Central Board of Secondary Education s7

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Central Board of Secondary Education s7




Sealed tenders are invited under two-bid system from reputed Manufactures, who have prepared Medals of similar nature for Government / Autonomous / private reputed organizations of different specifications as per details given below :- Name of the Item Specification* Quantity to be E.M.D. (Rs.) Period of Date of supplied sale of opening of tender technical bid. 01 Supply of Medals Gold; Silver & Bronze 21600 Rs.25,000/- 19.07.2011 02.08.2011 Medal with ribbon. to conforming to the 23.07.2011 specifications Material: Zinc Alloy (Gold-7200; Size: 2.5” Dia Silver: 7200 & Weight: 40-45 Gms Bronze: 7200) Both sides embossing. One side colored Board’s emblem and other side emblem of all the disciplines

* Tenderer can see in person the sample medal available with AEO (Sports) CBSE, Preet Vihar, Delhi-110092 (A) Essential requirement for Firms 1- Experience: The Tenderer must have three year experience in the field of manufacturing of Medals

2. Turnover: The Tenderer must have a turnover of Rs.50 lacs or more during last three financial years

3). The Tenderer must have handled projects dealing with production and supply of medals of similar quantity for Government departments / reputed private organizations.

4). The Tenderer should be registered with appropriate taxation authorities and should have submitted up-to-date tax return.

5). The Tenderer must have to submit the up to date Income Tax, Sales Tax, VAT & other statutory returns.

5). The Tenderer should not be debarred or made ineligible for contracts by any Government departments / Autonomous organizations / reputed organizations.

6). The tenderer must have sufficient storage facility and appropriate security measures for safe custody of Medals CBSE Sports. 7). The financial bid shall be opened only of those tenderers who fulfill the technical eligibility criteria as well as whose samples meet the specifications of the tender.

Tender form having all the specifications, terms and conditions can be purchased from the Syndicate Bank, CBSE Branch, Preet Vihar, Delhi-110301 between 10.00 A.M. to 1.00 P.M. on any working day from 19.07.2011 to 23.07.2011 on payment of Rs.500/- in cash (non-refundable) or can also be down loaded from CBSE website www.cbse.nic.in for which Bank Draft of Rs.500/- be enclosed with the tender form (Technical Bid envelope) in favour of Secretary, CBSE payable at Delhi. Photocopy of cash deposit receipt be enclosed with the Tender Form before its submission. The Tenders received after the specified closing date and time shall be rejected.

The technical and Financial Bids be kept in two separate envelopes superscribing clearly as “Technical Bid” and “Financial Bid” on the envelopes. Both envelopes be kept in another bigger envelope duly sealed with superscribing “Tender for manufacturing of Medals for CBSE Sports” The Tender addressed to the Secretary, CBSE may be sent on the above address or may be put in the Tender Box kept on ground floor of CBSE Building on or before 02.08.2011 up to 01.00 PM in the office. The Technical Bid shall be opened by a Committee on the same date at 3.00 PM in the presence of the tenderers, who may like to be present. The date for opening the financial bids will be intimated to the tenderers who qualify the Technical Bids. A specimen of the Medal can be seen available with AEO (Sports), at the above mentioned address. The Secretary, CBSE reserves the right to accept or reject any or all the tenders without assigning any reason.

A S Verma Jt Secretary (A & L) CENTRAL BOARD OF SECONDARY EDUCATION SHIKSHA KENDRA, 2, COMMUNITY CENTRE PREET VIHAR, DELHI-110 301 L a s t d a t e f o r s u b m i s s i o n o f T e n d e r - 0 2 . 0 8 . 2 0 1 1 u p t o 0 1 . 0 0 p . m . O p e n i n g o f s e a l e d T e n d e r s ( T e c h n i c a l ) - 0 2 . 0 8 . 2 0 1 1 a t 0 2 . 0 0 p . m .

Tender Form/Sports Cell/2011-12 Price: Rs. 500/-

M/s. ______are hereby authorized to submit their tender in response to the Tender Notice for Manufacturing and Supply of various type of SPORTS MEDALS as per details enclosed.

