Mayor David M. Siddons Present

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Mayor David M. Siddons Present

Mayor and Council Newsletter Borough of Island Heights Council Meeting July 17, 2007 ______Agenda items are listed in the order that they were acted upon. Each agenda item is $150,000.00 therefore and providing for the summarized. The mayor and/or council member issuance of $142,500.00 in general improvement familiar with the action is listed along with a bonds to finance the same. For details contact: telephone number. Bulleted items were not part Adrian Fanning, Administrator/CFO (732) 270-6415, of the agenda but are for informational purposes. David M. Siddons, Mayor Mayor David M. Siddons – Present 2. First reading and introduction of Ordinance Council President Michael L. Frankovich - 2007 – 12, entitled, AN ORDINANCE OF THE Present BOROUGH OF ISLAND HEIGHTS, COUNTY OF Council members present: Al Gabriel, Brian Hall, OCEAN, STATE OF NEW JERSEY, Karen L. Hershey, Greg Heizler, Betsy Hyle AUTHORIZING THE IMPROVEMENTS TO THE Council members absent: None PUBLIC WORKS FACILITY, AND APPROPRIATING $50,000.00 THEREFORE Presentations by the following: AND PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF Kiwanis Club of Toms River to Island Heights $47,500.00 IN GENERAL IMPROVEMENT Friends of Recreation BONDS TO FINANCE THE SAME. Summary: The Kiwanis Club of Toms River Summary: After first reading and introduction of presented a check in the amount of $2,250.00 to ordinance 2007 - 12, the Mayor and Council Island Heights Friends of Recreation for their Members unanimously approved an ordinance assistance in running 5K River to Bay event. authorizing the improvements to the public works For details contact: Ellie Rogalski, Borough Clerk facility, and appropriating $50,000.00 therefore and (732) 270-6415, Karen L. Hershey, Council Member providing for the issuance of $47,500.00 in general Liaison improvement bonds to finance the same. For details contact: Adrian Fanning, Administrator/CFO (732) Rotary Thank You Plaque review of final 270-6415, Brian Hall, Council Member Liaison wording along with photo of plaque 3. First reading and introduction of Ordinance Summary: The Rotary Club of Toms River asked 2007 – 13, entitled, AN ORDINANCE OF THE Mayor and Council to review the wording for a BOROUGH OF ISLAND HEIGHTS, COUNTY OF proposed plaque they wish to install in the borough. OCEAN, STATE OF NEW JERSEY, The plaque will recognize the generous hospitality Island Heights has shown the Rotary Club during the AUTHORIZING THE REPLACEMENT OF many years of Sailfest, an event that raises funds for RAMPS, AND GRADING AT THE POLICE / charities and scholarships. EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT BUILDING, AND For details contact: Ellie Rogalski, Borough Clerk APPROPRIATING $120,000.00 THEREFORE (732) 270-6415, Michael L. Frankovich, Council AND PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF President $114,000.00 IN GENERAL IMPROVEMENT BONDS TO FINANCE THE SAME. Matt Strawder Eagle Scout Project – Vial for Life Summary: After first reading and introduction of ordinance 2007 - 13, with one no vote, the Mayor Summary: The Mayor and Council Members and Council Members approved an ordinance approved a resolution that permits the distribution of authorizing the replacement of ramps, and grading “Vial of Life” kits in the borough. The “Vial of Life” is at the police / emergency management building, and a small plastic tube which holds medical information appropriating $120,000.00 therefore and providing for anyone who wishes to take part in the program. for the issuance of $114,000.00 in general The form will assist first aid, fire and the police improvement bonds to finance