Administration Tool
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TAPI 2.1 Administration Tool Microsoft
TAPI 2.1
Administration Tool TAPI 2.1 Administration Tool 2 Contents
Contents...... 2 Legal Notice...... 3 Document Conventions...... 4 Related Documentation on TAPI...... 4 Overview...... 5
What Does This Tool Do and How Does it Work?...... 5 Prerequisites...... 5 Target audience / Who should use this tool...... 5 Where to find more information...... 6 Using the TAPI Administration Tool...... 7
Summary...... 7 The components on the screen (what is each object type)...... 7 Adding User Accounts to the Telephony Server...... 9 Enabling a User Account to Access Telephony Devices on the Telephony Server...... 11 Changing the Order of Telephony Devices for a User Account. 13 Troubleshooting...... 14 Glossary:...... 15 TAPI 2.1 Administration Tool 3 Legal Notice
Information in this document is subject to change without notice. The names of companies, products, people, characters, and/or data mentioned herein are fictitious and are in no way intended to represent any real individual, company, product, or event, unless otherwise noted. Complying with all applicable copyright laws is the responsibility of the user. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without the express written permission of Microsoft Corporation. If, however, your only means of access is electronic, permission to print one copy is hereby granted.
Microsoft may have patents, patent applications, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property rights covering subject matter in this document. Except as expressly provided in any written license agreement from Microsoft, the furnishing of this document does not give you any license to these patents, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property.
© 1997 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Microsoft, Win32, Windows, and Windows NT are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the U.S.A. and/or other countries.
Other product and company names mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners. TAPI 2.1 Administration Tool 4 Document Conventions
This document uses the following type conventions.
Bold text Bold letters indicate terms, such as function and structure names, that you must use exactly as shown.
ALL CAPS All capitals typically indicate terms, such as message and constant names, that must be used exactly as shown.
Italic text In introductory and explanatory text, italicized words indicate that a key term or concept is being introduced. In function and message descriptions, italics indicates a placeholder for which you are expected to provide a value or the name of a variable. Related Documentation on TAPI
Other documentation that may help you understand the telephony services as they apply to Microsoft Windows includes:
Microsoft TAPI 2.1 Client Management documentation
Microsoft Telephony Application Programming Interface (TAPI) Programmer’s Reference in the Microsoft Platform Software Development Kit, which documents Win32 TAPI applications.
Microsoft Telephony Service Provider Interface (TSPI) Reference in the Microsoft Platform Software Development Kit, which documents Win32 telephony service providers. TAPI 2.1 Administration Tool 5 Overview
What Does This Tool Do and How Does it Work?
In a typical environment, a Windows NT Server computer will control many telephone devices, but any given user will only be allowed to access one or two. This tool allows you to create an association between a user account and one or more telephony devices.
When a telephony client (i.e.: a computer running Windows 95, Windows NT 4.0 Workstation, or Windows NT 4.0 Server with TAPI 2.1) connects to the telephony server, TAPI will use the associations created with this tool to allow access to the appropriate telephony devices.
The computer that is to be the Telephony Server must be running Windows NT Server 4.0 with the TAPI 2.1 software installed. This server must also be part of a Windows NT Server domain. The Windows NT Server domain provides the necessary security functions that are required by TAPI 2.1. The server may be a Primary Domain Controller, a Backup Domain Controller, or a Standalone server. A “workgroup” network environment does not provide the necessary security functions.
The TAPI service provider that controls your telephony hardware must already be installed per your hardware vendor’s instructions.
The TCMSETUP utility must have already been run to configure the Windows NT Server computer to enable Telephony Server functionality. Details on enabling this functionality can be found in the TAPI 2.1 README.TXT file.
When using this tool, you must be logged on to the Windows NT Server machine as an administrator account.
Target audience / Who should use this tool
This guide is intended for the person who is responsible for maintaining the authorizations of user accounts and telephony devices. It may be the same TAPI 2.1 Administration Tool 6 person that is responsible for the maintenance of the computer network or it may be the person that is responsible for telephone equipment at the organization. This person must have administrator privileges on the telephony server computer. This person, for the purposes of this document, is the Telephony Administrator.
Where to find more information
TAPI 2.1 Download and Information. You can get the latest information and download TAPI 2.1 from: Microsoft Developer Network (MSDN). This quarterly subscription service includes all Microsoft software development kits and is a must for any developer using Windows. Call 1-800-759-5474 to order (if outside of the US. call + in Europe or call +1-402-691-0173). Or look here: Microsoft Partnering. This web site covers a broad range of topics that might be of interest to IHVs and ISVs developing and offering solutions based on TAPI. Learn more about various cooperative marketing programs and more. Look here: Microsoft General Information. Here’s the link to a vast array of information about Microsoft products, technologies, programs and more: TAPI 2.1 Administration Tool 7 Using the TAPI Administration Tool
When using this tool, you must be logged on to the Windows NT Server machine as an administrator account.
You add user accounts to the telephony server, then give them access to the appropriate lines. You may add users from any Windows NT Server domain. For any given user account, you may grant access to as many lines as needed.
