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KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA NO. 5 JAIPUR COMMITTEES FOR THE SESSION 2016-17 S. MEMBERS DUTIES TO BE PERFORMED NAME OF DEPTT NO. I SHIFT II SHIFT 1) Sustain and nurture strong points. SH. R C BHURIA,PRINCIPAL GENERAL SH R C BHURIA,PRINCIPAL Smt V P Jain, VICE-PRINCIPAL 2) Record the lapses and weak points of the Vidyalaya. 1 SUPERVISION Sh R C Dehru,VICE-PRINCIPAL MS.B.CHANDEL,HEAD MISTRESS OF THE VIDYALAYA MS S RATHORE,PGT(BIOLOGY) 3) Suggestions for improvement and discuss in monthly staff meetings. CHECKING OF CLASS Sh R C Dehru Vice Principal Smt V P Jain, VICE-PRINCIPAL 1) Monitor class attendance register for regular Mrs Vijeta Dara,PGT(cs) MS.S.RATHORE, PGT(BIOLOGY) attendance to be marked 2 REGISTERS AFTER MRS. SUNITA GUPTA 2) Ensure completion of first page along with all entries MORNING ASSEMBLY of student particulars MR.AJAY AGARWAL,PGT(PHYSICS) I/C INTERNAL MR YUDHISHTHAR SHARMA,PGT(PHY) I/C 1) To coordinate and conduct internal and CBSE exam. MR. AJAY SHARMA, PGT(COMM) (CBSE & Internal) 2) To print and purchase examination material and 3 EXAMINATION MR. ANIS KHAN,TGT(ENG.) MR.Y.S.NARUKA, TGT (ART) maintain secrecy in all respects. MR DROPADI (SUB-STAFF) MR. MEENAKSHI SWAROOP PRT 3) To procure total number of answer sheets / Mr B K Nagoda PGT(Phy) I/C CBSE MR.O.P.MEENA, PGT (COMP.SC.) number of question papers from Regional Office. MR MANGAL MEENA SUBSTAFF MR HANUMAN SUBSTAFF 4) To handle correspondence relation to the CBSE MRS. SARBJEET KAUR PRT I/C PRIMARY 5) To suggest the ways and means to improve the Mr. K.C. NETWAL PRT exam system. 6) To maintain all circulars of CBSE results. 7) To monitor the planning and execution of activities.
8) To check the proper records/evidences/tasks MR.HARJEET RAJ, PGT (COMP.SC.) I/C MR.A.K.PAREEK, PGT(ECO) I/C 1) Registration and conducting admission tests MR.Vinod Kumar, PGT(MATHS) MR R D CHANDEL PGT (HISTORY) (wherever applicable) and interviews preparing lists MRS SUSHILA PGT (CHEM) MR.O.P.MEENA, PGT (COMP.SC) of selected candidates. MR M K Sehra PGT(Hindi) MR S C LAMBA PRT 4 ADMISSION 2) To answer the queries of parents. MR. S.P. BHARTI TGT Mrs Meenakshi Swaroop (PRT) MR. M.K. RATHORE TGT MR. YOGESH KUMAR 3) To maintain proper records. MR. ASHWINI SHARMA PRT MR. HEMENT KUMAR 4) Follow admission guidelines of KVS 2014-15
MRS. SUSHILA KALA PGT(BIO) I/C MR. S.P. MATHUR 1) To prepare time table and amend it whenever MR. MAHESH GOURA TGT (MATHS) MRS SEEMA MAHAWAR PGT ( GEO) I/C needed during the session. MR Manoj Kumar,TGT (MATHS) MR HEMANT KUMAR 2) To ensure proper distribution and communication of MR.R K KHANNA, TGT(MATHS) time table to the students and teachers and provide PRIMARY:- its copies to the Principal and Vice-Principal. 5 TIME TABLE MRS. ARACHANA SHARMA PRT I/C MR. ASHWINI SHARMA PRT 3) To ensure daily engagement of teachers who are on leave. 4) In case of long leave vacancy of teachers arrangement of Contractual teachers with the consent of the Principal. MR. S B BAGORIA PGT (Eng) COORDINATOR 1) To ensure the proper conducting of morning Mrs Veena Micheal,TGT (SSt) ASSOCIATE assembly which includes, COORDINATOR Mrs SUSHMA BHATIA COORDINATOR (i)Command, (ii) Prayer (iii) Pledge (iv) Thought MRS SUNITA CHOPRA TGT ENG ASSOCIATE MR. JAGDISH ASSOCIATE COORDINATOR (v) News (vi) Talks on G.D., Value education, COORDINATOR Current Affairs (vii) National Anthem (viii) 6 C.C.A. PRIMARY MS NEENA GUPTA, PRT