The Future Development of E-Government

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The Future Development of E-Government

The Future Development of e-Government : Collaboration across Citizen, Business, and Government

IN-GUL LEE, DONG-HOON YANG School of IT Business Information and Communication University 58-4, Hwaam-Dong, Yusung-Gu, Daejeon, 305-732 Republic of Korea Tel: +82-42-866-6328; fax: +82-42-866-6340

ABSTRACT : Governments in many countries have implementing e-government for the purpose of better service delivery to citizen, best environment for business, efficient public administration. That is, government targets the improvement of private and public sectors’ relationship. However, most implementations of e-government have provided temporary approaches rather than holistic view for citizen-oriented service level. Moreover, most e- governments are still placed at early stage of developments. In order to build an advanced and matured e- government for citizen-oriented public administration, government should consider key issues and relevant strategies. In this paper, we intend to suggest main three directions that each sector which composed entirely of e- government must be taken for much better e-government in the future.

Key-Words: e-Government, citizen-oriented service, CRM, KMS 1 Introduction clean, efficient government. E-government is not One of the most remarkable and dramatic changes in about revolution but “evolution” with a struggle that recent decades has been the explosive development of presents costs and risks, both financial and political information and communication technology, [3]. especially in the Internet. In just a few years the Successful e-government strategies do not require phenomenon of e-commerce is dominating a principal consideration of particular factors among benefits, growth area in the world economy. Throughout the efficiency, transparency, participation and change world the Internet is impacting all areas of life – management but, instead, an overriding strategy into business and politics as well as the cultural and private which as many of the elements considered critical to sectors. success must be integrated. [4] Dramatic developments in information technology In this paper, we define and identify the concept of e- are transforming society, challenging our nation's government. And we find out what primary effects of many governments to keep pace [1]. An e- implementation of e-government are. Finally, we are Government initiative is recognized as a key strategic going to adopt important strategies for an advanced requirement for a knowledge-based society in the 21st and matured implementation of e-government into century. Many governments worldwide are busy in each sector. allocating resources to establish an e-Government. An Internet-based government service can deliver government services to citizens and private businesses 2 An Overview of e-Government more efficiently with broader access and cost savings across government agencies. As an information 2.1 Definitions of e-Government network, an e-Government can increase citizen A lot of definitions for e-government have been participation in government to achieve an ‘open proposed in the existing studies. E-government is government’. The establishment of an e-Government considered as a guiding vision towards modern will enhance national competitiveness [2]. administration and democracy [5]. They say that e- The spread of information technology brings hope government is concerned with the transformation that that government can transform. However, e- government and public administration have to Government is not a shortcut to economic undergo in the next decades. Lawson [6] suggested development and social welfare, budget savings or that e-government is one in which the public service operates in a “one-stop, non-stop” way, dose “more application and payment will also be for less”, and “power is transferred to people”. electronically processed for the purpose of Milford [7] considers e-government as any way protecting intellectual property rights of the technology is used to help simplify and automate businesses, which further contributes to their transactions between governments and constituents, competitiveness. businesses, or other governments.  Productive, Transparent, and Democratic The emerging Information Society, largely driven by Government : the government can work more an ever increasing and pervasive use of information efficiently thanks to the informatization of core and communication technologies is more and more work procedures. The time and money saved by affecting the public sector. Administrations follow the this can further contribute to the improvement of example of the private sector and benefit from the civil services for the people. Real-time open enormous potential of these technologies to improve processing of civil applications and a bilateral their efficiency. This development is often labeled communication system between the people and “Electronic Government” and covers both the internal the government will develop a more transparent and external application of Information and and democratic government. Communication Technologies (ICT) in the public sector [8]. And e-Government is also broadly defined as being 3 Expecting effects of implementing e- the technology-enabled transformation of government government services based around customers’ needs rather than A report conducted by OECD E-Government administrative convenience and around transformation Working Group found that there are significant effects rather than automation [9]. of e-government following implementation [12]. Consequently, e-Government is commonly defined as Those main effects of e-Government are identified "the use of information technology, in particular the and summarized as follows : internet, to deliver public services in a much more  Improvement of efficiency in public convenient, customer oriented, cost-effective, and administration operations : information and altogether different and better way" [10]. communication technologies enable efficiency improvements in mass processing tasks and public administration operations. Internet-based 2.2 Goals of e-Government applications can generate savings on data E-government is defined in a various way, because collection and transmission, provision of governments around the world face unique information and communication with customers. socioeconomic and political forces, and moreover, Significant future efficiencies are likely through their citizen expectations of government will forever greater sharing of data within and between change. But they seem to be broadly established in governments. common as follow three goals [11] :  Improvement of citizen-oriented services :  Better citizen-oriented service : more adopting a customer focus is a core element of convenient and reliable : every civil service will member countries’ reform agendas. Successful be delivered by just a click of a finger. Through services are built on an understanding of user the ‘single window’ on the Internet, online civil requirements, and online services are no different. applications and document issuance will be A user should not have to understand complex available. In addition, less documents will be government structures and relationships. The required for service application because Internet can help achieve this goal, by enabling government institutions can share and exchange governments to appear as a unified organization public information. and provide seamless online service. As with all  The best environment for business : by services, e-government services must be bringing most services for businesses to a single developed in the light of demand and user value, window that integrates services for government as part of an over-all service channel strategy. procurement, businesses can benefit from the  Achievement of effective supporting policies : enhanced convenience and transparency. All the the Internet can help stakeholders share procedures from export or import, loading or information and ideas and contribute to specific unloading, customs, to delivery will be brought policy outcomes. Online information can boost online. Additional services such as patent use of an educational or training program, sharing of information in the health sector can improve The government will become more transparent, resource use and patient care and sharing of effective, and accountable through an e-Government information between central and sub-national service and will expand the use of information governments can facilitate environmental technology among citizens and private businesses policies. The sharing of information on [13]. E-government will play a key role in expanding individuals, however, will raise privacy national competitiveness. protection issues, and the potential trade-offs need to be carefully assessed.  