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“Hot Potatoes” Software as Media in Teaching Reading Recount Text to the Tenth Grade Students of SMAN 1 Gedangan Sidoarjo


Edita Rosana Viviani English Education, Faculty of Languages and Arts, State University of Surabaya [email protected]

Esti Kurniasih, S.Pd., M.Pd. English Education, Faculty of Languages and Arts, State University of Surabaya [email protected]

Abstrak Dalam bidang pendidikan, penggunaan teknologi dalam proses belajar mengajar telah menjadi lebih populer. Namun, guru enggan untuk menggunakan teknologi dalam pengajaran dan itu adalah hambatan yang harus mereka hadapi. Untuk mengatasi itu, tim dari Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Media serta Komputer di Universitas Victoria Kanada telah menciptakan software bernama "Hot Potatoes". Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk menggambarkan bagaimana implementasi guru dari perangkat lunak "Hot Potatoes" sebagai media dalam pembelajaran membaca teks cerita (recount) untuk siswa kelas X SMAN 1 Gedangan Sidoarjo dan juga untuk menggambarkan bagaimana hasil siswa selama pelaksanaan Perangkat lunak "Hot Potatoes" dalam pengajaran membaca teks cerita (recount). Peneliti mengadakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dan analisa data dilakukan secara kualitatif. Data dikumpulkan melalui observasi alami. Berdasarkan data yang diperoleh, pelaksanaan perangkat lunak "Hot Potatoes" oleh guru dari SMAN 1 Sidoarjo Gedangan telah berjalan dengan baik dan mengikuti prosedur konstruksi yang diusulkan oleh Yavus (2011) dan juga buku panduan yang disediakan oleh situs resminya. Sementara itu, berkaitan dengan hasil siswa, pertanyaan referensial dan inferensial adalah jenis pertanyaan paling sulit di antara 15 sampai 20 pertanyaan lain yang diberikan dalam setiap latihan soal. Secara keseluruhan, hasil siswa dari setiap pertemuan menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar dari mereka berada di Grup Baik. Kata Kunci: Perangkat lunak “Hot Potatoes”, media, kemampuan membaca

Abstract In education field, the use of technology in teaching and learning process has become more popular. However, teachers are reluctant to use technology in teaching and it is an obstacle that they must deal. In order to overcome it, the Research and Development team at University of Victoria, Humanities Computing and Media Centre in Canada has created software named “Hot Potatoes”. This research aimed to describe how the teacher’s implementation of “Hot Potatoes” software as media in teaching reading recount text to the tenth grade students of SMAN 1 Gedangan Sidoarjo is and also to describe how the students’ results during the implementation of “Hot Potatoes” software in teaching reading recount text are. The researcher conducted descriptive qualitative research and analyzed the data qualitatively. The data was collected through natural observation. Based on the data, the implementation of “Hot Potatoes” software by the teacher of SMAN 1 Gedangan Sidoarjo had run well and followed the construction procedure proposed by Yavus (2011) and also the guided book provided by its official site. Meanwhile, deal with the students’ result, referential and inferential questions were the trickiest question types for the students among 15 until 20 questions given in each exercise. Overall, the students’ results of each meeting showed that most of them were in the Good Group. Keywords:”Hot Potatoes” Software, media, reading skill

INTRODUCTION entertaining but also for educating. Technology can be In education field, the use of technology in teaching used as the new interactive media or multimedia in and learning process has become more popular. language teaching. Also, it is undeniable that the Technology has extended many opportunities to the existence of technology has slowly replaced the people not only for communicating, gaming, and traditional form of teaching.

