Ped 222 Human Sexuality
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PED 222 HUMAN SEXUALITY FALL 2015 3 Credit Hour Course
Instructor: Dr. Regan Dodd Office #: 271-4474 Email: [email protected] Office: LC 214G Office hours: MWF 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. T/TR 11:00 a.m. – 12:00p.m. Text: Crooks, R., & Baur, K. Our Sexuality (12th ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Publishing Co.
Course Objectives: At the conclusion of the course, students will be able to: Identify and describe feelings about their own sexuality Apply new understandings of human sexuality to their own personal lives Understand how empirical research data relates to human sexuality and how it is used in the field Reach an understanding of human sexuality in order to debunk current myths and misunderstanding Reach an increased understanding of controversial social issues related to human sexuality
Note about Course Content and Environment: Students enrolling in this course do so with the understanding that lectures, assignments, classroom discussions, Moodle postings and all other activities associated with the course will deal with issues that may be considered by some to be highly sensitive and perhaps controversial. Students with concerns or questions about the nature of topics in this course should meet with the instructor prior to the first week of class. Continued enrollment in the course indicates that you have been informed of the nature of the course content and that you have made an active decision to participate.
We will attempt to make this class safe for all members. Regardless of race, ethnicity, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, religion, age, and ability, you will be treated and respected as a human being while in this class. Hatred and disparaging remarks will not be tolerated, though civil disagreement is encouraged. Making any such remarks either in class or to a class member outside of class time will result in removal from the class. You will be asked to meet with the instructor to discuss your remarks and any disciplinary action that may be taken. In staying enrolled in this course, you agree to abide by the following rules or guidelines during class discussions. 1. Respect instructor and classmates 2. Give everyone the Benefit of the Doubt – “doing the best with the information they have” 3. Speak from our own experiences – Don’t throw out generalizations, Use “I” I feel, I speak.
1 Class Policies:
Late Assignments: The following policies exist for late assignments. If an assignment is submitted late on the due date, a 10% penalty will be assessed. If the assignment is turned in between 24 to 48 hours late, the student’s assignment grade will be calculated with a 20% penalty. After 48 hours, late assignments receive a 50% penalty.
Missed Exams Policy: Late exams will be rescheduled ONLY if 1) the student notifies the instructor prior to the absence, 2) the absence is “excusable” (accident, severe illness, family emergency, crisis, school activity) and 3) the student provides acceptable documentation for the absence. Make-up exams will be at the discretion of the instructor. If you miss an exam and are granted a make-up exam, a 10% penalty on exam grade will be assessed.
Email Communication: All email communication must be conducted through your MWSU Google email account. All email must include these FOUR things or they will not get a response. 1) Subject line - your class (PED 352) plus briefly state what email is about 2) Greeting – “Dr.” or “Mr.” ; not “Hey” or similar 3) Body of email – level of professionalism; proofread; proper grammar; sentence structure 4) First and Last Name
One Week Rule (very important!) : All grade grievances must be brought to the instructor’s attention in a written format within one week of the date the grade is posted on Moodle. After that time, the grade will not be altered. It will be the students’ responsibility to regularly check the Moodle gradebook in order to monitor their progress.
Academic Honesty Policy and Due Process: Academic honesty is required in all academic endeavors. Violations of academic honesty include any instance of plagiarism, cheating, seeking credit for another’s work, falsifying documents or academic records, or any other fraudulent activity. Violations of academic honesty may result in a failing grade on the assignment, failure in the course, or expulsion from the University. When a student’s grade has been affected, violations of academic honesty will be reported to the Provost or designated representative on the Academic Honesty Violation Report forms. Please see the Western Student Handbook and Calendar for specific activities identified as violations of this policy and the student due process procedure. This handbook is also available online at content/uploads/sites/292/2014/02/handbook.pdf
Disability Accommodations: Students seeking accommodations must first provide documentation of needed accommodations to the Accessibility Resource Center (ARC) located in Eder Hall, Suite 203. Once accommodations have been approved by the ARC, students are responsible for notifying their instructors of those accommodations. This should be done within the first two weeks of classes. Accommodations are not retroactive.
2 Students Recording Classroom Lecture Policy: Because of the sensitive nature of this course, recording of class lectures and discussions are not permitted without my express written consent. Even then, such recordings may only be used for educational purposes.