COORDINATOR Marching Song (ix) Proper celebrations of MRS Savita Masih PRT COORDINATOR PRIMARY Different functions. MRS. NEENA PARASAR PRT MR AALAP DEWRA PRT MUSIC 2) To prepare plan for cca activities for a session 3) To plan and prepare items for different programmes & celebrations of important days 7 HOUSE MASTER MRS. SUNITA CHOUDHARY TGT (SST)- SHIVAJI MR. SANJAY JYOTISH TGT (SKT) –SHIVAJI 1) To choke out the program for their houses and SECONDARY MRS.ANUPRIYA TGT (HINDI)- ASHOKA MS AAKANSHA TGT (WET) –TAGORE preparations of strategies. Mr S C L Meena TGT HINDI - TAGORE MRS REKHA BALA TGT (SKT) -ASHOKA 2) To maintain and decorate display board. Mr MUKESH KUMAR RAIGAR TGT - RAMAN MR TAPTESH KUMAR MEENA- RAMAN 3) Prepare the students for various competitions MRS ARCHANA SHARMA – SHIVAJI MR. SURENDRA MEENA - Shivaji 4) To assign duties to house associates MRS GEETA SAXENA – TAGORE Mr MEENAKSHI SWAROOP-Ashoka 5) Seating arrangement to conduct competitions MRS KUSHUM GANDHI – ASHOKA Mr Hemant Tagore HOUSEMASTER MRS REKHA GUPTA - RAMAN Mr S C Lamba Raman PRIMARY Mrs Rajinder Kaur – Coordinator Primary
MR. AJAY SHARMA PGT (COMM) I/C MR S P MATHUR I/C 1) To plan and purchase material and supervise the MR. MUKESH KUMAR RAIGAR TGT(HINDI) MR Y K NARUKA TGT ART works. MAINTENANCE & MR. MAHESH GOURA TGT (MATHS) MR YOGESH KUMAR TGT (P&hE) 2) To prepare the list of material and submit to the REPAIR(CIVIL) 8 MR. M.K. SHARMA TGT (WET) Ms. Akanksha Singh TGT(WE) Principal for necessary action. ELECTRICAL & 3) Repair work should be planned WATER COOLER 4) Ensure for timely quotations and survey the market for competitive rates. MR. R.C. DEHRU VP I/C MRS. V.P. JAIN VP I/C 1) Implementation of EQUIP activities as per calendar. ALL TEACHERS TEACHING IN UPPAR PRIMARY CLASSES ALL TEACHERS TEACHING IN UPPAR PRIMARY 2) Innovative projects for each class and each subject. (CLASS VI TO VIII) CLASSES (CLASS VI TO VIII) 3) Use of innovative teaching practices in upper primary classes. 9 EQUIP 4) Ensure students promoted with basic skills. 5) Readiness programme for class VI.
MRS Sushila kala PGT(BIO) I/C MS.S.RATHORE, PGT(BIOLOGY) 1) To handle the typical problems of children. MR.AJAY SHARMA,PGT(COMM.) MRS Sunita Gupta PGT(CHEM) GUIDANCE & MRS. VIJETA DARA PGT (CS) MRS MEENAKSHI SWAROOP PRT 2) Monitoring of typical problematic kind of student 10 COUNCELLING MSR VEENA MICHEAL TGT (SSt) MR MAHIPAL SINGH RATHORE TGT (P&HE) 3) To make in touch with such parents MRS NEENA PARASHER PRT MRS. VIJETA DARA PGT (CS) I/C MR Taptesh Kumar Meena TGT(Eng) I/C 1) To record and manage E-Classes INTERACTIVE BOARD MR MAHESH GAURA TGT (MATH)- RESOURCE ROOM MR Hemant Kumar PRT 11 MR BHUPESH NAGODA PGT (PHY)- PHYSICS LAB MR O P MEENA PGT COMP 2) To make plan for E-classes & E-CONTENT MR K.C. NETWAL PRT MR YUDHISTER SHARMA PGT PHY
MR.M.K.SHARMA, TGT(WET) 1) To maintain mike system MS.AKANKSHA SINGH, TGT(ART) 12 PA SYSTEM MR.SATISH KUMAR,SUB STAFF 2) Arrange the mike system before starting of any MR.LAXMI SUB STAFF program. MRS. VANDANA KHUSDIL PGT (ECO) I/C MRSurendra Kumar Meena,PRT 1) To maintain the record of furniture and prepare a MR.NAV RATAN MITTAL,PGT(MATHS) MR. Raj Kumar Zindoliya TGT(Hindi) list of required furniture. MR. MAHESH GOURA TGT (MATHS) MR YOGENDER KUMAR SHARMA TGT (ENG) 2) Make an inventory for each class and department. MR MUKESH KUMAR RAIGAR TGT (HINDI) 3) To prepare a list of broken / unserviceable furniture 13 FURNITURE with the consent of the Principal.