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Furthermore, in this era, schools have commonly Potatoes” program can save teachers’ time and contribute provided multimedia devices. It can instantly connect to more motivating aspect. the social networks, search engines, and media providers Furthermore, English teachers can use “Hot through Internet. This technology accessibility has been Potatoes” program to create their own interactive developing in junior or senior high schools in Indonesia. computer-based exercise. This program provides the Sivakumaran, et al (2012) stated that the templates of different forms of exercises such as multiple effectiveness of the students’ learning and academic choice exercise, matching exercise, short-answer quiz, achievement can be greatly increasing by the use of jumbled sentence exercise, crosswords, etc. Also, teacher technology, since technology is beneficial by giving can insert sound, picture, video or text to this program so some opportunities to make the language learning more that it can be used to teach not only listening skill but enjoyable, productive and effective. also reading skill. Moreover, students nowadays, tend to be interested in the computer-based activities, since they have contact with technology in their daily life. All learners like it if the task takes place in a computer (Yavuz, 2011). As a result, through the use of multimedia technology in teaching and learning process, students are expected to be able to experience the different learning activity. Therefore, they will not use books to do the exercise, but they will use computer. Nevertheless, the use of technology in teaching sometimes has to face difficulties such as the capability Figure 1. Front Screen of “Hot Potatoes” software of the teacher in operating it. Some English teachers may Furthermore, “Hot Potatoes” program actually can find it difficult to use and they think that it will only work be used by teachers of all subjects because it only for those who are able to operate it well. They may think provides the templates of the different types of exercises. that it is too complicated because they do not master it. Teachers only need to fill the template using the Moreover, according to Kilickaya and Seferoglu in 2013, questions that they already made before. Then teachers the teacher training programs in the use of information can export the exercise on the internet or store on a CD or and communication technology are often being ignored floppy disk. by the teachers and it makes them less knowledgeable The procedure of using “Hot Potatoes” software has and skilled than their own students in using the current been provided by its official sites on the internet. technology in life. As a result, teachers are reluctant to However, Yavuz (2011) had also explained the procedure use technology in teaching and it is an obstacle that they of its using in his journal. He explained it in simpler way. must deal. First, the teacher has to download the software on the Due to some difficulties above, the Research and internet and install it on her personal computer. After Development team at Victoria University, Humanities that, the teacher is able to use the features which are Computing and Media Centre in Canada has created provided by the software. However, before it is ready to software named “Hot Potatoes” in order to overcome it. be used, the teacher has to insert her name first so that all This software is developed by Half-Baked Software Inc. the exercises that she has made belong to her. It is one of the computer-based programs which can be Second, the teacher suggests the researcher to choose used by the teachers. It allows the teachers to create five multiple choice exercise for this type of exercise is different types of interactive web based or non-web based applied in national examination. After the teacher exercise. prepares the questions, she can insert them to the JQuiz By using “Hot Potatoes” software, teachers as the type in “Hot Potatoes” software. facilitator of the class should be able to know how to teach students to use the materials effectively. Also, teachers should be able to provide what the students need. Yang (2010) suggested that if the teachers can use the program effectively, then the students can build their own explanation of how language works and discover the rules, also remember and use them through resources on internet. Also, Yavuz (2011) added that using “Hot “Hot Potatoes” Software as Media in Teaching Reading Recount Text to the Tenth Grade Students of SMAN 1 Gedangan Sidoarjo

be able to be used as the reference for their further study. While for the English teachers, the result of this study is expected to help them innovating their teaching style by utilizing “Hot Potatoes” software in delivering the lesson.

METHOD The researcher conducted descriptive research and used qualitative approach. Descriptive research is aimed to make careful observations and detail documentation of Figure 2. Multiple Choice Exercises a phenomenon of interest (Battacherjee, 2012). While Ary (2010) stated that the result of a qualitative research While inserting the items on the “Hot Potatoes” study is aimed to report a narrative so rich and software, the teacher can choose the correct answer of comprehensive so that the readers can understand the each question by clicking the mark on the right side of social reality experienced by the participants. Moreover, the main screen of the program. Teacher is also able to the goal of qualitative research is a holistic picture and give feedback to the students by typing the note on the depth of understanding rather than a numeric analysis of feedback column. Moreover, the teacher can insert text, data (Ary, 2010). For this reason, the researcher aimed to picture or sound and also time limitation in finishing the conduct descriptive qualitative research in gaining the exercises. data on the field. The researcher conducted natural After that, teacher has to export or compile the research on the field and gained the data through some multiple choice exercises file and make it into a webpage procedures of descriptive qualitative research. which will be viewable by Internet Explorer or Netscape. For the first research question, the researcher When it is done, it means that the teacher has made her wanted to describe the implementation of “Hot Potatoes” Hot Potatoes exercise and is ready to be distributed to the software as media in teaching reading recount text to the students. The exercise can be posted on the internet or it tenth grade students of senior high school. This can be used off-line from the hard drive or a floppy disk. description phase was fit with the characteristic of descriptive qualitative research design, and for the second research question, the researcher wanted to describe the students’ reading comprehension result during the implementation of “Hot Potatoes” software as media in teaching reading recount text to the tenth grade students of SMAN 1 Gedangan, Sidoarjo . In this phase, the characteristic of descriptive qualitative research design was also fit with the aim of the researcher. Both of those research questions could be answered by examining the phenomena on the field without any interferences of the researcher to gain the valid data. The researcher was also not produced a new theory to analyze and explain the data to answer those research questions. Therefore, in Figure 3. The Work Screen of the Students line with those research questions and the ways how to answer them, this descriptive research was then Moreover, this study aimed to describe how the conducted. teacher’s implementation of “Hot Potatoes” software as Moreover, the subjects of this study were an English media in teaching reading recount text to the tenth grade teacher who teaches English to the students of class X students of SMAN 1 Gedangan Sidoarjo is and also to IPA 3 of SMAN 1 Gedangan and all the students of class describe how the students’ results during the X IPA 3. The researcher chose this English teacher implementation of “Hot Potatoes” software in teaching because she has experience in teaching English, reading recount text are. particularly in teaching reading recount text using “Hot Meanwhile, this study will be beneficial for the Potatoes” software. By considering this reason, the researchers and the English teachers. For the researchers researcher therefore thought that she is able to implement who are focusing on the study of integrating technology this “Hot Potatoes” software well. While the students of and language teaching, the result of this study is hoped to class X IPA 3 were chosen as the subject of the study