The course materials that I author, including, but not limited to, PowerPoint slides, Panopto recordings, Moodle screen shots, class hand-outs, web-based and social media content, and course syllabi, are my intellectual property and are protected by copyright law. If a student receives written consent to use the materials, students in the course may download and make copies of my course materials only for educational purposes. Failure to comply with this direction may constitute a violation of the Student Code of Conduct as outlined in the Student Handbook and result in disciplinary action by the University
A Note on Harassment, Discrimination and Sexual Misconduct: Consistent with its mission, Missouri Western seeks to assure all community members learn and work in a welcoming and inclusive environment. Title VII, Title IX and University policy prohibit harassment, discrimination and sexual misconduct. Missouri Western encourages anyone experiencing harassment, discrimination or sexual misconduct to talk to someone from the Campus and Local Resources list found in the Student Handbook ( about what happened so they can get the support they need and Missouri Western can respond appropriately.
There are both confidential and non-confidential resources and reporting options available to you. Missouri Western is legally obligated to respond to reports of sexual misconduct, and therefore we cannot guarantee the confidentiality of a report, unless made to a confidential resource. Responses may vary from support services to formal investigations. As a faculty member, I am required to report incidents of sexual misconduct and thus cannot guarantee confidentiality. I must provide our Title IX coordinator with relevant details such as the names of those involved in the incident. For more information about policies and resources or reporting options, please visit the following website: misconduct-policy/
Students have received information via email regarding training regarding Title IX. Student employees may have additional required training. Please follow the link in the email sent to your MWSU student account to complete the training. Students who do not complete the training will receive a hold on their account, prohibiting future semester enrollment until the training is complete. These training courses will ensure that all students are appropriately educated about these important regulations.
Behavior policy: Any behavior deemed disruptive by the instructor could result in removal from the class for that day. If the behavior(s) continue removal from the class permanently could result. Disruptive behavior will not be tolerated. Cell phones and I-Pods are not allowed in class. If these items are brought to class, they must be turned off or placed on silent mode. If you decide to talk on the phone, text or listen to your I- Pod during class time, the instructor has the right to take away your cell phone and or ask you o excuse yourself from class for the day. It is disrespectful to the class and your instructor. Laptops can only be used with prior permission of the instructor and students need to sit in the first two rows of the classroom.
3 Mid-term grades: Mid-term grades may not be an adequate reflection of your progress / grade in the class. Mid- term grades are due 10/28/15
Emergency Closing Policy: See the university web page. If the university if closed the course schedule will be adjusted as needed but assignments due on the day the university is closed are due the next day of class.
Class Assignments
Attendance: (25 Points) Daily attendance and participation is expected and will count for 25 points toward your final grade. Excluding exam days and holiday breaks, attendance will be taken during class (i.e., approximately 25 class meetings). Two excused absences are allotted for the semester. After two absences, each absence will result in the loss of 1 attendance point. No attendance points will be made up for any reason except sanctioned university extracurricular travel or illness. It is the student’s responsibility to document the sanctioned event. In order to receive credit for attendance points due to a sanctioned university event, please provide a written reminder (email) to instructor that details the reason for missing class along with day and date of absence. In order to receive attendance points for illness, the professor must be contacted prior to class time. Having a paid job outside of class, leaving early for breaks or vacations, and/or attending family functions such as weddings do not qualify as excused absences. Depending on the situation, I may ask for documentation of illness, deaths, or religious observances. *The use of technology devices (computers, tablets, smart phones) is permitted for class related activities only. If you are going to use a laptop, you need to sit in the front two rows and not against the wall. *It is the student’s responsibility to double check attendance points on Moodle.
1) Readings/Discussions: Assigned readings should be read prior to the class so you can participate in class discussions. In order to motivate you to read assigned material, the following in-class writings are assigned.
2) Five in class writing assignments: (50 Points) On a class day when no written assignment is due (daily Question assignment excluded), sometime during class you will be given a question or scenario to individually discuss in writing that relates to course material. For each of these in-class writing assignments, you will be given 1—15 minutes to effectively make your point. Each of these writing assignments will count up to a maximum of 10 points. These in class writing assignments will be evaluated using this grading rubric. One in-class writing assignments MAY be made up on the last class period.
8 - 10 Clearly and specifically answers the question. Meets or exceeds required length (or time on task); strongly engaged, high-quality exploration 4 – 7 Answers the question; Meets or exceeds required length; meets teacher’s expectations for engagement. 0 - 3 Too Short or too superficial- Does not explore the problem and/or have required length
3) Answer a Daily Question: (25 Points) On the first or second day of class, you will be asked to write a question down pertaining to sexuality– it can be anything – turn it in 4 with your name on it. Please, do not submit personal questions (Have you had sex in the library), True/False or yes/no questions. The instructor will review the questions, remove your name, randomly assign someone in the class to find the “answer” and assign due dates that coordinate with when the topic is covered in class.
You will then research the answer to your question and turn in a written assignment and present your findings orally to the class. You will also be asked to write in paragraph form the answer to multiple questions on the rubric. On the day you present, you will turn in the short paper with a proper citation (APA style). The answer must be as complete and correct, as possible. SEE RUBRIC ON MOODLE FOR DETAILS.
