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Legalbizdev Customized Services


For every Speeches: Our speeches will motivate lawyers to consider how their lawyer business development skills might be improved… and what they need to do to improve them. Our most popular speech, Six ways to increase results from your limited marketing time, is 60 minutes in length, and can be customized to meet your needs.

Workshops: How to increase new business by increasing client satisfaction is a 90 minute session which can be offered to groups of any size, and includes an optional follow-up program. How to improve your elevator speech is a two hour session for a maximum of eight people.

Webinars: Legal business development: basic principles and best practices is a series of six one hour webinars that provides an overview of best practices from other law firms and from other professions.

For Coaching: Our 60 day group coaching programs are customized for up rainmakers to six lawyers from a single firm who are interested in increasing new business, and able to commit time to following up. The program includes a workshop, and eight weeks of scheduled calls, reports, and unlimited help preparing for business development meetings (including writing customized question lists for key clients, emails, agendas, and PowerPoints). It begins with a planning meeting with decision makers, and ends with a meeting to review results. On August 1, we will introduce several additional coaching options for individual lawyers.

For associates Webinars: Business development for associates helps associates understand what is required to succeed in the current environment, and provides step by step instructions on where to begin. It is customized to explain your firm’s policies and expectations.

For practice Workshop: How to win new business by applying industry intelligence groups is a three hour workshop, customized for each practice group. The program includes 60 days of follow-up for a maximum of eight people.

For business Workshop: How to help lawyers increase results from their limited development marketing time will help business development staff to identify action staff items to increase their personal impact. The program includes a three hour workshop, plus 30 days of follow-up for up to six people.

Trainer certification program: We will train and certify your internal business development staff to deliver any or all of these LegalBizDev training and coaching programs. This saves lawyers time and maximizes business development results. 1


Speeches Our speeches will motivate lawyers to consider which of their skills might be improved, and what they need to do to improve them. Our most popular speech, Six ways to increase results from your limited marketing time, is 60 minutes in length, and can be customized to meet your needs. It includes:

 A brief review of the growing competition for legal services, based on data from LexisNexis, Hildebrandt, American Lawyer Media, BTI Consulting Group, the Legal Marketing Association, the Association of Corporate Counsel, and others.  Research from the Gallup organization, the Harvard Business Review, and others on the best ways to increase business development efficiency.  Best practices from other law firms and other professions, organized in terms of “six ways to increase results:” 1. Start with current clients. 2. Listen. 3. Plan advances. 4. Focus on personal strengths. 5. Work with others. 6. Build the right relationships.

Workshops – The 90 minute workshop, How to increase new business by increasing Client client satisfaction, will help lawyers focus on current clients first, identify satisfaction action items that are most likely to make a difference to each client, and find time to follow up. The workshop begins by reviewing key data from the speech above, and adds an exercise in which each lawyer identifies action items to increase the satisfaction of their top clients, by selecting the best practices that best fit each client. This can be offered to groups of any size.

We also offer an optional follow-up program which includes:  Asking for volunteers who will be followed up for two weeks.  Collecting action items from volunteers.  Quickly working with the relationship attorneys to review and approve or modify each action item.  Checking on progress after one week and after two weeks.  Sending reports to every lawyer in the firm listing the names of volunteers, approved action items, and each individual’s progress. This builds accountability and publicizes success. 2 FOR EVERY LAWYER, CONT.

Workshops – Many lawyers would like to have an “elevator speech” which Elevator summarizes their value proposition in a few short statements, but need speech help to quickly craft the most effective message. After completing this two hour workshop, How to improve your elevator speech, lawyers will be able to:  Deliver an elevator speech which they have created for their own practice.  List the elements of an effective elevator speech.  Explain the continuous improvement approach.