3 RETAIN: “Hot Potatoes” Software. Volume 04 Nomor 01 Tahun 2016, 0 - 216 because it was recommendation of another English choice exercises and consisted of 10 questions. Then its teacher who teaches English at SMAN 1 Gedangan. result was captured by the researcher and it was very According to her, the students of class X IPA 3 have helpful to gain the information about the students’ result various levels of intelligence. During the English class, during the implementation of “Hot Potatoes” software as they are highly motivated and actively participate. media in teaching reading recount text to the tenth grade Meanwhile, in collecting the data, the researcher students of SMAN 1 Gedangan, Sidoarjo. conducted natural observation to answer the first research Furthermore, for this research, the researcher question, which meant that the researcher did not change conducted data analysis using the analysis stages and disturbed anything on the research field. By doing proposed by Ary (2010). He proposed the ways how to observations, the researchers are allowed to collect large analyze data in qualitative way, they are: Familiarization amounts of data on behaviors of interest (Gass and and organization, Coding and reducing, Interpreting and Mackey, 2007). Also, Gass and Mackey (2007) stated representing. that observations can provide substantial information Familiarization and organization are the first about what is happening in the classroom. Concerning stage in analyzing qualitative data because the data will with observation, the researcher conducted the field be easily retrieved. In the familiarization phase, the observation in 4 meetings. In those 4 meetings, the researcher should become familiar with the data through researcher obtained the data through the help of field reading and rereading notes and transcript, also listening notes and audio or video recording. Also, in those 4 to the audiotapes. For the audio recording, the researcher meetings, the researcher took notes related to the should make a transcription because doing analysis teacher’s implementation of the “Hot Potatoes” software. without making transcription is not recommended However, before starting the observation, the researcher although it is possible. This phase was appropriate for the did an introductory research to observe the situation of recorded data that the researcher had obtained in order to the classroom and the students for a day. describe the teacher’s implementation of “Hot Potatoes” Also, to answer the second research question, the software as media in teaching reading recount text to the researcher counted on the teacher’s authority in giving tenth grade students of SMAN 1 Gedangan Sidoarjo and the students reading comprehension tasks. Then, the tasks the students’ reading comprehension result during its given by the teacher to the students were the technique implementation. While playing the recording, the for the researcher in collecting the data. researcher could also write a note or memo to capture her In conducting and collecting the useful data for this thought. research, the researcher exerted some instruments. They After the researcher became familiar with the data, were field notes, recording aids, and the students work organizing the large body of information was begun. It page. The first instruments were field notes which were was started by creating a complete list of data resource. obtained through observation as the data collection After that, Ary (2010) suggested to use software technique. Observation occurs in natural setting so that programs to help the researchers organize and manage the researcher considered observation as a technique to the vast amounts of data in qualitative research. collect the data. In observational activity, the researcher Organizing helped the researcher easier to analyze the was helped by field notes and also recording aids such as data so that the research questions in Chapter One could cell phone with recording tool or video tape recorder. be answered. Through field notes, the researcher got some notes on the In this research, the researcher recorded an audio implementation of “Hot Potatoes” software as media in during the implementation of “Hot Potatoes” software teaching reading recount text by the teacher. Moreover, which was done by the English teacher. After that, the through recorded audio which was obtained from researcher made the transcription of the audio recording. recording aids, the researcher got the data of the whole The researcher started to analyze the data by getting activities which happened in the classroom and it familiar with it. The transcription and the field notes were supported the field notes. read and re-read by the researcher. Then, the researcher The second instrument which was used by the started to organize the data. The researcher created a researcher was the students’ work page which was complete list of data sources. The files were organized by displayed on the computer screen. The students were questions and by people. Moreover, the researcher kept given a reading comprehension task by their English the backup copies of the original data to avoid any teacher on each computer screen using the “Hot unpredictable condition that might be appeared. Potatoes” software