Troy Area School District
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TROY AREA SCHOOL DISTRICT Board of Education – Work Session Tuesday, February 11, 2014 – 7:00 PM Troy Junior Senior High School Library
The Work Session of the Troy Area School District Board of Education, held on Tuesday, February 11, 2014, in the Troy Junior Senior High School Library, was called to order by Vice-President, Dan Martin at 7:02 PM. Following the Pledge of Allegiance, roll call was taken:
Present: Mr. Brasington Mrs. Nauta Mrs. Harer Mr. Olsyn Mr. Martin Mr. Roy
Absent: Mr. Curren, Mrs. Fox, Mr. Hansell
Others Present: Mr. Young, Superintendent; Mrs. Gilliland, Business Administrator; Mr. Blair, Maintenance Supervisor; Mrs. Mason, Director of Special Education; as well as district residents and staff.
An executive session was held on Tuesday January 21, 2014 following the Regular Board meeting to discuss personnel issues.
Presentations: None.
Visitors’ Comments on Agenda Items: None.
Minutes: The January 2014 and February 3, 2014 Special Meeting minutes were emailed to Board members.
Financial Reports: The January 2014 financial reports were emailed to Board members.
Mrs. Gilliland announced the following two bills were added to the bill listing: 1) Sayre Wrestling Jr High Championships - $150.00; 2) Daniel Schwanger for his District 8 band hotel and meal reimbursements - $157.07.
Reports: A) Northern Tier Career Center Report: B) Intermediate Unit Report: C) Pennsylvania School Boards Association: D) Federal Programs Report: E) Primary School Report: F) Intermediate School Report: G) Junior/Senior High School Report: H) Superintendents Report:
Selection of Items for Removal from Consent Agenda:
Motion to Approve the Consent Agenda as Follows:
February 11, 2014 A) Budget, Finance and Transportation: 1) Budget: a) Approve the preliminary 2014/2015 budget in the amount of $23,411,922; b) Approve the advertisement for the Intent to File Act 1 Referendum Exceptions for the 2014/2015 budget; c) Approve the Proposed 2014/2015 I.U. 17 General Operations budget.
B) Personnel: 1) Retirements: a) Nancy Burguess, Administrative Secretary, effective April 4, 2014 (or 181st day); b) Barbara Sentyz, Custodian, effective June 30, 2014; c) Rena Van Allen, Secondary Guidance Counselor, effective February 13, 2015; 2) Resignations: a) None; 3) Employment: a) Act 93: 1) None; b) Professional Contract Employees: 1) Title I Reading Teacher, effective February 19, 2014, salary as per contract; c) Support Staff Employments: 1) 4-hr Casual Cafeteria Employee, effective February 19, 2014, salary as per contract; 2) 4-hr Casual Custodian, effective February 19, 2014, salary as per contract; 3) Lori Sollenberger, Personal Care Aide, effective February 19, 2014, salary per contract; d) Substitutes – Professional Staff: 1) Kreshel Hakes, Elem K-6; Early Childhood N-3, effective January 20, 2014; 2) Jessica Lewis, Music, effective January 30, 2014; 3) Chance Wright, Elementary Pre K-4; Special Education K-8, effective February 3, 2014; e) Substitutes – Support Staff: 1) Martha Spencer, Cafeteria, effective January 16, 2014; 2) Brian Burchard, PCA, TA, Secretary, Cafeteria, Custodian, effective January 23, 2014; 3) Catherine Zimmerman, TA, Cafeteria, Secretary, effective February 3, 2014; f) Supplemental Contracts: 1) None; 4) Position Eliminations: a) 12 Month Administrative Secretary at W.R Croman, effective upon the retirement of the current Secretary; 5) Create New Positions: a) 10 Month Secretary – Building Level at W.R Croman, effective upon the retirement of the current Secretary; 6) Permission to Advertise: a) None; 7) Contracts: a) None; 8) Transfers: a) Brenda Vogel from PCA at JSHS to PCA at WRC, effective February 19, 2014; 9) Leave Requests; a) None;
Mrs. Gilliland announced the Title 1 Reading Teacher position would be removed from the February 18, 2014 Board agenda. Administration is still working to fill the position.