4) To see that broken furniture is placed separately in place.
5) Repair of broken furniture and marking. MR.M.P.S.RATHORE,TGT(P&HE) I/C MR R D CHANDEL PGT HIST I/C 1) To motivate the children for Excursion and MR. S P BHARTI, TGT (S.St.) MR.YOGESH KUMAR,TGT(PET) Trekking. MR. RAJKUMAR KHANNA TGT(MATHS) MRS SEEMA MAHAWAR PGT GEO EXCURSION & 14 MR MAHESH GAURA TGT (MATHS) MR.Y.S.NARUKA, TGT(ART) 2) To arrange railway reservation well in advance. ADVENTURE MRS ANUPRIYA P TGT(HINDI) MRS NEELAM PANDEY PRT 3) To motivate the children for adventure, trips and excursion.
15 WING DISCIPLINE MR MAHIPAL SINGH RATHORE I/C MR YOGESH KUMAR TGT Ph&E I/C 1) Wing in charges are directed to maintain the MR C D RATNOO (LIB) discipline of the concerned wing allotted MR HARJEET RAJ PGT (COMP) MR O P MEENA PGT COMP 2) Incharge can assign the duty to the monitor. WING 1 3) Consistent watch for sustaining the discipline WING 2 MR ANISH KHAN TGT (ENG) MR R D CHANDEL PGT HIST WING 3 MR K K MEENA PGT (CHEM) Mrs Sunita Gupta PGT CHEM
MR.MAHIPAL SINGHRATHORE,TGT(P&HE) MR.YOGESH KUMAR,TGT(PET) 1) To keep track of in-disciplined students and monitor 16 MR. K.K. MEENA PGT (CHEM) Mr. Pramod Kumar Srivastava them with proper counseling. MR. RAJ KUMAR KHANNA TGT (MATHS) WING I/C MR. C D RATNOO LIBRARIAN 2) To check students who damage school property and PLUS WING I/C AND COACHES call the meeting of their parents.
3) To oversee movement of students from class to DISCIPLINE ground for assembly or class or library.
4) To regulate the pass system.