Contribution of economic development and 4.2 The change of economic environment government reform : e-government contributes New technology has streamlined processes and to other economic policy objectives by reducing changed the way government employees’ work. In the government expenditures through more effective knowledge-based society of the 21st century, the and efficient programmes, improving business establishment of an e-government is directly productivity through administrative simplification connected to improving national competitiveness. An and promoting the information society and ICT e-government plan is no longer an option for industry. Developments - globalization, changing governments, rather, it is a necessary step that societies and increasing customer expectations – governments must take. In some countries, e- mean that the reform process must be continuous. government can also spark the growth of the new  Construction of trust relationship between economy because governments that are committed to governments and citizens : constructing trust putting their services on-line must build a public between governments and citizens is fundamental infrastructure, create a regulatory and legal framework to good governance. ICT can help build trust by for on-line transactions, and promote Internet enabling citizen engagement in the policy penetration. Local high-tech ventures depend on all of process, promoting open and accountable these factors. government and helping to prevent corruption. In many countries, particularly in emerging markets, Furthermore, it can help an individual’s voice to e-government efforts can benefit private start-ups. E- be heard in a broad debate, harnessing ICT to government, for instance, involves investments in the encourage citizens to think constructively about public Internet infrastructure that would be too costly public issues and assessing the impact of applying for individual companies. These investments finance technology to open up the policy process. Policies gateways for electronic payments in coordination with addressing information quality and accountability financial institutions as well as encryption-and- are also needed. However, few expect e- decryption technology that ensures the security of government arrangements to replace completely electronic transactions. traditional methods of information provision, Furthermore, e-government forces policy makers to consultation and public participation in the establish a regulatory and legal framework to protect foreseeable future. privacy and intellectual property insofar as they are involved in e-commerce. Examples of such frameworks include the Electronics Transactions 4 A New paradigm for government Ordinance, in Hong Kong; the Electronics model and economy Transactions Act, in Singapore; and the Digital Signatures Act, in Malaysia [14]. E-government also gets global information technology companies involved in everything from 4.1 The creation of e-Government for the the design of systems to the development of information age applications. In the course of building the necessary The creation of an e-Government platform is infrastructure, those companies make significant necessary to keep ahead with the emergence of a new investments in the local economy. Their local paradigm that will change government practices and presence makes it easier for nearby companies to services in the 21st century. An e-government utilize their services or to partner with them. initiative is the most effective citizen-centered system Finally, e-government benefits private Internet available to meet the needs of citizens and private ventures by increasing the number of World Wide businesses and will provide quality and faster Web–savvy locals. For this electronic new regime to government services. succeed, government workers must have sufficient IT skills to maintain the system, and the general public regarded as a essential part for e-government must have the knowledge to take advantage of it. Most operations. governments in emerging markets also encourage The basis of any KM framework is information Internet use by offering access through kiosks and sorting, extraction, packaging, and dissemination. In computers in libraries and other public places. order to build a satisfactory KM framework and implement a successful KMS for e-government, it requires that each activity and information in public 5 Future directions for implementing administration should be managed in a progressive and an advanced and matured e- cooperated manner. All the local and central governments would need to acquire, accumulate, Government utilize, create and manage knowledge on an on-going basis and this knowledge should be stored part of KMS of e-government. 5.1 Knowledge management and collaboration Using intranets in public authorities and decision in public administration supporting portal sites, e-government seek to create Many organizations have experienced knowledge as more consistent and complete connection channel of the key to the competitive advantage, important the information scattered throughout the each part of resource and strategic asset they need to prosper or public administration. And multi-channel knowledge even survive since the past several years. The growth portal software using a standard Web browser can help in business interest in knowledge management (KM) is government agencies search, process, and present largely due to its potential to contribute to a range of information in e-government intranets. key business objectives, most specifically that it can In order to provide citizen-oriented services, e- improve profitability. government must construct linkage between public Numerous reasons can be identified why KM became authorities in the same tier of government as well as so important in general and particularly in public between the different tiers of government. There is no administration : growing number of knowledge- doubt that collaboration in public administration – intensive services, growth in organizational scope, across internal governments, local and central growth in networked organizations and acceleration of government authorities – is the key factor to pace of change. In public administration people acquire implement a successful e-government and develop knowledge from established organizational routine continuously toward a much better e-government. activities, the entirety of which is usually impossible for any one individual to know. Without focusing on synergy between creative capacity of human 5.2 E-business model approach in business participants of administrative processes and sectors information processing capacity of IT systems the E-business has exploded with the growth of the organization cannot be successful in long term [15]. Internet - global integration of individual and public Knowledge management can be successfully networks around the world - and particularly the developed by corporate policy so long as this advancements of the World Wide Web. E-Business technological development is accompanied by the focuses on the support of processes and relationships adoption of collaborative strategies such as the between business partners, customers and others by encouragement of networks or communities of practice using computers and communication network. [16]. A critical issue discussed by Wimmer and Nowadays, e-business plays a major role in the world’s Traunmuller [17] involved adequate mapping of economy. domain knowledge to the virtual workplace in E-Government is often referred to as "the E-Business government. of the state". The government has a great demand for Thanks to a remarkable development of information products and services and is responsible for a large technology, modern citizens increasingly became to proportion of the gross national product. It is want local and central government offices to provide imperative for the government to use electronic media faster, more convenient, consistent and efficient in order to save cost and make procurement processes service at lower cost. Moreover, in order to improve a run smoothly and more transparent [18]. Baron argues citizen-oriented service and become a productive, that today’s business strategy model should be effective, efficient, and transparent e-government, the integrated, consisting of a market and a policy knowledge management system (KMS) seems to be component [19]. E-business strategies have been traditionally driven by information technology and Creating a citizen-focused e-government with CRM market insight, but increasingly the business models strategy, it must include administration process need to take into account policy concerns as well. reengineering, organizational change, internal As we have been describing, with the successful incentive program change, and a totally reformed commercialization and expansion of e-business, a new government culture. Also, e-government with relationship between government and business sector implementing CRM requires a high degree of political, has been emerged. Therefore, it is necessary to change cultural, and organizational change. CRM makes the old way of connection between government and government agencies to create an integrated view of businesses and to develop a new channel in order to the citizen and to use this information to coordinate keep pace with these circumstances. services across multiple channels. One of the current trends of innovative development It is important to bear in mind that a CRM of e-government is one-stop service portal web-site. infrastructure alone isn’t sufficient. The critical source One-stop service portal means that different public for successful adoption of CRM strategy depends on authorities and agencies provide electronic services concentrating at customer contact points, such as call and information through a single point of access – just centers and the Web. Therefore, governments should one portal site. Online one-stop service of e- pay close attention to the citizen dynamics at these government requires that all government authorities contact points. Governments not only need to must be interconnected and integrated. And also even understand the dynamics of call center and Internet though these services are provided by different citizen contact points but also must determine the government authorities or other service providers, the impact that Internet-delivered citizen service will have business and government (citizen, company or other on traditional communication channels of support. public administration) should be able to access CRM also provides citizens with Web-based government’s services and information at a single administration functionality in a single personalized window. interface that combines all types of government service and information such as tax, civil affair, e-payment, other front-office applications and relevant Internet 5.3 CRM strategy for Citizen-oriented services contents.

