27. Which of the Above Species Experienced the Greatest Increase in the Level of Concentration

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27. Which of the Above Species Experienced the Greatest Increase in the Level of Concentration

Name: ______Date: ______

ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE (to go with the 1998 test )

Questions 27- 29.

A laboratory experiment was done to show the concentration of glyphosphate, a common pesticide, on different organisms. Five species from a single food web were selected in an area bordering agricultural fields where this pesticide had been being used to control crop pests for 5 years. 50 members of each species were collected, tested, tagged, and released. A year later, 50 specimens were collected, tested again, and released. The results below show the concentration of glyphosphae in the tissue of the specimens.

Cowslip Speckled Brown long yellow moth eared bat buzzard actinomycete Initial 0.005 ppm 0.25 ppm 0.1 ppm 12 ppm undectected Concentration Concentration 0.01 ppm 0.9 ppm 5 ppm 198 ppm 0.0001 ppm one year later

27. Which of the above species experienced the greatest Questions 30 – 32 refer to the table below, which shows increase in the level of concentration of population, temperature variation, and energy use of glyphosphate? several regions in the United States. (A.) cowslip P

( Annual o m

(B.) speckled yellow moth p u i Electric. l l (C.) Brown long eared bat l a i

o Usage t n (D.) buzzard i 10 o

s Avg. Temp. variation (10 n (E.) actinomycete ) Region (in degrees Celsius) kWh) Midwest 62 Winter: 2°–Summer: 34° 58 28. Which of the following best accounts for the intra- species increase in the amount of concentration of Northeast 50 Winter: 2°–Summer: 30° 70 pesticide after a year? Southwest 44 Winter: 19°–Summer: 38° 64 (A.) persistence West 65 Winter: 18°–Summer: 35° 72 (B.) bioaccumulation Southeast 104 Winter: 12°–Summer: 34° 89 (C.) biomagnification (D.) eutrophication 30. The region with lowest population density is (E.) residual saturation (A.) Midwest (D.) West (B.) Northeast (E.) Southeast 29. Which of the following best accounts for the inter- (C.) Southwest species increase in the amount of concentration of 31. The region with the highest per capita energy use is pesticide after a year? (A.) Midwest (D.) West (A.) persistence (B.) Northeast (E.) Southeast (B.) bioaccumulation (C.) Southwest (C.) biomagnification (D.) eutrophication 32. As a general trend, which order best accounts for the (E.) residual saturation factors that increase regional energy usage? (A.) 1st: high population size, 2nd: large temp. variations (B.) 1st: large temp. variations, 2nd: high population size (C.) 1st: small temp. variations, 2nd: high population size (D.) 1st: high population size, 2nd: small temp. variations (E.) 1st: low population size, 2nd: large temp. variations 33. Which of the following is not a greenhouse gas? 37. What are the ecological advantages of using (A.) carbon dioxide gasoline over diesel? (B.) methane (A.) Gasoline requires less distillation than diesel (C.) water vapor and so it requires less energy to produce one (D.) chlorofluorocarbons liter of gasoline than one liter of diesel (E.) sulfur oxide (B.) Gasoline gets more energy per liter than diesel meaning that gas cars will go further 34. A synergistic interaction in a chemical mixture results consuming less of a non-renewable resource. in: (C.) Burning diesel releases much more sulfur, (A.)a summative effect given the individual effect of nitrogen oxide, and particulate matter than each component. burning gasoline. (B.)an exponentially magnified effect given the (D.) Renewable fuel alternatives are available for individual effect of each component. gasoline powered cars but not for diesel ones. (C.)a smaller combined effect than expected given the individual effect of each component. 38. Air pollution control devices used to remove (D.)no chemical reaction. particulate matter and/or noxious gases from (E.)variable results depending on the chemicals present. industrial exhaust streams using liquids to wash unwanted pollutants are called 35. The total global N.P.P. of which of the following (A.) electrostatic precipitators. ecosystems/biomes is the highest? (B.)scrubbers. (A.) Tropical rainforest. (C.)catalytic converters. (B.)Open ocean. (D.)low NOx burners. (C.)Temperate rain forest. (E.)baghouses. (D.)agricultural land. (E.)savanna. 39. Global climate change (A.) predicts a negative feedback loop due to increasing 36. Consumption overpopulation is a situation: greenhouse gases. (A.) that occurs when each individual in a (B.)Predicts a positive feedback loop due to increased population cannot consume enough calories on green house gases. a chronic basis. (C.)is a combination of heating by the greenhouse (B.) resulting from the consumption-oriented effect and cooling by the aerosol effect. lifestyles of people in highly developed (D.)both a. and c. countries (E.)both b. and c. (C.) in which there are too many people in a reduced geographical area 40. Immigration aside, according to demographic (D.) in which the level of demand on non-renewable transition the global population of a country resources in a geographic area outstrips the generally reaches its maximum value during: number of people in that geographic area (A.) the preindustrial stage. (E.) that occurs when consumption rises but (B.) the transitional stage. population falls. (C.) the industrial stage. (D.) the postindustrial stage CARS THAT RUN ON NATURAL GAS (1995 – 1998), Los Angeles, California 43. Which of the following is an example of positive feedback loop for global warming? (A.) more fertilizer use  more agricultural runoff  more algal blooms in a lakes & streams  more

