Database Codes and Names Used in Request

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Database Codes and Names Used in Request

Database codes and names used in Request Last update Nov 2008

Code Full database name Vendor UCR WorldCat Local OCLC 25h Race Relations Abstracts EBSCO UCSD WorldCat Local OCLC 8gh GreenFILE EBSCO a9h Academic Search Complete EBSCO aarpdb AgeLine OVID abell Annual Bibliography of English Language and ProQuest Literature ABELL ABI_INFORM_GLOBAL ABI Inform/Global ProQuest aerospace-set-c Aerospace & High Technology Database CSA aerospace-set-n Aerospace Database CSA AG AGRICOLA SilverPlatter AGRI AGRICOLA SilverPlatter agricola-set-c AGRICOLA CSA agricultural-set-c Agricultural and Environmental Biotechnology CSA Abstracts ahl America History and Life EBSCO ahlref America History and Life EBSCO aia-set-c Aluminium Industry Abstracts CSA AltPressIndex Alternative Press Index FirstSearch AltPressIndexArchive Alternative Press Index Archive FirstSearch AMICO The AMICO Library Wilson11 animal-behavior-set-c Animal Behavior Abstracts CSA ante-set-c ANTE: Abstracts in New Technologies and Engineering CSA AnthropologyPlus AnthropologyPlus FirstSearch aph Academic Search FullTEXT Premier EBSCO APh L’Année Philologique (Online) Société Internationale de Bibliographie Classique aphjnh Academic Search Premier Publications EBSCO aquclust-set-c ASFA Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts CSA ARTAB Art Abstracts Wilson artbm-set-c ARTbibliographies Modern CSA ARTFT Art Full Text Wilson ArticleFirst ArticleFirst FirstSearch ARTIN Art Index Wilson ARTR Art Index Retrospective Wilson asfa1-set-c ASFA 1: Biological Sciences and Living Resources CSA asfa2-set-c ASFA 2: Ocean Technology, Policy and Non-Living CSA Resources asfa3-set-c ASFA 3: Aquatic Pollution and Environmental Quality CSA assia-set-c ASSIA: Applied Social Sciences Index and Abstracts CSA ASTAB Applied Science & Technology Abstracts Wilson ASTFT Applied Science & Technology Full Text Wilson

1 Wilson may combine multiple database abbreviations separated by / for example: ARTR/ARTAB/RGR should be listed as Art Retro/Art Abs/Readers Guide Retro

Database codes and names used in Request Last update Nov 2008 1 diva\projects\request\inside-cdl-web-data\DatabaseCodesNamesUsedRequest.doc Code Full database name Vendor ASTIN Applied Science & Technology Index Wilson ATLAReligion ATLAReligion FirstSearch atla-set-c ATLA Religion Database CSA ATLF ATLA Religion Database SilverPlatter avery-set-c Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals CSA AVOL AV-ONLINE SilverPlatter bacteriology-set-c Bacteriology Abstracts (Microbiology B) CSA BAIN Biological & Agricultural Index Plus Wilson UCB WorldCat Local OCLC bha-set-c Bibliography of the History of Art CSA BIB Bibliographic Index Plus Wilson biodig-set-c Biology Digest CSA biolclust-set-c Biological Sciences CSA bioone-set-c BioOne Abstracts and Indexes CSA biopdb BIOSIS Previews OVID BIORB Biography Reference Bank Wilson BIOX Biography Index Wilson blref-set-c Recent References Related to Natural Sciences CSA Book Review Index Book Review Index Gale BRD Book Review Digest Plus Wilson BRDR Book Review Digest Retrospective Wilson bsc Black Studies Center Chadwyck-Healey bth Business Source Complete EBSCO bthjnh Business Source Complete--Publications EBSCO buh Business Source Premier EBSCO buhjnh Business Source Premier Publications EBSCO BUSAB Wilson Business Abstracts Wilson BUSFT Wilson Business Full Text Wilson BUSIN Business Periodicals Index Wilson Business & Company Resource Business & Company Resource Center Gale Center bwh Regional Business News EBSCO c19index Nineteenth-Century Index Chadwyck-Healey CAB ComAbstracts CIOS CABI CAB HEALTH SilverPlatter CaliforniaCatalog CaliforniaCatalog FirstSearch CAPLUS Chemical Abstracts SciFinder Scholar CBIL Current BiographyB. Illustrated Wilson CBIO Current BiographyB. Wilson CDL90 Melvyl UC CHC Children's Catalog Wilson CHCR Children's Catalog Archive Wilson ChicanoDatabase Chicano Database FirstSearch cih Pre-CINAHL EBSCO cin20 CINAHL w/Headings EBSCO cin20ref CINAHL EBSCO

