Polk Soil And Water Conservation District
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Meeting Minutes
The regular meeting of the Polk SWCD Board of Commissioners was called to order by Chip Mathis, Chairperson, at 9:10 a.m. at the Ankeny Field Office. Those present included:
Commissioners Chip Mathis, Jane Clark, Cindy Valin, and Elaine Ilvess
Assistant Commissioners Lisa Walters, Robin Boggs, and Connor Delaney
Staff and Others Paul Miller, District Conservationist Jennifer Welch, Urban Conservationist Zach DeYoung, Easter Lake Watershed Coordinator John Swanson, Big Creek & Easter Lake Watershed Public Outreach & Education Amanda Brown, WQI-NRS Coordinator Megan Pamperin, NRCS Summer Intern Francisco Garcia, Hispanic Association of Colleges & Universities Summer Intern Pam Schwartz, Conservation Assistant
Guest Kyle Riley, HR Green
Prior to the adoption of the Agenda, Commissioner Mathis asked all present to introduce themselves to guest Kyle Riley.
In addition, prior to adoption of the agenda the following were added: Under Old Business – C.D.I. Registration deadline and resolution voting results; Under Urban Conservationist Report – Approval to pay RDG for Urban Conservation Wetland Training - $520.56; and added item Easter Lake Watershed/Polk County Conservation regarding Beverly Bunker and Soil Quality Restoration.
ADOPT AGENDA 16-147 MOVED by Clark, seconded by Ilvess, to adopt the August 16, 2016 Agenda as amended. Motion passed.
16-148 MOVED by Valin, seconded by Clark, to approve the minutes of the July 19, 2016 Commissioners Meeting. Motion passed.
TREASURER’S REPORT Conservation Assistant Pam Schwartz and Treasurer Cindy Valin reviewed the Treasurers Report, Reconciliation report and July bank statement, Fund and Sub-fund Report, and FARMS program summary. 16-149 MOVED by Valin, seconded by Clark to approve the Treasurer’s Report from July 16, 2016 to August 15, 2016. Motion passed.
Commissioner Valin informed the board that she renewed the CD that was coming due on August 11th at a higher rate. She will email the board what that rate is.
OLD BUSINESS Conservation Assistant Pam Schwartz informed the board that the deadline for registering for the C.D.I. Annual Conference is Thursday, August 18th. Schwartz also referred the board to the copy of the resolution voting results in each of their folders.
Conservation Assistant Pam Schwartz informed the board that the 2017 District Annual Work Plan has been updated since approved in July and a copy is in the left side pocket of their folder. NEW BUSINESS Conservation Assistant Pam Schwartz referred the board to their copy of the District’s 2016 Annual Use of Funds and gave a brief overview of the report. 16-150 MOVED by Valin, seconded by Clark to approve the Polk SWCD FY2016 Annual Use of Funds. Motion passed.
1M EXPENSE REQUEST Conservation Assistant Pam Schwartz requested approval to purchase two sheets of extra postage stamps at $4.40 per sheet. 16-151 MOVED by Valin, seconded by Ilvess to approve the above-referenced purchase of stamps. Motion passed.
COMMITTEE REPORTS PERSONNEL COMMITTEE: Commissioner Cindy Valin asked that Urban Conservationist Jennifer Welch address the recent activity regarding the Watershed Management Authority Coordinator position. Welch reported on the items discussed at the meeting last week noting that Polk County is ready to move forward and added that the County will pay half of the $145,000 before September 1st and the last half by December 30th.
Commissioner Clark asked what part the MPO plays in all of this. Urban Conservationist Jennifer Welch informed the board that in a recent meeting with Polk County and the MPO, it was discussed to have the MPO take the lead in several ordinances to be adopted by the communities in all the MWA’s. The priority starting point would be the flood plains and the stream buffers ordinances, with stormwater ordinances to follow. Welch added that the MPO is requesting $10,000 of the currently discussed county funding to perform that role. Discussion followed.
