Old Testament Survey
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OLD TESTAMENT SURVEY EXAM # 4 Student’s Edition A question that is labelled with a [K] has more than just the standard “a,b,c,d” answers to choose from; it has the following choices: A) a B) b C) c D) d E) a,b F) a,c G) a,b,c H) a,b,c,d I) b,d J) a,d K) none of the above All questions without a [K] will only have the standard ‘a,b,c,d’ as possible answers.
1. Which of the following statements are correct about Nehemiah? [K] a) Nehemiah was serving under King Herod II. b) The king gave Nehemiah leave and monies to go and rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. c) It was one of his chief duties to set the table for the King at each meal; thus, he was head of all the kitchen staff. d) He was the king's cupbearer.
2. Which one of the following statements is NOT correct? a) Sanballat the Horonite, and Tobiah the servant, the Ammonite, were grieved that Nehemiah came to seek the welfare of the children of Israel. b) The rebuilding of the wall was finished in about 52 months (a little over 4 years). c) Cyrus, king of Persia, proclaimed that there should be a group of Jews to go to Jerusalem and build the house of the Lord. d) Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon, had carried away the Jews to Babylon.
3. Which one of the following is correct about Ezra? a) Ezra was a ‘ready scribe’ and a priest. b) A ‘ready scribe’ is one who had the whole Old Testament memorized. c) Ezra would stand behind a wooden pulpit when he spoke the word of God to the people. d) Ezra was the only preacher that God used then to help explain the word of God to the people.
4. Which of the following statements are true regarding the rebuilding of the temple? [K] a) Two leaders helping in the rebuilding of Jerusalem were Zerubbabel and Jeshua. b) The older men weeped probably because this temple was looking far inferior to the first temple that they remembered. c) God used 3 different kings to help the Jews here: Artaxerxes, Cyrus, and Darius. d) After the rebuilding of the temple God had the men of Israel divorce their non-Jewish wives.
5. Which one of the following statements is NOT correct concerning the book of Esther? a) Queen Vashti refused to come at King Ahaseurus’ command and was then deposed from being queen. b) Mordecai was Esther’s uncle who took over raising her when her parents died. c) Haman manipulated the king to have the Syrians attacked on a certain day of the month. d) At the end, Mordecai was made 2nd in command over the kingdom.
6. Which of the following statements are true concerning the book of Job? [K] a) It is said to be the oldest book of the Bible. b) Job’s “friends” (Eliphaz, Bildad, Zophar, and Elihu) individually counselled Job from chapters 3 to 37. c) In general, Job’s 4 friends counselled Job that he needed to repent of his sin so that God’s judgment would end. But, their counsel was in error in God’s eyes. d) At the end, God told Job’s friends to continue kindly urging Job to repent of his sins.
7. Which of the following statements are true concerning Job? [K] a) Job was so godly that he even took it upon himself to do sacrifices for his adult sons, just in case one had sinned; he did this continually. b) God allowed Satan to attack Job in order to get Job to repent of being so prideful and overconfident. c) When all of Job’s initial tragedies occurred, Job basically said “the Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away, blessed be the name of the Lord”. d) What Job lost in about 1 hour was the following: 2 sons and 1 daughter, 1 servant, 10 sheep, 5 yoke of oxen and 50 asses.
1 8. Which of the following are interesting facts that we learn from the book of Job? [K] a) The book of Job supports the ‘pro-life’ side of the abortion issue. b) Behemoth was probably akin to a Brontosaurus and was an herbivore. And, Leviathan was a huge fire-breathing dragon. c) God left the naming of the stars and constellations for man to do. d) God hanged the earth upon the ‘sides of the North’.