the same. For details department if there is ever an emergency in your contact: Adrian Fanning, Administrator/CFO (732) home. The concept was presented by Matt 270-6415, David M. Siddons, Mayor Strawder, a boy scout from troop 29 in Toms River. For details contact: Ellie Rogalski, Borough Clerk 4. First reading and introduction of Ordinance (732) 270-6415, David M. Siddons, Mayor 2007 – 14, entitled, AN ORDINANCE OF THE BOROUGH OF ISLAND HEIGHTS, COUNTY OF 1. First reading and introduction of Ordinance OCEAN, STATE OF NEW JERSEY, 2007 – 11, entitled, AN ORDINANCE OF THE AUTHORIZING THE REPLACEMENT OF BOROUGH OF ISLAND HEIGHTS, COUNTY OF FILTER MEDIA AND UPGRADES AT THE OCEAN, STATE OF NEW JERSEY, WATER TREATMENT PLANT, AND AUTHORIZING THE INSTALLATION OF APPROPRIATING $70,000.00 THEREFORE BULKHEADS AT LONG POINT AND SIMPSON AND PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF AVENUE, AND APPROPRIATING $150,000.00 $66,500.00 IN GENERAL IMPROVEMENT THEREFORE AND PROVIDING FOR THE BONDS TO FINANCE THE SAME. ISSUANCE OF $142,500.00 IN GENERAL IMPROVEMENT BONDS TO FINANCE THE Summary: After first reading and introduction of SAME. ordinance 2007 - 14, the Mayor and Council Members unanimously approved an ordinance Summary: After first reading and introduction of authorizing the replacement of filter media and ordinance 2007 - 11, the Mayor and Council upgrades at the water treatment plant, and Members unanimously approved an ordinance appropriating $70,000.00 therefore and providing for authorizing the installation of bulkheads at Long the issuance of $66,500.00 in general improvement Point and Simpson Avenue, and appropriating bonds to finance the same. For details contact: Adrian Fanning, Administrator/CFO (732) 270-6415, Siddons, Mayor Brian Hall, Council Member Liaison 5. First reading and introduction of Ordinance 10. Approve the following purchase order 2007 – 15, entitled, AN ORDINANCE OF THE requests: BOROUGH OF ISLAND HEIGHTS, COUNTY OF Administration OCEAN, STATE OF NEW JERSEY, Tri-State Office Supplies AUTHORIZING THE RECONSTRUCTION AND Panasonic/FPD 350 service contract 7/10/07- REPAIRS TO THE CENTRAL AVENUE DOCK, 7/09/08 includes 120,000 copies, toner and all AND APPROPRIATING $50,000.00 THEREFORE parts - $2,150.00 AND PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF $47,500.00 IN GENERAL IMPROVEMENT BONDS Summary: The Mayor and Council Members TO FINANCE THE SAME. unanimously approved the issuance of a purchase order to Tri-State Office Supplies, in the amount of Summary: After first reading and introduction of $2,150.00, for the Panasonic/FPD 350 service ordinance 2007 - 15, the Mayor and Council contract 7/10/07-7/09/08 including 120,000 copies, Members unanimously approved an ordinance toner and all parts. For details contact: Adrian authorizing the reconstruction and repairs to the Fanning, Administrator/CFO (732) 270-6415, David Central Avenue dock, and appropriating $50,000.00 M. Siddons, Mayor therefore and providing for the issuance of $47,500.00 in general improvement bonds to finance 11. Approve Service Agreement for the same. For details contact: Adrian Fanning, Administrative Maintenance Contract as outlined Administrator/CFO (732) 270-6415, David M. Remote Administrations Document period July Siddons, Mayor 1, 2007 thru June 30, 2008. 6. Adopt Resolution 2007 – 47 entitled, Vendor: Coastal Solution, Inc. - $2,500.00 RESOLUTION OF THE BOROUGH OF ISLAND Summary: The Mayor and Council Members HEIGHTS, COUNTY OF OCEAN, STATE OF NEW unanimously approved the issuance of a purchase JERSEY, AUTHORIZING THE GRACE PERIOD order to Coastal Solution, Inc., in the amount of FOR INTEREST TO BE CALCULATED TO BE $2,500.00, for the administrative maintenance EXTENDED. contract from July 1, 2007 through June 30, 2008. Summary: The Mayor and Council Members For details contact: Adrian Fanning, unanimously approved a resolution authorizing the Administrator/CFO (732) 270-6415, Greg Heizler, grace period for interest to be calculated to be Council Member Liaison extended. The State of New Jersey did not provide the information for the tax bills in a timely manner. 