Database codes and names used in Request Last update Nov 2008 2 diva\projects\request\inside-cdl-web-data\DatabaseCodesNamesUsedRequest.doc Code Full database name Vendor citation Citation Linker UC-eLinks civil-set-c CSA / ASCE Civil Engineering Abstracts CSA cja-set-c Criminal Justice Abstracts CSA ClasePeriodica ClasePeriodica FirstSearch commabs-set-c Communication Abstracts CSA Compendex Compendex Plus Elsevier Eng. Info. copper-set-c Copper Data Center Database CSA corrosion-set-c Corrosion Abstracts CSA cpi-set-c Conference Papers Index CSA CSA zooclust-set-c Zoological Record Plus CSA daai-set-c DAAI: Design and Applied Arts Index CSA dmhco Datamonitor Company Profiles Authority EBSCO EAIM Expanded Academic ASAP Gale earthquake-set-c Earthquake Engineering Abstracts CSA Ebooks OCLC catalog of online electronic books FirstSearch ECO ECO Electronic collections Online FirstSearch ecology-set-c Ecology Abstracts CSA ECON EconLit SilverPlatter econlit-set-c EconLit CSA EDUAB Education Abstracts Wilson EDUFT Education Full Text Wilson EDUIN Education Index Wilson EDUR Education Index Retrospective 1929-1983 Wilson egh Environment Index EBSCO eghjnh Environment Index Publications EBSCO EGL Essay and General Literature Wilson ehh Education Research Complete EBSCO eis-set-c EIS: Digests of Environmental Impact Statements CSA emaclust-set-c Engineered Materials Abstracts CSA ema-composites-set-c Composites Industry Abstracts CSA ema-polymers-set-c Advanced Polymers Abstracts CSA entomology-set-c Entomology Abstracts CSA envclust-set-c Environmental Sciences and Pollution Mgmt CSA environmental-set-c Environmental Engineering Abstracts CSA eoah EJS E-Journals EBSCO eric-set-c ERIC CSA Expanded Academic ASAP Expanded Academic ASAP Gale f3h Film & Television Literature Index with Full Text EBSCO f5h MasterFILE Premier EBSCO fah Film & Television Literature Index EBSCO FFF Famous First Facts Wilson FIC Fiction Catalog Wilson fii Film Index International Chadwyck-Healy fph Bibliography of Native North Americans EBSCO FRANCIS FRANCIS FirstSearch FSTA FSTA (Food Science and Technology Abstracts) SilverPlatter

