Larson Elementary 2722 E. Seldon Rd. Wasilla, AK 99654

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Larson Elementary 2722 E. Seldon Rd. Wasilla, AK 99654

Preschool Handbook 2013-2014

Mrs. Kimberly Thompson “Miss Kim” Room 111

Larson Elementary 2722 E. Seldon Rd. Wasilla, AK 99654 Phone: 352-2300 FAX: 352-2345

Enclosed are some helpful guidelines to help us start the school year. (This is a work in progress and some information may change as the school year progresses.)

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Back to School 2013-2014

Dear Families, Welcome to Preschool! I am excited to be starting a brand new school year and hope that you and your child are just as eager to get back to school. Let me take this opportunity to introduce myself. My name is Kimberly Thompson. I have enjoyed working with children, both in private and public school settings for many years, including a variety of teaching opportunities. My teaching career began in Idaho, as a preschool teacher for five years, then continued after graduation from Boise State University (yes, I am a die-hard Bronco fan!) with Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in special education. As a special educator, it has been my privilege to work with students who have a very wide range of abilities and needs, first as a K-5 Intensive Resource teacher, then an Intermediate ABA teacher, and finally a special education Preschool teacher. In the summer of 2010, my family and I had the exciting opportunity to once again return to Alaska, where I began working at Larson Elementary. This is my third year in the Preschool program here at Larson, and I absolutely enjoy working with the rest of our preschool staff, Rise’ Smith and Christie Belanger. This was actually my third (and hopefully final) move back to Alaska. I was born in Anchorage, and then lived in several bush communities as a youth, including Aniak, McGrath, King Salmon, and Cordova, before moving to the lower 48. As a young college student, I moved back up to Valdez (where I met my husband), and lived there for three years before relocating to Washington, and then Idaho for school and work. When the opportunity came to move back to Alaska in 2010, we were delighted! Recently, our family has had a few additions. Our family includes our daughter, Heather, son-in-law Aaron, grandson, Tyson, and two sons, (Michael and Brian). While our family is a bit spread out at the moment with our daughter and her family in Utah, we are very thankful for technology that helps keep us connected! This fall, you may see my husband and I enthusiastically rooting for our youngest son as he plays football and wrestles for Palmer High! In my spare time, I also love reading, hiking, cooking, gardening, crafting, and spending time with my family, which includes three little Cairn terriers (Toto dogs), named Trouble, Bruiser, and Daisy. I am happy to be a Larson Eagle and am thrilled to be in preschool and working with your child this year! Sincerely, Kimberly Thompson Overall Preschool Goals

o Develop learning-how-to-learn skills. This includes sitting/waiting, participation in individual and group activities, communication in a variety of settings with both peers and adults, attending to requests/directions, gathering materials, and much more. o Develop self-care and self-maintenance skills. These include (where needed) eating, drinking, toileting, tying shoes, as well as cleaning up after self, and self-advocating for needs. o Develop speech and language skills for better communication. o Develop social interaction and emotional skills through a variety of individual and group activities. Play is also a very important component in early childhood, as it is a major form

Page 2 of 12 of exploration and discovery. It is essential for intellectual, cognitive, as well as social and emotional growth. o Develop small and large muscles through a variety of fine and gross motor activities. o Develop basic literacy skills, including basic concepts of print. (i.e. print goes from left-to- right, front-to-back, title, author, connection between words and pictures, concept of a story telling, etc.) o Develop other pre-academic skills, including math, writing, and science.

School Staff and Important Phone Numbers

Larson Elementary School (main office) 352-2300 Larson Elementary Preschool room 352-2325 Bus – Transportation 357-6327 Sheela Hull Principal Marge Johnson Administrative Secretary Tami Galvin Office Secretary Rebecca Ramilo School Nurse Donna VanHyning Speech Language Pathologist (SLP) Andi Swanson SLP Assistant Ron Miller Occupational Therapist

Parent Communication/Teacher Contact Information

Communication between home and school is very important! This year, I will be communicating class themes and activities via email and through my teacher webpage (accessed under Staff links through the District Website or through the Larson Elementary page). I also greatly appreciate any notes or communication you would send via backpacks! Please DO feel free to write comments to us about home activities, information, or concerns. These are also great conversation-starters for helping develop language skills!