This program is designed for up to eight lawyers from a single firm. The group can include both attorneys who want to improve the elevator speech they already have, and others who are creating their first elevator speech. Most of this two hour interactive session will be devoted to exercises in which each participant drafts elevator speeches for different situations, and practices and improves them. Participants will receive handouts outlining:  Key elements of an effective speech.  A step by step continuous improvement process to develop, test, and improve their own.  A list of customized talking points prepared in advance for each lawyer: facts about their firm and their practice that could be included in their elevator speech.  A copy of Legal Business Development: A Step by Step Guide by Jim Hassett.

Webinars Many of our speeches and workshops can be delivered by webinar, to reach multiple locations at the same time and reduce travel cost. Individuals can participate from any site where they have an internet connection and a phone, whether they are telecommuting, traveling, in their offices, or with a group in a conference room. Our six webinar series on Legal business development: basic principles and best practices provides an introductory overview of the process, based on best practices from other law firms and from other professions. Each participant will create a personal marketing plan to focus their limited marketing time on the activities that will produce the fastest results for their practice, their personality, and their schedule. The six one hour webinars are typically conducted at a standard time (e.g., 12:30-1:30 Eastern time on the first Tuesday of each month) to maximize the chances of busy lawyers fitting the presentations into their schedules. Each participant will receive a copy of Legal Business Development: A Step by Step Guide and copies of quick references and handouts for each session. See the section (below) on Associates for a list of the six 3 core modules. 4 FOR RAINMAKERS

Our 60 day group coaching program is customized for up to six lawyers who are interested in increasing new business. Each participant begins by creating a personal marketing plan to focus their limited marketing time on the activities that will produce the fastest results for their practice, their personality, and their schedule. For the next eight weeks, they work with a coach to increase impact and efficiency, speed progress with the best prospects, and establish habits that lawyers can use throughout their careers. Participants can include experienced rainmakers and lawyers who are just getting started. Each will receive copies of The Legal Business Development Workbook (limited to our coaching clients) and Legal Business Development: A Step by Step Guide.

Deliverables  A planning meeting with decision makers to discuss how the program should be adapted to help meet each firm’s goals.  A two hour workshop with up to six lawyers. Based on their practice and personality, each lawyer will begin to answer the question, What should I do today to increase new business?  A 60 minute, one-to-one meeting with each lawyer after the workshop to define action items that are SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and timed).  For the next eight weeks, the coach will call each lawyer at a scheduled time to review progress and suggest next steps.  Throughout the eight weeks, lawyers can contact the coach for unlimited help preparing for business development meetings, such as writing customized question lists for key clients, emails, agendas, elevator speeches, and PowerPoint presentations.  A weekly written progress report assures accountability and motivates lawyers in a friendly competition.  At the end of the coaching, we meet with decision makers to assess satisfaction and to discuss next steps, including each lawyer’s personal plan to sustain progress.  A final report, summarizing results and tactics the firm can use to assure future results.

Individual On August 1, 2007, we will introduce several new coaching programs coaching for individual lawyers, including books, CDs, teleseminars, weekly email tips, and more. Each lawyer will work with a personal coach to increase business development results by focusing on activities that will produce results for their practice and their personality. Lawyers will work with coaches by phone, email, and face to face meetings, choosing the level of support that best fits their schedule and budget. 5 For details, contact us at 800-49-TRAIN or [email protected]. 6 FOR ASSOCIATES

Different firms have different expectations and policies regarding associates’ roles in business development. In the Business development for associates program, we offer a customized series of six webinars. We modify the content to fit each firm’s expectations and policies for associates, and produce a customized version of The Legal Business Development Workbook for Associates to be used to improve results at your firm.

Approach The program is offered to associates at all of the offices of a single firm. Individuals can participate from any site where they have an internet connection and a phone, whether they are in their offices, with a group in a conference room, traveling, or telecommuting. The six one hour webinars are conducted at a standard time, such as during lunch on the first Tuesday of each month. This maximizes the chances of busy lawyers fitting the presentations into their schedules.