16-152 MOVED by Valin, seconded by Clark that the District invoice Polk County for $75,000.00 and open the internal posting of the WMA position for five days. Motion passed.
16-153 MOVED by Valin, seconded by Ilvess that the District will request that Polk County pay one half of the funds by September 1, 2016 with the remainder paid before December 20, 2016 in order for the position to begin by September 12, 2016. Motion passed.
WMA UPDATE Urban Conservationist Jennifer Welch briefly updated the board on upcoming meetings and reiterated discussion from the above agenda item. Discussion followed regarding the overall priorities of the WMA’s and how the initial coordination will move forward once the funding and the coordinator get put into place.
Urban Conservationist Jennifer Welch informed the board that the Beaver Creek Watershed has been approved and that information should be received soon.
URBAN CONSERVATIONIST REPORT – JENNIFER WELCH Urban Conservationist Jennifer Welch requested approval of the following: August salary advance, reimbursement of $99.61 for mileage; Approval to submit claim for lodging and approval to attend the Project Coordinator’s meeting and pay VISA for the lodging expense; and approve payment to RDG for Urban Conservation Wetland Training for $520.56. 16-154 MOVED by Valin, seconded by Clark to approve the above-referenced requests and payment of expenses. Motion passed.
Urban Conservationist Jennifer Welch reviewed her past month’s activities and discussed current projects.
WQI-NRS REPORT WQI-NRS Coordinator Amanda Brown requested approval of the following: August salary advance; approval to submit claim for lodging and approval to attend the Project Coordinator’s meeting and pay VISA for the lodging. 16-155 MOVED by Valin, seconded by Clark to approve the above- referenced requests and payment of expenses. Motion passed.
WQI-NRS Coordinator Amanda Brown reported that she has been working with the City of Slater and Polk County at the very start of Fourmile which could be a possible wetland using CREP funds or the CRP incentive. She is exploring avenues of funding for this project. Brown added that she is also working with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife to possibly restore the oxbows north of Ankeny.
WQI-NRS Coordinator Amanda Brown circulated pictures of the saturated buffer and bioreactor that was recently installed on the Aaron Lehman farm and reported that everything is working. Brown added that ISU is monitoring the site and that over 50 attended the installation.
WQI–NRS Coordinator Amanda Brown and Big Creek and Easter Lake Outreach Coordinator John Swanson lead a tour at Summer Brook Park in Ankeny for the Women’s Ag Conference sponsored by Iowa State University Extension.
WQI-NRS Coordinator Amanda Brown is updating the District’s website and WMA website. Brown announced that she will be attending the C.D.I. conference on August 29th and display a poster regarding her project and give her an opportunity to speak with those attending about her project.
EASTER LAKE WATERSHED REPORT – ZACH DEYOUNG/JOHN SWANSON Easter Lake Watershed coordinator Zach DeYoung asked for approval of the following: Approval of the Annual Report from June 1, 2015 – June 30, 2016 (previously emailed); August salary advance for Zach DeYoung and John Swanson; Approval to pay Zach DeYoung $10.92 for mileage; Approval to submit claim for lodging and approval to attend the Project Coordinator’s meeting and pay VISA for the lodging; Approval to submit claim for reimbursement for $42.72 for Rain Garden and Water Monitoring supplies; Approval to submit claim for reimbursement for $18.00 for website domain registration and mapping; and approval to pay VISA $60.72. 16-156 MOVED by Valin, seconded by Clark to approve the above-referenced requests and payment of expenses. Motion passed.
Easter Lake Watershed Coordinator, Zach DeYoung reported that he the FY2017 Project Implementation Plan (PIP) was approved by the EPA and is now working on the FY2018 PIP. DeYoung also reported that the University of Iowa has installed transducers for the Bio-Retention Cell and Rain Garden. Deyoung added that the first flush devices have been installed and will be collecting samples from the wells and will be able to give results by the September meeting. A final report on this project is due at the end of the year. DeYoung further added that the dredging is going very well and differences in water depth are already noticed.
