Boyle County High School

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Boyle County High School

Boyle County High School Daily Announcements Monday, February 2nd, 2015

“TOGETHER EVERYONE ACHIEVES MORE” . Lunch Choices: Pork Chop, Taco Soup, or Bosco Sticks . Also Daily choices include Light Meals, Parfait Meals, and Chef Salads


Students who did NOT turn in their Non-Traditional school day letter will receive ALL work in packet form.


As of now, Feb. 9th is the date for mid-terms.

Congratulations to this year’s Mr. LeSabre - Austin Anderson and Miss LeSabre - Breanna Carter

Athletic Signing Day is Wednesday, February 4th at 2:30pm in the café. Three students will be signing. They will be called down as well as team members to support them at this time.

During Thursday’s TEAM time, students will be voting on the Mr. and Miss for each grade, and seniors will also be voting for Senior Superlatives. Mr. Laymon will be printing off ballots for all of these elections and putting them in your mailboxes with instructions.

The Y-Club is sponsoring the BCHS Talent Show this Friday, February 6th. We are following the tried and true system: We will be on Afternoon Assembly Schedule. Students will be called out to the gym at 2:35 and dismissed at 3:10. Tickets are $2.00 for students and purchased from 6th period teachers all week. Ticket envelopes will be in your mailboxes by the end of 4th period today. Girls who don't purchase a ticket go to the library. Boys who don't go to the cafeteria. Students who are in the talent show or working it will be called out of class a little early that day.

All Prom Fashion Show music needs to be turned in to Savannah Stevens by 3:10 TODAY!

Boys Basketball JV/Freshmen will Practice TODAY @ 5:00PM

Mrs. Goodpaster’s Classes will be taking orders for chocolate covered strawberries. The strawberries will be ready for pick-up or can be delivered on Friday, February 13th, just in time for valentines day. You can even choose to send your box anonymously. Please stop by Mrs Goodpaster’s room for an order form. Prices: $1 for a berry gram ( single strawberry) $5 for half dozen $10 for a dozen Deadline to order is Tuesday, February 10th

Boyled to Perfection Catering (BCHS Culinary Class) CUPCAKERY “Sugar, Spice & Everything Iced” Need cupcakes for your child’s Valentine’s Day Party? Let us take the hassle off of you! We will do the baking, decorating, and the dishes!

Sullivan University offers an ACT Cram session. The cost for 2 days is $80. Call 859-514-7649 or email [email protected] to register. Future ACT Prep dates are: January 31-Feb.1st 10am-2:30pm. See your counselor for more details

The Kentucky Rural Electric Washington Youth Tour is an annual, weeklong, all-expenses-paid trip to Washington, DC. Juniors who would like to apply for this opportunity should see your counselor for an application.

STAFF-"Appy Hour” for google drive will be during all lunch periods on Monday, Feb 2nd. Bring your lunch and the library will provide snacks.

The Boyle County Republican Party will offer a ticket for student and guardian to "An Evening with Dr. Ben Carson" at the Norton Center for the Arts on Thursday, February 12th at 7:30pm. Dr. Ben Carson is a world-renowned pediatric neurosurgeon and potential Presidential Candidate in 2016. Interested Junior and Senior students should register in the Guidance Office by the end of the day on Friday and turn in a resume. The winner will be selected based upon academic and extracurricular achievements. Tickets are valued at $50 each.

Any junior or senior girl needing a prom dress please see Mrs. Clark in the Youth service Center.

TSA members planning to attend the 2015 EKU regional competition need to see Mr. Spoonamore ASAP to receive event selection sheets and permission forms!

Boyle County Public Library, Kaplan Test Prep will be doing a free ACT event at the library on March 1st at 1:30pm. Registration is first come, first served and this will fill up! Individuals get a free ACT practice test, flashcards, and a score analysis within 2 weeks! There are flyers in the Guidance Office and teachers also have the information for registration.

Dress Code Reminders: (Handbook page-15)

Students’ pants: Must be free of any holes that expose the skin 2 inches above the knee. Holes that expose skin 2 inches above the knee are not acceptable. Items worn underneath the hole are not acceptable. Hats, hoods, bandannas, novelty wigs, etc. are not to be worn inside the building. Hats, sunglasses, heavy coats and gloves must be left in the school locker.

If a student wears clothing deemed to be in violation of the dress policies, the student is subject to the disciplinary measures stated herein. All building staff has the authority and is expected to indicate to students violations of the st dress policy. If any student violates this code, he/she will be dealt with in the following manner: 1 offense - nd warning and a change of or correction in their apparel or sent home to change; 2 offense - detention and sent rd home to change; 3 offense - Friday School and change of or correction in apparel.

-Public Display of Affection: (Handbook-page 16) is not acceptable while at school. Violation of this policy shall rd result in the following: 1st offense - a warning; 2nd offense - Friday School plus parent notification; 3 offense - out-of- school suspension; 4th offense - three days out- of-school suspension.

Students: Please join Mr. Wade’s school reminders at Remind 101 for sending out information for the high school. They can join by texting @411bchs to 859-605-1498.

Reminder: Students are NOT allowed to back into parking spaces or pull through 2 spaces. You are to pull into your single spot ONLY! Students MUST have parking tag properly displayed!! Violators will be given tickets!

