Community Transport Association

Selection of CTA MiDAS Training Agencies


MiDAS is a suite of programmes for assessing and training passenger vehicle drivers and passenger assistants to provide them with the skills and knowledge to enable them to safeguard themselves, their passengers and their vehicles.

MiDAS Membership Schemes

MiDAS operates three separate membership schemes where the programmes are delivered by members to members.

 MiDAS Minibus Driver Awareness Scheme

Minibus Training Agency Trainer Minibus Driver Assessor/Trainer Minibus Drivers

 MiDAS Car & MPV Scheme

Car & MPV Training Agency Trainer Car & MPV Driver Observers Car & MPV Drivers

 MiDAS Passenger Assistant Training Scheme

PATS Training Agency Trainer Passenger Assistant Trainer Passenger Assistants

The MiDAS programmes are delivered through a ‘Train the Trainer’ approach. Knowledge and expertise is passed on from MiDAS Training Agents (a selected group of licensed organisations working on behalf of the Community Transport Association) to a larger number of organisations, each of which nominates an experienced Trainer who learns how to deliver the MiDAS programme to their drivers and/or passenger assistants.

1 MiDAS Driver and Passenger Assistant Training Modules

Training is delivered in modules which relate to the type of work being done by drivers and passenger assistants.

 Minibus Driver A  Minibus Driver B

 Car Driver Module A  Car Driver Module B  Car Driver Modules C1 and C2

 Passenger Assistant Module A  Passenger Assistant Modules B1 and B2  Passenger Assistant Modules C1 and C2

Module A is a foundation module for each programme. Within MiDAS these modules are generally referred to as ‘standard training modules’ because the topics are relevant to all the drivers or passenger assistants undertaking that programme.

Module B is further training. Within MiDAS these are generally referred to as ‘accessible training modules’ because the topics are relevant to the crew members of accessible vehicles. Accessible vehicles are those which are designed or adapted to be more easily accessible for disabled people and generally provide access for wheelchair users.

Module C is further training and relates to the safety of passengers who, for a variety of reasons, need care or supervision when travelling.

2 MiDAS and PATS Training Materials

MiDAS material is the copyright of Hampshire County Council. The CTA has a licence to deliver the material throughout the UK excluding the county of Hampshire. Training materials produced by the Community Transport Association (under licence from Hampshire County Council) are provided at each level. They are updated periodically.

MiDAS and PATS Refresher Training

Refresher training with updated training materials is a key feature of MiDAS and PATS programmes.

3 To become a CTA MiDAS Training Agency

MiDAS Training Agencies are selected by the Community Transport Association.

Step 1  Request a MiDAS Training Agency information pack from CTA  Decide which MiDAS Training Programme/s you wish to apply to deliver  Complete an application form to set up a MiDAS Training Agency  Complete an application form for each Trainer who will be training Trainers on behalf of that Training Agency  Submit application forms along with the evidence requested

Step 2  Attend a selection panel  Trainers attend induction training over several days for which a charge is made  Trainers successfully complete a series of induction course assessments

Step 3  Probationary period  Training Agency organises a MiDAS Trainers’ induction course and the Training Agency Trainer is assessed on the delivery of that course. A charge is made for this assessment.

Step 4  Sign a contract with the CTA and pay an annual subscription fee.

4 Community Transport Association (CTA) MiDAS Training Agencies

CTA MiDAS Training Agencies are organisations, companies or sole traders licensed by the Community Transport Association to organise training courses for one or more of the following groups:

 Minibus Driver Assessor/Trainers  Car & MPV Driver Observers  Passenger Assistant Trainers

This training is delivered by professional trainers who have been licensed by the Community Transport Association.

CTA MiDAS Training Agencies

 Are members of the CTA  Are members of MiDAS  Sign contracts with CTA and pay annual subscription fees  Maintain insurance to indemnify losses arising out of a breach of the contracts with CTA  Organise induction training courses for groups of trainee Minibus Driver Assessor/Trainers and Car & MPV Driver Observers and Passenger Assistant Trainers from organisations which are members of MiDAS  Organise refresher training courses for groups of Minibus Driver Assessor/Trainers and Car & MPV Driver Observers and Passenger Assistant Trainers from organisations which are members of MiDAS  Ensure that only CTA MiDAS Training Agency Trainers deliver these training courses  Negotiate fees with and receive payment from trainees  Issue a certificate (bought from CTA) to each trainee who successfully completes the training course.  Supply a Training Manual (bought from CTA) to each trainee who successfully completes the training course. The price of the Training Manual includes a royalty fee to CTA.  Keep full records of the training courses delivered  Comply with the Data Protection Act (unless exempt)  Participate in strategies for monitoring and evaluating the delivery of MiDAS training.  Attend the training agents meeting bi annually

5 CTA MiDAS Training Agency Trainers

 Receive induction training arranged by the CTA  Receive refresher training every two years, arranged by the CTA  Deliver induction training to groups of trainee Minibus Driver Assessor/Trainers and/or Car & MPV Driver Observers and/or Passenger Assistant Trainers  Deliver refresher training to groups of Minibus Driver Assessor/Trainers and/or Car & MPV Driver Observers and/or Passenger Assistant Trainers  Carry out assessments of each trainee’s competence  Complete the assessment paperwork records for each trainee  Sign the certificates issued to each trainee who successfully completes a training course  Participate in strategies for monitoring and evaluating the delivery of MiDAS training. This includes assessment by and of other MiDAS Training Agents.