1. How Old Do You Need to Be to Run for the U.S. Senate?
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Sample Questions for Political Quiz Game APhA Academy of Student Pharmacists Back the PAC
6. Which House Committee does not have jurisdiction over 1. How old do you need to be to run for the U.S. Senate? the provider status legislation?
A. 18 years old A. Appropriations B. 25 years old B. Energy and Commerce C. 30 years old C. Ways and Means D. 35 years old Answer: (A) Appropriations Answer: (C) 30 years 7. What member of Congress introduced H.R. 4190 in the last Congress? 2. How old do you need to be to run for the U.S. House of Representatives? A. Rep. Brett Guthrie (R-KY) A. 18 years old B. Rep. Steve Womack (R-AR) B. 25 years old C. Rep. John Shimkus (R-IL) C. 30 years old D. Rep. Donna Edwards (D-MD)
D. 35 years old Answer: (A) Rep. Brett Guthrie (R-KY)
Answer: (B) 25 years 8. Who is the Chairman of the House Energy & Commerce Committee? 3. How old do you need to be to run for the Presidency? A. Rep. Bill Flores (R-TX) Answer: 35 years old B. Rep. Billy Long R-MO) C. Rep. Fred Upton (R-MI) 4. What is the number of years in the term of a Senator? D. Rep. Morgan Griffith (R-WV) A. 2 years Answer: (C) Rep. Fred Upton (MI) B. 4 years C. 6 years 9. What does it take to override a Presidential Veto in both D. 8 years House and Senate?
Answer: (C) 6 years A. 2/3 Majority in both the House and Senate B. 3/4 Majority in both the House and Senate 5. What is the number of years in the term of a Member of C. 3/5 Majority in both the House and Senate the House of Representatives? D. 1/2 Majority in both the House and Senate A. 2 years Answer: (A) 2/3 Majority in both the House and Senate B. 4 years C. 6 years 10. What is the name of the Federal Agency responsible for D. 8 years Medicare and Medicaid? Answer: (A) 2 years 1Answer: Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) 11. What Federal Department does the Drug Enforcement 18. Who is the current Chief Justice of the Supreme Court? Agency (DEA) fall under? A. Anthony Kennedy Answer: Department of Justice B. Clarence Thomas C. Antonin Scalia 12. Which Party currently has control of the Senate? D. John Roberts Answer: Republicans Answer: (D) John Roberts
13. Which Party currently has control of the House of Repre- sentatives? 19. Name two Supreme Court justices besides Chief Justice John Roberts? Answer: Republicans Answer: Antonin Scalia, Anthony Kennedy, Clarence Thomas, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Stephen Breyer, Samuel Alito, Sonia Sotomayor, Elena 14. How many total voting members are there in the U.S. Kagan House of Representatives?
A. 335 20. Who is the current Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services? B. 415 C. 425 A. Kathleen Sebelius D. 435 B. Hillary Clinton Answer: (D) 435 (there are 6 non-voting members) C. Margaret A. Hamburg 15. How many total members are there in the U.S. Senate? D. Sylvia Mathews Burwell
Answer: 100 Senators Answer: (D.) Sylvia Mathews Burwell
16. The part of the Constitution that gives Congress the 21. Who is currently the Commissioner of the Food and Drug power to make any laws that are “necessary and proper” Administration? to carry out its expressed powers is known as the . A. Hillary Clinton A. 9th Amendment B. Hilda Solis B. Relative clause C. Kathleen C. Elastic clause Sebelius D. Eommerce clause D. Margaret A. Hamburg Answer: (C) Elastic clause Answer: (D) Margaret A. Hamburg
17. To impeach a President, the House of Representative must first do what? 22. Name at least 2 Federal Agencies, Departments, or Offices that have an interest and/or jurisdiction over the safe dis- A. Hold a hearing to investigate impeachment options that are posal of unused medications? overseen by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. B. Subpoena White House staff. Possible Answers: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Drug Enforce- ment Administration (DEA), Food and Drug Administration (FDA), C. Pass articles of impeachment (by a simple majority) Department of Transportation (DoT), Department of Health and Human D. The House has no role in the impeachment of a President. Services (HHS), the Department of Interior, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and White House Answer: (C) Pass articles of impeachment (by a simple majority) Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP)
23. Which level of government is responsible for funding Medi-
A. Federal
B. State C. Local D. A combination of Answer: (A) Federal government levels 2 24. Which level of the government is responsible for funding 29. Besides receiving funding for the Federal Government, what Medicaid programs? is the other major source of revenue for drug related activity for the FDA? A. Federal A. National Institutes of Health B. State B. Prescription drug user fees C. Local C. Grants from private companies D. A combination of levels D. Tariffs on imports Answer: (D) A combination of levels. It is a joint effort between the federal government and the state government. Answer: (B) Prescription Drug User Fees - FDA collects fees from manufacturers that are used to help fund FDA’s drug review process. 25. What are the 3 branches of government?