Graduation DVD orders can be picked up in the front office

SUBS TODAY Brosi-Gail Manning Elliott-McGinns Henry-Katelyn Brogle Milburn-Susan Shelton Snow-James Russell Whitaker-Nina Mallory

MARK YOUR CALENDAR -Talent Show is Friday, February 6th -DECA Prom Fashion Show is Monday, February 23rd @ 2:20 -Junior ACT Test Date is Tuesday, March 3rd 2015 -YSC Purse Auction is Saturday, March 21st -Boyle County Relay for Life Friday, April 24th from 6:00PM to Midnight -Prom is Saturday, April 25th -Last Day for Field Trips is May 8th

GUIDANCE: -Northern Kentucky University Pre-College Summer Journalism Program. Talk with your Guidance Counselor if you are interested. Space is limited. -Murray State Cyber Cave Academy offered to ALL GRADE LEVELS. Students exposed to computer and networking technologies.

-Seniors interested in majoring in business or education in college should see your counselor for a scholarship opportunity. -WKU will be offering 10 online courses for the spring semester. Interested students need to see their guidance counselor ASAP. Courses fill quickly. Students must sign agreement that course cannot be dropped after BCHS's scheduling deadline.

SENIORS  Remember, no need to order a tassel unless your senior wants one to hang in his/her car, room, etc. Tassels will be included with the cap and gown. -If individuals your senior is ordering clothing and/or jewelry items, he/she will either receive this on Thursday or it will be mailed to your home. The mugs will be delivered to me at the school and I will personally distribute those to your child. They take several weeks. If your child does not bring his/her order on Thursday, you may order online from Balfour or mail the order to Balfour. We will not take orders/money at the school. -SNEAK PEEK!! Friday, February 27th - Balfour will visit the high school to collect cap and gown orders!! You DO NOT have order forms for these yet! I will be distributing those to our seniors the week before (week of 2-16).

-ALL seniors MUST have the official Balfour cap and gown in order to participate in the graduation ceremony. If you have one from a previous year/student/friend, that is fine, just be sure to purchase a tassel. I will have tassels for sale later.

The complete cost for the cap/gown/tassel was $32 last year - I do not expect a price increase but will notify you if I find out differently! Like the announcement order forms, there will be an opportunity for students to purchase packages that include other items, but all they need is the cap/gown/tassel. They will know this!!

-Seniors who need mid-year transcripts sent to colleges need to make those requests using Parchment. If you need help, please see your guidance counselor.

-Senior athletes may wish to apply for the Wendy's Heisman Award at There are school, state, and national winners. See the website for more info!

-SENIOR BULLETINS ARE AVAILABLE IN THE GUIDANCE Office! Please pay close attention to the Fall Semester Timeline.

SCHOLARSHIPS AVAILABLE -St. Asaph’s Chapter National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution Deadline: 2/15/15 -SCAD Distinguished Scholars Award Deadline: 2/15/15 -The EduGuide Challenge – Create your own “Drum Major” video Deadline: 2/20/15 -Whitaker Bank Sweet 16 Scholarship Deadline: 2/25/15 -The Buick Achievers Scholarship Program Deadline: 2/27/15 -The UA Early College (Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors) Deadline: 2/27/15 -WKU Society Of African American Alumni Deadline: 2/28/15 -Jonathan R. Reynolds Young Writers Workshop Deadline: 3/2/15 -Summer Bridge (EKU) Deadline: 5/1/15 -University of Kentucky Freshman Summer Program Deadline: 3/6/15 -Aspiring Fashion Professional Scholarship Deadline: 6/1/15 -Aspiring Animation Professional Scholarship Program Deadline: 6/1/15 -Horse Farm Workers Education Assistance Fund (HFWEAF) Deadline: 7/1/15 -Career Track Scholarship Deadline: See Your Counselor

BOLD: DEADLINE WITHIN THE WEEK! **For More Scholarship Information-See Your Counselor

JUNIORS -The Bezos Scholars Program Deadline: 2/17/15 -Washington Youth Tour Deadline: 3/2/15 -Commonwealth Honors Academy Deadline: 3/1/15 -



DETENTION -Thursday, February 5th with Mrs. H. Wheeler in room 125

Friday School -From 3:15 to 6:15 with Mr. Spoonamore in room 175

ESS -Tuesday, February 3rd, with Mrs. Reynolds in room 205


SPORTS Monday (2/2/15) -Girls Basketball vs Anderson County (Away) 6:00/7:30 Tuesday (2/3/15)

-Boys Basketball vs West Jessamine (Home) 6:00/7:30 Wednesday (2/4/15 -Wrestling Team vs Danville (Away)

Friday (2/6/15) -Boys Basketball vs Danville (Away) 7:45********* Double Header -Girls Basketball vs Danville (Away) 6:00

Saturday (2/7/15) -Bowling Teams in Regional Tournament (Away)

Quote for the week “Time is too slow for those who wait, too swift for those who fear, too long for those who grieve, too short for those who rejoice, but for those who love, time is eternity. Henry Van Dyke

Humor for the Day Where do elephant dentist retire?

TRIVIA -Today is National Croissant Day!

Today in History -U. S. Baseball Hall of Fame elects first member -“The Raven” is published -Kansas enters the Union as a free state -Iran signs Treaty of Alliance with Great Britain and USSR

Humor Answer “Tuscaloosa”

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