and it was the technique to collect the Coding and reducing are the second stage in data. The reading comprehension task was multiple analyzing data of qualitative research. In coding phase, “Hot Potatoes” Software as Media in Teaching Reading Recount Text to the Tenth Grade Students of SMAN 1 Gedangan Sidoarjo the researcher codes the items of the data in order to recognize the differences and similarities in the data. By a. Implementation of “Hot Potatoes” Software coding the data, the researcher can also develop the in Teaching Reading Recount Text concepts from the raw data. For example, the researcher “Hot Potatoes” software is a program which is created will read and reread all the data and sort them by looking by the Research and Development team at University of for the unit of meaning (words, phrases, sentences, way Victoria, Humanities Computing and Media Centre in of thinking, behavior patterns and events that seem to Canada. It is made in order to help the teachers of all appear regularly and seem important). subjects to be able to easily integrate technology in Moreover, in this research, the researcher coded the teaching and learning process. As Yavuz (2011) stated data into several groups which were very important, that “Hot Potatoes” software is one of the computer important, less important, and least important data. After programs that can be used creatively by the teacher. all the data were coded initially, the researcher Regarding to the use of “Hot Potatoes” software, the categorized all units which had the same coding. Coding data during the observation had been obtained by the helped the researcher to focus on the most important data researcher especially about its implementation. The which were related to the implementation of “Hot teacher of SMAN 1 Gedangan Sidoarjo had implemented Potatoes” software and the students’ result of it. Also, “Hot Potatoes” software in her teaching and learning these codes helped the researcher to reduce the vast process. She used it as the media in giving the exercise to amount of data that were interpreted. In reducing the the students for three meetings. She had constructed the data, the researcher put them in some certain categories exercise using one of the five interactive types of “Hot so that analysis process became easier. Potatoes” programs (JMatch, JCross, JMix, JQuiz, and Interpreting and representing are the last stage in JCloze) she had followed the procedure proposed by analyzing data of qualitative research. In interpreting Yavuz in 2011. phase, the researcher confirms what she has known along First, the teacher downloaded the software on the with the supported data. Even though interpretation is internet and installed it on her personal computer. After personal without set of rules, the researcher cannot rely that, the teacher inserted her name first so that all the on her personal feeling when interpreting the data. It exercises that she had made belong to her. Second, the cannot be just the imagination of the researcher, but it teacher clicked on JQuiz and wrote the title of the must be supported by the data. Also, the approach which exercise. Third, she wrote the questions and the five is used by the researcher will affect the way how to choices. Then, she clicked the correct answer as ‘correct’. interpret the data. She gave feedback for the wrong answers. Last, the In this research, the researcher used basic teacher added the text to the program and converted the interpretative approach so that she described the larger file into HTML file. meaning of the story. The researcher described the teacher’s implementation of “Hot Potatoes” software as Table 1. Observation Schedules media in teaching reading recount text to the tenth grade First Meeting February 20th, 2016 students of SMAN 1 Gedangan Sidoarjo and the th students’ reading comprehension result during its Second Meeting February 26 , 2016 implementation. The interpretation was based on all the Third Meeting March 5th, 2016 data that the researcher had obtained. After interpreting the data, the researcher represented the data. The data were reported by the researcher in life story including On the first meeting, the teacher explained to the such elements as plot, characters, setting, and interaction students about how to work with the exercise of “Hot or she wrote it chronologically. Potatoes” and the students easily understood about it. They finished the exercise before the time was up. It RESULTS AND DISCUSSION made the researcher surprised because the time given was The result and discussion are divided into two parts. 50 minutes but they finished it around 30 minutes. As a The first part is about the teacher’s implementation of result, the teacher could still discuss the exercise with the “Hot Potatoes” software in teaching reading recount text students. She was also able to record all the students’ to the tenth grade students of SMAN 1 Gedangan score during the time remains. As stated by Yavuz Sidoarjo and the second part is about the students’ (2011), using “Hot Potatoes” program can save teachers’ reading comprehension result in reading recount text time and contribute more motivating aspect. During the using “Hot Potatoes” software lesson, the students focused on the computer screen and