Answer: Legislative, Executive, and Judicial 30. What does DMEPOS stand for?
Answer: durable medical equipment (DME), prosthetics, orthotics, 26. What role did Congress play in supporting APhA’s pur- sup- plies (DMEPOS) chase of its headquarters’ property on the National Mall in Washington, DC? 31. What does REMS stand for? A. Congress passed a Senate Joint Resolution. B. House passed an omnibus bill. A. Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategies C. Senate passed a Senate Amendment. B. Random Evaluation of Medical Studies D. No role. APhA already owned the land. C. Reduce Emergency Medication Situations Answer: (A) In 1932, Congress passed a Senate Joint Resolution autho- D. Reconcile Emergency Management Supplies rizing the transfer of land. It is currently the only privately held land Answer: (A) Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategies on the National Mall.
32. What is the Medicare Part D Donut Hole? 27. What is a Continuing Resolution (CR)? A. It is a gap of increased coverage where the Medicare Part D A. Honors a holiday, person or event. beneficiary’s total Part D expenses are over certain amount B. If no budget is passed, a CR is passed to continue to fund the ($2,700 - depends on the year,) is higher, and then, the federal government at the level set in the previous fiscal year. cover- age is reduced when the beneficiary’s total Part D expenses are over a certain amount ($6,100 - depends on C. Is the formal name of a declaration of war against another the year). country. B. It is a coverage gap in Medicare Part D where Medicare does D. Is a Senate procedure that delays a bill. not cover costs when the beneficiary has spent o v e r a certain Answer: (B) In the wake of no budget being passed, a Continuing Reso- amount (depends on the year) and picks up coverage when the lution is passed to continue to fund the federal government at the level beneficiary spends over a certain amount (depends on the set in the previous year. year) C. It is a free donut program at Dunk’n Donuts for all 28. What does the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) do? Medicare Part D beneficiaries with proof of insurance. Answer: (B) It is a coverage gap in Medicare Part D where Medicare A. It is the office that develops the President’s budget. does not cover costs when the beneficiary has spent o ve r a certain B. It is the name for the House and Senate Budget Committees’ amount (depends on the year) and picks up coverage when combined offices. the beneficiary spends over a certain amount (depends on the year) C. It is a non-partisan office that provides Members of Congress scores for pieces of legislation based upon their budgetary impact. 33. A bill that packages together many different measures is D. It is the name for the office responsible for the administration called what type of bill? of Capitol Hill. A. Reconciliation Bill Answer: (C) Is a non-partisan office that provides Members of Congress B. Clean Bill scores for pieces of legislation based upon their budgetary impact. It is extremely difficult to move legislation if the CBO gives your legislation C. Shell Bill a bad rating. D. Omnibus bill
Answer: (D) Omnibus Bill 3 34. In the Senate, what does cloture do? 39. If your party is in the minority and you are the top seated member from your party on a Committee, what is your A. It is a Senate procedure that can end a filibuster by limiting title? consideration of a pending matter to 30 additional hours. A. Chairman B. It is the vote that ends the session for the day. B. Vice-Chairman C. It is a vote that requires that the Senate must have 51 mem- bers present in order to proceed with business through a roll C. Deputy Chairman call vote. D. Ranking Member D. It is the adjournment of the Senate for more than 3 days. Answer: (D) Ranking Member Answer: (A) It is a Senate procedure that can end a filibuster by limiting consideration of a pending matter to 30 additional hours (but can only happen by vote of three-fifths of the full Senate - normally 60 votes). 40. If you are in the House majority, what is the title of your top ranking party official in the House?
