*Internal Use Document* LEMS Consequences: 2017-2018

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*Internal Use Document* LEMS Consequences: 2017-2018


* Office assigned detention, ISS, and/or OSS only happen with a discipline referral * Administration must be contacted prior to student being sent to the office * Students should not return to the same period the same day they are sent down * Student must complete discipline form as part of consequences * Trouble during detention or ISS may result in increased consequences, student being sent home, and/or spending the remainder of the day in an administrator’s office and having OSS the next day * Staff must be detailed in narrative (include names of victims, even though they’ll be redacted in communication home), please communicate with home the same day if at all possible (this is best practice, so please do this the same day if at all possible), and administration will contact home for ISS or OSS (and all discipline referrals are sent home for communication purposes) * Discipline referrals must be turned in to administration within 1 school day of incident (if you’re out more than 1 day, please be sure your sub knows to turn in the discipline referrals if necessary) * Parents may choose to attend classes with student instead of ISS or OSS for the equivalent number of class periods and/or days if it is a non-violent offense (this is not applicable if it is any suspension awaiting results of expulsion hearing)

Inappropriate Personal Electronic Device (PED) Use (no referral) *Students are allowed to be on PEDs during their time (breakfast, passing, lunch) 1st offense staff member confiscates item and item returned end of day 2nd+ offense same staff member confiscates item and parent must pick it up

Defiance or Disrespect/Inappropriate Language/Physical Aggression 1st offense 5 days of lunch or after school detention 2nd offense 5 days of lunch and after school detention or 5 days of class period suspension 3rd offense 1 day of ISS and behavior plan (adding 1 day for each additional offense, and moving to OSS after 5 days of ISS has been reached)

Disruption *Date(s) of meeting(s) with student and parents prior to referral must be on referral 1st offense 5 days of lunch or after school detention 2nd offense 5 days of class period suspension 3rd offense 1 day of ISS and behavior plan (adding 1 day for each additional offense, and moving to OSS after 5 days of ISS has been reached) Habitual Offender *Behavior plan must be established first 1st step 5 days of OSS and clarity that next will be … 2nd step 10 days of OSS and recommendation for expulsion

Dress Code Violation or Inappropriate Display of Affection *Date(s) of meeting(s) with student and parents prior to referral must be on referral 1st offense referral and warning/conference with administrator (student must get into compliance with dress code always) 2nd offense 3 days of lunch or after school detention 3rd offense 5 days of lunch and after school detention (adding 1 day for each additional offense)

Harassment/Threats/Bullying (always restorative practices involved per victim) 1st offense 4 days of OSS (2 days if restorative sessions are completed) 2nd offense 6 days of OSS (3 days if restorative sessions are completed) 3rd offense 10 days of OSS and behavior and safety plan (including schedule changes and no contact and/or no bullying/harassment contracts)

Fighting (police notification) 1st offense 5 days of OSS 2nd offense 10 days of OSS 3rd offense 10 days of OSS and recommendation for expulsion (this is automatic for 1st or 2nd degree assault)

Gang Affiliation Display (police notification) 1st offense referral and warning/conference with administrator) and signed contract by student and parent 2nd offense 5 days of OSS 3rd offense 10 days of OSS and recommendation for expulsion

Tobacco or like product (police notification) 1st offense 3 days of ISS 2nd offense 4 days of ISS 3rd offense 5 days of OSS (adding 1 day for each additional offense)

Use or Possession of Dangerous Item 1st offense 2 days of OSS 2nd offense 5 days of OSS 3rd offense 10 days of OSS and recommendation for expulsion

Use or Possession of Weapon (police notification) 10 day suspension and recommendation for expulsion Use or Possession of Alcohol or Drugs (police notification) 1st offense 8 days of OSS (6 days if counseling is set up and completed) 2nd offense 10 days of OSS (8 days if counseling is set up and completed) 3rd offense 10 days of OSS and recommendation for expulsion

Drug, Alcohol, or Controlled Substance Distribution (police notification) 10 day suspension and recommendation for expulsion

Attendance Issue (Unexcused Absences) * 1 period = 2 days of lunch and after school detention * 1 day = 5 days of lunch and after school detention Note: Attendance clerk writes referrals for unexcused absences - This includes students who do not have a medical excuse if they’ve already received the 10 day letter

Tardies *Date(s) of meeting(s) with student and parents prior to referral must be on referral *Teachers have discretion of when they write referrals for this based on what has been previously communicated to students/parents from teachers and/or teams 1st offense 2 lunch or after school detentions (referrals begin) 2rd offense 3 after school detentions 3rd offense 5 lunch and after school detentions (after 3 referrals becomes defiance) Note: Teachers write referrals for tardies - Yellow or red constitute unexcused tardies; students get fresh start at semester; teachers track accurately in Infinite Campus; teachers write referrals for all periods, including first period; students must be in room on time or must be counted as tardy (after 2 minutes in the morning, students must have slip from office)

Theft or Vandalism (police notification) 1st offense 1 day ISS to 2 days of OSS (always restitution/police involvement) 2nd offense 3 to 5 days of OSS 3rd offense 5 to 10 days of OSS and possible recommendation for expulsion

Academic Dishonesty Lunch or after school detention until work or assessment is completed correctly Repeat offenses: No credit for assignment (with credit recovery left to the discretion of the teacher), and ISS (starting at 1 day and adding 1 for each offense)

Technology Violation 1st offense 5 periods to 2 days of ISS and loss of privileges for semester 2nd offense 2 days of ISS to 3 days of OSS and loss of privileges for school year 3rd offense 5 days of OSS and loss of privileges for school years at LEMS Reducing ISS and OSS (students missing instructional time)

 Building-wide PBIS  Building-wide weekly affective class period (Wildcat Connections)  Partner classrooms for refocus forms  Issues are resolved most effectively the closer they are to the situation (problem solve and work on solutions at the class level first for issues that are viewed as more minor – please note that inappropriate language of a bigoted nature directed toward others should never be viewed as more minor)  Disruptive behavior, tardy, dress code, and PDA referrals require teacher meetings with students and parents prior to any referrals being submitted  Use of behavior plans and Student Support Team process  Progressive discipline typically starting with detentions, and then increasing with ISS and OSS  Use of restorative practices and/or counseling to reduce suspension time  Consistent conferencing with students to more thoroughly address issues  Parents may choose to attend classes with student instead of ISS or OSS for the equivalent number of class periods and/or days

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