Chapter One Discussion Questions

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Chapter One Discussion Questions

Chapter One Discussion Questions

The discussion questions for Chapter 1 and for all subsequent chapters are included in the Student Resources. The Chapter 1 questions include the following:

1. What do you perceive as the main differences between managing a human

service organization and managing a business? Would the same skills, attitudes,

and body of knowledge be appropriate for each?

2. Think about a human service organization with which you are familiar. Is it well

managed? How could its effectiveness be improved? Which managerial

functions are being performed most effectively?

3. What skills would you need to develop in order to manage a human service

program? Chapter Two Discussion Questions

Think of a human service organization with which you are familiar.

1. What are the key forces in its environments (local, state, national, and

international) to which its stakeholders should be paying attention?

2. How does the agency identify needs and opportunities for new services?

3. In what ways does the agency involve the community in the assessment process? Chapter Three Discussion Questions

Find the mission, vision, and values statements of an agency you know or find the statements of a local organization via its Web site.

1. In what ways do these statements seem to meet the criteria that are

outlined in this chapter?

2. How would you improve the wording of these statements?

3. Do you see any possible conflicts between the central mission and goals

of an agency and the best practices that guide the work of an individual

who identifies with a specific helping profession? Chapter Four Discussion Questions

Choose two different theoretical perspectives that you find intriguing.

1. If you were employed by a human service agency, how would your working life

be affected by the organizational theory guiding that agency? Compare the

effects of the Theory A and Theory B you have selected.

2. Now think about your clients and community. What differences would the

selection of Theory A or Theory B make in their lives? Chapter Five Discussion Questions

1. Think of an agency or organization that you think is particularly effective in

meeting the needs of its clients or members. If possible, find a copy of its

organizational chart. How is the organization structured? What organizational

processes seem to be important? To what degree does the design seem to affect

the organization’s accomplishments?

2. Consider a large human service organization with which you are familiar. What

would you see as the best way to departmentalize it--by function, program,

process, geography, client, or use of matrix design? What factors would you take

into account in making this decision? Chapter Six Discussion Questions

1. Think of an agency or organization that you think is particularly effective in

meeting the needs of its clients or members. If possible, find a copy of its

organizational chart. How is the organization structured? What organizational

processes seem to be important? To what degree does the design seem to affect

the organization’s accomplishments?

2. Consider a large human service organization with which you are familiar. What

would you see as the best way to departmentalize it--by function, program,

process, geography, client, or use of matrix design? What factors would you take

into account in making this decision? Chapter Seven Discussion Questions

1. Recall a situation in which you and your co-workers or fellow students were

highly motivated and effective. What motivation theories help you account for

this high level of motivation and effectiveness?

2. How would you describe the approach that you, yourself, would take if you were

in a supervisory position?

3. What do you see as the most important characteristics of an effective supervisory

relationship? Chapter Eight Discussion Questions

1.Suppose that, as director of a human service agency that had always been supported

by federal funds, you learned that your funding was going to be cut drastically.

Would you concentrate your efforts on fighting the cutback or on planning for

more limited programs? What factors would you take into account in making

decisions about program cutbacks?

2.To what degree is it possible for an agency to maintain its commitment to a central

mission when funding patterns change and new types of activities are supported?

How would you deal with a situation in which you could get funding only if you

changed the basic focus of your agency’s programs? Chapter Nine Discussion Questions

1. Try to get copies of the forms and reports used by a human service organization with which you are familiar. What inputs, outputs, and outcomes are being documented?

Suggest additional measures or modifications to existing measures that could more fully track the organization’s progress on its program objectives.

2. Continuing to consider the same human service organization, think about the kinds of information decision makers would need in order to plan, implement, monitor, and improve programs. Chapter Nine Discussion Questions

1. What are some of the reasons that staff members might be resistant to or fearful of evaluation? How could evaluation be made less threatening? How might workers in human service agencies be encouraged to place value in evaluation?

2. If you were an agency manager, what steps would you take to build evaluation into ongoing processes? Chapter Eleven Discussion Questions

1. Think of a leader of a human service organization whom you have seen in action.

What did that leader do that was effective or ineffective? What might have made

that leader more effective?

2. Think of an opportunity for change in an organization with which you are

familiar. Define a change goal and outline a strategy and process for

accomplishing it. What role would you see yourself playing? Chapter Twelve Discussion Questions

1. What do you think are the key challenges affecting human service organizations

today? How well are our organizations and professions adapting to a dynamic


2. What are your own current career goals and visions? What additional skills and

knowledge do you think you will need to continue to grow and develop


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