Design Your Own Utopia! The Great Gift to Humanity from the Sirians that is the 33-Petaled Rose offers our race the chance to harness our creative abilities. In the ultimate creative paradise promised to us by the Sirians, each person will develop the ability to manifest his or her own personal utopia. Therefore, in order to prepare for this gift of reality creation, it is of the utmost importance that we become concretely acquainted with our own personal utopias in this world, so that we can instantiate them in the next.

In order to start to imagine your personal utopia, please answer the following questions honestly:

1) If you could have a sixth sense, what would it be? What would it detect?

2) When you consider your current 5 senses, what are your favorite sensations for each? What is your favorite thing to see, touch, taste, etc?


3) Consider these favorite sensations. Do they imply a need for certain objects, people, ideas, etc in your utopia? If you love to taste cotton- candy, should there be a cotton-candy machine there? Think of a few things that would have to be included in your utopia in order to give you your desired sensations. Remember, you certainly don’t have to confine yourself to objects that exist in this world. Be creative, that’s what it’s all about!

4) Now it is time to consider the world beyond the senses. Consider this world’s limitations. Do you want things like gravity, light, time, space in your utopia? Are you physically embodied in your utopia, or are you some type of spirit, ghost, consciousness? These questions can be hard to fathom, but it is important to realize that your choices are infinite in the realm of unlimited creation. Consider deeply what people, places, things, conditions, and ideas you love in this world. Which could you never do without? Which do you never want to see again? It is this kind of thinking that creates the foundation of our personal utopias!

Create Your Utopia Now it is time to create your utopia. It is certainly not enough to simply know what your paradise would be like. You must make every effort to instantiate it in this world! Sure, you may not be able to fly, stop time, or walk through walls, but it is the responsibility of each of us to do the best we can to make our lives in this physical universe as perfect for us as they can be. So go ahead and draw or write about your utopia. Make the first creative step by turning thought into action, and after doing so, begin to find ways to take other actions to make your Earthly life closer and closer to your personal utopia!

______Please feel free to tell us about your utopia! We’d love to hear from you!

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