Notice of No Response Form s1

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Notice of No Response Form s1

Bid 15-038 Page 1 of 8

DATE: June 10, 2015 BID NO. 15-038 SHAWNEE MISSION UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 512 BID TITLE: Wrestling and Weight Room Remodel at East and South High Schools Return sealed envelope to: Bids will be accepted until and then publicly opened on: Shawnee Mission Unified Schools Purchasing Department Date: June 19, 2015 7235 Antioch Shawnee Mission, Kansas 66204 Day: Friday

ATTN: Time: 10:00 a.m. Local time Everett Morgan E-MAILED OR FAXED BIDS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. Terms, conditions and specifications under which bids are requested are included. Please review thoroughly.

You are invited to bid on: Wrestling and Weight Room Remodel at Shawnee Mission East South High Schools for the Shawnee Mission Unified Schools per the enclosed terms, conditions and specifications, F.O.B. to Destination, Freight Prepaid and Added. FREIGHT COSTS TO SMSD PROJECT LOCATIONS MUST BE INCLUDED IN THE BID PRICE(S).

We are enclosing only one copy of the bid specifications. Please return (1) completed bid form(s).

Bid price is to be lump sum, plus alternates, including all materials, equipment, labor, insurance, fees, transportation, storage, services and supervision for the work identified per the specification and drawings herein. DO NOT INCLUDE SALES TAX.

Any questions regarding the bid documents should be directed to ACI Boland Architects, via phone or email to Connie Lauer @ email; [email protected]. PHONE: 816-763-9600, no later than three days prior to the bid opening.

Questions regarding bid procedures may be directed in writing to the Purchasing Department; Attn: Everett Morgan via E-Mail, [email protected] ; or FAX: 913/993-6225.


NOTE: Bid Number and Name of Bidder must appear on the front of sealed envelope. Faxed bids will not be accepted. Bids must be received in the Purchasing Office prior to bid opening. If sending by U.S. Postal Service, please allow a minimum of 24 hours for your bid to be processed and delivered to the Purchasing Office by the Administrative Mail Center. It is the responsibility of the bidder to ensure delivery of bids to the Purchasing Department. Bidders shall hold all bid prices firm for acceptance for 90 calendar days after date of bid opening.

Additionally, you may review the bid results in the Purchasing Office during the hours of 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM. Bid 15-038 Page 2 of 8


Project: Wrestling and Weight Room Remodel at East and South High Schools Shawnee Mission School District

Issue Date: June 10, 2015

Architect: ACI/Boland Architects 1421 E. 104th St., Suite 100 Kansas City, MO 64131 Contact: Connie Lauer, 816-763-9600

Owner: Shawnee Mission School District 7235 Antioch Shawnee Mission, KS 66204

Bid Time/Date: 10:00 a.m., June 19, 2015

Submit Bids to: Shawnee Mission Public Schools Purchasing Department Attn: Everett Morgan 7235 Antioch Shawnee Mission, KS 66204

Note: A bid form is invalid if it has not been received by the time, date and at the location designated for receipt as specified in this Invitation to Bid. Faxed, e-mailed or telephone bid proposals shall not be accepted.

Description of the Work: The Work includes, but is not necessarily limited to the following:

A. East High School 7500 Mission Road Prairie Village, KS 66208 Base Bid-The project consists of installing new rubber flooring and turf in existing weight room per drawings.

B. South High School 5800 West 107th St. Overland Park, KS 66207 Base Bid- The project consists of:  Demolishing walls at existing Coach’s office in Weight Room 100.  Provide rubber flooring and turf per drawings in G101.  Remove existing flooring and base in Weight Room G100.  Rework ceiling grid and lay in tile as required in G100.  Install new windows at new Coach’s office G102. Bid 15-038 Page 3 of 8

o Alternate #1 (East High School) – Provide custom inlaid school “Lancer” logos at 6’ x 8’ platforms.

o Alternate #2 (South High School) – Provide custom inlaid school “Raider” logos at 6’ x 8’ platforms.

o Time of Completion: The Work shall be completed according to the following:

East High School (all areas)  Start Date June 29, 2015  Substantial Completion Date August 1, 2015

South High School (all areas)  Start Date June 29, 2015  Substantial Completion Date August 1, 2015

Receipt of Bids: Bid forms are to be received by the date and time at the location indicated in this Invitation to Bid. Any change in bid time or date will be by Addendum issued to bidders registered at the office of the Architect as having received full sets of bidding documents. Bid security in the amount of five percent (5%) of the Bid must accompany each Bid in accordance with the Instruction to Bidders.

