Posted: May 22, 2014 at 12:00 Noon

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Posted: May 22, 2014 at 12:00 Noon

Washington Parish Council Regular Meeting - Minutes Washington Parish Courthouse Council Chambers October 12, 2015 Monday – 6:00 PM

Regular Meeting:

Item No. 1 - Call to order – Chairman Fussell called the meeting to order.

Item No. 2 - Invocation – Councilman Route gave the invocation.

Item No. 3 - Pledge of Allegiance – Councilman Thomas led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Item No. 4 - Roll Call – Council Clerk Sarah Cook called the roll. Present were Michael Fussell, Andre’ Johnson, Charles Nassauer, Greg Route, Pete Thomas, Ken Wheat and Aubrey Posey.

Item No. 5 - Approval of Minutes – Approval of Minutes dated September 28, 2015.

Councilman Posey offered a motion, seconded by Councilman Johnson to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of September 28, 2015.

Roll call of vote as follows:

YEAS: (7) Route, Posey, Wheat, Fussell, Nassauer, Johnson and Thomas

NAYS: (0)



Item No. 6 - LSU Ag Center – Quarterly Report – Keisha Fletcher, Parent Educator, resides at 3920 Hessmer Ave #10, Metairie, La 70002. Mrs. Fletcher handed out a packet for each Councilman for the quarterly report from all departments. “I’m here today to give my quarterly report. We have 3 other agents, Henry Harrison, Beth Blackwell, and Jessica Greer. I will be giving my quarterly report for the months of July, August and September. We are in a transition because our funders, Department of Children’s Family Services will no longer be funding grants. Our funder will be the Louisiana Work Force Commission. This transition has been going on for 3 months and is going smoothly. I have met with the case workers, conducted 3 classes and next week I will be meeting with the Louisiana Workforce Commission staff of St. Tammany and Washington Parish. We are currently preparing for the fair and inside the packets you can look at the other staff member’s reports. Does anyone have any questions? Thank you.

Item No. 7 – McGinty Durham, Inc. – Wes Vinson – Attorney Wayne Kuhn spoke on behalf of McGinty Durham, Inc. – “This firm is an Oil and Gas Company and Mr. Wes Vinson is their representative, he is here tonight and he has met with Mr. Leo. Last week he left a letter of what he proposes to do. They want to reopen wells in the Angie area. The State will handle this for us if we nominate them to do it. We have 2 lots in Angie which is about 4/10ths of an acre. I think if we are going to lease the property the Public Body should turn it over to the State and Mineral Energy Board. If the Council wish’s to do it, the Public Body will pass a resolution requesting that the State Mineral Board handle this. This is what Resolution 15-701 is about. I did have some minimum requirements that I put inside the lease. The minimum royalty will be 1/5 at 20% and has been the going rate in the western Portion of the parish. The funds received from this lease should go into our General Fund. The lease is set for 5 years, could be a shorter term but will not exceed 5 years. Any questions I will be glad to answer or Mr. Wes Vinson can address.”

Chairman Fussell: “Thank you Wayne, Resolution, 15-701 is coming up next on our agenda.” Item No. 8 - Robin Galloway – True Light Baptist Church Rd- Dry Mining – Was not present.

Item No. 9 – Precious Johnson – Blessed Be-On Measures – Blessed Be-On Measure’s address is 510 E. 3rd St, Bogalusa, Louisiana. “I’m here today to give you a little bit of information about the organization. We have been here since 2009 and we have been officially open in our own building since January 1, 2015. We offer after school tutoring program 3pm – 6pm; adult classes also available: customer service, notary public, Spanish basics, entrepreneurship, and job seeking skills. One of the programs we picked up is the USDA 504 Rural Housing Grant and 502 Rural Housing Loan. The 504 grant program is for seniors who are 65 years or older and low income. They will be eligible for $7,500.00 in grant money with no pay back. This will help them repair their homes with holes in floors, knocked out windows, handicapped ramps or damages from storms. They can get a grant and loan together, for up to $20,000 with 1% interest rate. The 502 Loan is available for all ages, awarded mainly by your credit, however income is considered. The 502 Loan is for individuals looking to purchase a home are unable to go to traditional banks for funding. They do not have to have a down payment. The loan can be for a manufactured home, building a home or purchasing a home. This loan can go up to $200,000 on purchasing a home. Our last and final project at this time is O’Neil Moore. He was our civil rights Sheriff Deputy that was killed in the line of duty. We would like to put an official historical marker where he was killed at. The marker will read “in honor of your service - O’Neil Moore 1931-1965, Moore and his partner David Rogers were the first black deputies of the Washington Parish Sherriff’s Department. June 2, 1965 the deputies were ambushed by members of the Ku Klux Klan in a drive by shooting, resulting in the brutal murder of O’Neil Moore and wounding David Rogers. Donations can be sent to P.O. box 395 Bogalusa, La. 70429. The marker cost is a little over $2000.00. Thank you very much.