Database codes and names used in Request Last update Nov 2008 3 diva\projects\request\inside-cdl-web-data\DatabaseCodesNamesUsedRequest.doc Code Full database name Vendor geoproc-set-c GeoRef In Process CSA georef-set-c GeoRef CSA GG GEOGRAPHY 1990+ SilverPlatter google google google GPO GPO database FirstSearch GSAB General Science Abstracts Wilson GSFT General Science Full Text Wilson GSIN General Science Index Wilson GVRL Gale Virtual Reference Library Gale hapidb Health and Psychosocial Instruments OVID hapionline Hispanic American Periodicals Index HAPI MusicIndex MusicIndex Harmonie health-safety-set-c Health and Safety Science Abstracts CSA hia Historical Abstracts EBSCO HistSciTechMed History of Science, Technology, and Medicine FirstSearch HLAS Handbook of Latin American Studies LC hlh Humanities International Complete EBSCO HSR Humanities & Social Sciences Retrospective HWW HUMAB Humanities Abstracts Wilson humanpop-set-c Human Population & Natural Resource Management CSA HUMFT Humanities Full Text Wilson HUMIN Humanities Index Wilson IBSS International Bibliography of The Social Sciences SilverPlatter ibss-set-c IBSS: International Bibliography of the Social Sciences CSA icpsr Interuniversity Consortium for Political and Social Research IFLP Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals SilverPlatter iimp International Index to Music Periodicals Chadwyck-Healy iipa International Index to the Performing Arts Chadwyck-Healy ILPFT Index to Legal Periodicals Full Text Wilson ILPIN Index to Legal Periodicals and Books Wilson informaworld informaworld informa insadb Inspec Archive OVID inspdb Inspec OVID ipabdb International Pharmaceutical Abstracts OVID ipa-set-c International Pharmaceutical Abstracts CSA IPS Cross Product Search Gale islamicus-set-c Index Islamicus CSA iyh International Bibliography of Theater & Dance EBSCO JHC Middle & Junior High School Library Catalog Wilson jlh CINAHL Plus EBSCO jlhjnh CINAHL Plus -- Publications EBSCO jlhref CINAHL Plus References EBSCO jph Index to Jewish Periodicals EBSCO JRAU Junior Authors and Illustrators Wilson lhh CAB Health EBSCO

Database codes and names used in Request Last update Nov 2008 4 diva\projects\request\inside-cdl-web-data\DatabaseCodesNamesUsedRequest.doc Code Full database name Vendor LIBFT Library Lit & Info Science Full Text Wilson LIBIN Library Literature & Information Science Wilson LIBR Library Literature and Information Science Wilson Retrospective LISA LISA SilverPlatter lisa-set-c LISA: Library and Information Science Abstracts CSA llba-set-c Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts CSA LT LegalTrac Gale lxh Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts EBSCO marine-set-c ASFA Marine Biotechnology Abstracts CSA materials-set-c CSA Materials Research Database CSA MathSciNet MathSciNet AMS mbf-set-c Materials Business File CSA mechanical-set-c Mechanical Engineering Abstracts CSA MEDLINE MEDLINE SciFinder Scholar medline-set-c MEDLINE CSA UC Systemwide WorldCat Local OCLC metadex-set-c METADEX CSA mga-set-c Meteorological & Geoastrophysical Abstracts CSA microbiology-a-set-c Industrial and Applied Microbiology Abstracts CSA micropatent-set-c MicroPatents Materials Patents CSA mla MLA International Bibliograph Chadwyck-Healy mlaperiod-set-c MLA Directory of Periodicals CSA mla-set-c MLA International Bibliography CSA mpa Music & Performing Arts Online Chadwyck-Healey mth Military & Government Collection EBSCO MusicIndex The Music index online Harmonie ncjrs-set-c National Criminal Justice Reference Service Abstracts CSA nih The Nation Archive EBSCO nihjnh The Nation Archive Publications EBSCO Not sent in OpenURL ucpress escholarship Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Highwire Therapeutics Mutagenesis Oxford Univ Press Journal of Petrology Oxford Univ Press APh Academic Search FullTEXT Premier EBSCO BMC Biomed Central BioMed Central nqh CINAHL EBSCO nqhjnh CINAHL Select Periodicals EBSCO ntis-set-c NTIS CSA nursing CINAHL Cumulative Index to Nursing & Allied Health OVID oah EBSCO Online Citations EBSCO oao Oxford Art Online Oxford Univ Press oceanic-set-c Oceanic Abstracts CSA ODNB Oxford Dictionary of National Biography Oxford Univ Press OMNIFT OmniFile Full Text Mega Wilson OMNIS OmniFile Full Text Select Wilson

