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Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield State Sponsored Business Remicade® (infliximab) Enrollment Form Fax completed form to: PrecisionRx Specialty Solutions Fax number: 1-866-862-3170 | Provider Services phone number: 1-888-662-0944 Part I Patient Information Patient’s last name First name Middle initial
City State ZIP code
Day phone number Night phone number Date of birth ( ) - ( ) - / / Parent/Guardian Allergies Sex M F Primary insurance Secondary insurance
Cardholder name (if not patient) Cardholder name (if not patient)
Member ID and Group number BIN# Member ID and Group number BIN#
Insurance phone number (+area code) Insurance phone number (+area code) ( ) - ( ) - Employer Employer
Part II Physician Information (please supply copy of patient’s insurance card) Prescriber’s name Hospital/Clinic Office contact name
City State ZIP code
Phone number (+area code) Fax number (+area code) ( ) - ( ) - DEA number NPI UPIN
Part III Medical Criteria (double click on the fields below to fill in this form electronically) MEDICAL CRITERIA Primary Diagnosis (ICD9 Code): Secondary Diagnosis (ICD9 Code): Prior Therapy: Yes No Has patient received previous treatment? If yes, drug(s) used and dates of therapy: Drug: Date: / / Duration: Drug: Date: / / Duration: Approval Criteria for Remicade: Patient has none of the following concomitant conditions: Yes No Patient has hypersensitivity to any murine proteins or other components of the product Yes No Patient has moderate to severe (NYHA Class III/IV) Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) Yes No Individuals with CHF who develop new symptoms or worsening symptoms of pre-existing CHF Yes No Patient has Tuberculosis or other active infection Yes No Patients has had a tuberculin skin test to rule out latent tuberculosis. Yes No Patient has Multiple Sclerosis and other demyelinating diseases Yes No Remicade will be used in combination with other tumor necrosis factor blocking agents or anakinra (Kineret) Yes No Patient is currently receiving phototherapy, systemic psoriasis therapy (except for methotrexate,
Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield is the trade name of Anthem Insurance Companies, Inc. Independent licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. ® ANTHEM is a registered trademark of Anthem Insurance Companies, Inc. The Blue Cross and Blue Shield names and symbols are registered marks of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. PrecisionRx Specialty Solutions is a pharmacy and department of NextRx, LLC. 0609 INW2402 06/05/09 State Sponsored Business, Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield Remicade® (infliximab) Enrollment Form Page 2 of 5
glucocorticoids, salicylates, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, or analgesics), immunosuppressive therapy, or Anakinra. Yes No Patient is a pregnant women or nursing mother State Sponsored Business, Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield Remicade® (infliximab) Enrollment Form Page 3 of 5
Patient’s Last Name: First Name: DOB: / /
Part III Medical Criteria (continued) Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA): Yes No Patient has a diagnosis of moderately to severely active Rheu`matoid Arthritis Yes No Patient is 18 years of age or older Yes No Patient is currently on methotrexate (if patient is intolerant to methotrexate, in combination with another immunosuppressive agent that has also been demonstrated to prevent the development of human anti-chimeric antibodies [HACA], i.e. azathioprine, cyclosporine, or sulfasalazine) Yes No Patient has had an inadequate response to one or more DMARDs (disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs such as azathioprine, gold, hydroxychloroquine, leflunomide, methotrexate, and sulfasalazine) Crohn’s Disease (CD): Yes No Patient has diagnosis of moderately to severely active Crohn’s Disease (adult and pediatric greater than or equal to 6 (six) years of age) manifested by one or more of following symptoms: Check boxes that apply: Abdominal pain Bleeding Diarrhea Extraintestinal manifestations (arthritis, uveitis, iritis, pyoderma gangrenosum, erythema nodosum, or spondylitis) internal fistulae Intestinal obstruction Perianal disease Megacolon Weight loss Yes No Patient had an inadequate response to conventional therapy [oral mesalamine, oral corticosteroids, and 6-mercaptopurine or azathioprine (6-MP/AZA)] Yes No Patient has fistulizing Crohn’s disease with draining enterocutaneous or rectovaginal fistulas, of at least 3 months duration Yes No Patient has fistulizing or moderate to severely active Crohn’s disease who have responded to previous therapy with Remicade Ulcerative Colitis: Yes No Patient is 18 years of age or older Yes No Patient has diagnosis of moderately to severely active Ulcerative Colitis Yes No Patient has had an inadequate response to conventional therapy Active ankylosing spondylitis (AS) (adult): Yes No Patient is 18 years of age or