Sylvia Perez Atkinson
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DR. SYLVIA PEREZ ATKINSON 5 2 2 6 K E N S I N G T O N L A N E B R O W N S V I L L E , T E X A S 7 8 5 2 6 C E L L 9 5 6 - 4 9 9 - 3 6 0 0 E M A I L S Y L V I E A @ A O L . C O M
OVERVIEW . Results and service-oriented educational administrator with proven record of effective leadership who leads by example in promoting and facilitating excellence in all programs and services that focus on motivating and preparing students for post-secondary education, empowering teachers and personnel to reach beyond their potential, and effectively engaging the community and businesses in a combined effort to foster a sense of teamwork and success for the sake of their children and their community’s future. . Exceptional administrative experience in a variety of areas to include instructional and financial management, curriculum development and support, drop out prevention, bond development, employee retention and recruitment, community and parental involvement, university partnerships, business partnerships, school to work projects, leadership development through administrative academies, policy development, Strategic Planning, Early Childhood Awareness, Technology Integration, Early College High School models, and Virtual High School models with many successful years in increasingly responsible leadership positions in diverse educational settings.
MAJOR STRENGTHS . Collaboratively providing servant-based leadership that promotes board and community goals with an emphasis on the successful advancement of all students through quality instructional programs, various opportunities for student and staff recognition, quality staff development and training, and an opportunity to collaborate with each other and with our parents and community members to ensure our efforts remain supportive of our goals for the district. . Promoting and supporting high expectations for all students, personnel, and parents while ensuring equity and opportunities for all in diverse school districts and educational settings. . Promoting the premise that all personnel should be highly trained in the integration of technology while using technology standards to measure and support the instructional skills necessary to enhance student performance. . Promoting district strategic development and student achievement action planning that builds upon and maximizes existing organizational strengths and resources that meet local, state, and federal guidelines; i.e. Meeting AYP remains a personal priority. . Maximizing budgetary allocations through the successful balancing of local, state, and federal revenues and district expenditures while maximizing staffing formulas that best serve our student and staff populations. . Working to exceed community and board expectations to be highly effective in the development, coordination, and attainment of federal, state, and private sector grants in support of student success at all levels and among all ethnic groups. . Establishing broad-based collaborations, communications, and unity among the board, staff, parents, students, private sector, and community in support of our students and our efforts to provide them with a quality education, safe learning environment, quality facilities, and educational opportunities that will allow them to be highly successful and life-long learners. . Creating and promoting safe, positive, and productive working environments throughout all levels of authority and responsibility in support of our overall mission to effectively educate our students.
EDUCATION 1995–1999 University of Houston Houston, TX . Ed.D., Administration & Supervision 1993–1995 University of Texas at Brownsville Brownsville, TX . M.Ed., Educational Administration 1989–1993 Southern Methodist University Dallas, TX . BA, Political Science and Sociology 1993–1999 Texas Education Agency Austin, TX . Certifications: Superintendency, Mid-Management, and Social Studies Composite.
PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 2007-2008 Socorro ISD- State Acceptable School District El Paso, TX Superintendent of Schools
Provided quality leadership, administrative support, and expertise relative to the successful coordination, supervision, and direction of an Independent School District in West Texas that borders one of the most impoverished cities in Mexico, Juarez; was able to foster significant improvement in student performance within the eighteen months of employment; increased number of recognized campuses from six to twenty-one in one year.
Employed a position control system for all personnel FTEs to remain responsive to community and board expectations that every position is needed and tied to student instruction and/or staff support.
Provided leadership and administrative support as our district facilitates the staff development of all classified and certified staff in conjunction with promoting district policy and procedures; i.e. Continuing Professional Education Credits and NCLB.
Provided leadership and administrative support to meet the district’s needs in recruitment, retention, professional development, and recognition by recommending additional stipends and adjustments to employee compensation plans; worked to make the district one of the highest paying districts in its classification.
