The Facts Behind Singletary Scholars

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The Facts Behind Singletary Scholars

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The facts behind Singletary Scholars

Adrianna Ferrer

CIS 110 Singletary scholars 2


This paper details just one of the many cultures on the University of Kentucky’s campus.

Although they may not initially appear as a culture, the Singletary Scholars are very different from other groups on campus. They strive to maintain grades, do their best in their communities, and maintain professionalism on and off campus. This culture worked hard to get where they are today, and will continue to work hard during their four years at University of Kentucky. Singletary scholars 3

The facts behind Singletary Scholars

High school is different than college. Students shuffle from class to class unsure of why they are there. Classes like gym and art exist to break up the monotony of the day, and the passion for learning fades as the year goes on. College, as mentioned, is very different. In college, there is a certain culture that exists of students striving to achieve their dreams, going that extra mile to get the grades, and at the end of the four years, get that career. These college students, very different than high school students, and select other college peers, know why they are there. Scholarships exist to aid in their pursuit, and keep the eager students where they want to be. One such scholarship, specific to the University of Kentucky is the Otis A. Singletary

Scholarship, a source of envy to students in this culture.

This scholarship was named after one of the presidents of the University of Kentucky,

President Otis A. Singletary, who presided from 1969 to 1987.President Singletary valued competitive learning and thought that true scholars deserved scholarships. To many, President

Singletary “le[ft] a lasting impression on our campus and throughout our community that will never be forgotten.” (Administrator, W. (2014, August 19). University of Kentucky Singletary &

Patterson Scholars. Retrieved October 16, 2014.) Like the president, Singletary scholars are encouraged to “leave their mark” on the university.

Recipients of this scholarship are thankful to the late president, and will definitely not forget his contributions, as their scholarship gives many benefits; the most coveted being full coverage of undergraduate tuition. But what does it take to earn this kind of scholarship? How do they maintain their scholarship? What is expected of a Singletary scholar? There is so much more to earning and keeping such a prestigious scholarship that is unknown to many outside the Singletary scholars 4 culture of scholars. Singletary scholars are expected to perform well, and expect even higher performances out of themselves.

Receiving this award is so much more than a full ride to college, especially to those who receive it. With the Otis A. Singletary scholarship you are given the full four year undergraduate tuition, paid room and board for living on campus, a stipend, an I-pad presented to you, and a two thousand dollar stipend for a one time chance to participate in the University of Kentucky's study abroad program. (Administrator, W. (2014, August 19). University of Kentucky

Singletary& Patterson Scholars. Retrieved October 16, 2014.) This alleviates much of the stress that comes with trying to pay for college, and also affords them many unforgettable experiences they may have otherwise been able to attend (for example, the opportunity to study abroad for the summer). There are so many rewarding attributes that come with being a Singletary scholar.

This, of course, heightens the competitive nature of the scholarship; the University of Kentucky is not going to give it to just anyone.

Many students come to college still in the mindset that they held during high school.

They may not have bothered to turn in assignments on time (what friendly English teacher would deny an extension?), stay awake during all of class, or write their best, most Shakespearean essay. These students face a rude awakening in college, something not necessarily found in most

Singletary scholars. These scholars have made a commitment to being above average from before college, and work equally hard to maintain this excellence. Many were leaders as well as academics in high school. Many Singletary scholars admit to wearing many hats in high school

—they were valedictorians, football stars, marching band field commanders, BETA club presidents, and homecoming queens—just to name a few. Singletary scholars 5

This is important, since when applying for the Otis A. Singletary scholarship, the

University of Kentucky looks for more than just grades. The university searches to find fifty of the most elite scholars, volunteers, leaders, and go-getters from across the country. Being a competitive scholarship, the Singletary requires an un-weighted grade point average of 3.5, the minimum ACT score of 31 or a 1360 SAT, and completion of the competitive application by the assigned deadline. (Academic Scholarship Program for Incoming

Freshmen Fall 2015 | UK Student Financial Aid and Scholarships.

(n.d.).) Even after applying for the Otis A. Singletary scholarship you must go through an interview process, which re-asserts the claim that the scholarship committee is not solely interested on what is on paper. The interview committee looks for a degree of professionalism as well as further proof that they are choosing the best leaders and scholars. At the end of the day, the University of Kentucky wants more than the knowledge that you can exemplify through tests and Grade point averages, but the well rounded person looking to strive to achieve more. They are looking for students to best represent the school, and potentially lead the school to bigger and better states. It is therefore important to be involved in many things—your school, your city, your state—before you choose to apply.

Earning the Otis A, Singletary scholarship is one thing. Keeping it is another. As a

Singletary scholar there are many things expected of you. Once students are awarded the scholarship, they continue to work diligently to maintain both the monetary prize, as well as the associated culture. According to first year Singletaries Madeline Fuller and Claudia Prevost, it is first and foremost essential to maintain a grade point average above a 3.3. In addition to maintaining grades, Singletary students are required to attend monthly leadership-oriented dinners, attend social change class every two weeks, be a member of the honors program, Singletary scholars 6 complete service volunteer work, and shadow under a sophomore Singletary scholar. Madeline states, “I knew they would not just hand it to me.”

Claudia and Madeline were eager to talk about their volunteer and shadow work with their sophomore mentors and required classes. Madeline is able to work with Dance Blue, twenty-four hour dance marathon that raises money for the pediatric oncology unit at the

University of Kentucky’s Children’s Hospital. Claudia enjoys the Honors 100 class that all

Singletary Scholars attend once every two weeks. In that class, students explore leadership and discuss the idea of “social change,” described by the book “Leadership for a Better World:

Understanding the Social Change Model of Leadership Development.” Both girls feel as though they are learning more than they would if they were having a typical college experience without the Singletary Scholarship.

People outside this culture may ask, "What is the point of this?" but to a Singletary scholar and the committee, it is simple. The University of Kentucky does not just want academic excellence; they want the very best, and to them, the best involves staying busy with enrichment.

Claudia Prevost states that she enjoys staying busy with her Singletary activities. Claudia knows that a lot is expected of her as a future doctor, and expects even more of herself. She has joined many clubs and organizations, such as the medical fraternity Phi Delta Epsilon and the

Baptist Campus Ministry in order to be an active member on campus. Claudia’s thoughts echo many other Singletary scholars. She studies persistently, as cohesive with her culture of academics, waiting for the day she can call herself a pediatric oncologist. Madeline too dreams of professional school, wishing to be a dentist, and is grateful to the scholarship, as it allows her to focus on her grades instead of her finances, and in turn, save money and energy for post- undergraduate life. Singletary scholars 7

But what made these scholars the way they are? Why are not all college cultures striving to be their very best academically? The truth is many are—just in different ways. That is not to say that Singletary scholars are the elite of the school, or that you have to have been a Singletary scholar in college to make it as a big-shot doctor or lawyer. It is just that this particular culture values their successes in a more pronounced way. Singletary scholars wear their badges proudly

—just as other cultures should Singletary scholars 8 Singletary scholars 9


Acedemic scholarship program for incoming freshman, Fall 2015 (October 16,2014). UK

Student Financial Aid and Scholarships. (n.d.).

Administrator, W. ((2014, August 19). University of Kentucky Singletary & Patterson Scholars.

Prevost, C. Singletary Scholars [Interview]. October 10, 2014

Fuller, M. Singletary Scholars [Interview]. October 10, 2014

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