Modbury Parish Council Meeting Open Forum
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APPENDIX 2 Modbury Parish Council meeting open forum Monday 9th February 2015 Question and answer session for planning application 35/0059/15/F: Proposed development site west of Palm Cross Green.
The themed questions have been extracted from the questions and comments collected by Modbury Parish Council at the open session held on 28th January. The additional questions were raised by members of the community in the open forum.
This document is not a transcript of the debate on the evening. It aims to summarise questions, comments and answers made at the meeting. The open forum session was recorded and is available for anyone to listen to at the Parish Office by appointment. (Unfortunately the file is too large to load onto the existing council website.
The panel: Mr D Kenyon, Major Projects Manager, SHDC; Mr J Kershaw, Environmental Health, SHDC, Ms C Harrison, Affordable Housing Officer, SHDC, Mr G Swiss, Strategic Planning Officer, SHDC, Mr R Kennerley, Natural Environment and Recreation Officer, SHDC, Mr R Jackson, Highway Officer, DCC, Mr I Kibblewhite, Bloor, Mr P Talbot, Bloor.
A member of the public requested clarity regarding the length of time available for the open forum. MPC confirmed that it was 1 hour and that this was considered sufficient time for the panel to respond to the questions and comments.
A second member of the public questioned the presence of Mssrs Rickman and West at the meeting (both have expressed a pecuniary interest regarding RA1). The Chair responded that the council had sought legal advice on the matter and the two councillors could remain in the meeting.
Question Only 1 vehicular access for over 90 cars? Also, only 1 entrance / exit? What happens in an emergency / blockage?
The traffic issues associated with the junction at Palm Cross and the entrance to the estate have not been fully addressed.
Is the improvement in visibility at Palm Cross Green sufficient to allow further development post 2026 in the northern part of Modbury?
Answer One access off the A379 and the emergency access the other end of the development. Loop road system to assist circulation. The visibility splay is a fixed distance regardless of the amount of traffic. Adjacent land has no development applications. This development site should not be forced to cater for further development needs. National guidelines stipulate that up to 100 dwellings can be served with 1 vehicular access so long as there is an emergency access. The visibility splay complies with regulations and there are improvements to Barracks Road included in the application.
Question 2 bus stops opposite each other – already problems in Modbury with the same situation
Concerns about the safety of the access point / bus shelters on the brow of the hill, access from Barracks Road and children’s play area and school
1 DCC has asked for a review from the developer due to the siting on the brow of the hill. DCC cannot suggest a more suitable location – this is a historic problem, It is likely there won’t be any bus stops.
Question Road safety around the school and pre-school
Answer Although this is not a requirement the development will be improving the situation. No development, no improvement. It should also be noted that there are no recent records of accidents on this stretch.
Question Pavement on Copper’s Corner?
Answer The crossing will be a split island and not a crossing. A request has been made to ensure a large refuse lorry can turn right and the island will be shortened accordingly.
Question When will they deal with a safe access to the town centre from Palm Cross.
Answer There will be a pedestrian link across the current carpark. A second application will be lodge detailing improvements to this land. There are also the traffic calming measures
Question Is there any way that a pedestrian access could be made through the Barracks wall to enable pedestrians to go along Long Park to the recreation field in safety?
Answer We have no control over this land The emergency access gives shared use cycle facility that gets you to a safe crossing point to the current pavement inside the hedge.
Question Could Back Street become a kind of rat run for the cars avoiding the Church Street congestion and specifically during the rush hour. How could this be avoided?
Answer Wider issue for Modbury and beyond the remit of this development
Question Is it true that DCC Highways told Bloor engineers that a "link road" between Barracks Road and Coppers Corner (thus removing most traffic from past the school) was not feasible?
Answer It’s not that the Link road is not feasible but not required for this development. A developer cannot be obligated to provide for possible future needs. DCC disagree with Bloor - there is not enough width and visibility for a suitable safe link road between the private land either side.
Question Lakes will require specific health and safety resources, notices and rescue kit. Who will maintain
Answer The plan does not specify lakes but wetlands / ponds. The maintenance committee will manage this area and all equipment will be provided and health and safety complied with.