C) Buildings and Grounds: 1) None
D) Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment: 1) None
E) Technology: 1) None.
F) Student Affairs: 1) None.
G) Community Relations: 1) Motion to approve the TASD Calendar for the 2014-2015 School Year; 2) Motion to add an Act 80 day to the TASD 2013-2014 School Calendar on Friday March 7, 2014.
Mrs. Gilliland announced the following donations will be added to the February 18, 2014 agenda for approval: 1) Motion to accept a $6,000 donation from First Citizens Community Bank to be used to support innovative educational programs; 2) Motion to
February 11, 2014 accept a $444.00 donation from Lubbering Corp and a $250.00 donation from the Troy Lions Club, both to be used to support the National Archery in the Schools Program; 3) Motion to accept a $1,790 donation from Cooke’s Pharmacy to be used to purchase uniforms for the boys’ and girls’ junior high basketball teams; 4) Motion to accept a $7,500 donation from the Troy Vet’s Club Home Association Inc. SGOC to be used to purchase fencing for the boys’ baseball field.
H) Policy: 1) 121 Field Trips – Revised; 2) 210 Medications – Revised; 3) 220 Student Expression/Distribution and Posting of Materials – Revised; 4) 246 Student Wellness – Revised; 5) 610 Purchase Subject to Bid/Quotation – Revised; 6) 611 Purchases Budgeted – Revised; 7) 808 Food Services – Revised; 8) 808.1 Lunch Payments – Revised; 9) 815.3 District Social Media – New; 10) 906 Public Complaints – Revised; 11) 913 NonSchool Organizations/Groups/Individuals – Revised.
Items Removed from Consent Agenda:
General Board Discussion: A) 108-ATT-1 Textbook Evaluation Form – New; B) 121- AR-0 Field Trips Revised; C) 210-ATT-0 Medication Consent Form – New; D) 246-AR- 0 Nutrition Education and Promotion – Revised; E) 246-AR-1 Fundraisers – New; F) 246-AR-2 Letter to Parents in School Birthday Celebrations – New; G) 246-AR-3 School Based Activities – New; H) 246-AR-4 Healthy School Environment – New; I) 246-AR-5 Vending Machines – New; J) 305-AR-0 Compensation for Professional Substitute Employees – Revised; K) 329-AR-0 Substitute Compensation – Revised; L) 808.1-AR-0 Food Purchases – Revised; M) 808-AR-0 Food Service Guidelines – Revised; N) 808- AR-1 Student Payment School Meal Accounts; O) 901-AR-0 Public Relations Objectives - New
Mrs. Gilliland reviewed an updated capital budget with the Board of Directors. Two projects had been removed from the capital budget because those projects will be funded using the 2013 Construction funds. Those projects include the replacement of the old section of the Commons Building roof and the repair to the W.R Croman driveway and exterior light pole. Estimated costs for both projects were discussed. Hunt will work with the District to prepare bid documents. Administration discussed the remaining expenses to be incurred in order to complete the Intermediate School office project. The Board requested Administration review those items being requested for the nurse’s area.
Mrs. Gilliland discussed the request to purchase a replacement email archiving appliance. The current archiving machine is at its maximum capacity. The new machine will cost $6,790 but includes five years of licensing. The District currently pays $1,200 per year for licensing on its existing archiving appliance. Over the five years the equipment will cost the District an additional $790.00. If needed, committed IT reserve funds will be used to fund the purchase. The Board approved for Administration to purchase the IT equipment. Administration will also be reviewing its current email retention policy and possibly shortening the retention span.
February 11, 2014 Mrs. Nauta requested an update on the 2014/2015 budget. Administration and the Board discussed options or alternatives currently being reviewed to reduce the preliminary 2014/2015 budgeted loss.
Visitor Comment and Question Period: None
Adjournment: On a motion by Mrs. Nauta, seconded by Mr. Brasington, the directors adjourned at 8:47 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Traci Gilliland Board Secretary
February 11, 2014