Emphasized staffing formulas to effectively address the staffing of all locations; savings are always redirected back into the budget to help support our compensation plan.
Developed district procedures and policy necessary for the proper functioning of several departments, in a manner consistent with the statutes and standards of national, state, and local regulatory agencies; special emphasis in personnel, finance, and curriculum.
Provided leadership and administrative support to campus principals, district service center members, and the public relations department; serves as their primary evaluator as well. . Created several district-wide committees to remain current and accessible to district staff and community members; i.e. human resources committee, parent advisory committee, leadership team, and community involvement. . Created the District Initiative on Student Technology Outreach which allowed surplus computers to be sent to households in the community for student and parent use.
Successfully developed and implemented the Options High School Program whereby the district was able to recover and graduate 107 more seniors; up from 37 the previous year.
Worked to ensure that we have another student recipient of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s Millennium Scholar; one of our seniors was one of one thousand students nationwide that was provided with a pledge of unlimited financial support to attend the university of their choice to pursue up to twelve years of college degrees.
Supported higher education by ensuring that our students and parents were provided with information and opportunities to discuss these opportunities with our counseling staff; i.e. GO Center, Parental Involvement, parent fairs, college fairs, significant increases in seniors receiving scholarships, etc.
Worked to expand CATE offerings to include a Technology Academy with a student led TV studio.
Created “The Socorro School House” which is a locally developed, on-line curriculum management portal that connects District educators to pacing guides, unit plans, lesson plans and resource repositories while fostering collection by providing a structured means of communication. The system broadens participation in the curriculum development process by allowing input from all levels. It is estimated that in-house development will save the District over $100,000 in the first year.
Created the Summer Access to College Program which is a program designed to assist any SISD senior unable to graduate due to the Exit Level TAKS; students are provided a "head start" on college by affording them with the opportunity to take up to six college credit hours at El Paso Community College at no cost to the student; along with the college courses, students are provided intense tutoring in the TAKS subject area of concern; students retake Exit Level TAKS in July and continue with college courses after completion of program; Summer 2007 results of Summer Access to College Program students reflect twice as many students meeting the passing standard on Exit Level TAKS. Students are encouraged to continue with college courses for second summer session and beyond; Ninety-one percent of Summer 2007 students enrolled in courses beyond the program.
Supported our instructional administrative staff and students by providing Deans of Instruction and Instructional Officers to all campuses.
Assisted in the coordination, development, evaluation of curriculum opportunities; i.e. expanding dual enrollment, creating distance learning labs, mandating SAT classes and SAT academies, promoting PreAP and AP offerings and training.
2006-2007 Santa Rosa ISD- State Acceptable School District Santa Rosa, TX Superintendent of Schools / HR Administrator
Provided quality leadership, administrative support, and expertise relative to the successful coordination, supervision, and direction of an Independent School District in the lower Rio Grande Valley—Santa Rosa, Texas; was able to foster significant improvement in student performance within my year of service.
Provided direct supervision of the Human Resources Department as it addressed the personnel needs of the district; i.e. certification issues, degree evaluations, leaves and absences, staffing patterns/formulas, employee handbooks, affirmative action plans, job descriptions, employee grievances, sexual harassment, professional development, hiring procedures, mentoring, employee incentives, salary studies, working calendars, worker’s compensation, FMLA, FLSA, ADA/Section 504, employee relations, mediation, conflict resolution, employee evaluations, PDAS, school calendars, and public relations.
Provided leadership and administrative support as our district facilitates the staff development of all classified and certified staff in conjunction with promoting district policy and procedures; i.e. Continuing Professional Education Credits and NCLB.
Provided leadership and administrative support to meet the district’s needs in recruitment, retention, professional development, and recognition by recommending additional stipends and adjustments to employee compensation plans; working to make the district one of the highest paying districts in its classification.
Emphasized staffing formulas to effectively address the staffing of all locations; savings are always redirected back into the budget to help support our compensation plan.