A familiar term in business area, Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is attracting 6 Conclusion increasing interest in government. Governments in The rise of the information society has led to major many countries have recognized that it is an excellent changes in citizen expectations and organisational tool that has significant potential to improve their structures, cultures and working processes. relationships with their citizens through re-organizing Governments are following suit and adopting service delivery around citizen’ demands. information society tools and working practices to CRM in government is a relatively new concept and remain responsive to citizen needs. The impact of e- one that has gone largely unexplored. The primary government at the broadest level is simply better drivers for implementing CRM in the private sector - government by enabling better policy outcomes, higher customer retention and increased profit per customer - quality services, greater engagement with citizens and are absent in e-government operations. However the by improving other key outputs. Governments and principles of CRM hold intriguing possibilities for public administrations will, and should, continue to be government, given that governments are the largest judged against these established criteria for success. service providers in the world, provide a wide variety Governments are responding to new technologies, and of services and have much to gain from a better are particularly attentive to time. Unlike other aspects understanding of their customers [20]. of government, technologies evolve very quickly and Introducing the CRM concept to e-government, equipment rapidly becomes out of date. The decisions citizens would be regarded as “customers” who taken today commit administrations to a future that is become the focus in designing government service changing, and not fully understood. Errors are costly delivery. And also the primary objective of e- financially, but are especially worrisome in terms of government would be to produce good quality services, losing the trust of citizens and businesses. The deliver the right place and on time, and improve transition to e-government is an opportunity for administration system to meet citizens’ needs countries to show their capacity to adapt and overcome consistently. barriers. Delays in implementing e-government reforms will penalize economic development in this [4] Bertelsmann Stiftung, "Balanced e-Government", competitive, rapidly changing world. Everything is in a 2002 state of flux: a single strategy for achieving the [5] M. Wimmer, R. 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