I am at Larson from 8:30-4:30 on most school days. You are welcome to reach me before or after school, or between classes from 11:45-1:05. The school phone number is 352- 2300. If you need to call during preschool sessions, please leave a voice mail message and I will return your call at a free moment or at the end of the day. If the matter is urgent, please let the office know and they will either page the classroom or get a message to us as soon as possible.

Teaching your child is very important to us. When the children are at school, we do our utmost to give them our full attention. Please feel free to contact me at any time regarding your child with any comments, questions, or concerns you may have. I can always be reached via e-mail, which is [email protected] and I will respond within 24 hours.

Page 3 of 12 Visiting the Classroom

We welcome parents and visitors in our classroom. Since our classroom serves children with a variety of needs and abilities, it is helpful to give your child, as well as the other students advance notice of visitors to help prepare them for unexpected changes in their environment or schedule. Also, any visitors or helpers in our classroom will need to sign a Confidentiality Statement per District policy.

Please remember to sign in at the office every time you come to our classroom. This includes times when you are just walking your child to the classroom or bringing in a backpack. Signing in helps us keep the school a safe place for all of the students and allow us to know who is in the building in case of a fire or earthquake. Also, remember to sign out before you leave the school. 

Preschool Staff

In addition to our teacher, Kimberly Thompson, Larson’s Preschool staff also includes Rise` Smith and Christie Belanger, full time paraprofessionals who will also be working with your child. These ladies have worked with Larson’s preschool students for several years. They are phenomenal and we are very fortunate to have them in our preschool program!

Pick Up and Drop Off Procedures

Morning class The morning class begins at 9:15 a.m. Upon arrival, parents should sign in at the office no earlier than 9:05 and walk their child to the classroom. When preschool is over, our class will meet parents and the bus at 11:45. Parents are asked to arrive at 11:40 and meet us in the foyer or on the side walk.

Afternoon class The afternoon class begins at 1:15. Staff walks out to meet the bus at 1:05. Parents, please meet the preschool staff in the foyer or on the side walk at 1:05 for arrival and 3:45 for departure.


If you plan to pick up your child, you must contact the school (352-2300) and let us know of any busing changes. It is a courtesy to the bus barn to give them a call when bus service is not necessary. This includes when your child is ill or has a doctor’s Page 4 of 12 appointment. Bus service policy states: …if there are 3 no shows at an address, service is dropped and can take up to a week to reinstate. Also, in the event that a bus breaks down or is significantly delayed, you would want your child to be warm and comfortable. On cold weather days, each child should have hat, gloves, boots, and coat. The phone number for Transportation is 357-6327.


Each child needs a BACKPACK to bring daily. Please put your child’s name in a clearly visible place on it as well as any items sent to school. The back pack needs to be LARGE enough to hold 8 ½ x 11 papers, shoes, art projects, etc. Please see the Preschool Supply List for additional items needed.


ALL STUDENTS need to bring a change of clothes. Please include underwear and socks. Please label these clothes in some manner so we know which clothes belong to whom. This change is for various accidents that may happen. If we send home wet or dirty clothes one day, please return a change of clothes the next day. These clothes should not be favorites. We MAY not use them all year.


If your child wears diapers or pull-ups, please send an adequate supply, as well as wet wipes. Pull-ups with Velcro side closures are preferred for efficiency and to maximize instructional time.


Slip-on or Velcro shoes work best for our short preschool days. During the boot season, please send a set of shoes to stay in the classroom. This will lighten the load in your child’s backpack.


Scholastic is a great book company. Reading aloud to your child is one of the most important things you can do with them. If interested, please order from our monthly/bimonthly book orders when you can. On each order form, there will be a due

Page 5 of 12 date for sending in orders. Please make payments with a check made out to the book club, or order online with classroom access code printed on the order form.


On a day-to-day basis, we have snack time, which consists of items parents have provided. This year, we do not have access to breakfast items from the kitchen, so any help you can give us in providing daily snack is much appreciated! Also, at any time, you may send a “fresh snack” for a change of pace. Fresh snacks include: muffins, fruit, cheese, veggies and dip, etc. If you elect to send a “fresh snack”, plan to serve 10 children. Any help you can give us during the year with restocking our snack supply is greatly appreciated. Snack time is also an essential language and social skills activity.

