Greed and Forgiveness

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Greed and Forgiveness

1 Logan Baldauf Greed and Forgiveness Characters Iris, A 60 year old woman living in a large Margaret, Iris’ daughter who changes throughout the play Timothy, Margaret’s scheming brother Mr. Estelle [Mark], Worker of the Blue bird bakery and friend of Iris Nurse Ivy, Monitor of Iris in hospital Doctor Phillip, Iris’ doctor Warner, Iris’ deceased husband [Cameo]

Setting- 1973 Malibu beach in a lavish Mansion

Act one Scene 1 IRIS Margaret, I can’t possibly leave this house, there is not a single thing wrong with it

MARGARET Mom you need to go to a less hazardous, more…safe place.

TIMOTHY Yeah, We have some information on a perfect place for you to live out your elder years. It’s located in Upscale Los Angeles, which is perfect…. And I mean Perfect. I can’t believe you’d turn something like this up! (Iris sips her Tea)

IRIS You just can’t understand why I prefer here. My memories could leave me. After all, I have just the memories to go about my days. Your father would have….wanted me to stay here. Plus the weather I have here. (Iris Gets up and slowly walks to her window looking out at her lit up pool.) 2 IRIS I can’t go through with this, I don’t want to leave this beautiful place. It’s the kingdom of joy in my eyes. I want to rest. I don’t want bring up this pitiful topic anymore.(Iris exits stage)

TIMOTHY M the old Hag won’t go through with this. (Margaret slaps Timothy)

(Rubbing the left side of his face) Ouch!

MARGARET (With running Mascara, Margaret quickly recovers from her stunt) She most definitely will, I need money! [Speeds her speech] She has it made here while I live like a Peasant!

[Margaret makes a fussy gesture][Margaret and Timothy exit stage] [Lights brighten, it’s morning at the Mansion and Iris wakes up to Margaret making coffee in a blue pan suit]

IRIS Good morning Margaret. If you could, I would like to go to the bakery and pick out a few new Garments to wear.

MARGARET No problem, we can leave at around 11:30.

IRIS Just Peachy. [Certain closes] 3 BRIEF INTERMISSION

(Curtain re-opens to “Blue Bird Bakery”) (In walks Margret, and Iris being greeted by Mr. Estelle the owner of the bakery. As they are there Margret has a small silk patch in her had she uses to handle stress Margaret carries in a coffee and Iris has a few shopping bags in her hand)

MR. ESTELLE Good Morning Ladies! [Kisses Iris’ hand] Are you here for your Usual?

IRIS Yes, Please.

MR ESTELLE One fresh Blueberry muffin and a dozen packs of Herbal tea.

IRIS If you can, I would one of your pastries. I’m quite hungry at the moment.

MR. ESTELLE Sure thing. What would you like?

IRIS Surprise me.

IRIS Margaret, can you please chose a table for us to sit at. I’d like to gossip.

4 MARGARET Yes mother. [Margaret sits down in the center table and sips her coffee] [Iris walks over to the table struggling to hold her bags] IRIS Can you help me?

MARGARET Yes [Margaret gently takes the bags from her hands and leans them on the leg of her chair]

IRIS Thank you

MARGARET Welcome [Margaret squeezes the little white patch underneath the table]

IRIS I know I acted like a stubborn toddler last night. I apologize. It was completely stupid of me to behave that manner. I just can’t leave the mansion, you wouldn’t understand my way. I am completely aware of my hazard prone self. I don’t want to go away from my memories. Your father would have wanted me to live on through the estate If I ever left the house I’d be dishonoring your father’s wishes.

MARGARET I understand what you’re saying, but I can’t just leave you there. It’s such a long way from us. What if something happened to you and I wasn’t there to get you help. And the only memories I have when I lived there was when Dad abused you for so many years.

5 IRIS I know but there were thousands of other good feelings and memories I get by just entering the house. It’s fabulous in a way. MARGARET [Loudly] how can one possibly enjoy a house that you were abused in. If It were me I’d be out of there as soon as possible! Margaret storms out of the Bakery a fit of anger and Iris continues to sit and is shocked by what Margaret has done. Iris waits and then enters Mr. Estelle with a slice of sponge cake.

MR. ESTELLE Here you go Ms. Iris.

MR. ESTELLE What happened out here?

