Name ______Date ______Trading Fairly In Our World Assignment Achieved (50-64%) Merit (65-79%) Excellence (80-100%) Unistructural Define what makes a first world Basic definition of both first and Definition of both first and third In depth definition of both first and and third world country. Describe third world countries. world countries with some detail. third world countries. the differences between first world A few differences and similarities of More differences and similarities of Table showing relevant differences and third world countries, focusing first and third world countries. first and third world countries. and similarities focusing on the living what they are like to live in. Information is not compared and Some comparisons are drawn. conditions of the people in both first contrasted. and third world countries. Information is compared and contrasted effectively. Choose a country and describe A list of items that a country trades. A list of items that a country trades A few examples of items that a some things that they trade. with some information detailing why country trades and detailed the country trades them. information explaining why they trade them. Multistructural List different products that are A basic list of items that are A list of items that are produced A few items that are produced using produced using Fair Trade. produced using Fair Trade. using Fair Trade with some basic Fair Trade with in depth information information describing why items detailing why items have been have been chosen to be produced chosen to be produced using Fair using Fair Trade. Trade. Describe some ways Fair Trade A basic list of how people are helped A list of how people are helped by An analysis of how people are helped helps people in need. by Fair Trade. Fair Trade with some examples by Fair Trade with detailed examples included. included and analysed. Select an Encyclical that justifies A selected encyclical and a basic A selected encyclical with a clear A selected encyclical with an reasons for Fair Trade and description of the Catholic teaching explanation of the connection analysis of of the connection between describe the Catholic rationale for between Catholic Social Teaching Catholic Social Teaching and Fair promoting Fair Trade. and Fair Trade Trade with detailed examples included and analysed. Name ______Date ______

Relational Compare and contrast a Fair A simple comparison between a fair A comparison between a fair trade An in depth analysis of the Trade product and a non-Fair trade product and a non fair trade product and non fair trade product differences between a fair trade Trade product. product. which include some other interesting product and a non fair trade product information. including prices and other interesting information. Why is it better to buy Fair Trade A simple paragraph which describes A detailed paragraph which describes A couple of paragraphs explaining products instead of other why it is better to buy to buy fair why it is better to buy fair trade why it is better to buy fair trade products? trade products. products. products including your own opinion with facts to back it up. What moral issues are involved in A simple paragraph which describes A detailed paragraph which describes A couple of paragraphs explaining ethical consumerism (i.e. moral ethical consumerism or a moral issue. ethical consumerism and the moral ethical consumerism and the moral boycotting, positive buying, etc.)? issues involved. issues involved, including your own opinion with facts to back it up. Extended Abstract Predict what the world would be A simple prediction of what the A detailed prediction of what you A couple of paragraphs which detail like if all products sold were Fair world would be like if all products think that the world would be like your prediction and include Trade. sold were fair trade. with some supporting information. information and diagrams that supports your prediction. How much of a difference would A simple paragraph which explains A detailed paragraph which explains A couple of in depth paragraphs buying Fair Trade make for the how buying fair trade would make a how buying fair trade would make a which explain how buying fair trade world? difference for the world. difference for the world with some would make a difference for the supporting information. world with supporting information and diagrams. How does ethical consumerism A simple paragraph which explains A detailed paragraph which explains A couple of in depth paragraphs help promote the “Kingdom of how ethical consumerism helps how ethical consumerism helps which explain how ethical Heaven?” promote the “Kingdom of Heaven” promote the “Kingdom of Heaven” consumerism helps promote the with some supporting information. “Kingdom of Heaven” with supporting information Advert Words that encourage people to buy Sentences that encourage people to Catchy slogan with a deeper fair trade. Basic pictures with some buy fair trade. Some relevant pictures meaning. Short and to the point. colour. and colour. Creative and innovative. Relevant pictures and colour. Final Grade Name ______Date ______

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