5) To investigate the indiscipline cases, prepare record and suggest some ways to improve discipline. MR. AJAY SHARMA PGT (COMM) I/C 1) To monitor the work of conservancy. MRS VANDANA KHUSDIL PGT(ECO) 2) Make floor-wise in charges so that toilets and CLEANLINESS MR. ANISH KHAN TGT (ENG) classrooms, dept. are spick and span. 17 MR. SATISH KUMAR (SUBSTAFF) MR TAPTESH KUMAR MEENA,TGT(ENG.) I/C 3) Corridors are swiped and swabbed twice a day. MS. DAROPADI (SUBSTAFF) MR YOGESH KUMAR TGT(Ph&E) ASSOCIATE 4) Toilets are cleaned twice a day. TOILET(BOYS)GF MR P K PANDAY PRT MR Surendra Kumar Meena 5) Playgrounds, Parks are cleaned. TOILET(BOYS)FF MR S P BHARATI TGT (SSt) MR S P MATHUR PGT 6) Departments are cleaned twice a day. 7) Make ground wise in charges. TOILET(GIRLS)GF MRS. NEELAM PANDEY PRT MRS. Sunita Gupta PGT(CHEM) 8) Extra care is required for cleanliness of Toilets.Pl TOILET(GIRLS)FF MRS SUSHILA KUMARI PGT (CHEM) MRS KAVITA TANEJA PGT monitor that toilets are clean and water is available In the toilets TOILET(GENTS) MR M K SEHRA PGT (HINDI) MR S C LAMBA
TOILET(LADIES) MRS VIJETA DARA PGT (CS) MRS Meenakshi Swaroop PRT MRS. VIJETA DARA PGT (CS) I/C MRS SUSHMA BHATIA PGT ENG 1) To publish / coverage of achievement of students in MR HARJEET RAJ PGT (CS) MR O P MEENA PGT CS various competitions organized at different levels. 18 PUBLICITY & PRESS MR. ANIS KHAN TGT ENG MR M K SEHRA PGT MR. HARJEET RAJ, PGT (CS) I/C MR.O.P.MEENA, PGT (COMP.SC.) 1) To collect and maintain record of photographs of MR.S.L.MEENA,TGT (ART) MR.Y.S.NARUKA ,TGT(ART) various events organized in the Vidyalaya. 19 PHOTOGRAPHY 2) To be ready for shooting pictures for different programmes MR. AJAY AGARWAL PGT (PHY) I/C MR S P MATHUR PGT MATH 1) Proper registration of students MR.AJAY SHARMA PGT(COMM) MR YUDHISTER SHARMA PGT PHY 2) Providing proper facilities. MR.BHUPESH NAGODA, PGT (PHY.) MR R D CHANDEL PGT HIS 3) Ensure that comfortable stay of students MR.VINOD KUMAR PGT(MATHS) MR YOGESH KUMAR PET 4) Preparation of inventory of class rooms. BOARD & MR.MAHESH GOURA TGT(MATHS) 5) Monitoring of students action and events 20 LODGING MR. RAJKUMAR KHANNA TGT MATHS MR MANOJ KUMAR TGT(MATHS) MRS SUNITA CHOUDHARY TGT(SST) MRS ANUPRIYA P TGT(HINDI) MS.GEETA SAXENA,PRT MS.VEENA MICHEL, TGT (S.ST.) I/C BS&G I/C GUIDE MS.AKANKSHA SINGH, TGT (WET) 1) Command and training of Scouts & guides MR C S MEENA TGT(ART) I/C SCOUT Sh. R D Chandel PGT(HIST) MR.MAHESH GOURA,TGT(MATHS) Sh. Yogesh Kumar TGT(P&HE) 2) To prepare calendar of activities for the session 2012-2013. MR.MANOJ KUMAR, TGT(MATHS) Smt Seema Mahawar PGT(GEOG) MR.M.K.SEHRA, PGT(HINDI) 3) To prepare the students for various examinations Scouts & SCOUT & GUIDE MR YOGENDRA KUMAR SHARMA TGT (ENGLISH) Guides and select students to participate at cluster / MRS. ANJULIKA MAGAN TGT (BIO) regional / national level. 21 MR SATISH SHARMA PRT MR MUKESH KUMAR RAIGAR TGT HINDI MS.RITA SINGH,TGT(SANSKRIT) MS.ARCHANA SHARMA,PRT MR S C LAMBA I/C CUB CUB-BULBUL MRS VINITA PAREEK, PRT MS MEENAKSHI S I/C BULBUL MR. ASHWINI SHARMA PRT MR.M.K.SEHRA, PGT(HINDI) MR Jagdish Kumar PGT(HINDI) 1) Timely preparation of reports MS.ANUPRIYA P.,TGT(HINDI) MR. Raj Kumar Zindoliya TGT(HINDI) 2) Use of hindi bhasha for day to day correspondence. 22 MR.MUKESH KUMAR RAIGAR,TGT(HINDI) MR Sanjay Jyotishi TGT(SKT) 3) To celebrate hindi pakhawara and organize different events RAJ BHASHA & HINDI MR.SHIV CHARAN LAL MEENA,TGT(HINDI) 4) Timely preparation of reports 5) Use of hindi bhasha for day to day correspondence. 6) To celebrate hindi pakhawara and organize different events MRS Anjulika Magan,TGT(BIO) I/C 1) To ensure about all equipment/material available in the lab MS.RENU BALA,TGT(SC) 2) To ensure proper activities to be performed by the science 23 JR.SCIENCE LAB Smt. Sunita Rathore PGT(BIO) teachers Sh. Yudishter Sharma PGT(PHY) 3) To ensure about all equipment/material available in the lab Smt. Sunita Gupta PGT(CHEM) 4) To ensure proper activities to be performed by the science teachers MR.RAJ KUMAR KHANNA, TGT(MATHS) I/C MR S P MATHUR PGT(MATHS) 1) To ensure about all equipment/material available in the lab MR. MAHESH GOURA TGT (MATHS) Smt. Rekha Bala TGT(Maths) 2) To ensure proper activities to be performed by maths 24 MATHS LAB MR. MANOJ KUMAR TGT (MATHS) teachers MR. VINOD KUMAR PGT (MATHS) 3) To ensure about all equipment/material available in the lab MR. NAVRATAN MITTAL PGT (MATHS) 4) To ensure proper activities to be performed by maths teachers 25 1) Monthly meeting and its record and implementation of minutes in teaching work. 2) To note the steps for enhancing teaching and learning process. SUBJECT COMMITTEE CONVENOR 3) To give emphasis to use TAL programme. 4) To note down the steps taken for weak students. 5) Steps taken by teachers to motivate students for better performance.