Item No. 10 – Adopt Resolution No. 15-699 - A resolution that the Washington Parish Council is hereby establishing the load limits on bridges within the Off-System Bridge Program.

Councilman Route offered a motion, seconded by Councilman Wheat to adopt resolution 15-699. Roll call of vote as follows:

YEAS: (7) Route, Posey, Wheat, Fussell, Nassauer, Johnson and Thomas

NAYS: (0)



Item No. 11 – Adopt Resolution No. 15-700 - A resolution of annual certification of compliance with State of Louisiana Off-System Bridge Replacement Program.

Councilman Posey offered a motion, seconded by Councilman Route to adopt resolution 15-700. Roll call of vote as follows:

YEAS: (7) Route, Posey, Wheat, Fussell, Nassauer, Johnson and Thomas

NAYS: (0)



Item No. 12 – Adopt Resolution No. 15-701 - Nomination of Washington Parish Acreage of Oil, Gas & Mineral Lease.

Councilman Johnson offered a motion, seconded by Councilman Route to adopt resolution 15- 701. Roll call of vote as follows:

YEAS: (7) Route, Posey, Wheat, Fussell, Nassauer, Johnson and Thomas NAYS: (0)



Chairman Fussell: At this time I will entertain a motion to open the agenda to add two items to the agenda.

Councilman Thomas offered a motion, seconded by Councilman Posey to open the agenda to add two items to the agenda.

Roll call of vote as follows:

YEAS: (7) Route, Posey, Wheat, Fussell, Nassauer, Johnson and Thomas

NAYS: (0)



Chairman Fussell: We would like to add Resolution 15-702 which is a resolution authorizing the commencement of condemnation proceedings. Also Introduction of Ordinance 15-602 which is an ordinance to abandon 0.25 miles of Burt Road Parish Road No. 04-177

Councilman Posey offered a motion, seconded by Councilman Johnson to add Resolution 15- 702 and Ordinance 15-602 to the agenda.

Roll call of vote as follows:

YEAS: (7) Route, Posey, Wheat, Fussell, Nassauer, Johnson and Thomas

NAYS: (0)



Wayne Kuhn: Resolution 15-702 is one that I would like the council to pass. There is a burned out trailer 39627 Hwy 1056, Mt. Hermon, La., which has been in foreclosure. Chase Mortgage Bank is now the owner of the property. They need a letter from us stating we agree with them condemning the property. This will save the Parish time and money along with Chase Mortgage Bank.

Councilman Posey offered a motion, seconded by Councilman Thomas to adopt Resolution 15- 702.

Roll call of vote as follows:

YEAS: (7) Route, Posey, Wheat, Fussell, Nassauer, Johnson and Thomas

NAYS: (0)



Chairman Fussell: The next item added is Ordinance 15-602. We are introducing it tonight and will hold a public hearing at our next council meeting. If anyone would like a copy of it we have one on the table. Public Participation - Chairman Fussell asked if anyone from the public would like to speak. Donald Long resides at 21268 Dutch Rd. Franklinton, Louisiana. “The Washington Parish Fire Association is having a donation drive Thursday night. This is to help South Carolina. We ask if people could bring in can goods, personal hygiene, water and things of that nature. November 15th we will be leaving to go to South Carolina to deliver all we have received. Drop off places are Washington Parish Fire District #7 Bill Booty Rd, City of Bogalusa Fire Department at 202 Arkansas Ave and Franklinton Fire Department at 415 11th Ave. Fire District #7 on Bill Booty Rd. asked President Thomas to be Santa Clause for Santa’s Fire Helper on December 21, 2015 at 6pm.

President Thomas: “I would love to if it doesn’t interfere with my Government Commitments.”

Chairman Fussell asked if anyone else would like to come speak.

