil sã te obisnuiesti sã mãnânci cu betigase. 2. Asteptãm cu nerãbdare sã citim cartea ta cea nouã. 3. E ceva aici ce meritã sã fie cumpãrat?

40 4. Dacã un lucru meritã sã fie fãcut, meritã sã fie fãcut bine. 5. N-are rost sã mai asteptati. A telefonat cã va întârzia douã ore. 6. Nu mã pot opri din strãnutat. Am rãcit ieri stând în curent. 7. N-are rost sã încerci sã-l opresti. Trebuie sã astepti sã se opreascã singur din vorbit. 8. N-are rost sã-ti faci griji. Se pare cã e doar o indispozitie usoarã. 9. N-am putut sã nu râd de el. Avea o fatã atât de caraghioasã. 10. A fost mai întâi marinar. Apoi s-a apucat de scris si acum e celebru.


1. Si-a cerut scuze cã a împrumutat masina de scris fãrã sã cearã permisiune si a promis cã nu va mai face asa ceva niciodatã. 2. Politia l-a acuzat cã a dat foc clãdirii dar el a negat cã ar fi fost în zona aceea în noaptea incendiului. 3. Când vopsitorul a simtit ca scara începe sã alunece, s-a agãtat de streasinã ca sã nu cadã. 4. Aceastã carte îti explicã cum sã câstigi jocul fãrã sã trisezi. 5. Pot auzi soneria sunând, dar nimeni nu pare sã vinã sã deschidã. 6.- Nu sunt obisnuit sã conduc pe stânga. -Când vei vedea pe toatã lumea cã face asta, îti va fi usor sã o faci si tu. 7. Când în cele din urmã am reusit sã-l conving cã voiam sã ajung acasã repede, a pus piciorul pe accelerator si am simtit masina sãrind înainte. 8. Nu-mi place sã primesc note de platã, dar când le primesc îmi place sã le plãtesc prompt. 9. Este foarte neplãcut sã te trezesti si sã auzi ploaia bãtând în geamuri. 10. Sunt oameni care nu pot sã nu râdã când vãd pe cineva cã alunecã pe o coajã de bananã. 11. Pe aici nu avem voie nu vezi semnul: ‘Nu intrati! Proprietate privatã!’

TRANSLATION P.425 / THE VERB Translate using ‘adjevtive+-ing’ constructions:

1. Silvia este disperatã cu pregãtirile pentru nuntã. 2. M-am sãturat sã tot astept un rãspuns de la ea. 3.’Ce face John’? E ocupat¸ îsi reparã masina. 4. John se plictiseste uitându-se la televizor to timpul. 5. M-am înfuriat vãzând cât de încet se îmbracã. 6. Sunt foarte ocupatã. Fac de mâncare.


1. Neprimind telegrama la timp, nu stiam de sosirea lor. 2. Fiind plecat mai mult timp, nu mai auzisem nimic despre ea. 3. Auzind pasi, se întoarse brusc, dar nu vãzu pe nimeni. 4. Trecând strada printr-un loc nepermis, el fu amendat. 5. Nefiind semnat, cecul nu avea nici o valoare. 6. Fiind mare amator de teatru, evint cã acum nu este acasã deoarece Royal Shakespeare Company este în oras. 7. Fiind epuizat de lucrul în grãdinã, se asezã pe o bancã si în curând adormi. 8. Primind o educatie frumoasã, nu e de mirare ca acum are atâta succes în societate. 9. Gâtuit de emotie, el o întrebã dacã vrea sã-i devinã sotie. 10. Lucrând de doi ani la Politie, era obisnuit sã fie chemat la lucru si la miezul noptii.

41 11. Gãsindu-l abãtut, am încercat sã-l înveselesc cu povestile mele. 12. Crezând cã ne-am rãtãcit, s-a oferit sã ne arate drumul. 13. Vãzând fotografii ale locului, stiam cã este foarte dificil sã ajumgi pânã la râu. 14. Fiind înfuriat de prea multe întreruperi, profesorul a refuzat sã mai continue prelegerea.

EXERCISE P.427 / THE VERB Transform the following sentences into sentences with participial constructions:

1. They found the treasure. They began quarrelling about how to divide it. 2. We visited the museum. We decided to have lunch in the park. 3. Because they didn’t hear the bell they kept on talking in the dining-room. 4. Because I hoped to see Mary and Thomas, I called at their house on Sunday afternoon. 5. He found no one at home. He left the house in a bad temper. 6. They listened closely. They were very interested. 7. When I turned on the light, I was astonished to see the mess in the room. 8. I didn’t see Tom in the library. I went to look for him at home. 9. She asked me to help her because she realized that she couldn’t move it alone. 10. He was exhausted by his work. He went out for a walk.