Bid Opening: Bid forms will be publicly opened and tabulated in the Shawnee Mission Public Schools office at 7235 Antioch, Shawnee Mission, KS 66204 following receipt of bids at the time previously indicated. All interested parties are invited to attend. No award will be announced at that time.

Procurement of Documents: Bidders may obtain Bidding Documents by contacting. ACI Boland, Inc. 1421 E. 104th Street, Suite 100 Kansas City, MO. 64131 816-763-9600 Email: [email protected] Each General Contractor may obtain one set of bidding documents. Bid 15-038 Page 4 of 8


BID NO. 15-038


SHAWNEE MISSION SCHOOL DISTRICT BOND IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM General Construction for Wrestling and Weight Room Remodel East and South High Schools

PROPOSAL OF: (Hereinafter called “Bidder”),





*Complete applicable designation.


1. The undersigned, having familiarized itself with local conditions affecting the cost of the work at the place where the work is to be done and with all Bidding Documents prepared ACI Boland, Inc. and having examined the location of the proposed work and considered the availability of labor and materials, hereby proposes and agrees to perform everything required to be performed, and to provide and furnish any and all labor, materials, supervision, necessary tools, equipment, and all utility and transportation service necessary to perform and complete in a workmanlike and timely manner all of the work required for the project, all in strict conformance with the Instructions to Bidders and other Contract Documents (including Addenda Nos. ______, through ______, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged), for the lump sums hereinafter specified.


A. East High School Weight Room Remodel- The Lump Sum of

Dollars ($ ).

B. South High School Wrestling Room and Weight room Remodel-The Lump Sum of

Bid 15-038 Page 5 of 8



This project shall be considered Tax Exempt. Federal, State and local taxes shall not be included with the Bid. Subsequent to the award of the construction contract, the School District will obtain from the State of Kansas a sales tax exemption certificate number. The sales tax exemption certificate will permit the Contractor to purchase materials for incorporation into this project without paying sales tax, provided that the Contractor furnishes the certificate number to the material supplier.


Changes in the work shall be as established in the Contract Documents. The following fees shall be used for lump sum pricing and actual cost pricing of additions and deletions to the work included in the Bid, Namely:

Not to Exceed

A. To Contractor for work performed by his own forces 10% B. To Contractor for work performed by other than his own forces 5% C. To Subcontractor for work performed by his own forces 10% D. To Subcontractor for work performed by other than his own forces 5%

Percentages for overhead and profit will not be allowed on bond premiums.


Having carefully studied the Alternates as set forth under the Alternate Bid section of the specifications, and how these changes will affect the work, the undersigned agrees to the following amounts to be added to or deducted from the Base Bid, to-wit:

ALTERNATE BID NO. 1 (East High School) – Provide 16 custom inlaid school “Lancer” logos at 6’ x 8’ platforms. The Contractor shall state the amount to be added to or deducted from the Base Bid to furnish and install the specified flooring in lieu of the base bid flooring.


($ ______)

ALTERNATE BID NO. 2 (South High School) – Provide 16 custom inlaid school “Raider” logos at 6’ x 8’ platforms. The Contractor shall state the amount to be added to or deducted from the Base Bid to furnish and install the specified flooring in lieu of the base bid flooring.