2 Question Overloading of the town surgery and possibly the school
Answer The Education Authority and NHS were consulted on for 80 homes. To date there has been no response from the NHS regarding the extra proposed 13 houses. Not known if a response will be submitted. Education Authority have responded that there is capacity in the current primary school infrastructure and no monies are required there. Ivybridge Community College have a potential shortfall of pupil places have requested about £243,500 for facilities and £40,500 for school transport from section 106 agreement. Actual amount to be decided at a later date.
Question Poor integration into the existing community – lack of good access and no reason to visit
The layout of the new area will become a sub-division of Modbury cut off by the position of the employment units and poor link around Palm Cross.
Answer There has been lengthy consultation over a period of about 12 months and the master plan that emerged from it was in effect put together by residents’ and included suggestions for traffic calming, Modbury Parish Council land, allotments, large area of open space, employment building. Play facilities are required and provided for in the development and possibly on MPC land – awaiting 2nd application. The allotments will also encourage a wider use of the community space. Bloor thinks they have done more than enough to ensure this quarter of Modbury will be integrated into the community. People need to remember that the principal of development on this site land has already been agreed by the Appeal Inspector and integration was discussed as part of this process.
Question My concern is a lack of community facilities for all these extra residents for example no playground for children or a clubhouse for young people.
Answer There is a commitment from Bloor to provide a play area. Currently shown beside the employment land. Might perhaps be on MPC land – waiting for community to have input here. Allotments also community space. Lots of open space provided as part of the development. Opportunity for Modbury to have discussions about what is required and how it might relate to current provision by the Memorial Hall to ensure we get the right blend of provision.
Question Concerned about the sewerage arrangements
Answer South West Water have confirmed that there is adequate infrastructure
Question Who will own the employment bits? Would be a great ownership under section 106. This would provide a long-term benefit
Answer This is still to be decided. The long-term benefit is provision of a building and employment space rather than ground that might potentially become fallow land
Question What justification for the reduction in employment provision?
Answer Provision of a building rather than leaving a piece of land as above.
3 Question Is the design of the employment units on the important KayDon corner considered suitable?
Answer Yes. There has been no strong reaction to it and the site might serve to create a link to the rest of Modbury.
Question We heard that Green Areas / Estate will be run by a management company – who pays for this? All Modbury use it but only residents pay!
Answer Yes that is correct
Question New Mills Lane - ?
Answer Bloor has no control of this land but would be happy to clean it up whilst on site DCC has checked land charges record. It doesn’t appear to be highways maintained at public expense
Question Demand for housing?
Answer Yes there is demand and we are confident the properties will sell
Question Rationale for increase to 93 houses
Answer The allocation is 80. The figure of ninety-three has always been in the public domain. Government encourage best use of land and this development holds the extra properties comfortably. It also allows for extra affordable housing and a mixture of housing.
Question What justification for 30% affordable rather than the 55% policy? Has a viability study been requested and if not, why not?
Answer The figure of 55% was set in 2008 (considerably out of date now) when there was public funding available to subsidise the projects. This has been cut. The District Council has to take a pragmatic view and are satisfied that this is suitable.
Question What will be the price-range for houses?
Answer The prices will be commensurate with the market at the time they are sold.
Question Large block of housing without greenery – poor visual impact
Answer Not sure what block of housing this refers to and so an answer cannot be given at this stage.
4 Question Is there adequate hidden provision for unsightly bins?
Answer There will be access to rear gardens
Question Lack of bike storage
Answer There are over-size garages and back gardens.
Question Affordable housing all in one area – shouldn’t this be integrated? Is there enough? Near the farm and industrial area.
Answer Actually it is in a couple of areas. These properties are built here as they are built first and as this is the flattest piece of land and therefore the quickest to complete. Affordable housing is needed first. (SHDC) There has been a noise impact assessment and solutions identified for noise impact. We do have concerns regarding sustainability of these solutions and will be having further conversations with Bloor.
Question What about provision for elderly and people in need of bungalows / warden-assisted
Answer There are ground floor apartments
Question Position of new employment units as completely separate from existing units (some of which are empty) and will now be on the main approach to Modbury
Answer You drive past these existing buildings on the way into Modbury this is part of the development and the building will kick-start business and help to bind the community. A piece of land won’t help anyone.
Question Preservation of water well just below Palm Cross Green car park
Answer We can look into this
Question Is the ancient wall around the former Manor House gardens worth retaining in some way?
Answer The part of the wall which falls into the development area will be removed
Question Naming of the roads after the names of the fields which existed on the site a long time ago?