4) Sexuality Beliefs Then & Now: (25 Points) 1a. Growing up, if your family had a religious affiliation, what were your religions and your family’s teachings about sexuality in general & sexuality hot topics, i.e., sexual intercourse, contraception, masturbation, oral sex, homosexuality, abortion, etc? (If you didn’t have a religious affiliation, discuss family’s teachings.) 1b. As an adult, what religious and family teachings have you kept, discarded, or modified to bring you to your current beliefs and behaviors on topics listed in 1a. Briefly summarize your current sexuality beliefs. SEE RUBRIC ON MOODLE FOR DETAILS.
5) Contraception Assignment: (25 Points)
Each student will be assigned a birth control method and be asked to answer the questions below in paper format and be ready to present and teach to the class. You are encouraged to use the website to answer most of the questions posed in the rubric. Additionally, you will need to find a credible, published article to expand on the topic. SEE RUBRIC ON MOODLE FOR DETAILS.
6) Exams: (3 @ 70 Points) Two exams and a final exam will be given. The exams will cover the text, notes and any handouts, guest speakers, student presentation or video content. Not all information will be covered in class in the form of a presentation; it will also be from the assigned readings. Format will include true/false, multiple choice, listing and short answer. Test #1: Oct. 6th Test #2: Nov. 5th Final Exam: Thursday Dec. 17th - 8:30a.m. Course Grading: Attendance 25 points Daily Question Assignment 25 points In Class Exploratory Writing Assignments 50 points Sexuality Beliefs Assignment 25 points Contraception Assignment 25 points Exams (2): 140 points Final Exam: 70 points Total: 360 points Grading Scale: A = 89.5% > B = 79.5 – 89.4% C = 69.5 – 79.4% D = 59.5 – 69.4% F = < 59%
5 *If you miss class, it’s your responsibility to contact others in the course to obtain lecture materials.
Phone #: ______Phone#:______
E-mail: ______E-mail:______
Tentative Schedule: (If schedule changes, it will be posted on Moodle.
6 Month Date Day Topic Reading Assignment Assignment Due Sept. 1 T Welcome/Syllabus Welcome and Introduction Current and Historical Perspectives’ on Sexuality 3 TH Current and Historical Perspectives’ on Ch 1 Perspectives on Sexuality/Tough Sexuality (Continued) Guise 8 T Sex Research Ch 2 Sex Research: Methods and Problems 10 TH Female Anatomy Ch 3 Female Sexual Anatomy and Physiology 15 T No Class - Convocation Work on and complete Assignment #1 17 TH Female Anatomy/Male Anatomy Ch 3 Female Sexual Anatomy and Assignment #1 Due Physiology/ Ch 4 Male Sexual Anatomy to Moodle and Physiology 22 T Male Anatomy Ch 4 Male Sexual Anatomy and Physiology 24 TH Sex vs. Gender Ch 5 Gender Issues 29 T Sex vs. Gender Ch 5 Gender Issues October 1 TH Sexual Response Ch 6 Sexual Arousal and Response Exam 1 6 T Exam 1 Exam 1 8 TH Library Visit Library Visit 13 T Communication Ch 7 Love and Communication in Intimate Relationships
15 TH Communication Ch 7 Love and Communication in Intimate Relationships 20 T Sexual Behavior Ch 8 Sexual Behavior 22 TH Sexual Orientation Ch 9 Sexual Orientation copy to class) 27 T Contraception Ch 10 Contraception Assignment #2 Due to Moodle (Bring 29 TH Infertility/ Pregnancy Ch 11 Conceiving Children and Choice November 3 T Infertility/ Pregnancy Ch 11 Conceiving Children and Choice 5 TH Exam #2 Exam #2 10 T Childhood and Adolescent Sexuality Chapter 12 Sexuality During Childhood and Adolescence 12 TH Emerging Adult & Adult Sexuality Ch 13 Sexuality and the Adult Years 17 T Sexual Difficulties Ch 14 Sexual Difficulties and Solutions 19 TH Sexually Transmitted Infections Ch 15 Sexually Transmitted Infections 24 T No Class Thanksgiving Break Thanksgiving Break 26 TH No Class Thanksgiving Break Thanksgiving Break December 1 T Sexually Transmitted Infections Ch 15 Sexually Transmitted Infections 3 TH Atypical Behaviors Ch 16 Atypical Behavior 8 T Sexual Coercion Ch 17 Sexual Coercion 10 TH Sex for Sale Ch 18 Sex for Sale
Final Exam - Thursday December 17th - 8:30 AM – 10:20 AM –Do not book plane flights or plan to leave town prior to final exam date. The Final Exam will NOT be proctored in advance!!!