Easter Lake Watershed Coordinator, Zach DeYoung informed the board of his month’s activities, noting that the summer interns have been a big help especially with soil testing.
Easter Lake Watershed Outreach and Education Coordinator John Swanson reported that he and Urban Conservationist have been working with Blank Park Zoo’s Plant, Grow, and Fly team in developing a plan for a pollinator garden on the State Capitol grounds.
Commissioner Valin asked is there is a possibility to host another appreciation event for Easter Lake, much like the Big Creek Appreciation Day. Outreach and Education Coordinator John Swanson informed the board that many open house events and workshops are being planned that will also involve the partners in this watershed. Commissioner Ilvess added that the “Take Back The Night” events in the Des Moines area are very popular and that involvement in one of these events in the Easter Lake area would be an idea.
BIG CREEK LAKE WATERSHED PROJECT – SEAN McCOY / JOHN SWANSON Big Creek Lake Watershed Coordinator Sean McCoy requested approval of the following: Approval of FY2016 Annual Report (previously emailed); August salary advance; Approval to submit claim for lodging and approval to attend the Project Coordinator’s meeting and pay VISA for the lodging. 16-157 MOVED by Valin, seconded by Clark to approve the above referenced requests and payment expenses. Motion passed.
Big Creek Lake Watershed Coordinator Sean McCoy reported that the watershed is getting ready for a big amount of construction this fall. McCoy also talked about the upcoming DNR wetland project. McCoy further reported that he is working with the ISU Farm on some Bioreactor demo project sites which will be funded through WQI and IDALS. McCoy added that he is getting designs for several Terraces, Basins, and Grade Stabilization Structures. McCoy also answered questions from the board.
IFIP MANAGEMENT PRACTICERS REQUESTS FOR ASSISTANCE Lehman Farms Ltd., FARMS 57218, Lincoln 16, Cover Crops, Cost Share Amount $2,392.50 Lehman Farms Ltd (B. Ruth Anderson, Landowner), FARMS #57291, Lincoln 21, Cover Crops, Cost Share Amount $932.50 Lehman Farms Ltd (Mary Kelley, Landowner), FARMS #57293, Lincoln 16, Cover Crops, Cost Share Amount $675.00 16-158 MOVED by Clark, seconded by Ilvess to approve the above-referenced IFIP Management Practices Requests For Assistance. Motion passed.
REAP – F/NG REQUEST FOR ASSISTANCE Jason Wattonville, FARMS #57686, Lincoln 25, Windbreak, Estimated Cost $2,000.00, Estimated Cost Share $1,500.00 16-159 MOVED by Ilvess, seconded by Clark to approve the above-referenced REAP F/NG Request For Assistance. Motion passed.
REAP – F/NG REQUEST FOR CANCELLATION William C. & Betty L. Johnson Rev. Trust, FARMS #49151, Beaver 22, Windbreak 16-160 MOVED Clark, seconded by Ilvess to approve the above-referenced REAP – F/NG Request For Cancellation. Motion passed.
