HOP Meeting October 13, 2009

Approval of Minutes • The minutes from the September 15 meeting were approved.

Treasurer’s Report-Penny Landers • Separate report.

Principal’s Report-Dawn Greenacre • CogAT snacks were great. • Early dismissal on October 16th. • Mobile Dental and Vision/Hearing Screenings are on October 19. • Fall picture retakes on October 21. • Charlotte Main, October 27-29. • Rainforest Assembly, November 19. More info to come. • Positive response received from teacher adoption day.

OLD BUSINESS: 1. Ongoing Fundraisers A. Box Tops-Deb Kading and Lori Krienbrink • The contest is on through December 7th. Ms. Dougherty is in the lead with 1210, Miss Bauer in second with 409 Box Tops collected. • We have 5,267 Box Tops left over from last year that are getting processed. • We need to make new containers for all classrooms to collect the Box Tops. • Our goal is 20,000 Box Tops. B. Campbell’s Soup Labels-Lori Wesson and Suzann Spartz • The contest is on through December 14. • Our goal is 15,000 labels. C. SCRIP- Heather Olson and Laura Zieman • The first SCRIP order has just been collected and is getting processed. • The next SCRIP order goes in on Thursday, November 19. • The contest is on through December 10. • Our goal is to raise $2,000.00 from SCRIP this year. D. Tyson Chicken Labels- Penny Landers • Penny will monitor collection. 2. Market Day Fundraiser- Lori Wesson and Heather Gomez • Last day for online orders October 14. Still gathering last totals, more info coming. • Pick up is scheduled for Thursday November 5 from 11:00 a.m. until 7:30 p.m. Also on Friday, November 6 from 8:00 a.m. until 11:30 a.m. Children’s prizes of $25-$15-$10 for the top seller, more info coming. 3. Stationery- Andrea Barker • Order placed with The Sandwich Print Shop. 4. Teacher Adoption Center- Suzann Spartz and Penny Landers • Thank you cards have been distributed. • Penny reported a positive response from the teachers. HOP helpers appreciated the snacks provided. 5. Sam's Card • HOP has purchased a Sam's Club card. Please contact Penny or Heather for purchases so we can save money. 6. Old Mother Haskin- Andrea Barker and Laura Zieman • All books have been given to Monica Sartori for processing. We received approximately 100 books. • Thanks to everyone who donated books! 7. Spirit Wear- Suzann Spartz • Suzann is working on the order form and will seek approval from Dawn when complete. 8. Playground Storage Box- Lori Wesson • The playground box has been ordered and stocked with new purchases. 9. Expenditures Meeting • An open HOP subcommittee expenditure meeting is scheduled for Thursday, October 29 at McDonald’s @ 9 a.m. Anyone interested in what HOP will be purchasing this year are encouraged and welcome to attend. A report of what is voted on will be reported at next HOP meeting in November.

NEW BUSINESS: 1. Teacher Conference Dinner- Heather Olson and Laura Zieman • The teacher conference dinner is scheduled for Thursday, November 5th. • We will ordering a package deal from Rosati's which feeds 25-30 people. • HOP will also be providing the dessert. 2. Santa Shop- Heather Gomez • The Santa shop has been scheduled for December 8-11. More info to come soon. 3. Movie Night- Penny Landers and Suzann Spartz • Movie night is scheduled for Friday, December 4. • We are still deciding on a movie. A raffle will occur during the movie and refreshments will be served. 4. Bake Sale at Fundraiser Pick Up- Lori Wesson and Heather Gomez • We will be hosting a bake sale Thursday, November 5. This will be at the fundraiser pick up. We will be looking for volunteer bakers please. A letter will be sent home soon requesting help.

NEXT MEETING: The next HOP meeting is Tuesday, November 10 at 6:00 p.m.