MATHS MR.VINOD KUMAR, PGT(MATHS) MR.S P MATHUR, PGT(MATHS) SCIENCE MRS AJAY AGARWAL, PGT (PHY) MRS S RATHORE, PGT(BIOLOGY) SOCIAL SC. MS.VANDANA KHUSDIL, PGT (ECO.) MRS SEEMA MAHAWAR PGT GEO MR.HARJEET RAJ, PGT (CS) MR. O P MEENA, PGT (CS) COMP.EDU. (MEETING WITH I SHIFT) MR C D RATNOO,LIBRARIAN Mr. Pramod Kumar Srivastava 1) To prepare list of required books /newspapers / magazines MRS NEELAM PANDEY LIBRARIAN periodicals and journals. LIBRARY COMMITTEE SUBJECT CONVENORS MR.S C LAMBA, PRT 2) To keep proper record of books and magazines and STUDENT SUBJECT CONVENORS monitor them properly. STUDENT 3) To maintain proper issuing and returning of books. 4) To promote and motivate students and teachers to get more and more books and utilize maximum use of library. 5) To prepare plan to develop library. 6) Automation of library should be followed strictly 26 7) To prepare list of required books /newspapers / magazines periodicals and journals. 8) To keep proper record of books and magazines and monitor them properly. 9) To maintain proper issuing and returning of books. 10) To promote and motivate students and teachers to get more and more books and utilize maximum use of library. 11) To prepare plan to develop library. 12) Automation of library should be followed strictly
MR. BHUPESH KUMAR NAGODA PGT (PHY) I/C MRS. KAVITA TANEJA PGT COM. 1) To keep academic discipline. MR. AJAY SHARMA PGT (COMM) MS AAKANSHA TGT WE 2) Keep liaison with parents in the interest of academics. MRS. SUNITA CHOUDHARY TGT (SST) MR. S C LAMBA PRT 3) To work towards achieving academic targets as set by KVS. PTA/ACADEMIC 27 MR ANIS KHAN, TGT(ENG.) PARENTS 4) Arrange for Parent teacher meeting and recording. COUNCIL MRS ARCHANA SHARMA PRT STUDENTS 5) To keep academic discipline. PARENTS 6) Keep liaison with parents in the interest of academics. STUDENTS 7) To work towards achieving academic targets as set by KVS. 8) Arrange for Parent teacher meeting and recording. MR.AJAY SHARMA,PGT COMM MRS KAVITA TANEJA, PGT(COMM.) 1) To check the pay bills. 2) To ensure the correctness of the pay bill 3) To ensure that there is reconciliation of fees. CASH BOOK 4) Proper accounting and checking of fee details of all class 28 teachers. 5) To check the pay bills. 6) To ensure the correctness of the pay bill
MR.NAV RATTAN MITTAL,PGT(MATHS) MR YUDHISHTER PGT PHYSICS 1) To ensure that there is reconciliation of fees. 2) Proper accounting and checking of fee details of all class teachers. 29 FEE RECEIPT, CS 54 & PAY BILL
1) Proper use of gadgets , teacher aid and teaching material 2) To maintain proper record of teaching aids. MR S P BHARTI TGT (S St) I/C MRS SEEMA MAHAWAR PGT GEO 30 3) To make plan to improve the teaching aids and prepare a AUDIO VISUAL AND MRS. VEENA MICHEAL TGT (SST) MR R D CHANDEL PGT HIST list of required materials and submit to the Principal. TEACHING AID MRS Sunita Choudhary TGT (SSt)
MR.HARJEET RAJ, PGT (CS) MR O P MEENA, PGT (CS) 1) Ensure proper working of all computers MS.VIJETA DARA, PGT (CS) 2) Cleanliness of the Lab by assigned sub staff 3) Dusting should be done every day by the assigned sub 31 SENIOR JUNIOR COMPUTER LAB:- staff. COMPUTER LAB MR. K.C. NETWAL PRT 4) Ensure proper working of all computers 5) Cleanliness of the Lab by assigned sub staff 6) Dusting should be done every day by the assigned sub staff. MR. K K MEENA, PGT(CHEM) I/C MRS S RATHORE, PGT(BIO) 1) To develop