No one came forward.

Councilman Posey offered a motion, seconded by Councilman Wheat to close public participation.

Roll call of vote as follows:

YEAS: (7) Route, Posey, Wheat, Fussell, Nassauer, Johnson and Thomas

NAYS: (0)



President’s Report –

Donna Graham: “I would like to remind everybody it is budget time. We will work on having an Ordinance ready for next meeting to amend the 2015 budget. We will also be working on 2016 budget. The 2016 budget will be introduced in November.”

Leo Lucchesi: Public Works Director:  The Road Blacktopping Program. As of today we have 91% of the roads completed. We will be at 100% in a few weeks.  DOTD Transfer Program, the bid packet will be ready for advertisement in November.  Poole’s Bluff parking lot has been outlined. We brought in some clay, packed and leveled all it in. The future of that is to submit to the state a plan for paving for a parking lot and an area by the gazebo. We are in the process of getting bike racks.

President Thomas: “Early voting is taking place this week Monday, October12 through Saturday, October 17th from 8:30 am to 6:00 pm. The locations are Washington Parish Courthouse and North Shore Community College (Sullivan Vo-Tech). Washington Parish Government Offices will be closed Wednesday October 21st through Friday October 23rd for the Washington Parish Fair.”

Council Discussion –

Councilman Wheat - “It is an honor for me tonight to recognize Eydee Kadake, would you stand up please. She won student of the week at Purvis Elementary School and then won student of the month. She is a hard worker in all that she has done. When you have a young person that exerts themselves no matter how small or big, I think the whole community should be behind that.”

Councilman Posey – “Last time I believe I talked about people might be misrepresenting the truth, I call them half truths. Folks it is terrible when you have statements that are nowhere near the truth. I know some of you guys might not want to talk about this but we are all in this together. I think the public should know that this Parish Council and Parish Government had/has no intentions of destroying the hospital. This is what is being told in district 7 and our Attorney has been very clear that our responsibility is to appoint board members and without a cause, that ends our responsibility, right?” Attorney Wayne Kuhn: “That is correct; I researched this thoroughly, twice over the years and provided a written memorandum which I even offered to pass that on to anyone who requested it. You can only remove board members for cause.”

Councilman Posey: “I had a conversation last night with one of the board members and that was my interpretation so I passed that on. The other thing is, somebody said to ask your councilmember why there was a “for sale” sign on the building. I don’t know, that is not our building. I do have an email from the Attorney of St. Tammany Medical that detailed why the negotiations were stopped and I know that our Attorney, Parish President and our Chairman met with those folks and Riverside well after everybody said let’s quit. If I interpret the email, the doctors are leaving because of actions by the St. Tammany Hospital Board. I think this Parish Council and Parish Government went well beyond where we needed to go. I think the truth needs to be told, sure we would like the doctors here and certainly we want the hospitals to stay in existence and thrive. I was raised on a small farm and my daddy always taught us that all we have is our name. I’m not perfect but lying is not in my character. Thank you.”

Councilman Wheat: “I also want to say this Parish Government is the only mature responsible party in what took place between the Hospital and the Clinic. What is boils down to, is that there are two immature groups of people that cannot sit down as adults and should have taken care of business in a mature like manner that they failed to do. They have to blame somebody. Guess what, this Parish Government as Aubrey said, put way more time into that issue than anybody could ever imagine. I’m talking about more than burning candles at both ends. The hours that this President, this staff, this parish council, this chairman and the people that represent that district for the hospital because they were so concerned about the hospital and the doctors. They couldn’t come out ahead so they are finding an escape goat, and guess what, there is only one other party, us. I resent that and I will resent that whole heartedly. For someone to take out an ad and try to insinuate, which is another act of immaturity. I’m telling this to your face right now that this is an act of immaturity and cowardliness. I resent that because that particular ad, that was ran, that person probably got more support from our side. Did we not pass a resolution for 20 years and we were lied to that night saying that the hospital approved it. When we found out, then we went back to the way it used to be for the last 20 years. It started by Riverside Hospital coming to this Parish Government begging us to allow St. Tammany tax district and Hospital to come over here and help Riverside in their financial situation. So 20 years ago it started, every 5 years it has been renewed. We went back and said you know what, if it is a problem we will give you what you have always had and we gave them a 5 year resolution. That benefited both sides so they could sit down at the table and talk, negotiate like two mature groups of grown up individuals to resolve a matter that means a heck of a lot to this Parish but they failed to do it. As Aubrey said we have a letter to prove that fact. Now both sides are getting called upon by their constituents. They don’t want to take the heat so the third party that they are using as an escape goat is this parish government and I resent it. I will prove to anybody that wants to know the actual facts behind the issue. This parish government worked their butt off more than any project that I have seen in the last 15 to 20 years in the effort put forth to try and resolve that matter, to keep those two immature parties from going at each other like they did. We gave them the legal authority to sit down as two mature grown up groups to resolve this matter, which was the extent of what we can do. I will say this for any councilmember up here that is catching heck, they have no idea, no clue and they need to grow up.”