Over the course of six sessions, each participant will create a personal marketing plan to focus their limited marketing time on the activities that will produce the fastest results for their practice, their personality, and their schedule. Each participant will also receive a copy of Legal Business Development: A Step by Step Guide and copies of quick references and handouts for each session.

Content The content is customized for each firm, building from the base of our six webinar series Legal business development: basic principles and best practices. This is “Business Development 101,” an introductory overview of the process to help associates apply best practices from other law firms and from other professions. Each one hour module includes an introductory lecture, a written exercise, and a brief discussion with one of your most successful rainmakers about how the principles apply at your firm. The six modules are: 1. Business development basics and best practices 2. How to increase business with current clients 3. The process of finding new clients: From prospecting to closing 4. How to define your personal marketing plan 5. How to increase results from networking, speaking and writing 6. How to assure follow-up and success 7 FOR PRACTICE GROUPS

How to win new business by applying industry intelligence is built around a three hour workshop which is custom designed to help a single practice group bring in new business. The program includes 60 days of follow-up, and is built around each group’s goals, tactics, members, and roles. Each participant will receive a copy of The Legal Business Development Workbook for Practice Groups and a copy of Legal Business Development: A Step by Step Guide.

Objectives Learning objectives and action items will be custom designed for each practice group. For example, participant action items could involve increasing visibility within the targeted industry, meeting with potential clients, and focusing on pre-selected industry specific questions to engage prospects in sophisticated discussions about their needs.

Deliverables  Kickoff meeting to discuss the practice group’s goals, tactics, members, and roles.  Training Design (Draft 1) – A short summary of the training program including audience, learning objectives, content, instructional approach, schedule, evaluation plan, how to create buy-in, and criteria for success.  Training Design (Draft 2) – Will incorporate changes based on feedback from decision makers.  Customized version of The Legal Business Development Workbook for Practice Groups (Draft 1).  Customized version of The Legal Business Development Workbook for Practice Groups (Draft 2).  The three hour workshop, Business development tactics for the ___ practice group.  60 days of follow-up with each participant, providing consultation to increase impact and to assure that action items are completed.  Weekly reports will be sent to the group, summarizing each lawyer’s progress on their action items.  A final report to summarize results and next steps. 8 FOR BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT STAFF

In our half day workshop, How to help lawyers increase results from their limited marketing time, business development staff will identify action items to increase their personal impact. The program includes 30 days of follow-up, to measure the results, and to adjust tactics as needed. Each participant will receive a copy of The Legal Business Development Workbook and a copy of Legal Business Development: A Step by Step Guide. In addition, through our Trainer certification program your staff can be trained and certified to use professional training and coaching materials from any or all of our programs.

Audience This workshop is designed for up to six business development staff at a single large firm. If participants are based in several locations, some may participate by webinar.

Content The workshop content will be customized to meet the needs of each firm. We typically begin with a review of key principles of consultative selling, and how to adapt them to increase lawyer buy-in and efficiency, focusing on six key tactics: 1. Prove the value of starting with current clients. 2. Explain the power of listening. 3. Define advances. 4. Help each individual to apply personal strengths. 5. Form a business development support group. 6. Focus lawyers on building the right relationships.

Deliverables  Kickoff meeting to customize the content and exercises for your audience and objectives.  A brief outline of workshop time and activities, showing how the content will be customized for your firm.  A three hour workshop in which each participant identifies action items for the next 30 days.  30 days of follow-up with each participant to assure that action items are completed, and to provide consultation to increase effectiveness.  Three progress reports summarizing participants’ progress on action items after 2 days, 15 days, and 30 days.

Trainer The LegalBizDev Trainer certification program is designed for large certification law firms that are looking for innovative ways to help internal business development staff to perform their jobs more efficiently. Staff members will be trained and certified to use the materials from any or all of the LegalBizDev training and coaching programs. 9 10

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