plantation in the Vidyalaya campus and also MRS. SUSHILA KALA PGT (BIO) MR.S.P.MATHUR,PGT(MATHS) along the boundary wall. MRS. SUSHILA KUMARI PGT (CHEM) MR.Y.S.NARUKA, TGT(WE) 2) To supervise the maintenance of existing garden. NATURE CLUB & 32 MRS Anjulika Magan, TGT(BIO) MRS MEENAKSHI SWAROOP PRT 3) Get / arrange decorative plants and pots. BEAUTIFICATION & MRS RENU BALA,TGT(BIO) 4) To develop plantation in the Vidyalaya campus and also GARDENING MR CHANDAN SINGH MEENA,TGT(ART) along the boundary wall. MRS NEENA PARASHAR,PRT 5) To supervise the maintenance of existing garden. 6) Get / arrange decorative plants and pots. MRS RITA SINGH TGT (SKT) I/C MR R D CHANDELPGT HIS I/C 1) To inculcate values among the students through Play-Way, MR S P BHARTI TGT (SST) Mrs Seema Mahawar PGT(GEOG) Sports & Games. MRS. VEENA MICHEAL TGT (SST) MR.AALAP DEWRA,PRT(MUSIC) 2) To enable the students to be humane and grow 33 INTEGRITY CLUB MRS. SUNITA CHOUDHARY TGT (SST) wholesome personalities. MS.SHILPI MISHRA,PRT(MUSIC) 3) To inculcate values among the students through Play-Way, Sports & Games. 4) To enable the students to be humane and grow wholesome personalities. MR M S RATHORE TGT(P&HE) Mrs. Sunita Rathore PGT(BIO) 1) To maintain first aid kit and neat and clean beds for sick MRS VINITA PAREEK PRT MR YOGESH KUMAR TGT(Ph&E) students. MRS. RENU BALA TGT (SCI) Dr & NURSE 2) To inform parents for seriously sick students. 34 FIRST AID Dr. & NURSE 3) To maintain first aid kit and neat and clean beds for sick students. 4) To inform parents for seriously sick students. 5) To get the medical check – up of all the students. 6) To maintain the records class-wise. MRS SUSHILA KUMARI PGT(CHEM) I/C MRS SEEMA MAHAWAR PGT I/C 1) Action plan for NAEP MRS. SUSHILA KALA PGT (BIO) MRS S RATHORE, PGT (BIO.) 2) Sensitize students about adolescent stage. NAEP MS.VEENA MICHEL, TGT (S.St) 3) Arrange lecture on NAEP MR S P BHARTI TGT (SST) 4) Action plan for NAEP 35 MRS RENU BALA TGT (SCI) 5) Sensitize students about adolescent stage. MR. M.K. SHARMA TGT (WET) 6) Arrange lecture on NAEP MR. S.B. BAGORIA PGT (ENG) MRS SUSHMA BHATIA PGT 1) To record the whole year (session) activities. MR.M.K.SEHRA, PGT(HINDI) MR. Jagdish Kaumar PGT(Hindi) 2) To collect photographs of all special achievements. MRS VEENA MICHEAL TGT SST Mr. Raj Kumar Zindoliya TGT(Hindi) 3) To write a note for different functions organized in the NEWS LETTER/ MRS SUNITA CHOPRA, TGT(ENG.) Mr. Sanjay Jyotishi TGT(SKT) Vidyalaya. 36 MAGAZINE/ MRS RITA SINGH TGT (SKT) 4) To collect the articles for magazine. PROSPECTUS MRS. ANUPRIYA TGT (HINDI) 5) To record the whole year (session) activities. 6) To collect photographs of all special achievements. 7) To write a note for different functions organized in the Vidyalaya. 8) To collect the articles for magazine. MRS. ANJU BHARDWAJ PRT I/C MR S C LAMBA PRT 1) To record the whole year (session) activities. MRS. NEENA PARASAR PRT MR AALAP DEWADA PRT MUSIC 2) To collect photographs of all special achievements. COMPUTER INSTRUCTOR Mr. Hemant Kumar 3) To write a note for different functions organized in the Vidyalaya. 37 CMP NEWS LETTER 4) To collect the articles for magazine. CMP NEWS LETTER 5) To record the whole year (session) activities. 6) To collect photographs of all special achievements. 7) To write a note for different functions organized in the Vidyalaya. 8) To collect the articles for magazine.
