Long Term Support Planning Committee s1
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Members present: Mary Christensen, Sharon Coats, Kevin Conradt, Shirley Ebelt, John Hill, Judy King, Caroline Melcher, Bonnie Olson, Linda Vandenack, Lynnae Zahringer.
Members absent or excused: Jody Johnson, Robert Rebman
Others present: Department of Social Services Staff: Melissa Bezio, Ginger Heller, Traci Hutchcraft, Marissa Mueller, Angie Nowinsky, Lori Wendorff.
Department of Community Programs Staff: Kimmery Weber
Others Present: Pam Daffron, Cindy VanLanen
Location & Time: Lundmark Room at Fellman Center 607 E. Elizabeth Street, Shawano 1:00 p.m.
1. The meeting was called to order by Bonnie Olson at 1:00 p.m.
2. Bonnie Olson led us in the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance.
3. Review and Approval of the July 18, 2013 Full Committee Minutes. A motion was made by Sharon Coats and seconded by Caroline Melcher to approve the July 18, 2013 Long Term Support Planning Committee minutes. All aye. Motion carried.
4. Public Comments. None.
5. Motion to Deviate from Agenda, if Necessary. A motion was made by Kevin Conradt and seconded by Shirley Ebelt to deviate from the posted agenda, if necessary. All aye. Motion carried.
6. Satisfaction Surveys. John Hill discussed that he was able to complete his remaining satisfaction survey. The client appears to be quite satisfied with services and the worker.
7. Client Situations/Variances. Ginger Heller, Social Worker, is requesting a 90-day variance for a 72 year old gentleman who was residing at a CBRF. In late August his foot and leg began to swell. The larger his foot and leg became the less mobility he had. Things were getting worse so he went to the hospital. X-rays were taken and a fractured bone was found in his foot. He had not fallen or had any other sign of an accident so they are not sure how it happened. After three days in the hospital, he was transferred to the nursing home for recovery. While at the nursing home, he has begun to recover but still requires the assistance of two nurses to stand or walk. However, an assisted living only allows an assist by one person. It is unknown if he will be able to return to the CBRF. A 90-day variance is being requested.
Angie Nowinsky, Social Worker, is requesting a 90-day variance for a 90 year old woman who suffers from end stage renal disease, diabetes, and congestive heart failure. She was discharged from the nursing home at the beginning of September and was going to receive in home services. However, before services could be set up, she was admitted
- 1 - back to the nursing home a week later. She has a port in her arm that is used for dialysis, and the arm became infected and extremely swollen. She had surgery to remove the port so her arm could heal before a new one is replaced. It was also learned that her blood sugars were running very high and it’s questionable at this time how long she will have to be at the nursing home due to her health problems. A 90-day variance is being requested.
Angie Nowinsky, Social Worker, is requesting a 90-day variance for an 83 year old gentleman who lives with his wife in their home. He suffers from Alzheimer’s, osteoarthritis, depression, and has numerous other diagnoses. He had become very moody and his family noticed he had jaundice. He was taken to the ER where it was found he had a backup of bile and required surgery. He had his gall bladder removed and went to a local nursing home for recovery. While he was recovering from surgery, his wife, who is his primary caregiver, fell and fractured her femur. She required surgery and she is also at the nursing home as well. The client is ready to come home but cannot be left alone for any period of time due to the Alzheimer’s disease and behaviors associated with it so he needs to remain in the nursing home until his wife is also strong enough to return home. A 90-day variance is being requested.
Marissa Mueller, Social Worker, is requesting a 90-day variance for a 61 year old woman who suffers from diabetes type 2, fibromyalgia, irritable bowel syndrome, edema, and cardiac problems. She recently experienced episodes of chest pain and weakness which resulted in hospitalization and then the nursing home for rehabilitation and strength building. The hope is that with the help of therapy she will regain strength in her legs, as well as, determining which medications she needs to manage her cardiac symptoms. A 90-day variance is being requested.
