Greater Wellington Regional Council Parks Full Concession Health and Safety Planning

Health Safety in Employment Act 1992 The Health Safety in Employment Act 1992 requires that all employers develop emergency procedures and those emergency procedures and plans are in place to help minimise loss and ensure the safety of staff, participants and volunteers.

Occupiers’ Liability Act 1962 The Occupiers’ Liability Act 1962 requires Greater Wellington Regional Council to demonstrate a common duty of care to ensure that visitors/park users will be reasonably safe in using the premises for the purposes for which they have been invited or permitted to be there.

Greater Wellington Regional Council’s responsibility Greater Wellington Regional Council is required to brief users where appropriate of the potential hazards in the park/forest, as well as other health and safety management requirements.

Event organiser’s responsibility The event organiser is responsible for ensuring that the Health and Safety plan is followed and that there is a compliance with the requirements of the Health and Safety in Employment Act 1992.

In order to meet Council’s health and safety obligations, and to assist Greater Wellington Regional Council staff with the management of other users and/or contractors in the area on any particular date, all event organisers/clubs planning an activity on Council land must make contact with the appropriate park/forest ranger well in advance of the event and advise of the proposed date, time and nature of event, and a contact person’s name.

In addition to the Full Concession Health and Safety plan required for events, the relevant Greater Wellington Regional Council Park Hazard Identification Plan must be read and signed by all of the organising team and returned at least 10 days prior to the event.

To comply with the requirements for safety and health, organisers should consider the activity they are planning and identify hazards which may arise to participants or other persons in the vicinity during the event. Once the hazards have been identified, organisers must consider the reasonable controls to be put in place to eliminate, isolate or minimise any hazards.

1 Health and Safety Plan

Please fill in the form where applicable providing as much information as possible and submit with your concession application.

Contact details Contact Name Address details Telephone number Mobile number Email address

Event Description Name of event Event location Type of event

Event programme Pack in date and time Event start date and time Event finishes date and time Pack out date and time

Total anticipated numbers Spectators Participants

Stakeholders Includes sponsors, other Territorial Authorities

Organising team and roles (including key emergency contacts) E.g. Event Manager, Race Director, Film Crew, Volunteer Coordinator, Health and Safety officer, Communications coordinator (use contact details for the day of the event) Role Name Contact details

2 Medical information and communication How will you provide adequate first aid on site, e.g. first aid kits, ambulance

How will the people organising the event communicate during the event and in an emergency? e.g. radios ,cell phones (have you checked coverage?)

Site Map A site map is required for all applications. You may want to use google maps, or something similar. Hand drawn is ok as long as it clearly communicates the relevant information. When creating a site map consider items as listed below.

 Entrances and exits  Nearest cell phone coverage or landline  Emergency access routes  Seating  First aid/ambulance posts  Lost and found (including children)  Pedestrian routes  Vehicle access paths  Safety fencing  Rubbish bins  Food and vendor outlets  Media centre  Stage location  Details of marshal positions  Parking (may be required as part of the traffic management plan)  Hazard identification  Toilets  Communication centre  Rest areas  Water outlets  Information centre  Security and police locations 3 Traffic Management An approved NZTA traffic management plan (TMP) is required for all activities that vary the normal operating conditions on the road. This includes carriageways, footpaths, road shoulders and any work occurring outside the road reserve that may affect the area, e.g.parking vehicles. Find out more about Traffic Management Plans under Additional Resources on this page.

Please ensure event vehicles are road legal (i.e. have current warrant and registration), people comply with speed restrictions (regional park speed limits are lower than on the open road), and there is access to the site for emergency vehicles. All events that involve people arriving in cars must have a plan for where cars are going to be parked and how this will be managed safely.

Appendices/Additional information Please add the following items to your plan (note write ‘Not Applicable’ if irrelevant):  Run sheets for the day  Incident report form  Copy of any briefing notes  Letters to residents  Traffic Management Plan  Job descriptions of staff  Map for competitors  Any additional information supplied to participants

Additional Resources Traffic Management Plan information Health and Safety in Employment Act 1992

Risk Management template Risk assessment is the responsibility of the event organiser. On the next page is a template to help you work through the risks associated with your event/activity.

Some examples of what should be included in this form are:  Effects of the environment on people e.g. wind, rain and sun (UV rays)  Possible poor condition of surfaces that people will be on e.g. slippery, uneven or close to water  Safety of equipment bought on site e.g. electrical supply, tripping hazards and if it is fit for purpose  Potential for insects or plant stings  Accessibility needs – parking, toilet, venue accessibility  Refreshments/hydration  Lost children procedure

4  What steps have been taken to manage control of animals at your events e.g. animal supervision and waste collection and disposal 

5 Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 l t e d e l c o

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