Successfully secured one of eight Early College High School Grants for implementation in the Spring of 2007; application was based upon an unique early college model that collaborates with three universities to maximize course offerings for our students.
Supported higher education by ensuring that our students and parents were provided with information and opportunities to discuss these opportunities with our counseling staff; i.e. GO Center, Parental Involvement, parent fairs, college fairs, significant increases in seniors receiving scholarships, etc.
Successfully executed the completion of the school district 2004 bond; i.e. new high school.
Developed district procedures and policy necessary for the proper functioning of several departments, in a manner consistent with the statutes and standards of national, state, and local regulatory agencies; special emphasis in personnel, finance, and curriculum.
Assisted in the coordination, development, evaluation of curriculum opportunities; i.e. expanding dual enrollment, creating distance learning labs, mandating SAT classes and SAT academies, promoting PreAP and AP offerings and training.
Provided leadership and administrative support to campus principals, district service center members, and the District’s Police Chief; serves as their primary evaluator as well. . Created several district-wide committees to remain current and accessible to district staff and community members; i.e. parent advisory committee, teacher advisory committee, focus groups with paraprofessionals and manual trade employees, leadership team, and community involvement.
2002-2005 Los Fresnos CISD-State Recognized District Los Fresnos, TX Superintendent of Schools
Provided quality leadership, administrative support, and expertise relative to the successful coordination, supervision, and direction of a Consolidated Independent School District in the lower Rio Grande Valley—Los Fresnos, Texas; was one of several 5A school districts to be State Recognized in 2002 and 2003 (TAAS); was one of three 5A school districts in Region One to be State Recognized in 2005 and one of only two 5A school districts in Region One to be State Recognized in 2006 (TAKS).
Employed a routine cycle of district-wide zero-based budgeting to support board and community expectations that every dollar was needed and connected to student instruction and/or staff support.
Provided leadership and administrative support as our district facilitated the staff development of all classified and certified staff in conjunction with promoting district policy and procedures; i.e. Continuing Professional Education Credits and NCLB.
Provided leadership and administrative support to meet the district’s needs in recruitment, retention, professional development, and recognition by providing employee compensation; we were able to raise teacher/counselor/nurse salaries for the first three years and planned to do it again for the end of the fourth year; 1,500 the first year, 2,000 the second year, 2,000 the third year, and 2,000 the last school year.
Provided for additional employee compensation through related stipends based on certification, grade placement, and level of degrees; afforded additional stipends for those pursuing their Masters and Doctorates degrees.
Established staffing formulas to effectively address the staffing of all locations; 2001- 2002 savings was over 1 million, 2002-2003 savings was over 1.5 million, 2003-2004 savings were well over 1 million, and 2004-2005 savings were redirected back in the budget to help support our compensation plan.
Supported campus staff and student instruction by ensuring that our classroom ratios did not exceed 1-22 (Prek to 4), 1-25 (5-8), and 1-25 (9-12/Core areas).
Supported our counseling/nursing staff and students by lowering the student to staff ratio on all campuses.
Created the PreK Expansion Program that allowed for full day instruction for all students that qualified under state guidelines and for all students that resided within the district’s boundaries; i.e. any four year child that resided within the district’s boundaries was eligible to attend a full day of PreK instruction.
Created the district’s first Technology Academy for ninth graders in order to provide them with the latest technology and technology-based courses while also allowing them the opportunity to become certified in technical and software-related areas.
Created the District Initiative on Student Technology Outreach which allowed over one thousand surplus computers to be sent to households in the community for student and parent use.
Created the district’s initiatives prohibiting bullying and harassment and the usage of profanity on campuses through disorderly conduct citations.
Created the district’s first Police Department in order to support student discipline and safety while eliminating costly contracts with the county and city.
Created the district’s first Student-driven Television Studio in order to support district and community activities;
Developed district procedures and policy necessary for the proper functioning of several departments, in a manner consistent with the statutes and standards of national, state, and local regulatory agencies; special emphasis in personnel, finance, and curriculum.