fish kills  more CO2  global warming (B.) more coal burning factories  more sulfur compounds in atmosphere  more aerosol effect  higher temperature  global warming (C.) hotter temperatures  more use of refrigerants and coolants  less stratospheric ozone produced  increased UV radiation penetrating  global warming 41. What mistaken conclusion might one draw from the graph above? (D.) slash and burn of a forest land  fewer trees  (A.) the number of factory-made cars that run on more grazing animals  more methane natural gas skyrocketed in 1997 since only 27% production  global warming. of cars that ran on natural gas in 1996 came that (E.) all of the above are examples of negative feedback way from the factory and in 1997 the loops. percentage rose to 50%. (B.) There was no change in the interest in 44. If the half-life of a substance is 15 million years and purchasing factory-made cars that run on 1/32 of the original radioactive substance is left, how natural gas since in both years roughly 27% of long has it been decaying for? all cars running on natural gas in operation (A.) 30 million years (D.) 75 million years were factory bought as such and not converted. (B.) 45 million years (E.) 225 million years (C.) The number of cars that run on natural gas will (C.) 60 million years definitely increase because of the trends shown 45. Which of the following does not apply to population from 1995 - 1998. issues in Nigeria? (D.) All of the above are mistaken conclusions. (A.) largest population of any African country (E.) None of the above are mistaken conclusions. (B.) average age of population is 36 years of age due to the AIDS epidemic in the country that has 42. The 1930’s Dust Bowl in the western United States decimated the young population. is best explained as due to: (C.) great reproductive potential because (A.) a combination of prolonged drought, on one approximately 44 percent of the population is hand, and accelerated wind erosion caused by under 15 years of age use of marginal land for agriculture on the (D.) has a low average life expectancy of 52 years other. (E.) has a total fertility rate of approximately 5.0 (B.) the use of natural flood plains for agriculture births per woman, one of the highest in the leading to desertification. world (C.) the natural cycle of climate disasters indigenous to that region. 46. Fractionation towers separate crude oil into (D.) increased evaporation due to global warming different petroleum products based on their boiling effects in the region. points. Which of the following are correctly ordered (E.) anthropogenic factors such as intensive from highest to lowest boiling point? deforestation that increased soil erosion and (A.) Gasoline  kerosene  diesel asphalt decreased water retention. (B.) asphalt  diesel  kerosene  gasoline (C.) Gasoline  diesel  kerosene  asphalt (D.) asphalt  kerosene  diesel  gasoline (E.) Gasoline  asphalt  diesel  kerosene 51. Secondary water treatment: (A.) uses aerobic microorganisms to decompose organic wastes. (B.) removes phosphorus and nitrogen. (C.) involves the anaerobic digestion of organic wastes. (D.) removes heavy metals and pesticides. 47. All of the following describe endocrine disrupters (E.) All of the above except: (A.) are only active in very large doses or exposures 52. Environmental contaminants typical of the smelting (B.) include PCBs, dioxins, lead, and mercury. process include all of the following except: (C.) have been shown to decrease gonad size and (A.) arsenic. (D.)tailings. cause feminization of male subjects (B.) excess CO2. (E.) PCB’s (D.) have caused decreased fertility in laboratory (C.) sulfuric acid. studies of reptiles, mammals, fishes, and amphibians 53. If the atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide (E.) have not been conclusively linked to human increased 22% between 1960 and 2006 to 381 ppm, health problems due to insufficient studies how much was it in 1960? available as of yet. (A.) 241 ppm. (D.) 326 ppm. (B.) 293 ppm. (E.) 330 ppm 48. The process of evaluating and presenting to (C.) 312 ppm. decision-makers the relative benefits and costs of 54. The Montreal Protocol: various alternatives including their environmental (A.) banned all use of CFCs by 1998 in highly costs is termed: developed countries, with indefinite use (A.) full cost accounting allowed in developing countries. (B.) compliance accounting (B.) was signed by only 50 countries. (C.) marketplace accounting (C.) has not resulted in any measurable change in (D.) natural capital bookkeeping the amount of ozone-depleting chemicals in the (E.) command and control regulation atmosphere. (D.) has not yet been ratified by the U.S. Senate. 49. In a Type II survivorship curve: (E.) resulted in developed countries phasing out CFC (A.)the probability of survival decreases with age. use in 2005. (B.)the probability of survival increases with age. (C.)the probability of survival doesn't change with 55. Which of the following fishing practices has been age. banned by most countries but continues to be used (D.)the male dies more frequently than females. illegally? (E.)the female dies more frequently than males. (A.) longlines (D.) drift nets (B.) bycatch (E.) purse-seine nets 50. Which of the following does not contribute to smog (C.) trawl bag development in the Los Angeles area? (A.) warm, sunny climate 56. Which of the following statements is false? (B.) surrounding mountains (A.) A dose-response curve shows the effect of (C.) large number of motor vehicles different doses on a population. (D.) household heating fuels (B.) Doses lower than the threshold level will have (E.) temperature inversions no measurable effect on organisms. (C.) The smaller the LD50, the more toxic the Questions 57- 59. chemical. (D.) A dose-response curve is a graph illustrating the