Answer Not really a planning matter and the authority hasn’t even been granted yet so too premature to discuss this but hold on to the idea
5 Question Adequate parking? Width of roads for on-street parking on Development? Permit system?
Answer The proposal provides for more than enough parking with 2 spaces allocated for 2 – 3 bedroom properties and 3 spaces allocated for larger properties. (Includes garages). The width of the roads comply with national criteria – 4.8m or 5.5 m wide for visitors to use. There will be a responsibility for drivers to park responsibly as per The Highway Code. Permits are not required if the design is right in the first place.
Question Current users of Palm Cross car park
How will the Palm Cross Green car park be managed?
Answer It is intended that the current MPC car park is developed (which is subject to a further application) that land would not be disturbed until a new set of parking spaces is provided inside our development and there is a space provided for that in the current application adjacent to the employment building. If those spaces are relocated that land would be transferred to MPC for their use and management.
Question Recommend that the Parish Council formally request in their comment on the planning application, that s106 funding be provided to move the playground from Memorial Hall to the MPC owned land on the Green.
Answer The second application over the land held by the parish will deal with that as there will be play provision on that. It won’t be about removing play space from somewhere else but a new play space. (SHDC) When that application is in and the two can be read side-by-side SHDC would welcome discussion with the parish regarding facilities needed.
SHDC re-iterated that officers are not the decision makers and make recommendations to councillors. Reassurance also that there would be a site visit prior to any decision.
Question Section 106 money to be used for Modbury – Ermington footpath from the bottom of RA1 site?
Answer Developer doesn’t control the land. DCC is not convinced the link could be justified – it would involve compulsory purchase of land at considerable expense and there would probably be insufficient flow to justify this
Question Is it now SHDC policy to build on green field and not brown sites?
Answer Brown sites were allocated in South Hams where they were available but in South Hams there is insufficient brown field sites. This site has been allocated and is now part of the town boundary. The principal is already granted for development. Some of the houses have gone beyond the notional boundary and it will be reviewed whether these have unacceptable visual impact.
6 Question to the Parish Council This development is much larger than originally conceived and results in Modbury taking a disproportionate share of development in the South Hams. I’d like to know how my Parish Council views the development and how it sees it in the light of its responsibility to protect the unique history of Modbury. Does the council agree there is justification for this development considering the size of the nearby Sherford development.
Answer This will be debated at the next meeting when councillors have had the opportunity to digest all public views and the answers to your questions directed to officers tonight.
Question 93 houses. Are there jobs available in Modbury. Why build houses here and not where the work is?
Answer Most residents already travel out of town to work. This is an allocated site. The principal has already been agreed in 2011 and cannot be disputed. The detail can be agreed – layout / numbers etc.
Comment MPC worked hard many years ago to reduce the amount of housing that, potentially, could have been approved for the town as part of the Devon Structure Plan. This site was ratified in the Parish Plan democratically. We need to move forward and work together. People need houses, if Modbury hadn’t accepted an amount of housing at that time I am sure we would have had a far larger site dumped on us.
Question Concern about the sewerage
Answer SWW have said they can take the flow. This is controlled by the Environment Agency and there are fines if problems occur. SHDC are confident that SWW have thoroughly reviewed the issues.
Question There is a need for affordable homes in Modbury but not additional ones for the open market.
Answer Bloor are confident they will sell. Used Loddiswell as an example. The development has been well received and there is considerable interest in the properties.
Question Key thing for delivering on the project is ownership of the land – The Green. Not aware ownership has been established. Concern that Bloor cannot provide in perpetuity safe pathway from the development to the school.
Answer Can’t go into legal complexities of land ownership and rights. The situation is in order and work can be done within the legal confines of that land.
Question This is a massive development. How will highways survive right across the region
Answer Traffic assessments take account of cumulative impact of developments and predicted traffic flow. DCC is not aware there is a problem. Traffic infrastructure cannot be planned around the peak seasonal periods.
MPC thanked the officers and Bloor for attending.
7 Comment Just for the record according to my reckoning the open forum lasted 17 minutes. Put into context: (The Open forum started at 7.15 and finished at 8.20. The questions gathered at the consultation event were put to the panel first, followed by any further questions from the floor. The further questions took 17 minutes.)
Open session finished 8.20PM