older Yes No Patient has diagnosis of active ankylosing spondylitis Yes No Patient has failed, had an inadequate response to or is not indicated for treatment with sulfasalazine, methotrexate, or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs Active psoriatic arthritis (PsA) (adult): Yes No Patient is 18 years of age or older Yes No Patient is diagnosed with Psoriatic Arthritis Yes No Patient has active arthritis with at least 5 swollen joints and 5 tender joints Yes No Patient has presence of plaque psoriasis with a qualifying target lesion at least 2 cm in diameter Yes No Patient has failure or contraindicated for DMARD therapy, specifically methotrexate or sulfasalazine Patient has arthritis in any of the following distributions: Yes No Distal interphalangeal joint involvement Yes No Polyarticular arthritis, without rheumatoid nodules Yes No Arthritis mutilans Yes No Asymmetric arthritis Yes No Ankylosing spondylitis-like arthritis State Sponsored Business, Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield Remicade® (infliximab) Enrollment Form Page 4 of 5
Patient’s Last Name: First Name: DOB: / / MEDICAL CRITERIA (continued) Chronic Plaque Psoriasis (Ps): Yes No Disease is controlled with topical therapy Yes No Patient has had a failure of phototherapy or other systemic therapies to achieve an adequate clinical response, or a medical contraindication to the use of phototherapy (e.g. methotrexate, acetretin, or cyclosporine) Yes No Other systemic therapies are medically less appropriate or contraindicated Yes No Patient has a diagnosis of moderate to severe Plaque Psoriasis Yes No Patient has greater than 10% of body surface area with plaque psoriasis Yes No Patient has less than or equal to 10% body surface area affected with plaque psoriasis involving sensitive areas that would significantly impact daily function (such as palms, soles of feet, head/neck, or genitalia) Yes No Patient has diagnosis of reactive arthritis (adult) OR arthritis associated with inflammatory bowel disease Yes No No Patient is 18 years of age or older Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis: Yes No Is the patient diagnosed with moderately to severely active polyarticular juvenile idiopathic arthritis? Yes No Has the patient been treated with one or more DMARDs and failed to achieve an adequate clinical response? Please provide prior therapy(ies) tried: Date last Taken / / / / / / Dosing Guidelines Patient Weight: lb / kg Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) (adult): 3mg/kg IV in combination with methotrexate at 0, 2, and 6 weeks then every 8 weeks thereafter For patients with an incomplete response, the dose may be increased up to 10mg/kg every 4 weeks. Crohn’s Disease or Fistulizing Crohn’s Disease (CD): In patients 18 years of age and older: 5mg/kg IV at 0, 2, and 6 weeks then every 8 weeks thereafter If the individual responds and then loses response consideration may be given to increase to 10mg/kg IV or increase the frequency of administration from every 8 weeks thereafter to every 6 weeks thereafter.** **Please note that for these conditions, the administration of Remicade® at every 6 weeks is more frequent than the FDA label indication of every 8 weeks. In pediatric patients: 5mg/kg IV at 0, 2, and 6 weeks then every 8 weeks thereafter Ulcerative Colitis (adult): 5mg/kg IV at week 0, 2, and 6 weeks then every 8 weeks thereafter Active ankylosing spondylitis (AS) (adult): 5mg/kg IV at 0, 2, and 6 weeks then every 6 weeks thereafter Active psoriatic arthritis (PsA) (adult): 5mg/kg IV at 0, 2, and 6 weeks then every 8 weeks thereafter Methotrexate may be continued during treatment if desired Chronic Plaque Psoriasis (Ps) (adult): 5mg/kg IV at week 0, 2, and 6 weeks then every 8 weeks thereafter State Sponsored Business, Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield Remicade® (infliximab) Enrollment Form Page 5 of 5
Patient’s Last Name: First Name: DOB: / / PRESCRIPTION
Loading Dose: Remicade® (infliximab)
Qty / 30 days: No Refills
Maintenance Dose: Remicade® (infliximab)
Qty / 30 days: No Refills
Supplies: Yes No Quantity
IV Start Kit (1 kit per infusion
IV Set 84” with 0.22 micron filter (1 set per infusion)
BD Insyte Autoguard Catheter (1 per infusion)
Sodium Chloride 0.9% 250cc bag (1 bag per infusion)
Sterile Water for Injection 10ml (1 vial per vial of Remicade)
BD 10cc 20G 1” syringes (1 syringe per vial of Remicade)
BD 10cc LL syringe OR
BD 30cc LL syringe OR
BD 60cc LL syringe * Size based on number of Remicade vials per infusion multiplied by 10ml (i.e. 5 vials per infusion would require syringe large enough to draw up 50cc).
BD 22G 1” needle (1 needle per needle free syringe above) Prescriber’s signature Date / /
PrecisionRx Specialty Solutions is able to fill your request as written. Please provide the following information to expedite your order:
PrecisionRx Specialty Solutions to dispense (check box) Ship medication to: Physician Office Other Need by Date: : / /
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