IRIS Margaret has been attempting to talk me into leaving the mansion. It isn’t going to ever happen. Warner would have wanted me to live out the rest of my life there, I have told her numerous times that there may have been bad times but I have an overwhelming sense of the memories I have that can not be re-lived through pictures

IRIS Warner was a mean person, I know Margaret never wanted any relation to him. She is so angry with me for not getting rid of the problems

MR. ESTELLE -He was a mean person at times, but he did love you Iris.

IRIS I know he did.

6 May I come over to your house this evening

IRIS That would be wonderful MR. ESTELLE I will make a fresh cake for dessert.

[Curtain Closes] Act 1 Scene 3

Margaret enters her mother’s mansion contemplating her relation with Iris, regretting her plot with Timothy [Margaret picks up the phone and calls Timothy]

MARGARET Timothy…. I don’t want to go through with the idea

PAUSE MARGARET We have just… Infested ourselves with this awful Idea overall just harm, mom.

MARGARET I need some time to clear my mind of this wicked plan.[Raising her voice] I can’t go on with it!She is our mother, we need to have a little more respect towards her! Recollecting herself

MARGARET I have thought about it, and I have chosen to not go through with it. Margaret slams down the phone and rushes up the staircase. 7 Iris enters left IRIS Margaret….Margaret! Margaret walks down the staircase in tears Margaret and Iris sit down on the sofa

IRIS What’s wrong Margaret, what happened? MARGARET (Sniffling) I’m so sorry.

IRIS For what?

MARGARET Just everything. I constantly irritate you with anything and everything. My failed marriage has just affected my whole way of living. The fear of not making it has caused me to fall in a downwards spiral.

IRIS There is no fear, You will always have a support in life. As long as I still roam the earth you can always turn back to me.

MARGARET Thank you mom.

IRIS Anytime.

The doorbell rings. 8 IRIS Come in

Enters Mr. Estelle with bags of groceries and food for dinner

IRIS -Hello Mark. Let me help you with those Margaret and Iris get up and take some of the bags into the kitchen

MR. ESTELLE Thank’s girls

IRIS I must be changing for the occasion.

MARGARET I shall too

Curtain closes

Act 1 scene 4

Curtain reopens to the dining room with everyone finished with their meal

IRIS This food was simply extraordinary.

MARAGRET I can’t agree more with you

MR. ESTELLE [Wiping his mouth with a napkin] Thank you, I don’t think it was too shabby.

9 Mr. Estelle gets up and takes Iris’ and Margaret’s plates and exits stage left

MARGARET Mom, I want to say thank you once more.

IRIS You’re welcome Mr. Estelle re-enters to inform the girls of dessert

MR. ESTELLE -Ladies I shall be getting the cake out of the fridge.

IRIS Okay, We’ll be sitting in the living room

Margaret and Iris enter the living room and sit down Iris pours champagne into two glasses and walks over to the sofa and hands Margaret a glass Iris lights a cigarette

IRIS [Facing towards Margaret] It’s so wonderful to have company every once in awhile.

MARGARET I haven’t had a positive mood in years!

IRIS I’ll drink to that Iris and Margaret clink their glasses and laugh

MARGARET I have been feeling so guilty lately for the way I’ve been treating you

IRIS I know you have, you’ve faced some treacherous hardships. I thought you’d completely give up and never face the future.

IRIS I think you should stay here til you can get back up on your feet again. Margaret hugs Iris Enters in Mr.Estelle holding three plates, silverware and a vanilla cake Mr Estelle sets the items on the coffee table and cuts the cake

MR. ESTELLE Who wants the first Piece?

Two Loud bangs on the door Everyone points their attention to the door Another two bangs happen Mr. Estelle sets down the plates and walks over to the door and looks through the peep-hole He slowly opens the door and in barges a soaked Timothy shaking his umbrella shaking with fury

IRIS 11 (rising from her seat) Timothy what on Earth happened to you?

Iris takes off his coat and walks him over to the sofa to sit down Timothy shakes off Iris’ arms and rushes over to Margaret

It took me a lot of soul searching, but I finally understand what I plan to do with you!

IRIS What are you talking about?!

TIMOTHY [Pointing at Margaret] She has been plotting to get rid of you and sell the house for money! She has probably been rubbing off on you to ease your decision.

MR. ESTELLE What does he mean Margaret?

MARGARET He means nothing, and none of this concerns you.

IRIS Margaret watch your tone he has been my dearest companion through my loneliness. He has every right to know what is happening here.

IRIS Everyone let’s just calm down and talk this over. 12 Mr. Estelle exits stage and walks back with an extra seat for Timothy, while Iris and Margaret sit down. Iris gets up and pours more champagne into her glass and offers Timothy a cigarette. Timothy takes the Cigarette and sits down in the spare seat, Mr. Estelle is standing up.