12. O’Donnell, Stanton & Associates; award As a result, the 2007 tax bills were not mailed on proposal for engineering services for Gilford time. The grace period for interest to be calculated Avenue road improvement project 2007 NJDOT on the August bills has been extended from August Municipal Aid Program in the amount of: 10th, to August 24th. For details contact: Wendy Phase 1 – 5 Lump Sum $12,800.00 Prior, Tax Collector (732) 270-6414, Adrian Fanning, Phase 6 Budget $13,200.00 Administrator/CFO (732) 270-6415, Karen L. Total $26,000.00 Hershey, Council Member Liaison Summary: With one no vote, the Mayor and Council 7. Adopt Resolution 2007 – 48 entitled, Members approved a proposal to O’Donnell, Stanton RESOLUTION OF THE BOROUGH OF ISLAND & Associates for engineering services for Gilford HEIGHTS, COUNTY OF OCEAN, STATE OF NEW Avenue road improvement project 2007 NJDOT JERSEY, ADOPTING THE NATIONAL INCIDENT Municipal Aid Program in the total amount of MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. $26,000.00. For details contact: Adrian Fanning, Administrator/CFO (732) 270-6415, Brian Hall, Summary: The Mayor and Council Members Council Member Liaison unanimously approved a resolution adopting the National Incident Management System (NIMS), as 13. O’Donnell, Stanton & Associates; award the all hazards incident management system used proposal for engineering services for the Central by all local jurisdictional departments and agencies. Avenue Pier Reconstruction in the amount of: The NIMS system will be administered by the Phase 1 $12,800.00 Borough of Island Heights, Office of Emergency Phase 2 $ 4,000.00 Management. For details contact: Doug Platt, Total $16,800.00 Emergency Management Coordinator (732) 270- 5500, Adrian Fanning, Administrator/CFO (732) 270- Summary: The Mayor and Council Members 6415, Al Gabriel, Council Member Liaison unanimously approved a proposal to O’Donnell, Stanton & Associates for engineering services for 8. Adopt Resolution 2007 – 49 entitled, the Central Avenue Pier Reconstruction in the total RESOLUTION OF THE BOROUGH OF ISLAND amount of $29,600.00. For details contact: Adrian HEIGHTS, COUNTY OF OCEAN, STATE OF NEW Fanning, Administrator/CFO (732) 270-6415, Brian JERSEY, AUTHORIZING A REDUCTION IN THE Hall, Council Member Liaison PERFORMANCE BOND FOR CONZA BUILDERS, BLOCK 38.01, LOT 24. 14. O’Donnell, Stanton & Associates; recommendation to reject bids for the sewer Summary: The Mayor and Council unanimously pump stations. approved a motion to table this resolution to the next council meeting on August 21st. For details contact: Summary: The Mayor and Council Members Adrian Fanning, Administrator/CFO (732) 270-6415, unanimously decided to reject bids for the sewer David M. Siddons, Mayor pump stations. The bids were rejected because they exceeded the engineer’s estimate for the work. 9. Approve payment of obligations chargeable For details contact: Adrian Fanning, to the 2007 operating budgets. Administrator/CFO (732) 270-6415, Brian Hall, Summary: With one abstention on one of the bill list Council Member Liaison items, the Mayor and Council Members approved 15. Per State of New Jersey, Division of Fire the obligations chargeable to the operating budgets. Safety – appointment (7/01/07) of William Richert For details contact: Adrian Fanning, Administrator/CFO (732) 270-6415, David M.