Jt Secretary (A & L)

TENDER FORM FOR Manufacturing and Supply of various type of SPORTS MEDALS

Part ‘A’ – Technical Bid Tender Form for manufacturing and supply of Medals for CBSE Sports. (NOTE: Tenderer must read the enclosed Terms and Conditions before filling up the particulars in this form.) 1. Particulars of Tenderer:

(i). Name of the Manufacturer ______

(ii). Year of Establishment with proof ______(iii). Name of the Partners / Proprietors / Directors of Organization / firm ______

(iv). Office Address and Tel. No.______(v). Name(s) of the Proprietor/ Partners & Mobile No. ______

2. Past Experience (Preferably for last three years) 2.1 : Sl.No. Year Name of the Quantity Value of Details of work Organization Contract executed (with proof) 2008

2009 2010

2.2 Has the firm ever been debarred/ Black listed by any organisation? If ‘Yes’ the details thereof. ______2.3 Details of Award/Certificate of Merit etc. received from any Organisation. (Please attach Copy of certificate(s) ______Essential pre-requisite 3. Infrastructural details –

4. PARTICULARS OF DEMAND DRAFT PAID AS EARNEST MONEY: i) Amount : ______ii) D.D. No. : ______iii) Issuing Bank with date of issue : ______

The terms and conditions of the tender are acceptable to me/us.

Signature of the Tenderer with official seal and complete Address______Telephone No.______Date:______


01. Earnest money in the shape of B.D. in favour of Secretary CBSE, Delhi. 02. Attach duly audited statements of the financial turnovers for each year. 03. Please see Part-B for Financial Bid and Terms and Conditions. CENTRAL BOARD OF SECONDARY EDUCATION

Part ‘B’ – Financial Bid

I/We______hereby submit tender for the manufacturing of Medals for CBSE Sports as per specifications given in the tender form at the rate given below. From Agency Godown to CBSE Godown F.O.R. 1 Cost per Medal including packaging and Delivery 2 Taxes ( ) 3 Consolidated cost per Medal (Figures InWords )

The terms and conditions for manufacturing of Medals for CBSE Sports are acceptable to me/us. The rates are inclusive of all taxes.

WCT No.______= PAN No.______Dated______Signature of the Tenderer/Security Printer______Address/ Rubber Stump______Tele. No.______CENTRAL BOARD OF SECONDARY EDUCATION SHIKSHA KENDRA, 2, COMMUNITY CENTRE PREET VIHAR, DELHI-110301

Manufacturing & supply of Medals for CBSE Sports


1. Tenders containing technical bid and financial bid in sealed envelopes superscribed “Tender for manufacturing & supply of Medals for CBSE Sports” should reach this office up to 01.00 P.M. on 02.08.2011 along with EMD. Technical bid will be opened on the same day at 3.00 P.M in the presence of those tenderers who wish to be present.

2. Rates should be quoted for delivery both from Godown of the Agency up to CBSE including all taxes. Delivery will be taken in 158 packets of different quantity. The packets should be such that can be couriered. Freight charges have to be borne by the supplier upto the CBSE (F.O.R.).

3. Proportionate deduction on account of variations in specifications of the Medals shall be made from the bill of the tenderer and in case of Medals being supplied to be inferior by more than 15% of the specification, the entire lot of that particular supply shall be rejected at the cost of the tenderer and shall be replaced by the tenderer at no extra cost.

4. The Chairman, CBSE reserves the right to extend the time lines for delivery of Medals and decision taken by the Chairman shall be abiding on the tenderer.

5. The firms/tenderers registered with NSIC/DGS&D or concerned ministry or department shall be exempted from depositing EMD but they shall be required to make payment for tender document. However, the performance security shall be obtained from every successful bidder irrespective of their registration status etc.

6. The rates to be quoted by the tenderers shall be inclusive of all taxes. Any rates mentioned in the financial bid in segregated form or excluding taxes or quoting discount over and above the rates shall be summarily rejected and no representation shall be entertained in this regard.