TRANSLATION P.428 / THE VERB Translate into English using some of the following expressions: generally speaking, by the way, speaking of..., judging by, strictly speaking, considering the position as a whole, taking into consideration

1. Judecând dupã cele spuse de el, cred cã stie mai multe despre crimã decât recunoaste. 2. În general vorbind, Tom este un student constiincios. 3. Luând în considerare întreaga situatie, cred cã putem linistiti sã continuãm cum am început. 4. Judecând dupã reactia sa, nu cred cã putem sã ne bazãm pe el. 5. A propos, vorbind de lupi, crezi cã Tom se va mai întoarce? 6. Vorbind în sesul strict al cuvântului, nu cred cã asta doreste el. 7. In general vorbind, nu-mi plac câinii, dar Jetty al tãu este adorabil. 8. Luând totul în considerare, el a realizat ceea ce si-a dorit. 9. Judecând dupã timpul petrecut în spital, trebuie sã fi fost foarte bolnav. 10. Ce a reusit, nu-i de loc rãu, tinând cont de circumstante.


1. Îmi face mare plãcere sã-i vãd bucurându-se de prezenta lui. 2. Am gãsit casa pãrãsitã. 3. Am deschis fereastra si l-am vãzut plimbându-se prin grãdinã 4. La gândul despãrtirii simti cã lacrimi îi inundã ochii. 5. L-a urmãrit cum îsi face bagajul, îl ia si îl duce la masinã, plecând apoi fãrã sã se uite înapoi. 6. Vreau ca acest proiect sã fie terminat pânã mâine. 7. N-am înteles prea bine ultimele cuvinte pronuntate de el. 8. Toti îi priveam pe copii jucându-se pe peluza din fata casei. 9. A fost adesea vãzut intrând în casa lor. 10. L-ai vãzut vreodatã boxând?

42 11. Am auzit o masinã venind din spate. A oprit si atunci l-am vãzut pe Tom dându-se jos si intrând la bancã.


1. Toatã lumea fiind pregãtitã de plecare, am adus masina în fata casei si am plecat imediat. 2. Întrucât ploaia nu încetase, nu am mai putut pleca în ziua aceea. 3. Dacã vremea permite, grupul va pleca mâine în zori. 4. Toti fiind în încurcãturã, a trebuit sã gãsesc ceva sã-i distrag. 5. Problema fiind rezolvatã favorabil, nu ne-a rãmas altceva de fãcut decât sã-i multumim. 6. Lucrarea fiind terminatã, am început sã o bat la masinã. 7. Vremea fiind frumoasã, am fost de acord sã organizãm un picnic. 8. Ploaia stricându-mi costumul, nu m-am mai dus la seratã si m-am întors trist acasã. 9. Fereastra fiind deschisã, puteam auzi clar ce vorbeau cei doi în fata casei. 10. Toatã lumea sosind la timp, ne-am asezat la masã.

EXERCISE P.435 / THE VERB Put the verbs in brackets either into gerund or infinitive according to the context.

1. She likes her children (go) to a dentist every six months. 2. I tried (pacify) him but he refused (be pacified) and went on (grumble). 3. I distinctly remember (pay) him. I gave him ten dollars. 4. “Did you remember (give) him the key of the safe?” “No, I didn’t. I’ll go and do it now.” 5. Please forgive me for (interrupt) you but would you mind (repeat) that last sentence. 6. He didn’t like (leave) the children alone in the house but he had no alternative as he had (go) out to work. 7. I liked (listen) to the wireless much better than (watch) television. 8. I didn’t mean (offend) anyone but somehow I succeeded in (annoy) them all. 9. “I left my door open. Why didn’t you walk in?” “I didn’t like (go) in when you weren’t there.” 10. Try (avoid) (be) late. He hates (be) kept (wait).

TRANSLATION P.435 / THE VERB Translate using infinitive or gerund constructions:

1. Începusem sã cred cã eu eram cel care gresise. 2. Intentionãm sã ne ducem la concert. 3. Orchestra a început sã cânte de îndatã ce dirijorul a ridicat bagheta. 4. Ne-am oprit ca sã cumpãrãm o ladã de bere. 5. Nu voi putea niciodatã mãcar sã încep sã înteleg motivele pentru care a fãcut asa o prostie. 6. Prefer sã-l astept afarã. 7. Nu uita sã închizi usa când pleci de acasã. 8. Nu voi uita niciodatã cum m-a primit în casa lui si s-a îngrijit de mine. 9. Sã trecem mai departe la a vã arãta cum se udã aceste plante. 10. Îmi place mai mult sã înot decât sã ma dau cu barca.

