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Ch. 23 Questions Part 2 

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Note: We covered part of chapter 23 in the last unit… so this is the remainder…it is quite a bit…This Chapter focuses on “Politics” in the “Gilded Age” from 1868 until 1893…1893 -1900 “politically” will be covered at the end of Chapter 26.


1 504 – Opening Quote What Scientific theory is the basis for this quote? Who is the subject?

2 506-507 PC’s Who is the famous cartoonist responsible for both PC’? 506- Who is the Subject of this cartoon? 507 – Due to corruption occurring in the Federal Government, the “Liberal Republicans” and the Democrats both nominate the subject of this PC for President in the 1872 election, Who?

3 508 – Asterisk How many justices sit on the Supreme Court after 1871, and still do today?

4 510 Map In the controversial Presidential election of 1876 which three (3) states, besides Oregon, had disputed Electoral College votes?

5 513 Photo What job do many poor whites and blacks in the South find to be the only job’s available to them in the South after the Civil War?

6 514 Magazine Illustration – Gold Pages 516-17 514 – What two ethnicities come to blows due to economic competition in San Francisco? Gold Pages Subject? 1st Chinese arrived in America as early as when? What do the Chinese immigrants call San Francisco? Between 1840 and 1900 how many Chinese people leave China? How many come to the USA? What “Secret Societies” come to America as well? What Law is passed by Congress in 1882, the first of its kind in our history? How long does this Law last?

7 519 Chart Title? (515-518) – What Act is passed in 1883, that creates the Civil Service Commission in an attempt to end the corruption of “Patronage” or the “Spoils System” begun by Andrew Jackson in the 1830’s?

8 520 Map – 525 Map Who wins the Presidential elections of 1884 and 1892, the ONLY PERSON EVER elected in American History TWICE to NON-CONSECUTIVE TERMS as President? What Party does he represent? 9 524 Bbox – 525 Map – (2) photos 526 What new and powerful political party emerges in 1892- its candidate is in blue on the Map? What is Tom Watson’s initial view concerning inter-racial political cooperation? What Political Party does Tom Watson represent? According to Watson in 1913, What does the South have to do “now and then” to the Negro?

10 527 Asterisk A provision of the Wilson-Gorman Tariff of 1894 was ruled unconstitutional by the Supreme Court…What is the Subject of this provision? Why? How does this change 18 years later in 1913?

11 Varying Viewpoints 529 Subject/Title? Which author(s) give this era its name, “The Gilded Age?” The Progressive School of historians who wrote about this time….were anti-______and pro-______, ______, ______? Who became “Heroes” to several generations of writers? According to John D. Hicks, What two (2) future eras are influenced by the populist legacy? What historian in the 1950’s exposes the “dark side” of populism…which opposed urbanism, immigrants, and the East as well as exhibiting backwoods anti-intellectualism, paranoia, and even anti- semitism? More modern historians in the from the 1960’s until today such as Goodwyn, and Ayers were influenced by the work of which historian to paint a more balanced picture of the populists?

Reading Questions [based on my notes  ]

Blue pages 500 -501

12 What % of Americans in the 1860’s live in rural areas?

13 By 1900 what % of Americans live in urban areas?

14 Why do most people flock to the Cities?

15 What three industries are the basis of the 2nd Industrial Revolution which begins after the Civil War?

16 What impediment is removed from congress to allow the US Govt funding of Internal Improvements during the Civil War?

17 Which Act passed in 1862 funds the 1st Transcontinental Railroad in America?

18 By 1900 how many TCRR’s were built in the USA using Govt SUBSIDIES? HOW MANY TOTAL?

19 Which four (3) Robber Barons or Captains of Industry control the Steel, Oil, Railroad, and Banking Industries in the USA during the Gilded Age?

20 What is the “new” form of business that is created during this period that “combines” to eliminate wasteful competition? 21 What French term means “hands off” …symbolizing a government policy which allowed these mega businesses to develop and control the economy of the USA?

22 Even as the West is Romanticized as the “last bastion of individualism” ….. in reality What two powers even then control the development of this region and the people as well?

23 What is brought to the South after the Civil War in the latter stages of the 19th century which makes it “NEW?”

24 The Gilded Age sees a tremendous amount of conflict between groups frustrated with the pace of change occurring in the Nation as well as the direction of this change politically, economically, and socially… In what two (2) areas do new groups emerge to challenge theses changes?

25 What is the name of the historian who writes the massively influential essay entitled, “The Significance of the Frontier in American History?”

26 What does this historian claim shaped this new and unique being, the American?

The Chapter Questions – based exclusively on my notes


27 Who is elected President of the United States twice in 1868 and 1872?

28 What issue or debate rules much of this period?

29 The debtors, low and middle class people, want inflation or deflation?

30 The creditors, upper class, want inflation or deflation?

31 What group votes for the 1st time and votes for the Republicans in the elections of 1868 and 1872….which allows them to control the national govt policies during this period?