(ADD/DEDUCT) Bid 15-038 Page 6 of 8

($ ______)

6. A. In the execution of the Agreement, no person shall on the grounds of race, color, religion, sex, disability, or national origin be excluded from full employment rights, be denied the benefits of, or otherwise subject to discrimination under any program, service or activity under the provisions of any and all applicable Federal and state laws against discrimination. Bidder shall furnish all information and reports required by the rules, regulations, and order of the Secretary of Labor for purposes of investigating to determine compliance with such laws.

B. Bidder shall observe the provisions of the Kansas Acts Against Discrimination and shall not discriminate against any person in the performance of work under the Agreement because or race, religion, color, sex, physical handicap unrelated to such person’s ability to engage in the particular work, national origin or ancestry.

C. In all solicitations or advertisements for employees, Bidder shall include the phrase, “equal opportunity employer”, or similar phrase approved by the Owner.

D. If bidder fails to comply with the provisions of K.S.A. 441031, bidder shall be deemed to have breached the Agreement and it may be canceled, terminated or suspended in whole or in part, by Owner.

E. If bidder is found guilty of a violation of the Kansas Acts Against Discrimination under a decision or order of Owner that has become final, bidder shall be deemed to have breached the present Agreement and it may be canceled, terminated, or suspended in whole or in part, by Owner.

F. Bidder shall include the provisions of paragraphs A through E above in every subcontract or purchase order so that such provisions shall be binding upon all subcontractors and vendors.

7. The undersigned hereby proposes and agrees to substantially and/or finally complete the work or segments of the work on or before the scheduled dates listed on the Invitation to Bid.

8. Accompanying the Bid is Bid Security of at least 5% of the bid in the form of a Bid Bond in the amount of Dollars ($ ), payable without condition to the Owner, which it is agreed shall be retained as liquidated damages for the delay and extra expense caused the Owner, if the undersigned fails to execute the Contract and furnish the bonds required by the Contract Documents, within the time stated in the Contract Documents.

9. In submitting the Bid it is understood that the right to reject any and all bids has been reserved by the Owner and that this bid may not be withdrawn for a period of sixty (60) days from the opening.

10. The undersigned has checked all of the above figures, and understands that the Owner will not be responsible for any errors or omissions on the part of the undersigned in preparing this Bid. Bid 15-038 Page 7 of 8

11. In submitting this Bid, it is understood that the right is reserved by the Owner to reject any or all Bids and waive all informalities in connection therewith. It is agreed that this Bid may not be withdrawn for a period of sixty (60) days form time of opening.

It is agreed that no person or company other than the firm listed below, or as otherwise indicated, has any interest whatsoever in this Bid or the Contract that may be entered into as a result of this Bid, and that in all respects the Bid is legal and firm, submitted in good faith without collusion or fraud.

12. It is agreed that the undersigned has complied or will comply with all requirements of local, state and national laws and that no legal requirements have been or will be violated in making or accepting this Bid.

13. If written Notice of Acceptance of this Bid is mailed, telegraphed or delivered to the undersigned within sixty (60) days after the date of opening of Bids, the undersigned will then execute the formal Contract and deliver, within ten (10) days, otherwise the undersigned will be considered as having abandoned the Contract.

14. The undersigned designates as his office to which such Notice of Acceptance may be mailed, telegraphed or delivered.

15. The bid may be withdrawn at any time prior to the scheduled time for the opening of bids or any valid postponement thereof.

16. The undersigned declares that the person or persons signing this Bid is/are fully authorized to sign on behalf of the firm listed and to fully bind the firm listed to all conditions and provisions.

Date this day of , 2015.

Name of Bidder

Address of Bidder

Authorized Officer


Telephone Number Bid 15-038 Page 8 of 8

e-mail address


If bidder is a Corporation, identify State of Incorporation; if a Partnership, give full name of all partners.

Envelopes containing Bids must be opaque, sealed, identified and addressed to:

Shawnee Mission Public Schools Attn: Ms. Becky Collins 7235 Antioch Shawnee Mission, Kansas 66204

Bid No. 15-038 Wrestling and Weight Room Remodel at East and South High Schools

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