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Minutes of the BRANCH EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE 4.30pm Tuesday 20th March 2007 Held at the Leisure Centre, Aberaeron.
PRESENT: Malcolm Thomas (MT), Cathy Graham (CG), George Nicholas (GN), Bryn Smith (BS), Adrian Williams (AW), Ann Jones (AJ), Glyn Jones (GJ), Colin Sutcliffe (CS), Linda Ingram (LI).
APOLOGIES: Andy Bligh (AB), Alan Evans (AE), Rod Ellis (RE), Eirian Jones (EJ), Tracey Browne (TB). Suzanne Holland (SH), Rachel Davies (RD).
1. Minutes of the Branch Executive Committee – 22/02/07
Amendments to the minutes: -Point 7 Replace AJ with AB. -Point 9 Replace Gwyn Jones with David Taylor. -Add MT and AJ attended Cymru/Wales Regional Council AGM at The Jury’s Hotel, Cardiff. Add apologies for Rachel Davies. The minutes of the last Branch executive meeting were then confirmed as a true record.
2. Matters Arising
GJ has not yet chased £1000 payment for RMS training which is outstanding from Unison Cymru/Wales.
3. Correspondence/ Secretary’s report
CG discussed the correspondence received since the last meeting. Some items were discussed later in the meeting as they were already on the agenda. All items on the list were available to look at or question at the meeting and copies of any items can be requested. Correspondence report to be distributed with the minutes as CG forgot to bring the photocopies to the meeting!
National Unison Conference and Local Government Unison Conference The 2007 conferences are in Brighton during June. GB and RE are willing to attend.
4. Job Evaluation
Work has started on Consistency checking but is in the early stages. Meetings with each department with feedback from Unison to be arranged and a method of consistency checking across departments where similar jobs exist or where work is of equal value is needed.
GN raised concerns about bonus and asked whether male manual workers could lose out especially those on 29.5% bonus. CG said that the JE team and steering group believed that very few people were on 29.5% and that therefore bonus would not be a big problem. LI confirmed that it was thought that the majority on bonus were paid at 12%. CG to raise the question about how many could be affected at the next steering group.
GJ reported that Neath Port Talbot Council had paid off those staff who could potentially claim back pay; the payments were capped at £7500. 92% of staff offered this payment accepted it and signed away any rights to an equal pay claim. Unison could not advise members to accept and recommended taking equal pay claims in court.
BS asked the position on jobs advertised without the words ‘subject to Job Evaluation.’ LI advised that information was sent out with application forms that jobs are subject to job evaluation.
5. Pensions
LI and BS attended the Special local Government Conference in London on 6th March and provided an attached report which was circulated at the meeting.
6. Health and Safety
Unison attending Corporate H & S meetings but they are poorly supported by H & S Officers. It was noted that there are sickness problems within the H & S Unit. It has been agreed that any H & S policies agreed at Corporate H & S meetings can go straight to Cabinet/Council and bypass the corporate employee forum. This is to simplify procedures; any problems can be picked up by our H & S reps can be referred to the forum or branch executive for discussion as appropriate. The Council was looking at achieving silver Corporate Health Standard but on a preliminary assessment was told that they would be lucky to keep bronze!
7. New Office Accommodation in Aberystwyth
Travel Plan (CG) CG raised the lack of consistency from the council. They want to encourage staff not to use their car to travel to work at the new offices in Aberystwyth but are looking at increasing the car parking at Penmorfa!
Building Users (CS) Paul Arnold wanted to know how he is to mange the car parking when it is up and running. The canteen will provide more than sandwiches but less than a full catering service. Only one microwave will be provided! CS raised the concerns of a member who works as a translator and is worried about noise levels in an open plan office. CS was told noise would not be a problem as everyone would be quieter! CG to look at the possibility of a site visit to Neath Port Talbot to confirm/dispute the example given. CS raised the issue of the noise from phones after Finance department staff had raised concerns; this has been referred to the IT group.
Customer Service Group (CG and AJ) Siemens gave a presentation about Customer Service centres to the group where using outside staff was recommended and not allowing customer service staff to work flexi time. Fortunately the presentation wasn’t minuted in that way but CG was very concerned by their comments. CG asked when the Council was going to identify which jobs would disappear in the new offices and what new jobs would be created. LI suggested that a procedure for change is jointly agreed so that Unison is consulted whenever changes are planned in any department. CG to raise this at the Corporate Employee Forum.
8. Branch Bullying Survey
Results attached. It was agreed to present this to the Corporate Employee Forum, especially the need for improved training for line managers.
9. Classroom assistants- National Agreement on raising standards and tackling teacher workloads
GJ still to write a report for DECS.
10. Departmental Steward / Officer Reports
Treasurer’s report The year end accounts have been sent in; CG has confirmation that they have been received. A letter has been received from the external auditors that our branch auditors have been asked to complete. There may be an extra honoraria payment needed for the branch auditors as a result. Members + request for soft play area at Plascrug- this was approved as all council leisure centre run activities are already approved. Recruit a friend scheme to continue. £10 per member recruited not open to Branch Officers or stewards.
Publicity report Llais will be distributed in early April. The deadline for the next Llais is 19th June.
LI- Stewards report LI suggested that the Corporate Employee Forum minutes are put onto Cardinet so all staff can access them. CG to raise this at the forum. LI raised concerns about the Day Centre kitchen and the meals on wheels possible service cuts.
Membership AW and AJ will be attending a refresher RMS course in Swansea.
Sports The North Pool team is very low in members; AW has put a bulletin onto the branch website in an effort to recruit more. The netball team also needs more players. AW is having trouble sourcing a suitable branch insurance policy for sports; he is continuing to research this.
13. Any other business
Trips AJ reported that the cost of the bus for the London trip did not include member’s discount. CG proposed that members should be given a discount in future if it wasn’t possible this time. AJ to look into it.
14. Date, time and place of next meeting:
4.30pm 17th May, Aberystwyth.
CEG 11/05/2018