Llanfair Community Council

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Llanfair Community Council


Minutes of Council Meeting held at St Hilary Village Hall on Thursday, 11th May 2017 at 7.20pm.

Present: Chairman : Councillor Ray Simkiss Councillors : Mary Llewellyn, David Hawkins, Rhian Rees, Heather Shaw, Geoff Simpson and Jim Teague.

In Attendance: Jackie Griffin, Clerk. P C Elson.

Item 1: Apologies for Absence. None.

Item 2: Declarations of Interest. None.

Item 3: Community Police Matters. PC Elson advised that there are no reported crimes since the last meeting.

The Manager at The Farm was unable to be at the meeting tonight but has indicated that he will attend a future one.

Item 4: Acceptance of Minutes of Meeting held 6th April 2017. Resolved that the minutes of the meetings held 6th April 2017 were a correct record of the meetings and the minutes were duly signed by the Chairman.

Item 5: Matters arising from the Minutes of Meeting held 6th April 2017, (not included in this agenda). 5.1 Item 7.2 – Purchase of a defibrillator in St Hilary. An event that was organised to raise funds towards the purchase was cancelled. It was noted that St Mary Church Residents Group are planning to purchase a defibrillator for the village. The Clerk advised that she would make enquiries with the British Heart Foundation about the most cost effective way to purchase defibrillators and obtain some information regarding training on the use of the equipment.

5.2 Item 14 – Letter drafted by Councillor Simpson with regard to the refusal to site a salt bin close to Llanfair Primary School and the refusal by Mr Clogg to meet with the Community Council to follow up on any progress with highway improvements as agreed at the meeting last October. The Members approved the letter in its entirety and agreed that it should be sent out without any amendments. The Members thanked Councillor Simpson for taking the time to draft the letter.

5.3 Item 13 – Provision of Broadband. It was reported that the installation is delayed but some slow progress is being made.

Item 6: Report from the Vale of Glamorgan Councillors. No Vale Councillors present. Page two Item 7: Chairman’s Report. No Chairman’s report.

Item 8: Clerk’s Report. 8.1 Finances Bank balance was noted at £5,738.53 (Current Account £4,845.95 and Savings £892.58). Payments made since last meeting are: Clerk’s Salary (April) - £154.26; HMRC Tax (April) - £38.57; The Vale of Glamorgan Council (Llanfair School Sign) - £345.00. Payments due to be made are: Clerk’s Salary (May) - £154.26; HMRC Tax (May) - £38.57. Monies received into the Bank Account - First Precept from Vale of Glamorgan Council - £1,294.00.

8.2 E-Mail from D Ilsley. A very nice e-mail had been received from Mr David Ilsley on his ‘retirement’ from the Community Council after 25 years of service. Members discussed the possibility of getting a ‘thank you’ letter from Mr A Cairns MP or Ms J Hutt AM to recognise and thank Mr Ilsley for his huge contribution to the Community over a long time. The Clerk would make some enquiries in the hope of achieving such a request.

8.3 Change of date of July Meeting from 6th to 13th. The Clerk advised that a course is being run from One Voice Wales on ‘Being a Councillor’ at the Town Hall in Cowbridge on 6th July. It was suggested that the meeting date be changed to the 13th to accommodate attendance by any Councillors wishing to go. The Clerk would make enquiries with One Voice Wales with regard to any bursaries would the Community Council would be entitled to. Resolved that the meeting date should be changed from 6th to 13th July with a start time of 7.30pm to accommodate the earlier Governors meeting. Item 9: Planning. No items.

Item 10: Reports of Representatives. Councillor Simpson reported on the One Voice Wales held on 24th April, at which there was a presentation from Western Power on Services which are available for customers over the age of 60. These include advice on what to do during power cuts particularly if power is required for medical equipment. There was also an item on a report from the Wales Audit Office (WAO) on the Audit Governance for 2015/2016 and how the WAO is broadening the governance requirements for Community and Town Councils Audits. Page three Item 11: To discuss the adoption of the BT Telephone Box in St Hilary. Councillor Hawkins advised that there has been a further ‘St Hilary Village Forum Meeting’ and suggested that a representative is invited to present their proposals with regard to the BT Telephone Box prior to the next meeting. Councillor Hawkins will contact a member of the forum to make an arrangement.

Item 12: To discuss the possibility of the projector being lent out for Community Use. The Clerk advised that she had been approached by a resident who has expressed an interest in hiring the Community Council’s projector. It was agreed that enquiries and consideration would need to be made on the following points prior to a decision on this request:  Insurance implications on the hire of the projector should it be damaged;  Where can the projector be ‘housed’ to be available for loan;  The main object of the purchase was to enable the Community Council to view planning applications, as the Vale Council is not providing paper copies so it needs to be available for that. The Clerk will report back at the next meeting.

Item 13: Correspondence and Publications 13.1 Letter from the Vale of Glamorgan Council regarding the Appointment of a Community Committee Member (Community Councillor) to the Standards Committee in accordance with the provisions of the Standards Committees (Wales) Regulations 2001. The Standards Committee comprises of three Vale of Glamorgan Councillors, five Independent Members and one Community Councillor Representative. Councillor M Cuddy of Penarth Town Council has been the representative nominated by the Town and Community Councils and he has indicated that he is happy to continue for a further term. Noted. The Community Council is happy for Councillor Cuddy to continue for a further term.

13.2 Valeways Walks Poster for April to June 2017 and May walking festival. Noted.

13.3 Clerks & Councils Direct – March 2017. Noted.

Item 14: Any Other Business allowed at the discretion of the Chairman. None.

Item 15: Date, Place and Time of Next Meeting. The next meeting will be held on Thursday, 8th June 2017 at the Council Chamber, Town Hall, Cowbridge at 7.00pm.

………..………………. Chairman Date : 8th June 2017.

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