43 EXERCISE P.436 / THE VERB Use the infinitive and the participle:

1. Have him (bring) his car round the back. 2. Have his car (bring) round the back. 3. ‘I will not have students (draw) on the walls of this college’, the dean said. 4. I had the house (clean) before I moved in. 5. He had her (believe) he was a millionaire. 6. We have people (ring) us up all hours of the day and night. 7. The film had them (laugh) right from the beginning. 8. I’ll have the plumber (look at) the heating system. 9.. I’ll have the heating system (look at) next week. 10. The dance-teacher had them (dance) in no time. 11. I’ll have you (know) I’m a qualified accountant. 12. I had the film (record) on videocassette

TRANSLATION P.437 / THE VERB Translate using a ‘have+object’construction.

1. L-am pus pe John sã-mi telefonezue înainte de a pleca de acasã. 2. El este un profesor de înot foarte bun. Dupã câteva lectii cu el vei înota foarte bine. 3. Dupã o orã în care nu a fãcut altceva decât sã mintã, a reusit sã o facã sã creadã cã el a vãzut toatã lumea. 4. Mi-am dat ceasul la reparat. 5. Dacã accepti sã vorbesti cu el înainte ca el sã-si cearã scuze te vei trezi cã tu îi ceri iertare.

REVISION P.437-1 / THE VERB Correct the sentences and explain why they were incorrect.

1. *I’ve been trying on 7 dresses in the past hour, and I still can’t make up my mind to which I should buy. 2. *Mary has been jumping off the tree. 3. *In Africa a lion is a wild animal. 4. *I slept when he came. I would rather have slept on than to wake. 5. *By the time he came in, she had been watching T.V. 6. *When I will have finished the book, it will be evening. 7. * By tomorrow I will have been studying for the exam. 8. * Looking out the window the trees could be seen. 9. * Where is John? Outside, he appears talking to Peter. 10. * He was so absent-minded to leave the lights on when he left. 11. * Go to help him. 12. *No walking on the grass.

REVISION P.437-2 / THE VERB Translate into English

1. Conform programului avionul va ajunge la 7.25.

44 2. Profesorul ne-a spus la un curs cã Olanda este o tarã micã. 3. Cearta nu-i foloseste nimãnui. 4. Am auzit de la John cã ai de gând sã-ti petreci vacanta la munte. 5. Sistematic face gafe. 6. Mi se pare cã vrei sã-mi spui ceva. 7. Au trecut trei ore pânã sã putem intra în masinã; portiera nu s-a putut deschide nicicum. 8. Nu vã supãrati, aveti cumva un bilet în plus. 9. Sãptãmâna trecutã mergeam pe stradã când deodatã mã opreste cineva. A fost o mare surprizã sã-mi revãd prietenul din copilãrie. 10. Anul trecut pe vremea aceasta mi-am dat ceasul la reparat, de atunci nu s-a mai stricat. 11. Tot aici voi lucra si peste cinci ani. 12. Sã nu te prind cã spui cuiva ce s-a întâmplat, mã auzi? 13. Tocmai vroiam sã te invit sã stai jos. 14. Îmi pare rãu dar n-am încotro, va trebui sã-ti retrag permisul. 15. Tot mã voi duce la concert indiferent ce-ar spune mama. 16. M-a lovit înainte ca eu sã pot reactiona. 17. Nu-i asa cã nu te duci mâine nicãieri ? 18. Când eram studentã obisnuiam sã-mi dau lucrãrile la dactilografiat. 19. De fiecare datã când mã duc la el, el îsi spalã masina. 20. De câteva luni face în mod constant progrese. 21. Vezi dacã nu poti rezolva problema folosing radicali. 22. Nu îmi amintesc sã fi spus asa ceva. 23. Ce cautã omul acela la noi în grãdinã? 24. Niciodatã nu mi-am închipuit cã s-ar putea întâmpla asa ceva. 25. Scrie în cartea recordurilor cã el este cel mai gras om din lume. 26. Nu-mi pot imagina cã mama sã fie de acord cu excursia aceasta. 27. Se pare cã s-a fãcut o gresealã în nota de platã. 28. Dupã petercere m-a ajutat la splãlatul vaselor. 29. Haide sã mã ajuti sã car mobila. 30. Se purta de parcã vroia sã-mi spunã un secret. 31. Nu uita sã-l întrebi ce are de gând sã facã mãine. 32. Încetul cu încetul m-am obisnuit cu ideea. 33. Încearcã sã vii mâine. 34. Ce intentionezi sã-ti faci din materialul acesta.(use causative) 35. Îmi pare rãu cã trebuie sã te deranjez, dar am ceva de discutat cu tine. 36. Nu le-a priit faptul cã eu am câstigat concursul. 37.. Fii asa de drãgutã si adu-mi un pahar cu apã. 38. Apreciez ajutorul pe care ni l-ai acordat. 39. Are nevoie sã fie încurajat. 40. Esti atât de bun sã deschizi geamul?