A motion was made by John Hill and seconded by Caroline Melcher to approve all of the first 90-day variances requested by the social workers. All aye. Motion carried.
Ginger Heller, Social Worker, is requesting a second 90-day variance for a 74 year old gentleman who was taken from his home in May for admission to a nursing home due to self neglect issues and possible dementia. A court hearing later determined that indeed the guardianship for him needed to continue and that he needed placement in a facility where his needs can be met appropriately. The judge indicated a lesser restrictive environment such as a CBRF (assisted living) facility could be tried. Since that hearing, attempts have been made to secure such a placement. Thus far, he has not yet been accepted for placement at any facility contacted. A dementia evaluation is scheduled in November to further get a handle what the client’s more specific needs are. As the search continues a second 90-day variance is being requested.
A motion was made by Judy King and seconded by Kevin Conradt to approve the second 90-day variance requested by the social worker. All aye. Motion carried.
8. Review of the Community Options Program (COP) statistics and wait list for Department of Community Programs. The statistical summary was distributed to all persons present and reviewed by Mary Christensen, Fiscal Services Manager. There are 5 individuals on the developmental disabilities wait list currently receiving partial services; one individual was added to the developmental disabilities wait list. There is 1 individual on the mental health wait list currently receiving partial services. There are 21 children on the children’s services wait list; one child has been added to the wait list, four children have been added to the active category for COP services, and two children were removed due to services not wanted or no longer eligible.
- 2 - 9. Review of the Community Options Program (COP) Statistics and Wait List for Department of Social Services. The statistical summary was distributed to all persons present and reviewed by Lori Wendorff. There are no physically disabled and no elderly individuals on the Community Options Program waiting list. There is no wait list for Alzheimer’s disease or supportive homecare. There is no wait list on the Community- Based Residential Facility wait list.
10.OLD BUSINESS A. Family Care Update. Mary Christensen discussed that the Department of Community Programs Board will be developing a resolution showing their support for Family Care.
B. Aging and Disability Resource Center of the Wolf River Region Update. Lynnae Zahringer discussed that in early August a satellite office was opened in Wittenberg and Lakewood. A member of the staff is there on Wednesdays from 10am-1pm meeting with people. Also, the Oconto Falls location will be moving at the end of October to a more suitable building.
11.NEW BUSINESS A. Lifeline Contract. Lynnae Zahringer discussed she received the new contract from Shawano Medical Center lowering the lifeline rate from $30 to $25 a month. The hospital had already adjusted the billing rate before the contract was received. After discussion, Judy King made a motion to accept the new lifeline contract with Shawano Medical Center. Caroline Melcher seconded. All aye. Motion carried.
B. Tentative Meeting Dates for 2014. A list of tentative meeting dates were passed out and the Committee has agreed upon the list of dates.
C. Other Business. Lynnae Zahringer discussed the current meal cost of $7.00 which has been in effect since 2010. Participants of long term support services and individuals under age 60 are required to pay the full cost of a meal. Surveys taken throughout the State also average higher. The cost of a meal will be increased to $8.50 per meal. After discussion, Judy King made a motion to support increasing the price of the meals from $7.00 to $8.50 per meal. Shirley Ebelt seconded. All aye. Motion carried.
D. Per Diem Approval. John Hill made a motion to approve the per diem payments for today’s meeting and also the satisfaction surveys. Linda Vandenack seconded the motion. All aye. Motion carried.
E. Next Meeting. The next meeting will be held on Thursday, November 21, 2013 at 1:00p.m. in the Lundmark Room of the Fellman Center.
12.ADJOURNMENT. A motion was made by Bonnie Olson and seconded by John Hill to adjourn the meeting. All aye. The meeting was adjourned.
Submitted by: Approved by:
____ Lynnae Zahringer Bonnie Olson Long Term Support Supervisor Chairperson
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