Assisted in the coordination, development, evaluation of curriculum opportunities; i.e. expanded dual enrollment—44% increase in enrollment, established distance learning labs, offered SAT classes and provided SAT academies—2 National Merit Scholar Semi- finalists, promoted PreAP and AP offerings and training, and reestablished the High School and Middle School Choral Music programs.
Provided leadership and administrative support to all campus principals, Executive Cabinet members, and the District’s Police Chief; serves as their primary evaluator as well.
Supported higher education by ensuring that our students and parents were provided with information and opportunities to discuss these opportunities with our counseling staff; i.e. GO Center, Parental Involvement, parent fairs, college fairs, significant increases in seniors receiving scholarships, etc.
Established the first GO Center in the State of Texas through our partnership with the Texas High Schools Project and our relationship with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
Promoted higher education by creating successful cohorts of administrators and staff members to pursue their Superintendent’s certification and/or a Doctorates degree. . Created several district-wide committees to remain current and accessible to district staff and community members; i.e. parent advisory committee, teacher advisory committee, focus groups with paraprofessionals and manual trade employees, leadership team, and community involvement. . Successfully executed the completion of the school district 2000 bond; i.e. new middle school, new elementary, various renovations, library additions, and general maintenance. . Promoted high expectations and high sensitivity for troubled youth and staff members by hiring a mental health and chemical dependency counselor to provide services as appropriate. . Expanded student leadership opportunities by creating an ROTC US Navy Program; received the highest award by the US Naval Academy for Excellence in 1st Year Implementation.
2000-2002 Eagle Pass ISD -State Recognized District Eagle Pass, TX Executive Director for Human Resources
Initiated and provided leadership, administrative support, and expertise relative to the coordination and supervision of the Human Resources Department as it addresses the personnel needs of the district; i.e. certification issues, degree evaluations, leaves and absences, staffing patterns/formulas, employee handbooks, affirmative action plans, job descriptions, employee grievances, sexual harassment, professional development, hiring procedures, mentoring, employee incentives, salary studies, working calendars, worker’s compensation, FMLA, FLSA, ADA/Section 504, employee relations, mediation, conflict resolution, employee evaluations, PDAS, school calendars, and public relations.
Developed personnel procedures and policy necessary for the proper functioning of this department and the district, in a manner consistent with the statutes and standards of national, state, and local regulatory agencies; especially, sexual harassment and Section 504.
Provided leadership and administrative support as my department facilitated the staff development of all classified and certified staff in conjunction with promoting district policy and procedures; i.e. Continuing Professional Education Credits.
Established HR Strategic Action Plans to meet the district’s needs in recruitment, retention, professional development, and recognition.
Established staffing formulas to effectively address the staffing of all locations; 2000- 2001 savings toppled 837k and 2001-2002 savings toppled 1 million.
Initiated collaboration between the Region Service Center and the district to bring in the Texas Beginning Educator Support System for all first year teachers.
Coordinated the Public Relations Department to ensure that district information is being disseminated; i.e. newsletters, progress reports, public information requests, news releases, district activities, employee recognition, student recognition, and board relations.
Chaired the Champion for Children Golf Tournament that raised over twenty-five thousand dollars for our 2001 graduates and over thirty thousand for our 2002 graduates; i.e. community sponsorships and golf entries.
Provided leadership and administrative support to the Advanced Academics Department as it promoted G.T. and advanced academics while moving towards self-containment; i.e. promotion of advanced placement courses/exams, PSAT/SAT, and UIL activities.
Assisted in the coordination of Curriculum & Instruction; i.e. District-wide Vertical Curriculum Alignment--Social Studies/Language Arts; bridging towards TAKS, etc.