The country of Para Gway has sold its excess electricity inverseto the nations relationship of Bra betweenSeal and LDArgen50 and Teena, the acute its partners in MERCOSUR. Information about the three countries is giventoxicity in the of atable chemical. below. The maximum capacity for the existing power plant, Ita Poo is 12,500 MW. (E.) The threshold level for a dose-response is the minimum dose with a measurable effect. POPULATION AND ELECTRIC POWER DEMAND IN THE MERCOSUR

Population Per Capita Growth Rate Population Size Power Demand Para Gway 2.5% 6,000,000 1 kW Bra Seal 1.5% 200,000,000 1.5 kW Argen Teena 1.0% 40,000,000 2 kW 57. The number of years that the power plant would be capable of supplying all of the demand for energy in Para Gway, at current rates, is: A.) 16 years. B.) 29 years. C.) 34 years. D.) 68 years. E.) 82 years

58.Assuming per capita demand remains the same, what will be the approximate power demand in Argen Teena in 20 years? (A.) 81 MW. (B.) 96 MW. (C.)108 MW. (D.)122 MW. (E.)134 MW.

59. What percent of Bra Seal’s total power demand is provided by Ita Poo? (A.) 4%. (B.) 8%. (C.) 12%. (D.) 20%. (E.) 24%. 62. Escherichia coli: (A.) is a deadly virus found in sewage. O (B.) is an infectious protozoan. (C.) is a good indicator of the amount of sewage A in the water. (D.) cannot be transmitted through water. (E.) was responsible for a large outbreak of diarrhea in Milwaukee in 1993.

B 63. Which of the following pairs is incorrect? (A.)coral reefs – zooxanthellae C (B.)seagrasses – estuaries (mangroves) (C.)kelps – large brown algae (D.)benthic environment – mud or sand (E.)euphotic zone – photosynthesis

64. The global distillation effect: P (A.) is the process in volatile chemicals are transported by winds to higher latitudes where they fall to the ground. (B.) leads to the indiscriminate deposition of chemicals on a worldwide basis. 60. The above diagram is a “typical” soil profile. (C.) is caused by chemicals that break down Each horizon has its own chemical and after a short period of time in the physical properties. Which horizon is the atmosphere. zone of illuviation in which nutrient minerals (D.) is most likely to lead to the accumulation of that leached out of the topsoil and litter toxic chemicals in tropical soils. accumulate? It is typically rich in ions and (E.) impacts mostly equatorial urban areas aluminum compounds and clay. (A.)A (B.)B (C.)C (D.)O (E.)P

61. The ______and ______were amended in response to the need to test chemicals for their potential to disrupt the endocrine system. (A.)Endangered Species Act & Fishery Act (B.) Safe Drinking Water Act & Food Quality Protection Act (C.) 2002 Conservation Act & 2005 Management Act (D.) Assessment of Risk Act & Human Protection Act (E.) Food and Drug Administration Act & Environmental Protection Act chain and thereby in the long run, increased the pestilence. (E.) It worked its intended course killing the prey and predator, both pests, but as expected, the prey rebounded after a time. No pesticide is a permanent fix. Questions 65-66 correspond to the following figure that shows a predator and its prey 67. Which of the following statements about population following the application of a organic food production is true? pesticide. (A.) Organic farming has allowed U.S. agriculture to become the most efficient and productive in the world. (B.) It may involve the use of antibiotics and Insect Pest hormones for livestock, as long as no

Insect Predator chemicals are added to crops. (C.) Organic food is 5 to 30% more expensive due to the small scale and labor-intensive n Natural Population Fluctuations o i t

a nature of the practice. l u

p (D.) The soil is fertilized with commercial o P inorganic fertilizer, with the use of cover crops every fourth year. (E.) Organic farms must be kept insect-free to allow for the crops to survive without the use of pesticides.