9. Which of the following are true statements concerning the book of Psalms? [K] a) Psalms is a ‘book of praises’; it is to be accompanied by a stringed instrument (i.e. harp). b) Concerning the authors of Psalms: David wrote 3 of them; Moses wrote 12, and Asaph wrote the remainder. c) The Psalms is the longest book in the Bible (100 chapters) and it contains the longest chapter, chapter 100 (106 verses) and the shortest chapter, chapter 91 (1 verse). d) The Psalms covers the time period from King David through the death of Solomon…about 85 years.
10. Which ONE of the following is NOT correct? a) The book of Psalms is quoted 81 times in the New Testament, more than any other book. It is quoted by every New Testament writer except James and Jude. b) There are many ‘types’ of Psalms, including: Alphabetical, Historical, Messianic, and Imprecatory. c) The Alphabetical type uses the 18 letters of the Greek alphabet, with each letter being used to start a chapter -- we see this with Psalms 19 through Psalms 36. d) Psalms theme is centered around the love for the law of the Lord (the Bible). Psalms 119 is the ‘word of God’ chapter.
11. Which of the following statements about Psalms are correct? [K] a) Approximately one-eighth (1 out of 8) of the Old Testament references relating to the Messiah, cited by the New Testament authors, are taken from the Book of Psalms. b) Psalm 51 is a Penitential Psalm. This was written by David after his sin with Bathsheba and Uriah. c) Some of the Messianic Psalms are chapters 12, 56, and 122. d) Higgayon refers to a solemn sound. And, Neghinoth means "with stringed instruments”.
12. Which of the following statements about Proverbs are correct? [K] a) Solomon spoke 1,000 proverbs and 3000 songs. Only 31 of his 1,000 proverbs are included in this book. b) A Proverb is not plainly understood; it is something that is popular, even ageless; it is simple yet profound. c) ‘Instruction’ is the dominant literary form found throughout the book of Proverbs, except for the last two chapters. The instruction is directed to “fools” and “the wicked”. d) The two dominant forms of poetic parallelism in the book of Proverbs are that of contrast and comparison. The most dominant of the two forms is parallelism of contrast.
13. Which of the following statements in Ecclesiastes are correct? [K] a) ‘Ecclesiastes’ is the Greek rendering of the word ‘Preacher’. b) The word ‘preacher’ is mentioned 44 times in the New Testament, and 67 times in the Old… with only 14 occurrences being in Ecclesiastes. c) Solomon decided to pursue all the pleasures that life had to offer; but, he concluded that all of it was vanity and vexation of spirit. d) The conclusion of Ecclesiastes is to ‘eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we die’.
14. Which of the following statements are accurate concerning the Book of Isaiah? [K] a) The book of Isaiah is often called a miniature Bible. It has 66 chapters and is divided into two main sections, the first having 39 chapters, and the second with 27. b) The second portion of book of Isaiah (40-66) begins with the prediction of the coming ‘messenger of the Lord’ (John the Baptist) and concludes speaking about the creation of the new heavens and the new earth. This is similar to the New Testament’s layout. c) Isaiah 53 deals with the suffering Messiah. This chapter is the focal point of the whole Book of Isaiah. It is also right at the center of the second half of Isaiah. d) The 27 chapters are equally divided into three sections of nine chapters, each ending with a marker verse depicting the lostness of mankind.
2 15. Which ONE of the following is NOT correct? a) Some scholars have divided Isaiah into 3 separate books: First Isaiah (Proto-Isaiah) = 1 – 39; Second Isaiah (Deutero-Isaiah) = 40 – 55; Third Isaiah (Trito-Isaiah) = 56 – 66 b) Trito- Isaiah shows a different aspect of Messiah than does Deutero-Isaiah; a suffering Servant (in Deutero-Isaiah) to a conquering Judge and King (in Trito-Isaiah). c) Most ancient Rabbinical scholars believed that chapter 53 was not speaking of Messiah, but, rather, of the suffering nation of Israel. d) One of the more provacative statements in Isaiah deals with following: Anything we do in our own power that appears ‘good’, is looked at by God as filthy menstruous rags!