The components on the screen (what is each object type)
The main window of this tool has three different types of objects that can be displayed: Windows NT Server domains, users and lines. The example window below shows two Domains from which this Telephony Server has users: Philadelphia_Domain and Seattle_Domain. The user Philadelphia_Domain\KyleM has access to one line: extension 66207. The user Seattle_Domain\Joe_Q_User has access to two lines: extensions 66260 and 66261. The user Seattle_Domain\Sunbury_B_Boss has access to many lines – including some lines that are shared with other users. TAPI 2.1 Administration Tool 8
Each object will have either nothing, a ‘+’, or a ‘-‘ before it.
“Nothing” indicates that there are no objects associated with this object.
The ‘+’ indicates there are one or more objects that can be displayed that are associated with object. To display them, click the box that has the ‘+’ in it.
The ‘-‘ indicates that there are one or more objects that are displayed that are associated with the object. To hide them, click the box that has the ‘-‘ in it. TAPI 2.1 Administration Tool 9
Adding User Accounts to the Telephony Server Click User, then click Add a User to this Telephony Server…
to bring up the following dialog box: TAPI 2.1 Administration Tool 10 Click a user account entry, then click Add. This puts the user account Domain name and user account name into the Add Names area. If you have more than one user to add to the telephony server, you may do this as many times as necessary without leaving this dialog box. When finished, click OK
See the following section Enabling a User Account to Access Telephony Devices on the Telephony Server for information on how to specify which lines a user account may access. TAPI 2.1 Administration Tool 11
Enabling a User Account to Access Telephony Devices on the Telephony Server
In order to give a user access to one or more telephony devices, the user account must have already been added to the Telephony Server. See the previous section Adding User Accounts to the Telephony Server for information on how to do this.
To change the lines that an existing user can access, first locate the user account in the correct Windows NT Server domain in the main window. Next, position the pointer over the user account name and right-click. This will bring up the following menu:
Click Change Selected User’s Line Access. This will bring up a dialog box filled with the telephony devices available on this telephony server. If the selected user account already has access to one or more lines, those devices will be highlighted: TAPI 2.1 Administration Tool 12
Click the lines to which this user account should have access. You may select more than one line:
To select a sequential range of lines, click the line that is first in the range. Then locate the last line. Then, while holding down Shift key, click the line that is last in the range. This will cause all lines from the first to the last to be selected.
To select more than one line that are not sequential, hold down the Control key and click each line that the user should have access to.
When finished, click OK. The main window will be updated to show the updated list of lines that to which the user currently has access. TAPI 2.1 Administration Tool 13
Changing the Order of Telephony Devices for a User Account
You might want to have a user’s lines be viewable in a specific order. For example, an organization might use a third party TAPI program that manages calls using the first available line. If an assistant must answer the supervisor's phone as well as his own, it might be preferable for the assistant’s line to be listed before the supervisor's line.
To move a particular line up or down in the order of lines for a user, position the pointer over the line to be moved and right-click. This will bring up the following menu:
Clicking Move the selected line up in order will move the selected line up one place in order to be positioned over the line that is immediately above it. If the selected line is already the first in the list of lines for this user, this menu item will be unavailable (appears dimmed).
Clicking Move the selected line down in order will move the selected line up one place in order to be positioned under the line that is immediately below it. If the selected line is already the last in the list of lines for this user, this menu item will be unavailable (appears dimmed). TAPI 2.1 Administration Tool 14 Troubleshooting
Problem: Lines assigned to users don’t stay assigned, or are assigned to different users after shutting down and restarting the Telephony Server. The most likely problem is that the TAPI service provider is not correctly maintaining the PermanentLineID. You can investigate this by assigning a line to a user in the Change Line Devices Access For Selected User dialog box, and noting the “Perm Line ID” field. Reboot the computer, bring up this dialog box again, and verify that the “Perm Line ID” for the line that had been assigned to the user has not changed. If it has, the service provider will need to be corrected. Contact your hardware vendor for an updated service provider for your telephony hardware.
Problem: When changing a user's line access, the list of lines is blank or incomplete. The most likely problem is that the TAPI service provider is not correctly providing information to TAPI. Contact your hardware vendor for an updated service provider for your telephony hardware.
Problem: TAPI programs do not display lines to which the user has been granted access. Read the previous issue (“Lines assigned to users don’t stay assigned, or are assigned to different users after shutting down and restarting the Telephony Server”) to verify that the service provider is functioning correctly. After checking that, verify that the telephony client computer is correctly configured as part of the Windows NT Server domain, and that all network connections are working correctly.
Problem: TAPI programs display all lines on the telephony server, rather than only the line that the user has access to. User accounts that have administrator privileges on the telephony server have access to all lines on that telephony server. Only those user accounts that are used for server maintenance should have administrator privileges. TAPI 2.1 Administration Tool 15 Glossary
Line – The telephony device that represents one phone line (or phone number) that may be assigned to one or more users. Telephony Administrator –the person who is responsible for maintaining the authorizations of user accounts and telephony devices. It may be the same person that is responsible for the maintenance of the computer network or it may be the person that is responsible for telephone equipment at the organization. This person must have administrator privileges on the telephony server computer. Telephony Client – a computer running Windows 95 or Windows NT 4.0 Workstation or Server and that has the TAPI 2.1 software installed on it Telephony Device – a line that the Telephony Server can control. See also: Line Telephony Server – this is a computer running Windows NT Server 4.0 with the TAPI 2.1 update User Account – an account in a Windows NT Server domain. See the Windows NT 4.0 Resource Kit for more information on user accounts and domain security.