Show and Share

“Show and Share” will be each Wednesday. Suggested items may include favorite toys, pictures, games, or other items from home. For safety reasons, please refrain from sending, or carefully wrap and mark, any breakable items. This activity promotes language skills and helps children learn more about each other. Although children are encouraged to allow others to touch or hold items they bring to share, it is not a requirement. Items will be returned to backpacks after they have been shared. With prior notice, special guests are also welcome to be “shared”. Because of the nature of our special needs classroom, all visitors will be required to sign a confidentiality statement. Also, please remember that toy weapons are NOT allowed on school grounds.


Periodically throughout the year, we will be doing “cooking” activities in class. We will work cooperatively in small groups to make a group serving of a particular food. Cooking is a wonderful activity which incorporates important skills such as listening, following directions, working with others, patience, math (fractions and measuring), and science. Please let me know ASAP if your child is allergic to anything.

Birthdays are a special time for most students. We welcome treats on your child’s birthday. Please let me know ahead of time if you wish to send something in, so I can prepare for students with allergies. We will celebrate all summer birthdays during the last week of school.


There will be several celebrations in our classroom this year: “Harvest Time” in October, Thanksgiving Feast in November, Holidays around the World in December, Valentine’s Day in February, and possibly theme related celebrations. If your family does not celebrate a

Page 6 of 12 holiday, please let me know. The children may be assigned to bring something to one of the celebrations. If you would like help with a certain celebration, please indicate that on the volunteer sheet.

Online Resources

You can go to main district link, and click on the Parent tab to see what resources are available to you. If you go to the School drop down box, select Larson Elementary, click on the Staff tab and then my name (Kimberly Thompson), you will see our classroom website where you can find classroom information, pictures, community resources and much more!

To register to receive updates and school information, go to and then in the upper right hand corner click on Register – then follow the directions. On Thursdays the school newsletter, PTA information, and various flyers/information will be going home ELECTRONICALLY-we’re going green this year so you will be emailed a newsletter every week. Please let us know if we need to update your email address.

Preschool Classroom Rules In OUR class, we learn what it means to be “COOL” and respectful. For example:  Cool mouth (uses inside voice in the classroom and whisper voice in the hallway, uses respectful tone and words when talking to others, raises hand or asks for help when not sure what to do)  Cool hands (stay in our laps when we’re sitting, or by our side when we’re standing in line, give high “5’s” or knuckles when we’re excited; are respectful to others and to classroom materials)  Cool feet (walk in the hallway and classroom; keep feet to self at all times)  Good listening ears (listen and follow directions the first time; mouths turn off when listening ears turn on)  A LWAYS Try! (Give your best effort; be an adventurer and try new things)

Positive Consequences (Rewards) Consequences-Plan of Action When a child follows the rules they can earn: If a child does not choose to follow the rules: Appropriate behavior will be reinforced with: positive praise Verbal Reminder of expected behavior and/or and feedback; special treats; stickers; and preferred or classroom rule (i.e. Are you using cool hands? special activities. Remember, Cool Hands gently put the toys in the basket)

Page 7 of 12 Individual: positive praise and feedback; positive notes/phone Time AWAY in Classroom: This may include briefly calls home; stickers on charts; add’l time with preferred moving short distance from group, moving to an activity; verbal praise and feedback. alternate area of classroom to STOP &THINK before Group: positive praise and feedback; additional time on rejoining activity, or moving to an alternate location preferred activities (i.e. recess, arts & crafts, reading, etc.) with a staff member outside the classroom. Student will always return to activity he/she was engaged in before upset (teacher may/may not modify work expectations, depending on function of behavior)

Additional options may be used as outlined on individual student Behavior Intervention Plans (BIP).

School-Wide Citizenship Plan - Stop & Think

Step 1: Calmly Ask your child to "STOP AND THINK". Step 2: Remind your child: "DO YOU WANT TO MAKE A GOOD CHOICE OR A BAD CHOICE?" Step 3: Ask your child: "WHAT ARE YOUR CHOICES OR STEPS?" Step 4: Instruct your child: "DO IT:" or "SHOW ME THE GOOD CHOICE". Step 5: Tell your child: "GOOD JOB" or "YOU SHOULD BE PROUD OF YOURSELF".