Provided leadership and administrative support to the Special Education Department as it promoted the SDAA (Alternative Assessment) and athletic/extra-curricular needs of its students; i.e. expansion of adaptive physical education and the first Special Olympics. . Coordinated the Public Relations Department to ensure that district information was being disseminated; i.e. newsletters, progress reports, public information requests, news releases, district activities, employee recognition, student recognition, and board relations. . Assisted in the coordination of the Athletic Department and the integration of Physical Education TEKS in our athletic periods; i.e. training, hiring, scheduling. . Supervised the entire district operations when the School Superintendent was not in district as well as while out on medical leave; several times throughout my two years.
2001-2002 Sul Ross State University Rio Grande College Eagle Pass, TX Adjunct Professor in the Department of Education
Facilitated the instruction of ED 6304 Organization and Theory in School Administration; Current trends, issues and problems in the elementary and secondary schools involving the planning, organizing, administering, and evaluating the total school system.
Provided administrative direction and support to graduate students who desire administrative positions in the public school and university systems.
Served as a mentor to several first year school administrators.
1998–2000 Brownsville ISD - 5A State Recognized District Brownsville, TX Human Resources Administrator
Facilitated comprehensive program evaluations, accurate and timely data, administrative support, and expertise relative to the coordination and supervision of policies and procedures of the HR Procedures & Information Department; i.e. district-wide employee surveys, staffing patterns, job descriptions, hiring procedures, salary studies, employee handbooks, and employee evaluations.
Developed procedures/policy necessary for the proper functioning of this department, in a manner consistent with the statutes/standards of national, state, and local regulatory agencies.
Developed and provided leadership in the implementation of the district’s Affirmative Action Plan; i.e. ensuring that all departments and campuses received proper and appropriate direction in maintaining adherence and compliance.
Assessed and evaluated first year teachers as it pertained to the appraisal process and the impact it had upon their decision to continue or leave the profession.
Chaired the HR Strategic Action Plan Committee and facilitated the Human Resources Staff Recruitment and Retention component of the District-wide Strategic Action Plan.
Assisted in the successful recruitment of new teachers through recruitment fairs, designing recruitment flyers/brochures, and networking with university/district administrators.
1997–1998 Brownsville ISD – Homer Hanna High School Brownsville, TX Campus Administrator/Liaison for the School of Technology for Medical and Health Professions
Directed the successful operation of a medical and health professions magnet high school within Hanna High School; i.e. curriculum, training, staffing, budget, student activities, degree plans, technology, parent/community involvement, and private and public partnerships.
Directed the successful recruitment of new students and the retention of current students; i.e. recruiting through the feeder system, student and employee referrals, employee/student reviews, project management, magnet fairs, degree plan reviews, and community relations.
Facilitated and strengthened the school's founding position/association with UTSA Medical Health Science Center's South Texas Border Region Partnership.
Organized and Collaborated with the University of Texas at San Antonio Medical Health Science Center for a summer program for all BISD high school students.
Facilitated all Student Activities within this magnet school and at Homer Hanna High School.
Coordinated Parental Involvement and the Student component of the Parent Student Teacher Association; i.e. utilizing returning graduates/alumni as guest speakers.
1996–1998 University of Texas at Brownsville Brownsville, TX
Adjunct Professor in the Department of Education/Alternative Education Program Facilitated the instruction of Foundations of Education and Principles of Teaching to Traditional Education students as well as Alternative Education Program students.
Created a training seminar for new teacher recruits— how to survive annual appraisals/evaluations while motivating your students.
Assisted with the professional development of new student teachers, alternative education teachers, and traditional education teachers.
Served as a mentor to several first year public school teachers.
1993-1997 Brownsville ISD – James Pace High School Brownsville, TX Advanced Academics Social Studies /Special Education Instructor
Directed the instruction of United States Government, United States Economics, United States History, World History, Sociology, and Psychology to secondary school students. Presented and assisted in the facilitation of special education inclusive strategies/methods to the regular education teachers.
Coordinated and sponsored Student Council, Class Clubs, Hugh O’Brian Youth Leadership Seminar, National Honor Society, Presidential Classroom, Congressional Youth Leadership Seminar, Junior State, and Student National Party Convention.
