Early Speech and Language Development Chart Name Date of Birth

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Early Speech and Language Development Chart Name Date of Birth

Stage and age Attention and listening Understanding of language Speech Sounds And Talk Social skills and use of language 0-11 months o Turns towards a familiar sound o Recognises parent’s voice o Communicates in a variety of o Reaches out and points The Early Communicator o Startled by loud sounds o Understands frequently used words ways - gurgling, crying, o Makes vocal sounds to get attention babbling o Watches face when someone talks such as “all gone”, “no”,” bye-bye” o Tries to copy adult speech and lip movement o Plays with speech sounds o Stops and looks when hears own o Takes turns in conversations using babble name (bababa) > 10 o Senses different emotions in carers voice and responds differently (quietening, laughing, smiling etc) > 12 8-20 months o Locates source of voice with accuracy o Gives named objects to adult o Babbling in strings of o Uses gestures such as waving and pointing First Word User o Pays attention to dominant stimulus (book,apple,car) connected but different with eye gaze to make requests and share sounds ba-ba-no-no-go-go interests o Enjoys music and singing o Understands simple instructions (“kiss Mummy”, “where’s your nose”, “stop”) o Reaches out or points to o Plays alone but likes to be near familiar adult o Concentrates intently on an object or o Recognises and points to objects, or objects while making speech o Responds to words and interactive rhymes activity of own choosing, for sounds increasing periods of time. > 20 pictures in books if asked > 18 such as “clap hands” o Uses around 10 single words o Uses simple pretend play e.g. feeding teddy although they may not be 20 clear > 20 16-27 months o Responds to an adult talking and o Understands 200-500 o Uses up to 50 words o Pretend play developing with toys (feeding a Combiner briefly shifts attention from something single words o Begins to combine two or doll or talking on telephone) they are doing to the speaker o Understands simple three simple words > 36 o Follow adult body language including pointing, o Recognises and responds instructions, containing 2 key words o Begins to ask simple gesture and facial expression appropriately to many familiar sounds without clues questions (“where’s my e.g. a knock on the door > 24 drink?”) o Can be understood by familiar adult > 36 22-36 months o Listens with interest to the noises o Understands who, what, where o Uses a wide range of words o Can take several turns in a conversation but Early sentence user adults make when they read stories questions (but not why) including descriptive jumps from topic to topic o Single channeled attention, can shift o Identifies action words by pointing to language, time, space and o Expresses emotion to adults and peers using to a different task if attention is first the right picture e.g. “who’s jumping” function/action words not just actions gained by adult > 36 o Demonstrates understanding of the o Links 4-5 words together o Has some favorite stories, songs and rhymes

language linked to early concepts o Able to use pronouns (me, o Uses language to share ideas and experiences including ‘in/on/under’, ‘big/little’ > 36 him, she) o Interested in others play and will join Able to use prepositions (in o in > 36 Mike Ridley –Chairman Jan Ditheridge – Chief Executive “We welcome your Friends and Family feedback. You can do this by following the link http://www.shropscommunityhealth.nhs.uk/fft-survey or by filling in a feedback form available at clinics or from your health care professional.” Shropshire Community Health NHS Trust Services for Children and Families SLT Pre-school referral Form/SLT/Masters/referral forms/Review May 2016

on under) o Starting to use word endings (‘ing’, ‘s’) o Can be mostly understood by strangers > 48 30-50 months o Enjoys listening to stories o Understands use of objects (“what do o Uses talk to connect ideas o Understands turn-taking as well as sharing with Later sentence user o Can shift attention between listening we use to cut things?) and explain what is adults and peers to others and doing own activity o Shows understanding of prepositions happening o Initiates conversations without adult prompt. Anticipates and (behind, in front) o Asks lots of why questions o Enjoys playing with peers joins in with familiar actions and o Aware of time in terms of today, o Can retell a simple past Able to argue with adults or peers if they phrases in rhymes and stories o yesterday, tomorrow event in correct order disagree – uses words not just actions o Using more complex sentences > 48 40 -60 months o Sustains attentive listening, o Able to follow a simple story without o Easily understood by adults o Chooses own friends Skilled Communicator responding to what they have heard pictures and peers o Generally co operative with playmates with comments, questions or actions o Understands questions containing o Mostly uses well formed o Able to plan construction and make believe play Maintains attention, concentrates and o sequencing words (what did you do sentences activities sits quietly when appropriate after tea?) > 60 o Uses complex linking words o Takes longer turns in conversations o Two channeled attention- can listen o Understands and enjoys rhyme appropriately, (‘and’, then’, o Maintains theme/topic of conversation and do at the same time o Laughs at simple jokes because’ ) o Uses language to organise sequence and Understands adjectives (soft, hard o clarify thinking etc) o Introduces a storyline to their play o Demonstrates understanding of how and why questions by giving explanations > 72 Early Speech and Language Development Chart Name Date of birth

Confidence: Whole group    Small group    Key person/familiar group    One to one    One to one (unfamiliar)    At home   With thanks to Claire Vuckovic, Shropshire LA

Mike Ridley –Chairman Jan Ditheridge – Chief Executive “We welcome your Friends and Family feedback. You can do this by following the link http://www.shropscommunityhealth.nhs.uk/fft-survey or by filling in a feedback form available at clinics or from your health care professional.” Shropshire Community Health NHS Trust Services for Children and Families SLT Pre-school referral Form/SLT/Masters/referral forms/Review May 2016

Mike Ridley –Chairman Jan Ditheridge – Chief Executive “We welcome your Friends and Family feedback. You can do this by following the link http://www.shropscommunityhealth.nhs.uk/fft-survey or by filling in a feedback form available at clinics or from your health care professional.” Shropshire Community Health NHS Trust Services for Children and Families SLT Pre-school referral Form/SLT/Masters/referral forms/Review May 2016

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