Time Pesticide application 65. Which answer correctly describes what happened to the pest and or predator population(s) following the pesticide application? (A.) The pest population crashed and did not recover. (B.) The pest population crashed and then increased dramatically. (C.) The predator population crashed and then increased dramatically. (D.) The pest population was unaffected by the pesticide application. (E.) The predator population was unaffected by the pesticide application

66. What conclusion can be drawn about the effectiveness of the application of the pesticide? (A.) It served its intended purpose. (B.) It killed the predator, which was a pest as well, once and for all, solving half the problem. (C.) It disrupted the natural cycle of predator vs. prey and 50% of the problem was solved. (D.) It eliminated the natural predator of the pest because of a disruption of the food 68. Thermal inversions: 72. The soils of tropical rain forests tend to be (A.) can cause polluting gases and particulate nutrient-poor due to: matter to remain trapped near the ground (A.) extensive wind erosion. for days. (B.) the fact that nutrient minerals are stored (B.) occur when topography causes air to be primarily in the vegetation. trapped in valleys or basins surrounded (C.) removal of native plants, largely grasses, by mountains. depleting the nutrient minerals. (C.) occur when air a layer of cold air is (D.) sediment washing into streams from temporarily trapped near the ground by a intact forests. warmer, upper layer (E.) poor crop rotation practices in slash- (D.) can cause pollution levels to rise to and-burn agriculture. dangerous levels. (E.) All of the above 73. Nuclear fission: 69. Which of the following air pollutants is (A.) is a form of combustion. correctly paired with one of its major effects? (B.) is the blending or "melting together" of (A.) sulfur oxides — acid precipitation two small atoms to form a large atom. (B.) carbon oxides — corrosion of metal (C.) is the splitting of a large atom into two (C.) hydrocarbons — reduced visibility smaller atoms of different elements. (D.) nitrogen oxides — blocks UV radiation (D.) is the rearrangement of electrons that (E.) particulate matter — production of occurs during a chemical reaction. photochemical smog (E.) is the process that powers the sun and other stars. 70. The introduction of an foreign species onto an island is an example of: (A.) compulsive immigration. 74. Which of these fossil fuels is composed (B.) biotic pollution. primarily of methane? (C.) involuntary colonization. (A.) oil (D.) alien settlement. (B.) natural gas (E.) endemism. (C.) coal (D.) tar sands 71. Land conversion, such as when tropical (E.) lignite forests are logged or burned, releases what substance into the air? (A.) CO2 (D.) CFC’s 75. Humans exhibit a: (B.) CH4 (E.) H2SO4 (A.) Type I survivorship curve. (C.) NOX (B.) Type II survivorship curve. (C.) Type III survivorship curve. (D.) Type I survivorship curve in early life and type II in mid-life. (E.) Type IV survivorship curve 76. The materials in municipal solid waste that are best for incineration are: (A.) food wastes, glass, and paper. (B.) food wastes, paper, and rubber. (C.) glass, plastics, and paper. (D.) paper, plastics, and rubber. (E.) yard wastes, rubber, and plastics.

77. Bioremediation: (A.) is faster than conventional hazardous waste disposal methods. (B.) is much less expensive than traditional hazardous waste disposal methods. (C.) for toxic wastes has only been demonstrated in the laboratory. (D.) involves the use of either microorganisms or plants to clean up a contaminated site. (E.) is particularly effective in deep soil and groundwater applications.

78. "The Tragedy of the Commons" refers to: (A.) an environmental theory promoting public ownership of lands and resources. (B.) an economic theory promoting private ownership of lands and resources. (C.) an analogy describing the conflict between individual interest and management of shared resources. (D.) events impacting the common people, particularly farmers, of developing countries. (E.) environmental problems generated by farming practices.

79. The basis for most of water's physical properties is: (A.)its non-polar structure. (B.)the hydrogen bonds between adjacent molecules (C.)ionic bonds. (D.)its status as a positive ion. (E.)All of the above

80. Which of the following statements about the effects of global warming on agriculture is true: (A.) Global climate change may decrease the frequency of droughts. (B.) The warmer temperatures will result in increased soil moisture content in many agricultural soils. (C.) Global climate change will result in a global increase in agricultural productivity. (D.)Rising sea level may inundate some of the world's most productive agricultural lands. (E.) Warmer temperatures associated with global climate change will probably help to control agricultural pests.

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