5 RETAIN: “Hot Potatoes” Software. Volume 04 Nomor 01 Tahun 2016, 0 - 216 they tried their best to get the highest score. Moreover, Considering the findings provided above, the they seemed prefer to do the exercise on the computer researcher divided the students’ result into some groups. than on a paper because they could experience new way The groups are made through the consideration of the of learning. The materials which are supported by the English subject’s passing score in SMAN 1 Gedangan integration of technology into the classroom helped the which is 75. The students’ score were categorized into classroom activities more engaging and motivating for Good Group (the range score is from 90 to 100), Medium the students (Kilickaya, 2013). Meanwhile, Rodriguez Group (the range score is from 75 to 89), and Low Group (2010) explained that during her research regarding the (the range score is under 75). use of “Hot Potatoes” software showed the students’ enthusiasm to work with the computer. The students also Table 2. Students’ Scoring Scale did not show unwillingness or lack of interest but they Name Score enjoyed and seemed to be involved in doing the activities Good Group 90-100 in a faster and better way. In all three meetings, the teacher mostly ran the Medium Group 75-89 lesson like usual. Also, she had followed the procedures Low Group < 75 of Scientific Approach in 2013 Curriculum by implementing its 5 stages (Observing, Questioning, Exploring, Associating, and Communicating) during the On the first meeting, most students’ reading teaching and learning process. The first stage is comprehension results were in the Medium Group. Their observing. She asked the students to open their text book score were between 75 until 89. Also, there were several and have a look at a certain recount text written there. students who were included in the Low Group. This Then on the second stage, questioning, she gave the might be caused by the students’ unaccustomed feeling students chance to ask any question regarding her with the new way of learning through the computer. explanation of recount text and the way to answer the Moreover, the exercise only consisted of 15 questions. It question using “Hot Potatoes” software before. After that, made the students difficult to reach the highest score she did the third stage of scientific approach which is although they only got few incorrect answers. exploring. She ordered the students to do the exercise on Meanwhile, on the second meeting or the third meeting, their own laptop. Then, the fourth stage is associating. In the exercise consisted of 20 questions. If the students got this stage, the teacher asked the students to compare or few incorrect answers, the total score would not fall too discuss their answer and score with their other friends. far under 75. As a result, the score that the students got Then the last stage of scientific approach is was different between the exercise consisted of 15 communicating. In this stage, the teacher asked the questions and 20 questions. students to share their answer with their friends and the As the explanation above, the students’ result on the teacher. They could also share the difficulties that they second meeting was different from the first meeting. On might have when using the software. the second meeting, most students’ reading However, on the third meeting, the teacher reduced comprehension results were in the Good Group. the time given to do the exercise using “Hot Potatoes” Surprisingly, there was no one in the Low Group. It software. Because the students finished the exercise seemed like the students are slowly accustomed with the faster than the time limit on the two previous meeting, the use of “Hot Potatoes” software. They seemed to be more time was reduced from 50 minutes into 40 minutes. But enjoyable in completing the exercise on the computer. still the teacher had implemented the use of “Hot Moreover, the immediate feedback given on each Potatoes” software as media well. question make the students learn the materials independently. They did not ask many questions to the teacher because the answer was already known. As stated b. The Students’ Result of Learning Reading by Rodriguez in 2010, “Hot Potatoes” software is Recount Text Using “Hot Potatoes” Software beneficial for the students because they received The processes and the outcomes of CALL depend on feedback on their activities immediately. how CALL is employed in teaching (Scott and Beadle, Meanwhile, on the third meeting, most students’ 2014). It means that the result of the students during the results were also included in the Good Group. There was implementation of “Hot Potatoes” software in this only a student who was included in the Low Group. Also, research is also influenced by the way how the teacher there were several students included in the Medium employs it. Group. Overall, most students were good. According to Scott and Beadle (2014), increasing the competence of “Hot Potatoes” Software as Media in Teaching Reading Recount Text to the Tenth Grade Students of SMAN 1 Gedangan Sidoarjo the students with different styles of learning is one of the REFERENCES three benefits of using computer in teaching and learning process. Alyousef, H. S. (2005). Teaching Reading Comprehension to ESL/EFL Learners. The Reading Matrix, 5(2), 143-154. Conclusion Regarding the results and the discussion Anderson, M and Anderson, K. (1997). Text Types in presented in the previous chapter, the researcher has English. 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