TIMOTHY I am here for one thing.. She and I have been planning your leaving the house. She has been furious with anyone and anything that has attempted to get in her way. And I’m tired of nevering getting a straight answer from her

IRIS Margaret what’s your side.

MARGARET I am going to admit that I have been manifesting this plot since the day I graduated. Then I had Nigel a person who loved me for me. When he left I manifested it into my thoughts again, he was a distraction. I wanted money, so once I finally caught a glimpse of Reality, my mind forgot about it. I was afraid of what I would become.

TIMOTHY [Sarcastically] Yeah, Believable

MARGARET [Shouting] What makes you think that. You came all this way to judge me. It make you seem like an idiot 13 IRIS [Loudly] Stop!

Iris Clenches her chest and falls on the couch and Mr. Estelle rushes to her side and Margaret and Timothy freeze with terror

MR. ESTELLE Someone call the ambulance

Margaret rushes to the kitchen Curtain closes

End of scene 4

Act 1 scene 5 Curtain opens to a waiting area and hospital room with Margaret crying and a worried Timothy. Mr. Estelle is checking for Iris while she lays in her hospital bed NURSE IVY I cannot inform you of anything for you are not a direct Relative.

Mr. Estelle grunts and walks over to Margaret and Timothy Mr. Estelle angrily looks at them with a piercing look and Margaret- [Holding her necklace] I’m so sorry Mark. I…. can’t believe that happened


14 I couldn’t care less of your observations. All I need to know, is if Iris will make it out here alive. The least you could do is go up to that desk and give me any form of information.

MARGARET [Hesitating] I can’t face her right now. I’ve made a complete idiot of myself in front of her. [angrily] I really just want to throw myself off a cliff and never have to face the world again. TIMOTHY

If you don’t go up there, than I shall.

Timothy tosses his overcoat on Margaret. Margaret fusses with the coat and finally sits back in her chair. Timothy marches over to Nurse Ivy’s desk

TIMOTHY [Facing Nurse Ivy] Excuse me Nurse but I need information on my mother who was just brought here through an ambulance.

Nurse Ivy picks up her clipboard and tells Timothy of his mother’s whereabouts and condition

NURSE IVY Ah, Ms. Mantle. She has last been checked upon just half an hour ago. Its says she is in the 6th room on the fourth floor, and she was in an unstable condition. Did she by any chance have a heart-attack or heart related injury?

TIMOTHY Yes, I believe it was caused by stress. 15

NURSE IVY What a shame. I can call her doctor for any change in vitals or conditions

Timothy slowly walks back into the waiting Area and pulls out a silver flask from his shirt pocket and examines it then puts it back in his pocket.

MARGARET I need a cigarette, like right now.

Margaret stands up and flops the coats on the seat behind her She picks up her purse and rushes off stage right. Nurse Ivy picks up her phone and talks into it with agreement


Timothy turns around and paces towards the desk NURSE IVY [Concerned] Sir, Your Mother is in a deplorable condition. The doctor said she had one of the worst heart attacks they have ever seen. But there is a chance she’ll make it

TIMOTHY Thank you once again

Timothy moses down to Mr. Estelle

MR. ESTELLE How is she? 16

TIMOTHY The Nurse said she was in a terrible state but could make it.

MR. ESTELLE Well at least it’s better than earlier, I’ll go and tell Margaret.

Mr. Estelle walks out right stage.

NURSE IVY Visitation can start right now, If you would like for me to tell the others I will

TIMOTHY Thank you, It’s been a bumpy night.

Curtain closes Brief intermission The curtains open to Iris in a hospital bed with machines and a heart monitor.

She is sleeping in a still fashion with a blanket wrapped around her shoulders. A window to her left has an extremely bright, white light shining through it. No other lights are on only the light through the window

WARNER It will be alright Iris.

Iris opens her eyes to see her deceased Husband Warner A dapper Middle-Aged man enters [actors]left stage wearing a black suit and red bow tie.

WARNER I know for a fact you probably will not make it out. But you are a fighter and shall live to see another day. 17 I’ve missed you for so long, but I’m not ready to leave.What will Margaret do if I’m gone. Tim and her have had an ongoing plot to get that house out of my hands for so long. Margaret has changed her mind entirely plus she is struggling so profoundly. I don’t want to…….