Database codes and names used in Request Last update Nov 2008 5 diva\projects\request\inside-cdl-web-data\DatabaseCodesNamesUsedRequest.doc Code Full database name Vendor OMNIV OmniFile V Full Text Wilson omo Oxford Music Online Oxford Univ Press ovftdb Journals@Ovid OVID paisarc-set-c PAIS Archive CSA pais-set-c PAIS International CSA pao Periodicals Archive Online Chadwyck-Healy PapersFirst PapersFirst FirstSearch pci Periodicals Contents Index Chadwyck-Healy PHIL Philosopher's Index - 1940 to Present SilverPlatter philosopher-set-c Philosopher`s Index CSA pilots-set-c PILOTS Database CSA pio Periodicals Index Online Chadwyck-Healy plantsci-set-c Plant Science CSA PLC Public Library Catalog Wilson pmid PubMed NCBI pollution-set-c Pollution Abstracts CSA polsci-set-c Worldwide Political Science CSA PrimateLit PrimateLit Univ. of Wisconsin Proceedings ProceedingsFirst FirstSearch psycarticles-set-c PsycARTICLES CSA psycbooks-set-c PsycBOOKS CSA psyccritiques-set-c PsycCRITIQUES CSA psycinfo-set-c PsycINFO (1872-Current) CSA psyh PsycINFO 1 EBSCO PubMed PubMed Entrez QAAR Arctic and Antarctic Regions NISC QABF Aquatic Biology, Aquaculture & Fisheries Resources NISC QAFR African Studies Database NISC QAGB African Journal of AIDS Research NISC QAHA African Health Anthology NISC QAID PsycARTICLES® [Full Text] NISC QBLK Black Studies Database NISC QCAN AgroBase (AGRIS & AGRICOLA) NISC QCDAS Zoological Record (2000 - Present) NISC QFFW ATLA Religion Database NISC QFFW Fish and Fisheries Worldwide NISC QFSD Family & Society Studies Worldwide NISC QGHI Zoological Record (2003 - Present) NISC QGLA Sexual Diversity Studies NISC QLI Left Index NISC QMOF Marine, Oceanographic and Freshwater Resources NISC QNIPAD Africa-Wide: NiPAD NISC qrh LGBT Life EBSCO qrhjnh LGBT Life Publications EBSCO QRIPM Retrospective Index to Music Periodicals (1800-1950) NISC QRISM RISM: International Inventory to Musical Sources after NISC

Database codes and names used in Request Last update Nov 2008 6 diva\projects\request\inside-cdl-web-data\DatabaseCodesNamesUsedRequest.doc Code Full database name Vendor 1600 QRLM RILM Abstracts of Music Literature NISC QSAS South African Studies NISC qth LGBT Life w/Full Text EBSCO QWRI Women's Studies International NISC QWW_ Wildlife & Ecology Studies Worldwide NISC RDGAB Readers' Guide Abstracts Wilson RDGFS Readers' Guide Full Text Select Wilson RDGFT Readers' Guide Full Text Wilson RDGIN Readers Guide to Periodical Literature Wilson reh Nursing & Allied Health Collection: Comprehensive EBSCO RGR Readers' Guide Retrospective Wilson risk-set-c Risk Abstracts CSA RussianAcadSci Russian Academy of Sciences Bibliographies FirstSearch rvh New Testament Abstracts EBSCO rzh CINAHL Plus w/Full Text EBSCO rzhjnh CINAHL Plus with Full Text -- Publications EBSCO s3h SPORTDiscus with Full Text EBSCO sagecom-set-c Communication Studies: SAGE Full-Text CSA sagecrim-set-c Criminology: SAGE Full-Text CSA sageduc-set-c Education: SAGE Full-Text CSA sageman-set-c Management & Organization Studies: SAGE Full-Text CSA sagemat-set-c Materials Science: SAGE Full-Text CSA sagenurs-set-c Health Sciences: SAGE Full-Text CSA sagepol-set-c Politics and International Relations: SAGE Full-Text CSA sagepsyc-set-c Psychology: SAGE Full-Text CSA sagesoc-set-c Sociology: SAGE Full-Text CSA sageurb-set-c Urban Studies & Planning: SAGE Full-Text CSA sbh American Bibliography of Slavic & Eastern European EBSCO Studies scholar-universe-set-s Community of Scholars CSA scitation Scitation AIP SHC Senior High School Library Catalog Wilson SHCR Senior High School Library Catalog Archive Wilson SHSI Short Story Index Wilson sih SocINDEX with Full Text EBSCO sihjnh SocINDEX with Full Text--Publications EBSCO socioabs-set-c Sociological Abstracts CSA SSAB Soc Sciences Abstracts Wilson ssa-set-c Social Services Abstracts CSA SSFT Soc Sciences Full Text Wilson SSIN Soc Sciences Index Wilson ssref-set-c Recent References Related to the Social CSA Sciences/Humanities sustain-set-c Sustainability Science Abstracts CSA SWAB Social Work Abstracts PLUS SilverPlatter techref-set-c Recent References Related to Technology CSA