7. All the Medals are to be supplied FOR at CBSE office in 158 packets of different quantity.

8. The Earnest Money of the unsuccessful bidder shall be refunded without any interest.

9. The Earnest Money of the successful bidder shall be retained & converted into Security Deposit, which shall be refunded without interest after execution of the order. However, if the tenderer fails to accept the work order, EMD shall be forfeited.

Contd…2.. -2-

10. In the event of any tenderer withdrawing after submitting the tender without sufficient reasons acceptable to the Competent Authority; the earnest Money/Security Deposit shall be forfeited.

11. No advance payment will be made. 100% payment of the bill amount of supply shall be released on successful supply of Medals in good condition.

12. Delivery in regular instalments shall be completed as specified in the work order.

13. The supplier shall be responsible to make all arrangements to ensure complete security and secrecy with regard to the manufacture, safe custody and timely supply of the Medals to the Board. In case of any loss of Medals from the godown of the supplier or while in transit, the manufacturer concerned will be liable to be black listed besides legal action and 1% penalty shall be imposed on entire bill and deductions shall be made from the bill.

14. The Medals shall be manufactured as per specifications given by the Board in the tender form.

15. The supplier shall furnish an undertaking with bill that any shortage or deficit found by the Board shall be made good by the firm. The Board shall make payment upon receipt of material.

16. The Agency shall have sufficient storage capacity in the firm’s godowns for keeping the Board’s Medals safely.

17. The Board reserves the right to terminate the contract at any time without notice and to forfeit part or whole of the earnest money/Security deposit if the supplier fails to make the supply in accordance with the specifications and samples or there is any breach of the terms of the contract on the part of the supplier.

18. Quantity of Medals to be prepared may increase/decrease as per requirements.

19. Printer shall be required to give an undertaking that no Medals has been prepared more than the specified number and has not been left with them after completion and final supply of the Medal is made over to the Board. He shall also certify that no Medals has gone out of the factory by unscrupulous methods. In case any contravention/discrepancy is noticed by the Board during the course of examination or subsequently the manufacturer concerned shall be liable to be black-listed besides 1% penalty shall be imposed and deductions shall be made from the bill.

20. A penalty of 4% per week subject to a maximum of 10% on the proportionate amount of the bill on account of delayed supply of the material shall be imposed in case the supply is not made within the stipulated period. However if the supply is made beyond 30 days from due date, EMD/Security deposit shall also be forfeited in addition to the penalty.

21. Tenderers are required to produce evidence of their previous experience for production of Medals direct to the Government / Autonomous / reputed private organizations. Work order received as sub-contract work i.e. not directly from Government / Autonomous / reputed private organizations shall not be considered as experience for technical eligibility. 22. The rates quoted shall be valid for one year only, but can be extended for another two years with the consent of both the parties. 23. The Board reserves the sole right to accept or reject any or all tenders without assigning any reason.

24. In case of dispute, the Chairman’s decision shall be binding on both the parties.

25. A penalty may be imposed by the Competent Authority of the Board as deemed fit if the supply is not confirming to the specifications. Deduction/penalty made shall be binding on the agency.

26. Tax shall be deducted as applicable as per rules on all bills.

27. The successful tenderer shall be required to submit a Bank Guarantee from any nationalized bank for an amount equivalent to 10% of work assigned.

28. Rejected material shall be at the supplier’s risk and the same must be collected from the godowns of the office. It shall be replaced at the earliest by the agency.

29. During the pendency of the contract, no revision in rates shall be allowed, except taxes levied by the Central/State Govt. duly notified by a Govt. order.

30. The tentative requirement of the Medals is as given in the tender, which may increase or decrease.

31. The Medals must be supplied within 60 days from the date of award of tender.

All the terms and conditions stated under clause no. 1 to 31 are accepted to me/us.

Date : ______Signature of Tenderer______Seal/stamp Address ______Phone No. ______

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