Warner exits quickly, Lights are on, and Iris is asleep on the bed Enters right, Timothy walks in and sits the chair closest to Iris. he rubs the sides of his face. Then margaret and Mr. Estelle enter in to see Iris laying flat. Iris hears their footsteps and opens her eyes and looks at them with a grin.

MARGARET Oh mom![Margaret rushes over to Iris’ bedside and hugs her]

IRIS At least I’ve made it. More so, now that I have regained my train of thought I want you two to stop plotting my house, and get along.

Margaret and Timothy look at each other in disgust and whimper about their mistakes. Iris slowly closes her eyes and enters right Doctor Philip and Nurse Ivy

DOCTOR PHILLIP Hello everyone. I’m Your mother’s doctor DOCTOR PHILIP She seems to be fine as of now and hopefully will be discharged within 2 days

NURSE IVY Her vitals are in good condition, but we prefer her to be in here for a few days because of how bad her Heart attack was. Over the next few days Iris you will be 18 eating more protein filled food and by the amount of cholesterol in her system, I’m guessing she’s a smoker. That is a key factor in your heart attack besides the stress.

MARGARET That’ll do, I need to stop smoking myself.

IRIS- If it can get me out sooner I will.

NURSE IVY- Good, we will check on you later for observation purposes.

MARGARET- Well mom, I will be down to pick you up in 2 days.

Margaret leans down to her mother and kisses her on the cheek and gets her purse and coat. Margaret, Timothy, and Mr. Estelle get up and wave to Iris then exit stage right.

Curtain closes and lights fade down.

Ac1 scene 6

Curtain reopens to Iris’ Malibu Residence and Margaret is in night wear talking on the phone with Nurse Ivy and Doctor Philip. Timothy is sitting on the red sofa drinking coffee waiting for Margaret to finish her talk on the phone. MARGARET- I was just wondering what was happening. I know she’ll be released sometime tomorrow.[Pause]

MARGARET- Thank[Interrupted]- 19 Thank you, I will talk to you later.

TIMOTHY- How is she?

MARGARET- Mom is fine but still needs a night of rest and she will be Home tomorrow.

TIMOTHY- Thank God. I think we should have some form of a gathering for her safe return home.

MARGARET- That’s a splendid idea. I think Iris would enjoy the company of her friends.

TIMOTHY- We should get some small party favors and celebrate Right here or a restaurant of her liking.

MARGARET- I’d prefer to have it in the company of the mansion, We could set up a small alcohol station over there [Pointing at the Coffee stand]

Margaret walks from her chair over to the stair case

MARGARET- She could make her grand entrance on the marble stairs, I can take her out to her favorite store and pick out a new garment for the gathering.

20 MARGARET- I will invite Her sister’s Clara and Camilla, Oh the list can go on and on.

TIMOTHY- The only problem with your invitation choices is, where on earth can they fit? I know that this house is big but we don’t have a lot of space for them.

MARGARET- I guess I will just have to keep the guest list reasonable. But have to keep those who are more close to her.

Curtain closes, Brief Intermission for set change

It is the second day. The set is open to the waiting room With Iris and Nurse Ivy talking.

IRIS- Nurse, I must ask if I have to Highly monitor my diet.

NURSE IVY- Not at all, by what you told us, it would be preferred to slow your smoking, It’s the only thing that is doing most harm to your body.

IRIS I know I should quit. Thank you Nurse.

NURSE IVY Anytime Iris.

(Iris walks over to a waiting chair and picks out a magazine from the table next to her. In walks Margaret stage right holding her jacket Margaret wavs to Iris, Iris waves back.) 20 (Margaret walks to Nurse Ivy’s desk and grabs a pen and signs a paper.)

IRIS [Facing MARGARET] I feel as though it’s my duty to tell Mr. Etelle an apology. He seen the hectic ways of this family. MARGARET I can’t agree with you more her must absolutely despise me from the way I was.

IRIS Let’s get home Both exit left stage Brief Intermission Curtain’s open to Iris, Timothy, Margaret, and Mr. Estelle sitting around a table.

IRIS I I need to say this on behalf of me and my family, Sorry. Mark you didn’t deserve to see such a terrible thing. I want to thank you for being there for me.

MARGARET WE are dreadfully for our actions. And I am most sorry to you Mom. I don’t know why me and problems affected yours.

TIMOTHY I am sorry for my stupid ways and I need to apologize as well. And to you too Mom.

IRIS I can’t stand to be mad at you two. You have brought me many years of Joy. [Iris, Timothy and Margaret hug each other] THE END

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