2 should read as follows: Fire Official (Div. of Fire road construction project to Earle Asphalt in the Safety)/Fire Sub-Code Official (DCA). amount of $88,313.13; subject to attorney review and the availability of funds. For details contact: Summary: The Mayor and Council Members Adrian Fanning, Administrator/CFO (732) 270-6415, unanimously approved the title revision of the July 1, Brian Hall, Council Member Liaison 2007 appointment of William Richert to read as Fire Official (Division of Fire Safety) / Fire Sub-Code 22. Adopt Resolution 2007 – 50 entitled, Official (Department of Community Affairs). For RESOLUTION OF THE BOROUGH OF ISLAND details contact: Ellie Rogalski, Borough Clerk (732) HEIGHTS, COUNTY OF OCEAN, STATE OF NEW 270-6415, Al Gabriel, Council Member Liaison JERSEY, TO ENTER INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION. 16. Approve application from the Island Heights Summary: The Mayor and Council Members Sailing Foundation for Special Permit for Social unanimously approved a resolution to enter into Affair (ABC License): DOE: September 29, 2007, executive session. For details contact: Adrian Island Heights Yacht Club between 1:00 PM and Fanning, Administrator/CFO (732) 270-6415, David 7:00 PM. M. Siddons, Mayor

Summary: The Mayor and Council Members unanimously approved an application for a special Liaison Reports permit for social affair (ABC license) for the Island Mayor David M. Siddons spoke of the possibility of Heights Sailing Foundation at the Island Heights water restrictions due to the high usage and the Yacht Club for September 29, 2007 from 1:00 PM to limitations of the water treatment plant. The high water 7:00 PM. For details contact: Ellie Rogalski, demands experienced this past June can be directly Borough Clerk (732) 270-6415, Al Gabriel, Council related to hot temperatures and irrigation water usage. Member Liaison The borough’s water supply is new and can produce 17. Approve the following requests from the the necessary water from wells 9 and 10. The water Rotary Club of Toms River, during Sailfest – treatment plant is old and has capacity restrictions. The water plant has three (3) filters and it takes September 8, 2007. approximately two hours per filter for daily 1. Permission to place two (2) port-a-johns maintenance. During the month of June, the two wells on Letter Park. pumped 18 – 22 hours per day. In the non-summer 2. Permission to close the T-Dock at months the wells pump an average of 8 hours per day. Central Avenue Should water restrictions become necessary, residents will be notified in advance. The restrictions will include Summary: With one abstention, the Mayor and watering of lawns on odd/even days. The last time Council Members approved the requests from the water restrictions were implemented was back in June Rotary Club of Toms River listed above during of 1988. The Mayor also discussed the Central Sailfest, September 8, 2007. For details contact: Regional lawsuit filed by Seaside Park. The borough Ellie Rogalski, Borough Clerk (732) 270-6415, David received service of the lawsuit last Friday, and will be M. Siddons, Mayor discussing it in closed session later that evening. We will have the borough attorney respond as needed and 18. Ratify the Mayors’ appointments to the will continue to update residents on a regular basis. following committees: Council President Michael L. Frankovich reported on Joe Pelliccio – Recreation Committee (1 yr term) the police department. As of this date, there were KC Baney – Environmental Committee (1 yr 7,148 calls to service. There have been 168 term) investigative reports for the year, 30 reports since July Norman Sheer – Environmental Committee (1 yr 1. In addition, three DWI arrests, one CDS arrest, six term) assault arrests, six warrant arrests, three suspended driver arrests, one disorderly conduct arrest, eight Summary: The Mayor and Council Members vehicle impounds, one criminal mischief report, two unanimously approved the Mayors’ appointments theft reports, one found property report, two motor listed above. For details contact: Ellie Rogalski, vehicle accident reports, including one hit and run, and Borough Clerk (732) 270-6415, David M. Siddons, one water rescue off of the Central Avenue Dock. Also, Mayor there have been 45 motor vehicle stops. July 4th went very well for the town, with not many major incidents. 