Planning: 1St Block (First Semester) 3Rd Block (Second Semester)

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Planning: 1St Block (First Semester) 3Rd Block (Second Semester)

English I CP 2015-2016 Ms. Conner [email protected] 843.553.5300 ext. 2313

Room: 372 Planning: 1st Block (first semester) 3rd Block (second semester)

Textbook: McDougall Literature Book (provided by GCHS)

Course Description: This course is designed to meet Common Core Standards and South Carolina requirements for Grade 9. Students study vocabulary; various genres such as the short story, novel, drama, informational texts and poetry and analytical skills, which are applied to the literature. With a review of grammar fundamentals, students are challenged through the writing process, including argumentative writing, informative/expository writing, and narrative writing.

Course Requirements: To successfully complete this course, students will participate in class discussions, complete assignments and quizzes, partake in group and individual activities and projects, and take tests. Students will complete a research project during the year. In addition, students will be expected to complete various performance tasks as outlined by the Common Core curriculum. Outside reading and other assignments will also be assigned throughout the year.

Materials Needed for Class:  A binder with dividers (you will need to divide the notebook into sections by units. There will be 4 units in this course  Pens/pencils  SSR books and other books when assigned  Lined paper

Homework Announcements: Homework and announcements will be posted on the board in the classroom. These resources will be updated weekly, so please make sure to check them if you are absent.

Assignments: English classes will always use blue or black ink, or pencil, and loose-leaf paper when turning in assignments. Handwritten assignments must include the MLA heading and be double-spaced. Students may also use word processing. Again, these assignments must include the MLA heading and be double-spaced. Arrangements for the use of a word processor can be made with a Media Specialist. Problems with word processing, such as no printing ink or computer malfunctions, are not excuses for late work. Also, assignments will not be accepted via e-mail.

Make-Up Work: Students are responsible for getting all missed work following all absences. Students should make every effort to make up work from an absence within five days of that absence. I will be available before and after school to assist any students with work; however, students should make arrangements with me to make up work.

Late Assignments: There will be a 10 point deduction per day, up to 3 days late (includes weekends). After 3 days late, assignments will not be accepted, resulting in a 0. Classwork and homework will not be accepted late. Late work due to absences will follow school policy.

Grades Weights: Homework (can include, assigned readings, writing drafts, SSR, USA Test Prep) 20% Classwork (quizzes, mini analysis grids, constructed responses, participation, Socratic seminar, USA Test Prep) 40% Major Assignments (tests, formal writing, portfolios, projects, RN, presentations) 40% Goose Creek High School Grading Scale: A- 93-100 B- 85-92 C- 77-84 D- 70-76 F- 0-69

Plagiarism Policy: Using Someone else’s words as your own is unethical and will not further your education. Plagiarism is not permitted and will not be tolerated. This includes:  Buying or borrowing a paper from someone and turning it in as your own work  Extracting the exact words from a document without placing the text in quotation marks and citing the author  Using someone else’s published ideas without giving them proper cited credit  Having a parent, friend, etc. write part or all of your paper for you

Consequences of Plagiarism- You will receive an automatic zero (0) on the assignment and will NOT get the opportunity to redo the assignment. Your parents will also be notified.

Rules for Student Behavior: 1. BE ON TIME 2. BE PREPARED (have all materials in class and ready to use) 3. BE RESPECTFUL OF YOURSELF, AND OTHERS 4. BE READY TO WORK 5. ALL SCHOOL RULES/POLICIES APPLY

Consequences for Violating Rules: 1st offense – verbal warning 2nd offense – detention and a call home to parents 3rd offense – a call home and/or conference 4th offense – office referral *Some actions warrant immediate office referral.

Scheduling Parent-Teacher Conferences: Conferences should be scheduled through guidance. I encourage you to check your student’s progress at any time through the PowerSchool parent portal. You may also call or e-mail me, and I will be happy to discuss this with you.

I am looking forward to a great semester with all of you! Welcome to English I CP!


Jenna Conner [email protected] 843.553.5300 ext. 2313 English I CP: Ms. Conner

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