MR.K.K.MEENA,PGT(CHEM) I/C MR.KAVITA TANEJA,PGT(COMM.) I/C 1) See to it that security personals are working properly. 38 SECURITY MR.M.P.S.RATHORE,TGT(P&HE) MR.YOGESH KUMAR,TGT(PET) 2) Ensure that there is full proof security. MR. AJAY SHARMA PGT (COMM) Mr. Jagdish Kumar PGT(Hindi) 3) Ensure that unwanted elements are not entering in the MR. MAHESH GOURA TGT (MATHS) campus. 4) Keep a check that no item is being taken from Vidyalaya without prior permission. 5) Teacher and student will use exit pass for entrance gate. MR. CHANDAN SINGH MEENA TGT (ART) I/C Surendra Kumar PRT 1) To ensure that all the class room doors and school gates 39 MR.SATISH , (SUB STAFF) MR.Hanuman,SUB STAFF are properly locked just after the school is over and to LOCK & KEY MR. VIJAY KUMAR (SUB STAFF) MR LAXMI NARAYAN SUB STAFF ensure doors and school gates are properly opened before the start of the Vidyalaya. 2) To maintain proper record of locks. List unserviceable locks should be prepared yearly for written off. 3) To purchase locks if required with the permission of the Principal and according to KVS norms. MR.HARJEET RAJ, PGT (COMP.SC.) I/C MR.O.P.MEENA, PGT (COMP.SC.) 1) Timely updation of website with correct data and MRS VEENA MICHEAL TGT (SST) MRS SUSHMA BHATIA PGT ENG 40 WEBSITE UPDATION accuracy. MRS VIJETA DARA PGT (COMP) MRS SARBJEET KAUR PRT MR. AJAY SHARMA PGT (COMM) MR. R.D. CHANDEL PGT (HIS) 1) Plan and purchase as per KVS guidelines. MR.K.K. MEENA PGT (CHEM) MR. ARVIND KUMAR PAREEK PGT 2) Ensure quality items. MRS. VEENA MICHEAL TGT (SST) (ECO) 3) Ensure about the competitive rates of the articles VMC MEMBER MR. JAGDISH KUMAR PGT (HINDI) STOCK I/C PURCHASE 41 MRS. SUNITA RATHORE PGT (BIO) COMMITTEE
MR. AJAY AGARWAL PGT (PHY) 1) To ensure scientific temperament. 42 SCIENCE EXHIBITION MR BHUPESH NAGORA PGT (PHY) Smt. Sunita Rathore PGT(BIO) 2) To ensure mass participation in Science Exhibition. & NCSC MR. K.K. MEENA PGT (CHEM) Sh. Yudishter Sharma PGT(PHY) 3) To create awareness about the latest development in MRS. SUSHILA KUMARI PGT (CHEM) Smt. Sunita Gupta PGT(CHEM) Science & Technology. MRS. SUSHILA KALA PGT (BIO) MRS. RENU BALA TGT (SCI) MRS. ANJULIKA MAGAN TGT (SCI) SOCIAL MS.VANDANA KHUSDIL, PGT (ECO) MRS SEEMA MAHAWAR PGT GEO, 1) To ensure mass participation in Social Science Exhibition. 43 SC.EXHIBITION MR S P BHARTI TGT (S St) Sh. R D Chandel PGT(HIST) MRS. VEENA MICHEAL TGT (SST) I/C S. A K Pareek PGT(ECON) MRS SUNITA CHOUDHARY TGT (SSt) MR. VINOD KUMAR PGT (MATHS) I/C MR S P MATHUR PGT (MATHS) 1) To prepare students for Olympiads. MR. NAVRATAN MITTAL PGT (MATHS) Smt. Rekha Bala TGT(Maths) 2) Plan and prepare students for participation in National OLYMPIADS & NTSE 44 MR.MAHESH GOURA, TGT (MATHS) Science Olympiad KVS JMO MR. RAJ KUMAR KHANNA TGT (MATHS) MR. MANOJ KUMAR TGT (MATHS) MR.ANUPRIYA P. TGT (HINDI) I/C MR R D CHANDEL, PGT (HIST) 1) Checkup the cleanliness of food stuff, eatable items. CANTEEN MR. M.K. RAIGAR TGT (HINDI) MRS Sunita Gupta PGT (CHEM) 2) Ensure items are not beyond expiry date. 45 3) Medical Certificate of people working into canteen. COMMITTEE MRS. SUNITA CHOUDHARY TGT (SST) MR.R S Shekhawat,UDC MR. M.K. SHERA PGT (HINDI) 4) Standard material is used in preparations.
MR HARJEET RAJ,PGT (CS) I/C MR.O.P MEENA, PGT (COMP.SC.) 1) To ensure the data is uploaded with accuracy CCE SOFTWARE MRS. VIJETA DARA PGT (CS) 2) To ensure each class teacher is uploading data by self, 46 students are not to be involved.
MR. MAHIPAL SINGH RATHORE TGT (P&HE) MRS SEEMA MAHAWAR PGT (GEO) 1) Acknowledgement of verbal and non-verbal complaints. MR L R THAKAN PGT (CHEM) 2) Redressal disposal of the complaint COMPLAINT MR. AJAY SHARMA PGT (COMM) 47 3) Records to be maintained. HANDLING MRS. VIJETA DARA PGT (CS) MRS SUNITA CHOPRA TGT (ENG) MRS. KUSUM GANDHI PRT MR ARVIND PAREEK 1) To handle correspondence for external exam MR R C DEHRU VP I/C 2) To prepare charter of duties 48 EXTERNAL EXAM MR.AJAY SHARMA, PGT (COMM) 3) To ensure smooth conduct of exam. MR.PHOOL CHAND,UDC 4) Ensure that invigilation goes effectively 1) To install Fire Fighting. MR.M.P.S.RATHORE,TGT(P&HE) MR.YOGESH KUMAR,TGT(PET) 49 2) Refilling of old Fire Fighting. FIRE FIGHTING MR M K SHARMA TGT (WET) MS AAKANSHA SINGH TGT WE 3) Monitoring of all Fire Fighting.
GROUND MR.M.P.S.RATHORE, TGT(P&HE) MR.YOGESH KUMAR, TGT(PET) 1) Cleanliness and maintenance of the ground. 51 MAINTENANCE & 2) Proper use of the ground to be ensured. UPKEEP
MS.B.CHANDEL, HEAD MISTRESS MR.S.C.LAMBA,PRT 1) Proper purchase procedure to be followed. MRS S. KAUR, PRT MR H C TAK PRT 2) Teacher learning material should be used for TLM 53 TLM & CMP MRS NINITA PAREEK,PRT 3) To ensure about CMP implementation. MRS SAMITA BANSAL PRT 4) To monitor the expenditure.
All the members of staff are hereby requested to paste the circular in teacher's diaries and take up the assigned work with great zeal, interest and enthusiasm. Any carelessness in their part will hamper the work.
All the in-charges / conveners are requested to convene their meeting with prior intimation to the Principal / Vice-Principal, check out their plan of action and working and submit their reports to the under signed.
Please note that the monthly reports of the committee should be submitted to the undersigned regularly so that program of working of the committee can properly be monitored and suitable guidance can be provided in time.
All in charges are requested to maintain register and note down the work done with date suggestions for betterment of Vidyalaya.
Vice-Principal Head Mistress Principal