REVISION P.438 / THE VERB Explain the difference, point out the shades of meaning and translate into Romanian trying to keep as close as possible to the meaning conveyed:

1. He has been waking up for over an hour. 1. He woken up an hour ago. 2. Who’s been drinking my beer? 2. Who’s drunk my beer? 3. Have you been to visit Mary in the hospital?

45 3. Did you visit Mary in the hospital? 4. He will go to see his teacher on Monday.

4. He goes to see his teacher on Monday. 5. I’m taking swimming lessons this summer. 5. I took swimming lessons this summer. 5. I take swimming lessons. 6. Mary dresses nicely. 6. Mary is dressing nicely. 7. We wake up at 5 tomorrow. 7. We are waking up at 5 tomorrow. 8. I have been living in London these past ten years. 8. I have lived in London in the past ten years. 9. When Peter arrived at home, John left. 9. When Peter arrived at home, John was leaving. 9. When Peter arrived at home, John had left. 10. “You shall go to the market”, said mother. 10. I shall go to the market. 10. Shall we go to the market? 11. I have received a phone call from Jones this morning. 11. I received a phone call from Jones this morning. 12. I’ll have to report this. 12. I’m going to have to report this. 13. Are you going to buy that car? 13. Are you buying that car tomorrow? 14. He has gone to the country. 14. He has been to the country. 15. When mother checked, she found they had been doing their homework. 15. When mother checked she found they had done their homework. 16. I am going to cut my hair. 16. I’m going to have my hair cut. 17. I grew used to the idea. 17. I was used to the idea. 18. He has been home. 18. he has gone home. 19. They are being greedy. 19. They are greedy. 20. I saw Mary cook a pie. 20. I saw Mary cooking a pie. 21. He is thought to be hiding in the woods. 21. He is supposed to be hiding in the woods. 22. Remember to look for a party outfit. 22. ‘Remember looking for a party outfit?’ asked John. 23. We went on to talk about the marketing project.. 23. We went on talking about the marketing project. 24. I saw him come to school. 24. I saw him coming to school.


46 Translate into Romanian. If their is a shade of meaning associated with these sentences point it out through the translation.

1. I hear that you’re not coming back: is your mind made up? 2. Come tomorrow you shall have your much wanted dress. 3. Come to think of it I’ve never told anyone that story. 4. I was wondering, could you be of assistance? 5. The exam was going to take place the next day. 6. I am finding it hard to believe. 7. By tomorrow I will have had all the rooms decorated. 8. It will do you no good to just sit around and cry. 9. He managed to make a mess of things with his nonsense. 10. I really did it this time, didn’t I? 11. Give yourself some credit! 12. I happened to meet him and his girlfriend at the party. 13. “It seems I’ve come at a bad time.” “Don’t be silly.” 14. There has been an accident on 25th street. 15. Having said this he left. 16. Help yourself to a sandwich! 17. Bear with me on this one. 18. Little did he dream that something so wonderful would happen. 19. You did all the wrong things. This was bound to happen. 20. After many years of continuous search, they finally brought up the sunk ship. 21. What a terrible night to be out in. 22. To cut a long story short, I was very disappointed. 23. I phoned him up only to find that he had left already. 24. I dread to think about what has happened. 25. Have John bring a cup of tea for me. 26. Tom will have you laughing in no time with his stupid jokes. 27. I am busy working at my article. 28. He should agree to our postponing the question till later. 29. You must pardon her not answering our invitation. 30. It was clever of him to work out the answer.

REVISION P.441 / THE VERB Transform the infinitive constructions into subordinate constructions, making the necessary changes. Point out the meanings before and after the change.

1. They were believed to have cheated at the test. 2. They are sure to know at the test; they have studied so hard. 3. He was so stupid as to fail such an easy test. 4. He seems to be looking at the shopping-window. 5. Rather than see it wasted her mother ate it herself. 6. I know her to be a wonderful and loving girl. 7. We go to school to learn. 8. The only woman to be present was Sheila.


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