19. Approve membership in the Island Heights The recreation bike parade was also another great Fire Co. #1 for the following: Michael A. event. Finally, Mr. Frankovich added congratulations to McDaniel and Dustin C. Gabriel. Patrolman Michael Koehler and his wife Kate. They Summary: With two abstentions, the Mayor and had a baby boy on July 7, 2007, he was 7 lbs 5 oz. Council Members approved the membership of Welcome Jack Koehler. As a member of the Rotary Michael A. McDaniel and Dustin C. Gabriel to the Club of Toms River, Mr. Frankovich noted that Rotary closed out its fiscal year and the following donations Island Heights Fire Co. #1. For details contact: Ellie were made to Island Heights Organizations last year: Rogalski, Borough Clerk (732) 270-6415, Michael L. Island Heights DARE program - $500.00, Island Frankovich, Council President Heights Friends of Recreation - $1,500.00, Robert 20. Approve minutes from the following Remppies Memorial Garden - $500.00, Island Heights meetings: June 12th, June 26th and July 1, 2007. First Aid Squad - $1,982.40, Island Heights Fire Company - $465.00 and the Island Heights Cultural & th Summary: With one abstention on the June 12 and Heritage Society - $250.00. The total amount donated June 26th meeting minutes, the Mayor and Council to date is $5,197.00. Members approved the minutes of the regular Council Member Al Gabriel reported that he met with council meetings of June 12, June 26 and July 1, the Island Heights building official regarding an unsafe 2007. For details contact: Ellie Rogalski, Borough structure on Garden Avenue. In addition, he met with Clerk (732) 270-6415, David M. Siddons, Mayor the Island Heights fire official and the State Bureau Fire Safety in regards to the fire official’s audit, which was 21. O’Donnell, Stanton & Associates re: fine. In addition, Mr. Gabriel reported that we have a recommendation of award for the Gilford Avenue new 20’ x 30’ American flag flying at the Island Heights road construction project to Earle Asphalt in the municipal complex. He further stated that the new oil amount of $88,313.13, subject to attorney and tank is being installed at the Island Heights post office. the availability of funds. Also, Mr. Gabriel commented on the planning board Summary: With one no vote, the Mayor and Council meeting, specifically Peto building which is going to be restored to a museum and office space. Finally, Mr. Members approved the award of the Gilford Avenue

3 Gabriel asked Doug Platt the emergency management Seaside Park lawsuit coordinator to speak on borough preparedness. Water rescue at Central Avenue Pavilion Mr. Platt stated that the summer Emergency New playground dedication Management Newsletter has been published and is July 4th parade being distributed with the Council newsletter. Last summer we held two exercises to test our response to a hurricane and a multi-crisis event. Both were Other Borough Actions successful and are described in the newsletter. We are in the process of planning our exercises for this year. Adopt Resolution 2007 – 51 entitled, The annual nuclear response drill is planned for RESOLUTION OF THE BOROUGH OF ISLAND September. The “Reverse 911” notification system is HEIGHTS, COUNTY OF OCEAN, STATE OF NEW being updated and will be tested within the next week. JERSEY, PERMITTING MATT STRAWDER TO We will be using it to provide emergency notifications SOLICIT DOOR TO DOOR FOR HIS EAGLE as well as water restriction announcements, public SCOUT PROJECT “VIAL FOR LIFE”. service announcements and other informational purposes. The Office of Emergency Management met Summary: The Mayor and Council Members with representatives of the Senior Advisory Committee unanimously approved a resolution permitting Matt to discuss evacuations and emergency preparedness. Strawder to solicit door to door for his Eagle Scout We will be presenting this material to the Senior project “Vial for Life”. For further information see Committee at borough hall on September 19, 2007 at presentation 3 on the first page. For details contact: 7:00 PM. Ellie Rogalski, Borough Clerk (732) 270-6415, David Council Member Brian Hall reported that the trash M. Siddons, Mayor cans have been moved and placed on the side of the Authorize Borough Attorney to begin the boardwalk on River Avenue. The sewer jet vac has been repaired. He again asked residents to be mindful process of representing Island Heights in the of what they flush in their toilets as it has an impact on Central Regional lawsuit. our pump stations. He also reported on the site work Summary: As a result of executive session, the preparation at the