Our classroom rules and procedures are based on our SCHOOL “Guidelines for Success”:

We are reaching for the STARS! Eagles ALWAYS… S oar toward success T hink before acting A ccept responsibility R espect self and others S mile, because attitude is everything!

Page 8 of 12 Preschool Supply List School Year 2012-2013

o Pringle’s container, empty w/ lid (optional, for beginning of year time capsule) o Elmer’s Glue All (not school glue) o Box or Bag of snacks-monthly (see list below) o Box of Kleenex o 1 box Ziploc bags (gallon-size for girls; quart-size for boys) *generic work great! o 1 container of disinfecting wipes (girls); baby wipes for easy cleanup (girls) Additional individual student needs: o Wipes and pull-ups (if not toilet-trained) o Change of clothing, including socks

Snack options This year, we do NOT have access to the milk/juice and breakfast items from the school kitchen, and will be relying on parents to help provide. Please review and choose item(s) that fit best with your family’s budget.

Fruit – fresh (bananas, apples, etc. are always welcome!) or processed (i.e. applesauce, applesauce, peaches, pears, etc.) Fresh Veggies (carrots, celery, broccoli – whatever your child likes – we also encourage children to try new food items) Muffins, bagels or other baked items Cheese (sliced, string, chunks, or block – we’ll be happy to cut up!) Yogurt Granola bars or breakfast bars Pretzels Crackers (i.e. saltines, graham, Ritz, Goldfish, Wheat Thins, etc.) Fruit snacks Popcorn Tortilla chips Peanut butter or Nutella Cereal (Fruit loops, Cheerios, etc.) – also sometimes used for beading activities Summer sausage, or other favorite finger food Milk/juice Other ______

Class item donation requests (Please send 1 or more items when and if possible):  Items for our dress-up area (capes, gloves, hats, accessories, baby blankets and bottles)  Miscellaneous art and craft supplies (i.e. Crayola markers, glitter glue, googly eyes, felt, feathers, chenille stems (pipe cleaners), colored pom poms, small lunch bags, scrap fabric, egg cartons, baby food containers, seasonal craft items, etc.)

Page 9 of 12 Are you interested in being a Volunteer?

Great! I look forward to working with you in the classroom!  Please fill out this form to help me understand your interests and how you would be most comfortable volunteering.

I will begin asking for help sometime in September. The first few weeks are an important time for the students and me to get to know one another and for them to learn the routines, rules and procedures they will need to master to be successful learners.

Parent’s Name: ______Phone Number: ______

: Student’s name ______

I am interested in volunteering in the classroom on a regular basis. Please circle one: Weekly or Monthly Please indicate what times and days work best for you.


I am interested in volunteering occasionally. (Please contact me in advance if you would like to come to the classroom so that I can have something prepared for you to do.

I am comfortable doing the following: (circle any/all you are interested in)

* preparing materials * reading to students * working in school library

* making treats for celebrations * sharing a talent or skill * assisting on field trips


Please return this form as soon as possible so I can schedule a convenient time for you to volunteer. Thank you!! 

Page 10 of 12 Parent Questionnaire

Please help me to better meet the needs of your child by taking the time to complete this form. I keep these forms in the classroom and refer to them during classroom activities, such as our All About Me and Families literacy units. In addition, this information is very helpful when working on language and communication skills. Please fill in all of the information and return it to school as soon as possible. Thank you!

Child’s full name: ______first middle last

Is there a name by which your child prefers to be called? ______

Birth date: ______

Parents’ names: ______

With whom does the child live? ______

Mailing address: ______

Home Phone: ______Cell Phone: ______

Physical address (house number and street name): ______

Brief description of home (color, one-story, apartment, etc.) ______

Father’s occupation: ______Work phone: ______

Mother’s occupation: ______Work phone: ______

Siblings: Name Sex (M/F) Age/Grade

Page 11 of 12 Names and types of pets:




Are there any holidays you do NOT celebrate?

Dietary restrictions and/or allergies:



Any other issues NOT addressed on IFSP/IEP for which the teacher should be aware:



Please describe any recent family events or changes (i.e. death, divorce, new siblings, moving):

List your child’s favorite activities:



Thank you for taking the time to fill in this questionnaire! It will help me in planning for your child’s specific needs this school year.

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