32 What occurs in 1873 that rocks the country and effectively begins the end of Reconstruction?

Depression, Deflation, and Inflation

33 What are the two (2) general causes of every depression in American History?

34 What two groups fight over monetary policy, and who wins?

35 Does the money supply in the USA increase or decrease during the Gilded Age?

36 What new organizations form or begin during this period to combat the growing economic difficulties faced by the poorer farmer and industrial workers… (4)?

Pallid Politics in the Gilded Age

37 Which author is credited with naming the age, “Gilded?”

38 Which Political Party controls the Presidency for 50 out the next 72 years from 1860 until 1932? 39 Who were the only two (2) democrats elected presidents during the period mentioned above?

40 What was the average turnout % for elections during this period?

41 Although both major parties agreed on most issues during this period….the period was very competitive politically….What caused such a ferociously competitive political environment during this period? (2)

42 What was the “lifeblood” of both parties during this period?

43 What are the names of the two (2) “gangs” or groups of Republicans who opposed each other in the competition to control the “spoils’ or patronage system during this period….AND who leads each group?

44 What happens in 1880 that dramatically affected the patronage or spoils system?

45 What does the new President, Chester A. Arthur, do with the support of Congress,1883, in an attempt to reform the corruption of the patronage/spoils system?

46 How does the “law of unintended consequences” create a new problem after the above law is passed….what group begins to gain undue influence over our government by filling the vacuum of $$$ in elections?

47 What two (2) Supreme Court Cases set the stage for and allow the Jim Crow System to develop in the South?

Class Conflict and Ethnic Clashes

48 What year marks the beginning of protest from the underclass?

49 What is used continuously against protesters in an attempt to control the mass demonstrations and strikes that occur due to the growing conflict between the upper and lower classes in the USA?

50 What is the “largest strike in the nations history” called when does it occur?

51 President Hayes calls out what to put an end to the strike?

52 What two conflicts accounted for the lack of unity among the Labor Movement? (2)

53 What two ethnic groups come into conflict in California by the 1880’s?

54 What Law is passed by Congress in 1882, the 1st ever to restrict immigration by ethnicity in our nation’s history?

55 What Supreme Court case in 1898 defended the 14th Amendments definition of Citizenship as those BORN IN AMERICA?

56 To what did those opposed the 14th amendments definition of citizenship want the definition of citizenship changed to be based on?

Garfield and Arthur 57 Why was Garfield killed by Guiteau?

The Blaine –Cleveland Mudslingers of 1884

58 Who wins the Presidential Election of 1884 and what party does he represent?

Old Grover takes over

59 Copy the quote from Cleveland concerning the people’s relationship with government?

60 How does Cleveland attempt to reconcile the North-South divide that lingered from the Civil War?

61 How does Cleveland deal with the Spoils or Patronage issue?

Cleveland Battles for a lower Tariff

62 The Federal Government annually had a SURPLUS OF HOW MUCH $$$$ DUE TO THE high tariff rates?

63 What was the primary way our Federal Government was funded, $$$$$… until 1913?

64 Why would Corporations oppose GC’s plan to lower the tariff?

65 Who is wins the Presidential election of 1888? Who gets the most popular votes?

The Billion-Dollar Congress

66 What economically significant action happens in Congress in 1889-1890?

67 What is the name of the Tariff passed by the same Congress that was the highest ever during peacetime in the history of the USA?

68 The Farmers Alliance Political Party in 1892 changes its name to what?

69 The “Fusion” party is made up of what two ethnic groups in the South – and what two political parties “fuse” together?

70 In Omaha, Nebraska this NEW PP creates the “Omaha Platform,” combined the ideas of what three (3) groups?

71 Of the eleven (11) propositions made in the Omaha Platform which two become Constitutional Amendments in the next era…1900 -1920 the Progressive Era?

The Response to the People’s Party – The Election of 1892

72 What group did the Populist farmers hope to join with to defeat the Big Business Capitalists politically?

73 Who wins the election of 1892 and how is this unique in American History?

Cleveland and Depression 74 What happens tragically in 1893, supposedly the worst in the 19th century?

75 Did the people of the USA have any hope that the Federal Government would help- clue: Cleveland’s quote?

76 Who “loans’ the Federal Government 65 million dollars in Gold to save the US Treasury, and made a profit of 7 million$ + for doing so?

77 Who, from Nebraska, becomes the spokesman for the farmers and supports “Free Silver” as the answer for the poorer classes hoping to get out of difficult financial conditions and the future Populist and Democratic Parties candidate for President in 1896?

Cleveland Breeds a Backlash

78 As a group what are the “Gilded Age” Presidents called?

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