public works recycling center. Mayor and Council Members unanimously approved Council President Karen L. Hershey reported that authorizing the borough attorney to begin the once again, the recreation committee organized a great necessary process to represent the borough in the July 4 parade. The attendance was excellent despite Central Regional lawsuit. For details contact: the less than perfect weather conditions. More than Adrian Fanning, Administrator/CFO (732) 270-6415, 200 residents attended the parade. Also, the summer recreation program schedule is included in this week's David M. Siddons, Mayor newsletter. Ms. Hershey further stated that the Rotary club has donated $500 to the DARE program. That donation comes from the proceeds from Sailfest and Other Items of Interest other events they sponsor in our area. Finally, Ms. Hershey said that the Environmental Committee is  The Island Heights Senior Advisory Committee advising the Mayor to consider supporting the U.S. regularly scheduled meeting is Thursday, August 2, Conference of Mayors Climate Protection Agreement. 2007 at 6:00 PM held at the borough hall. In that agreement, U.S. Mayors pledge to support The Island Heights Planning Board regularly efforts to reduce carbon dioxide emissions to below scheduled meeting is Wednesday, August 8, 2007 at 1990 levels by the year 2012. Six hundred Mayors 6:30 PM held at the borough hall. around the country have signed on thus far including  The Island Heights Board of Education regular several mayors from Ocean County. Carbon dioxide meeting is Monday, August 13, 2007 workshop begins emissions are thought to be the leading cause of global at 7:00 PM, followed by the regular meeting at 7:30 warming. PM, held at the Island Heights Grade School, 115 Council Member Betsy Hyle reported on the Senior Summit Avenue, Island Heights. Advisory Committee. Just a reminder, the next  The Island Heights Board of Health regularly scheduled event is an evening at Summit Avenue scheduled meeting is Tuesday, August 14, 2007 at Beach to learn surfcasting. That will take place the 9:00 AM held at the borough hall. evening of Wednesday July 25th from 5:30 PM - 8:30 The Island Heights Environmental Committee PM. Hot Dogs and drinks will be available. You don’t regularly scheduled meeting is Wednesday, August 15, have to be a senior to enjoy this event…all ages 2007 at 7:00 PM held at the borough hall. welcome. Our next “Senior Social” will be an ice cream The Island Heights Recreation Committee regularly party on Wednesday August 15 at the Central Beach scheduled meeting is Monday, August 20, 2007 at 7:30 Café starting at 6:00 PM…so please join us for a “cool” PM held at the borough hall. evening with friends. The committee also thanks Karen The Island Heights Mayor and Council regularly Kier and Nell Thorston for all their help this past year scheduled meeting is Tuesday, August 21, 2007 at and welcomes new committee members Arline Rubino 7:00 PM held at the borough hall. and Joe Rogalski. The next committee meeting is The Island Heights Municipal Alliance Committee Thursday, August 2nd at 6:00 PM. In addition, Mrs. Hyle (MAC) regularly scheduled meeting is Wednesday, reported on the Island Heights library. Miranda August 22, 2007 at 3:00 PM held at the borough hall. Sulikowski, our Island Heights librarian, will be leaving th us on August 8 . Miranda has taken a position as a The Municipal Clerk’s Office, Tax & Water/Sewer School Library Media Specialist at the Forked River Office and Finance/Purchasing are open Monday School in Lacey Township. She shared with me that – Friday 9:00 AM until 3:00 PM and Monday her “experience with the Ocean County Library and the evening 6:00 PM until 8:00 PM. Please call the Island Heights Grade School has helped her grow tremendously” and she now is looking forward to using Borough Hall at (732) 270-6415 for days and some of her experiences here in Island Heights to times of offices not listed above. initiate programs and curriculum in her new school [email protected] setting. I know many will miss her and we thank her for Mayor David M. Siddons (732) 929-1231 her energy and creativity at the library this past year Council President Karen L. Hershey (732) 288- and a half. 0388 Privilege of the Floor April D. Elley, Newsletter Editor (732) 270-6415 These subjects were discussed during Privilege of the Floor, for additional details please see the approved minutes on the borough website.


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