Councilman Nassauer: “Mike and I attended a meeting at the hospital where there were representatives there for hospital, doctors and St. Tammany Parish Hospital. We were trying to get them to come to terms with the doctor support more: They could work it out and get a shorter contract where they could see if it worked out. I thought we made some head way but St. Tammany Parish Hospital representatives told us at that meeting that even if this council supported the doctors with a resolution they would not accept it unless Riverside approved it also. So basically whatever we did they put us out of the loop.

Councilman Route: “I think they need to read the letter that St Tammany sent this council complimenting the council for bringing these two sides together. I believe Mr. Aubrey probably has a copy of it with him tonight. The Louisiana Community Block Grant and survey is completed. I turned it over to Donna Graham, lets cross our fingers that more money will be coming into our parish. Congratulations to Councilman Wheat’s granddaughter. Mr. Frank Harry Jr. is going to be inducted into the Pearl River Community Hall of Fame sometime in November. I think it is an honor for that young man coming from the little Village of Varnado. He is a Varnado High School graduate.”

Councilman Nassauer: “I would like to recognize our candidates here. I appreciate that you guys hit the ground running, so to speak, and for taking an active interest in the parish. Wish you all the luck.”

Councilman Thomas – “I just want to thank Mr. Donald Long for coming and bringing up the South Carolina disaster up there, they do need all the help we can offer and give. If you can get whatever you can to these Fire Departments by November 15, 2015. Let’s see if we can get this up there to them, they need our help. I would like to congratulate Mr. Roger Jenkins, Pine native, LSU Alum of the year. Thank you.”

Attorney Wayne Kuhn: “Mr. Roger Jenkins is the Present, CEO of the Murphy Oil Company and that is quite an accomplishment.”

Attorney Wayne Kuhn: “This is a fact; I located it in my phone. Each of you received a letter including the Administration and Mr. Thomas from the law firm of Jones Fussell who were the attorneys for St. Tammany Hospital. In a lengthy letter, dated February 11, 2015, when it was all said and done, I would like to read you their conclusion: “The way that those of you who are elected officials have exerted every possible effort to maintain St. Tammany Parish Hospital continued operation of Family Medical in the Franklinton Community has made a deep impact on the St. Tammany Parish Hospital Board and management and is credited of the first magnitude to those who you represent.” That letter was addressed to you and that is from the attorneys who have been working on this.”

Chairman Fussell – “We certainly made every effort we could to keep both entities here. I’m sorry; it is what it is, but St. Tammany chose to move the doctors. Another thing I would like to mention is Fire District #1 is having a meeting on Tuesday, December 8, 2015 at 6:30 p.m. at the Bonner Creek Fire Station, 43139 C. E. Stafford Road, Franklinton, Louisiana. This is in relation to the renewal of ad valorem tax so anyone from that district is welcome to attend.”

Adjourn – No further business to come before the council, meeting was adjourned and motion by Councilman Posey, seconded by Councilman Route.

Roll call of vote as follows:

YEAS: (7) Route, Posey, Wheat, Fussell, Nassauer, Johnson and Thomas

NAYS: (0)



Order of Voting:

Pete Thomas Michael Fussell Greg Route Charles Nassauer Aubrey Posey Andre’ Johnson Kenneth Wheat

Next meeting will be held on Monday, October 12, 2015

In accordance with the Americans Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance, please contact Sarah Cook, Clerk to the Council at 985-839-0105 describing the assistance that is necessary. (All Ordinances, Resolutions and Attachments in its entirety are available at the office of Clerk of the Council at 909 Pearl Street, Franklinton, Louisiana or at (985)839-0105 or

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