Minutes University Technology Committee February 10, 2014

Members Present: Lance Taylor (Chair), Scott Bennett, Catherine Christie, Sherif Elfayoumy, Lakshmi Goel, Bruce Kavan, Julie Milich, Deb Miller, Donna Mohr, Jim Owen, Len Roberson (Vice Chair), Karthikeyan Umapathy

Others Present: Michael Biagini, Dmitriy, Alison Cruess, Jeff Durfee, James George, Kathy Hughes, Melissa Hyman, Scott Peden, Gordon Rakita

 Minutes - With no corrections noted, the September 9th minutes were approved.

 Announcements - ITS is in the process of interviewing for an Academic Technology Director. If you have the opportunity to attend one of the interviews, your feedback is appreciated. - The Project Management Process is currently being revised to better define a project vs. an ITSR. ITS is working with Enrollment Services on site revisions. A dashboard showing the status of many IT projects has been added. Sorting by division will be added and the form has been simplified. Any questions should be directed to the Help Desk or the Project Management Office.

 Project Updates o Student Success Collaborative - Jim Owen  This project is fully launched and being used by all of the advising units. It will be presented to the Council of Deans on February 25th.  This project will be removed from the agenda. o Academic Partnerships - Len Roberson and Mike Biagini  Len Roberson reported that the four programs will be implemented. The agreed upon launch date for the website is February 18th. The RN to BSN and Special Ed programs will begin on May 14, with the other 2 programs beginning in August.  There is a weekly call with Academic Partnerships and Len meets with the program chairs every Monday. o Non-Academic Course Registration System - Dmitriy Bond  CampusCE has been implemented and integrated with Blackboard. IPTM went live with it on January 22nd. They will move into the maintenance mode at this time.  This will be removed from the agenda. o Document Imaging System Replacement - Dmitriy Bond  The ITN to replace the Enterprise System software went through last year and Hyland OnBase was chosen. There will be over 1000 total work hours involved. The software will be installed, starting in Housing tomorrow and the project should be completed by fall of 2014.  There is currently no subscription with Gartner at this time.

o Service Desk Software Replacement - James George  Team Dynamix will be on campus February 18th to determine a timeline. This will be a hosted service, replacing Remedy, and the goal is for it to be in place during intercession. The new service should provide a friendlier view with ticket tracking. CIRT and Enrollment Services will be added into the platform for entering tickets.  Mike Biagini noted that the service will be able to be integrated with PMO and ITSR requests. o Contract Management System - Melissa Hyman  Melissa Hyman is currently working with Student Affairs and the vendor to create a solution to configuration issues.  Cathy Christie shared the Brooks College of Health desire to be included in the system as soon as possible to assist them with their 1400+ affiliation agreements.  iContracts is not hosted locally. It is hosted in the cloud. Currently, 8- 10 services on campus are hosted in the cloud. o Virtual Lab - James George  Due to concerns regarding virtual lab response time and performance, Jeff Durfee reported that ITS will send a survey out this week to determine personal experiences. All faculty members are encouraged to remind students to submit the survey.  A pool of resources dedicated to improving graphics processing will be added.  Expanding the FAQs on the site was suggested, with an emphasis on application based questions and placing files into the virtual lab. SAS, SPSS and Photo Shop were noted as some of the programs with issues at this time. o FDLE Forensics Lab - Jeff Durfee  This is a partnered agreement with a virtualized forensics platform intended to ease workload, streamline officers’ workflow and allow multiple officers in the software at the same time. It is functional at this time.

 Committee Reports o Distance Learning Committee - Len Roberson  The LMS review will be deferred until next year due to the recent Blackboard agreement.  The DLC is working on the development of a proposal for E-Rate, a distance learning tuition rate.  Quality Matters, a national model for reviewing distance learning programming, will be rolled out to the university.  The results of the DLC survey, which was modeled after the UCF survey, will be shared this Thursday.  Intellectual Property Right and DL Scheduling continue to be of interest to the DLC.  Faculty Recognition is also being discussed. Awards that will recognize faculty work in distance learning are in progress.  The next DLC meeting is scheduled for February 13th at 12:15 pm. o Campus Technology Committee - Donna Mohr  Deb Miller shared the progress of the committee’s work on the selection of vendors. The committee decided that, at this time, the university needs to stay with a traditional system that doesn’t rely on WIFI or cellular. A subcommittee was developed to review Turning Technologies and their solution of iClickers. Demos will be scheduled campus wide in late February/early March. The software can run off a USB drive so many support issues can be eliminated.  Donna Mohr reported on classroom issues. Faculty need to report issues as they see them. Smartboard technology was discussed. The committee passed a resolution that they endorse increased utilization of the newest Smartboard technology on campus. They have suggested identifying space in CCEC to place one of the boards.  The CTC has recommended identifying someone who can assist in designing learning space in regards to technology needed, physical items, size, etc. It was decided that, although several entities on campus assist with these planning needs. Deb Miller noted that Educause has learning space standards that could help in designing learning spaces. o Internet Presence Committee - Lance Taylor  The IPC has recommended and will proceed with a home page refresh. Items that will be refreshed will be mobile enhancements. The design and the site will now be able to stretch depending on monitors. o IT Security Action Team - Jeff Durfee  Phishing has become a big issue on campus. Everyone should make the effort to remind their staff/faculty to not give out credentials to sites they may not know.  Other Reports o Report: Blackboard - Deb Miller  Moving grade reporting from Blackboard to myWings will now be rolled out in the spring. The faculty communication plan is currently being developed.  The Student On-line Orientation (SOLO) has been piloted again. The underlying infrastructure is being developed and it should roll out for the summer. The communication is in progress. This is a 5 hour mandatory orientation for on-line students. The credential will be good for at least 4 years.  The committee has been working on some of the changes required for the Academic Partnerships integration into Blackboard. This has required an adjustment to some of the maintenance windows. There will be a maintenance window this spring but after that, there should be fewer and shorter maintenance windows. During the spring maintenance window, only a cumulative patch will be performed. At that time, upgrades to Collaborate and ShareStream Building Blocks will improve functionality and new features.