Liverpool Parks Animation Project Board Minutes

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Liverpool Parks Animation Project Board Minutes

Liverpool Parks Animation Project Board Minutes

10 January 2014

Present: Cllr Peter Mitchell – Mayoral Lead for Parks (Chair) Cllr Wendy Simon – Cabinet Member Culture & Tourism Sarah Vasey – Culture Liverpool Julie Turner – Culture Liverpool Alicia Smith – Culture Liverpool Judith Feather – Culture Liverpool John Whelan – Rotunda Phil Knibb – Alt Communiversity Derek Dottie – LCC Parks Neil Bascombe – LCC Parks Chris Lines – LCC Parks Rob Connor – LCC Sports Development Keith Gerrard – LCC Sports Development Gemma McGowan – Isla Gladstone L Hanson – Isla Gladstone

Apologies: Ann-Marie Moran – LCC Licencing Peter Cosgrove – Glendale Liverpool Mark Boardman – Liverpool Park Friends Forum Pam Boardman – Liverpool Park Friends Forum Sally Tallant – Liverpool Biennial (LARC) Peter Ward – Hope St Ltd (COoL) Louise Gray, LCC Community Services Richard Tracey – Liverpool Vision Sue Lees – Culture Liverpool

Action 1. Introductions and apologies

Introductions made and apologies received.

2. Minutes of the last meeting

Agreed by all.

3. Actions from the last meeting

None to be noted.

4. Events in Parks: Overview of 2013

SV gave an overview of events delivered or commissioned by Culture Liverpool throughout 2013 in Liverpool parks.

LIMF: Utilised Stanley and Sefton Park including bandstands in Sefton, Stanley and Williamson Square. Sefton had 120,000 visitors over the 4 days, Stanley had 5,000 during the 1 day but weather was very bad. Lantern Parade: 20,000 visitors during the parade in Sefton Park.

Fireworks: Delivered in Newsham and Sefton Park. Attracting 15,000 visitors in Newsham and 25,000 in Sefton.

Events planned for 2014 are:

Chinese New Year: 2 February 2014. Extending the performances areas to Great George Square and St Luke’s Gardens.

Memories of 1914: Giant World War 1 Tribute from 23rd -27th July 2014. The route has not yet been finalised but will take in the wider city and one of the neighbourhood parks.

Rock & Roll Marathon: Sunday 25th May 2014. The route will take in Stanley, Sefton, Everton and Princes Park.

LIMF: Saturday 15th – Sunday 31st August 2014. Planned for Sefton Park.

WW1 Commemoration: Friday 12th – 14th September 2014. Planned for St Georges Hall and St Johns Gardens. Working with the WW1 Commemorative Task Group.

Skate park: Permanent skate park to be created in 2014. Location subject to consultation findings.

Walton Hall Park Festival: Discussions taking place with Cllr Roy Gladden around re-establishing the festival.

2016: Parklife – This is the Liverpool Cultural Action Plan (LCAP) theme for that year. Liverpool Biennial will also be using this theme. Commissioning process is being investigated to work towards 2016 that will lead the way and grow partnerships for the themed year.

Poppy planting will also celebrate the anniversary of the Somme for 2016. (Locations tbc)

RC provided an update for Sports Development, please see Appendix 1 attached.

NB and PK provided an update regarding events in Croxteth Park.

Alt Valley Festival as part of LIMF (2014 planning 2 days) Love History partnership Outdoor Theatre Halloween events Christmas Grotto Murder mystery events

5. Stanley Park: Events for 2014/15

GMc gave an overview of events planned for Stanley Park in 2014/15.

Food Festival: July 2014. Products to be sold throughout 200 stalls within a marque. 5 year deal of which 30/40 stalls will be free of charge for the first 2 years.

Drive in Cinema: In partnership with FACT. Planned for early May 2014 during a weekend (Fri/Sat/Sun). Will be alcohol free.

Justice Jazz Festival: 25 Year anniversary of Hillsborough. 5 year deal. This was proposed by the Hillsborough Family groups themselves.

5k & 10k Run: In aid of men’s cancer awareness. The route will encompass Stanley Park, LFC and EFC.

Additional events include:

Stanley Bark Dog Month Holi Festival Park Clean Up – apprenticeships Bulky Bob Events Walks Bus Tours extended to Stanley Park Ranger activities Running Clubs Football initiative: Anfield Rocks for Stanley Park 2015

6. Jo Malone Garden: The Rotunda

JW gave an overview of the Jo Malone Garden planned for the Rotunda. This is due to open for the International Festival of Business 2014. The Rotunda was chosen by international brand Jo Malone London.

There will be different zones such as a secret garden for children, theatre zone, growing zone and country zone. The garden will also provide educational, environmental, arts and youth projects.

There is also a Rotunda candle being sold by Jo Malone of which profits go back into the project.

WS asked if a press release could be done through Jo Malone to JW publicise this which could enhance the funds being brought back into the project. JW to discuss at Jo Malone meeting next week and report back.

7. Park Event Rates

SV explained that the PR,Marketing Portfolio Working Group was tasked to explore the financial investments of enhancing the use of parks including researching other cities current arrangements.

CL provided an overview – please see Appendix 2 attached.

CL looked at a more detailed way to generate income and the benefits this will bring to the city other than financial i.e. health and wellbeing which will then lead on to creating a database management system.

WS asked for events to be mapped as to where in the city they are taking place so we can identify any gaps. Also for the monitoring of events to be kept streamlined as smaller organisations may have limited capacity and experience to evaluate this.

Economic and social impact need to be explored further to develop a suitable model. A research and development project will be undertaken by JMU on the social impact of the giants returning to Liverpool.

CL to report back to the group with progress at the next meeting. CL

8. Parks Portfolio

A tender has been published externally of which 5 responses have been received and are currently being assessed. The portfolio will provide a primary point of call for events enquiries within parks and provide contact information to discuss further. SV This will be completed by March 2014.

9. Nesta Fund: Rethinking Parks

This project was in response to a government initiative that parks will receive 60% less funding over the next 10 years. DD is attending a workshop at the end of January representing this group and SV will be completing an online workshop.

For more information please see Appendix 3 attached.

Feedback to be received at the next meeting. DD/SV

10. AOB

SV provided an update regarding two additional projects:

LULU - ‘Light up the Lockup’: £5,000 project secured by Friends of Everton Park from EFC. This will permanently light up the structure from 4 February 2014.

Mansion House: A HLF bid has been submitted by the Reader Organisation in relation to the use of the Mansion House in Calderstones Park.

PK updated regarding a proposed Static Car Show with Jaguar for May 2014.

DD gave information regarding a proposed Winter Wonderland in Sefton Park for Christmas 2014 which was being discussed as part of the wider city Christmas offer.

WS asked for all events to be linked up i.e. LIMF was used as an umbrella for many events across the city which helped smaller organisations a great deal in terms of marketing potential.

PM reminded everyone of Mayors Press facility for all to use if required. JT reminded the group of the fortnightly Culture e-blast available for all to use to promote cultural events/activities in the city. Please submit events through to [email protected] or [email protected]

11. Date of the next meeting

Friday 28 February 2014

2 - 4pm

Culture Liverpool The Capital Building, 10th Floor 39 Old Hall Street, Liverpool, L3 9PP

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