35. What is the major role of a whip? A. House Majority Leader
A. An assistant to the floor leaders that ensures that all mem- B. Speaker of the House bers are present during a Congressional session. C. President of the House B. An assistant to floor leaders that is responsible for planning D. Parliamentarian parties, events, and caucus briefings. Answer: (B) Speaker of House C. An assistant to floor leaders that gives out Committee assign- ments to members of a caucus. D. An assistant to the floor leaders that is responsible for mo- 41. If you are in the House minority, what is the title of your bilizing, convincing, and counting votes within their parties on top ranking party official in the House? major issues. A. Minority Congressional Committee Chairman Answer: (D) An assistant to the floor leaders, who are elected by their B. Minority L e ad e r party conferences that are responsible for mobilizing, convincing, and counting votes within their parties on major issues. C. Minority President D. Parliamentarian
36. What does an amendment in the nature of a substitution Answer: (B) Minority Leader do?
Answer: It is an amendment that would strike out the entire text of a 42. What does HIPAA stand for? bill or other measure (a shell bill) and insert a different full text. A. Health Insurance Protection and Privacy Act B. Health Integrity Protection and Privacy Act 37. What is a filibuster? C. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act Answer: It is a type of parliamentary procedure used in the Senate to D. Health Integrity Portability and Privacy Act attempt to block or delay Senate action on a bill or other matter by debating it at length, by offering numerous procedural motions, or by Answer: (C) Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act any other delaying or obstructive actions.
43. What year was the law passed that created Medicare Part 38. What is a caucus? D Prescription Drug Benefit?
Answer: An informal organization of Members of the House or the Sen- A. 2000 ate, or both, that exists to discuss issues of mutual concern and possibly to perform legislative research and policy planning for its members. B. 2003 There are regional, political or ideological, ethnic, and economic-based C. 2006 caucuses, including a community pharmacy caucus. D. 2010
Answer: (B) In 2003, the Medicare Modernization Act of 2003 (MMA) was passed. However, the Part D Prescription Drug Benefit program did not start until January of 2006.
44. Does FDA have authority to regulate pharmacy 50. Does the FDA have the authority to regulate tobacco? com- pounding? A. Yes. B. No. A. Yes. Answer: (A) Yes, FDA was given authority in the recently passed B. No. Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act (P.L. 111-31) Answer: (B) No, but FDA continues to show interest in regulating this area. The State Board of Pharmacy are responsible for regulating compounding. APhA believes that the FDA should only step in, 51. When does the fiscal year begin for the federal govern- working with the boards of pharmacy, when compounding “crosses the ment? line” into manufacturing. However, there has been legislation in Congress to A. January 1 increase FDA’s authority. B. July 1 C. October 1 45. The stimulus package (the American Recovery and Rein- D. December 31 vestment Act of 2009) provided money for the develop- ment of health information technology and created an Answer: (C) October 1 Office to coordinate health information technology. What is that office called? 52. What was the number of the provider status House bill in the last Congress? A. Office of the Inspector General (OIG) B. Office of the National Coordinator of Health Information Technology (ONC) C. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) D. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation (CMI) Answer: (B) Office of the National Coordinator of Health Information Technology (ONC)
46. What is the body that is responsible for electing the Presi- dent?
Answer: The Electoral College
47. Are there currently any Members of Congress who are pharmacists?
A. Yes. B. No. Answer: (A) Yes. Rep. Earl Leroy “Buddy” Carter [GA-1] took office on Jan. 3rd, 2015.
48. Under the Constitution, the Vice President is also the President of the Senate, which allows the Vice President to vote in the Senate under what circumstances?
Answer: To break a tied vote.
49. Hubert Humphrey, Jr, a pharmacist, was the 38th Vice-President of US during whose Presidency? A. Harry S. Truman B. Dwight D. Eisenhower C. John F. Kennedy D. Lyndon B. Johnson Answer: (D) President Lyndon B. Johnson