Database codes and names used in Request Last update Nov 2008 7 diva\projects\request\inside-cdl-web-data\DatabaseCodesNamesUsedRequest.doc Code Full database name Vendor toxicology-set-c Toxicology Abstracts CSA toxline-set-c TOXLINE CSA UCD WorldCat Local OCLC UCI WorldCat Local OCLC UCLA WorldCat Local OCLC UCM WorldCat Local OCLC ucpress ucpress escholarship UCR WorldCat Local OCLC UCSB WorldCat Local OCLC UCSC WorldCat Local OCLC UCSD WorldCat Local OCLC UCSF WorldCat Local OCLC ufhjnh Communication & Mass Media Complete Publications EBSCO ugh Communication & Mass Media Index EBSCO ughjnh Communication & Mass Media Index Publications EBSCO water-resources-set-c Water Resources Abstracts CSA WAU World Authors Wilson WBD Wilson Biographies Wilson WBDPIL Wilson Biographies Plus Illustrated Wilson wca-set-c Ceramic Abstracts CSA weldasearch-set-c WELDASEARCH CSA WN Book Review Digest (Wilson) 1983+ SilverPlatter WoK Web of Knowledge ISI WoK:BIOSIS BIOSIS Previews ISI WoK:CABI CAB Abstracts ISI WoK:MEDLINE MEDLINE ISI WoK:WOS Web of Science ISI WoK:XS Cross search ISI WoK:ZOOREC Zoological Record ISI WorldCat WorldCat FirstSearch WorldCat via the web-open access OCLC WorldCatDissertations WorldCatDissertations FirstSearch WQ Essay & General Literature Index (Wilson) 1985+ SilverPlatter XPLORE IEEE XPLORE IEEE XS FIAF International FilmArchive Database 1972-Present SilverPlatter Y9 Wilson Applied Science & Technology Full Text 1983+ SilverPlatter zooclust-set-c Zoological Record Plus (1978-Current) CSA ZOOR Zoological Record SilverPlatter zoordb Zoological Record OVID zoorec-n-set-c Zoological Record CSA

Database codes and names used in Request Last update Nov 2008 8 diva\projects\request\inside-cdl-web-data\DatabaseCodesNamesUsedRequest.doc Additional resources for finding the name when you have a code:

EBSCO: List of database codes:

NISC List of all NISC databases, click on database description to see database code.

Ovid List of database codes:

Oxford Online List of Oxford databases, click on database description to see database code:

ProQuest (includes CSA, Chadwyck-Healy, ProQuest): Chadwyck-Healy: Search on database code CSA: List of database codes: context=db_table&SID=6dbvf7ddafnifb9kiu6gl4dmn5&SID=6dbvf7ddafnifb9kiu6gl4dmn5 ProQuest (pqil): Search on database code

SilverPlatter Search on database code

Wilson (HWW) List of database codes:

Database codes and names used in Request Last update Nov 2008 9 diva\projects\request\inside-cdl-web-data\DatabaseCodesNamesUsedRequest.doc

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