EASTER LAKE WATERSHED SOIL QUALITY RESTORATION REQUESTS FOR ASSISTANCE Douglas Verwers, FARMS #57957, Estimated Cost $2,513.50, Estimated Cost Share $1,885.12 Vu Lo, FARMS #57610, Estimated Cost $1,560.32, Estimated Cost Share $1,170.24 Brian McVey, FARMS #57612, Estimated Cost $1,400.00, Estimated Cost Share $1,050.00 Charlotte Bergan, FARMS #57615, Estimated Cost $1,376.50, Estimated Cost Share $1,032.37 Wade Lancaster, FARMS #57616, Estimated Cost $2,527.04, Estimated Cost Share $1,895.28 Angela Cox Weston, FARMS #57631, Estimated Cost $1,455.00, Estimated Cost Share $1,091.25 Bruce Niedermyer, FARMS #57637, Estimated Cost $1,511.14, Estimated Cost Share $1,131.35 Larry Hamm, FARMS #57651, Estimated Cost $1,200.00, Estimated Cost Share $900.00 Aaron Edwards, FARMS #57657, Estimated Cost $1,058.94, Estimated Cost Share $794.20 Richard Snyder, FARMS #57658, Estimated Cost $1,200.00, Estimated Cost Share $900.00 Amber Synarong, FARMS #57659, Estimated Cost $1,700.00, Estimated Cost Share $1,275.00 Ralph E. Edwards, FARMS #57660, Estimated Cost $1,662.08, Estimated Cost Share $1,246.56 Christopher Guthrie, FARMS #57664, Estimated Cost $1,200.00, Estimated Cost Share $900.00 David Ewert, FARMS #57665, Estimated Cost $1,175.00, Estimated Cost Share $881.25 Angela Engle, FARMS #57667, Estimated Cost $1,850.00, Estimated Cost Share $1,387.50 Duane Thorpe, FARMS #57668, Estimated Cost $2,400.00, Estimated Cost Share $1,800.00 Geoffery Richards, FARMS #57669, Estimated Cost $1,957.18, Estimated Cost Share $1,467.88 16-161 MOVED by Valin, seconded by Ilvess to approve the above-referenced Easter Lake Watershed Soil Quality Restoration Requests For Assistance. Motion passed.
EASTER LAKE WATERSHED/POLK COUNTY CONSERVATION REQUEST FOR ASSISTANCE Beverly Bunker, #1528, Lot 5, Easter Lake Park, Plat 2, Soil Quality Restoration, Estimated Cost $3,100.00, Estimated Cost Share $2,325.00 16-162 MOVED by Valin, seconded by Clark to approve the above-referenced Soil Quality Restoration Request For Assistance. Motion passed.
CITY OF DES MOINES DOWNSPOUT REDIRECT PROGRAM REIMBURSEMENT REQUEST Nathan Shideler - $250.00 16-163 MOVED by Clark, seconded by Ilvess to approve the reimbursement of $250.00 to Nathan Shideler for the Downspout Redirect Program. Motion passed.
CITY OF DES MOINES – EASTER LAKE WATERSHED REQUEST FOR APPROVAL TO PURCHASE A RAIN BARREL Duane Thorpe 16-164 MOVED by Valin, seconded by Ilvess to approve the above-referenced rain barrel purchase. Motion passed.
OTHER BUSINESS Commissioner Mathis asked staff what is being planned with the donated plugs. Discussion followed and staff will check with Urban Conservationist Jennifer Welch as she had told Mathis they could be used in a demonstration project. Commissioner Clark suggested the City of Clive rainscaping program that is planned for September 21st. Mathis reminded staff that this coupon for the plugs expires this month. Commissioner Valin asked if staff could contact Allendan to extend the expiration date. Staff responded that they thought Allendan would extend the date due to all the District projects that Allendan is involved with. Commissioner Ilvess asked staff if one of them plus an intern could stop at her neighbor’s home that had the Soil Quality Restoration (SQR) applied last year. At that time the property was owned by someone else and she assisted in getting that owner to participate in the application for the SQR. Ilvess suggested leaving a card for the homeowner to call the office to set up an appointment with a staff member to visit with this new homeowner about the upkeep of the SQR. STAFF REPORTS District Conservationist Paul Miller informed the board that NRCS offices are being instructed on how to avoid transferring an invasive species called Palmer Amaranth and shared information about that species.
PUBLIC COMMENT Guest, Kyle Riley commented that he had never attended a Commissioner meeting and was interested to see how the board and the meetings work.
As there was no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 10:35 A.M.
Approved by:
______Conservation Assistant Date Chip Mathis, Chairman Date