Coordinated and lead a student delegation of fifty to the 1997 Presidential Inauguration of William Jefferson Clinton; fundraised over twenty thousand dollars to cover student costs.
Chaired the TAAS Golf Tournament that raised ten thousand dollars for our sophomores who passed all sections of the TAAS test; i.e. community sponsorships and golf entries.
Assisted in the coordination of the District 32-5A UIL Academic District Competition.
PROFESSIONAL SKILLS . Exhibits exceptional written, verbal, interpersonal communication, and mediation skills; strong analytical and quantitative skills; strong networking skills; excellent presentation skills.
. High degree of computer proficiency with HP/Dell and Macintosh; knowledge of the Internet and website creation, Tenet, Windows XP, Winocular, Pentamation, MS Office, Hyper Studio, PageMaker, WordPerfect, Netscape, Visio Plus, Media Writers, Digital Imagers, Notepads, Smart Boards, Smart Pads, and other related applications.
. Created needs assessments, program evaluations, affirmative action plans, vertical alignment plans, bond presentations, UIL guides, recruitment plans, campus improvement plans, district-wide strategic action plans, district calendars, departmental action plans, staffing formulas, grant application summaries, performance assessments, instructional technology evaluations, personnel handbooks, student handbooks, community involvement manuals, and training manipulatives at the campus, district, and university levels.
. As a consultant for Title One School Support Initiatives, provided leadership, administrative support, and technical assistance relative to designated districts via their Superintendents and Campus Principals regarding the coordination and pursuit of meeting Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP); i.e. review and recommendations for staffing patterns, review and recommendations for professional development, review and recommendations for placement/hiring procedures, recommendations for mentoring initiatives, and review employee incentives/employee evaluations.
AWARDS/RECOGNITIONS 2007-2008 The El Paso Community College’s Hispanic Leadership Award; Congressional Excellence Award from Congressman Reyes’ Office; State Award for Service from State Representative Quintanilla’s Office.
2002-2005 Los Fresnos Chamber of Commerce’s Administrator of the Year Award; Selected to serve on the Regional Advisory Council of Superintendents; Selected to serve on the South Texas Association Board of Superintendents.
2000-2002 Eagle Pass Business Journal’s Professional of the Year Award; Received Communications Star Awards by the Texas Association of School Public Relations for district public relations submissions; i.e. annual report, district employee/personnel handbook, district brochures, Champions for Children Community packets; State Comptroller’s Office Commendation for Professional Management, Staff Development, and District Initiatives; Superintendent’s Award of Excellence; Principals’ Association Achievement Award; GT Mentor Award.
1999 Dean's List-University of Texas at Brownsville & University of Houston.
1993–1997 BISD Social Studies Department- Teacher of the Year; BISD Awards & Achievement Night-Teacher Who Made A Difference; KGBT-TV Channel Four-Top of the Class Award & Class Act Award.
SPECIAL NOTES . Successful contributions to the Texas Higher Education Coordination Board and the College for Texas Campaign through the El Paso Collaborative for Academic Excellence Think College Now Initiative by promoting THEC P-16 Initiatives.
. Presented at the Texas Association of School Boards and the Texas Association of School Administrators state conferences with board members and other district administrators in 2003, 2004, and TASA’s Mid Winter in 2005; i.e. Superintendent/Board Relations, Superintendent’s Evaluation Process, and Visions for Technology in South Texas.
. Successful contribution to State Comptroller District Performance Reviews as an educational consultant with a Professional Auditing Firm; i.e. Audited and made recommendations related to HR, C&I, District Organization, and Superintendent/Board Relations in San Elizario ISD, Hays CISD, Cedar Hill ISD, and Eagle Pass ISD.
. Collaborated and actively participated with the United States Department of Education’s Office of Post Secondary Education as a member of the Teacher Quality Enhancement Program and Qualified Field Reader for National Teacher Recruitment Grants and National Teacher Partnership Grants in 1999 in Washington, D.C.