Introduced by Ways and Means Committee

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Introduced by Ways and Means Committee

1 COMMITTEE REPORT 2 May 3, 2000 3 4 H. 4776 5 6 Introduced by Ways and Means Committee 7 8 S. Printed 5/3/00--S. 9 Read the first time March 28, 2000. 10 11 12 THE COMMITTEE ON FINANCE 13 To whom was referred a Joint Resolution (H. 4776), to 14 appropriate monies from the Capital Reserve Fund for Fiscal Year 15 1999-00, etc., respectfully 16 REPORT: 17 That they have duly and carefully considered the same, and 18 recommend that the same do pass with amendment: 19 20 Amend the joint resolution, as and if amended, by striking 21 SECTION 1 and inserting: 22 / SECTION 1. In accordance with the provisions of Article III, 23 Section 36(B)(2) and (3), Constitution of South Carolina, 1895, 24 and Section 11-11-320(C) and (D) of the 1976 Code, there is 25 appropriated from the monies available in the Capital Reserve 26 Fund for fiscal year 1999-00 the following amounts: 27 (1) Department of Education 28 SC First Steps to School Readiness - Phase-In $10,000,000 29 (2) Department of Education 30 Alternative Schools 9,000,289 31 (3) Department of Education 32 School Safety Officers 112,500 33 (4) Department of Education 34 School Facilities Maintenance 5,000,000 35 (5) Department of Education 36 K-12 Technology Initiative 2,000,000 37 (6) Commission on Higher Education 38 LIFE Scholarships 2,000,000 39 (7) Colleges & Universities 40 Performance Funding 7,261,006 41 (8) Colleges & Universities 42 Performance Funding - Increase 25,000,000

1 [4776-1] 1 (9) Francis Marion University 2 Science & Technology Equipment 750,000 3 (10) USC - Columbia 4 Materials Research Science & Engineering 5 Center (Nano Technology) 1,000,000 6 (11) USC - Beaufort 7 Penn Center 26,000 8 (12) State Board for Technical and Comprehensive Education 9 Equipment & Technology Infrastructure 8,000,000 10 (13) Educational Television Commission 11 Plastics Learning Network - Continuing Education 37,500 12 (14) School for the Deaf & Blind 13 Facility Maintenance and Accessibility & 14 Safety Improvements 1,020,877 15 (15) Department of Health & Environmental Control 16 Health Department Facility Repairs - Statewide 1,000,000 17 (16) Department of Public Safety 18 Computer System 13,000,000 19 (17) Department of Public Safety 20 Sheriff’s Substation - Lower Richland 100,000 21 (18) Department of Transportation 22 Greenville Transit Authority 200,000 23 (19) Adjutant General 24 Armory Operations/Maintenance 250,000 25 (20) Department of Natural Resources 26 Savannah River Basin Study 250,000 27 (21) Department of Natural Resources 28 Soil & Water Conservation National Convention 25,000 29 (22) Department of Parks, Recreation & Tourism 30 Kensington Plantation 150,000 31 (23) Department of Commerce 32 International Trade 375,000 33 (23.1) (International Trade) The department shall distribute 34 $125,000 to the SC World Trade Center and $250,000 to the SC 35 Export Consortium from funds appropriated for “International 36 Trade” in this item. 37 (24) Department of Commerce 38 YMCA Youth in Government 25,000 39 (25) Department of Labor, Licensing, & Regulation 40 Hazardous Management Training 25,000 41 (25.1) (Hazardous Management Training) The Department 42 shall distribute $25,000 to the Central Carolina Technical College 43 for development of hazardous management training instruction.

1 [4776-2] 1 (26) Secretary of State 2 Information Technology 250,000 3 (27) Comptroller General 4 Accounting System 1,000,000 5 (28) State Budget & Control Board, Division of Operations 6 Governor’s Mansion Renovation 1,905,128 7 (29) State Budget & Control Board - Division of Budget and 8 Analyses 9 Geodetic Survey 200,000 10 (30) State Budget & Control Board - Division of Regional 11 Development 12 Local Government Grant Fund 6,575,731 13 (31) State Budget & Control Board - Division of Regional 14 Development 15 Sustainable Universities Initiative 300,000 16 (31.1) (Sustainable Universities Initiative) The funds 17 appropriated for the sustainable universities initiative must be used 18 to provide mini-grants for colleges and universities, not including 19 Clemson University, the University of South Carolina, and the 20 Medical University of South Carolina. 21 (32) State Budget & Control Board - Division of Regional 22 Development 23 Lynchburg 75,000 24 TOTAL $96,914,031/ 25 Renumber sections to conform. 26 Amend title to conform. 27 28 JOHN DRUMMOND, for Committee. 29

1 [4776-3] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A JOINT RESOLUTION 10 11 TO APPROPRIATE MONIES FROM THE CAPITAL RESERVE 12 FUND FOR FISCAL YEAR 1999-00. 13 14 Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of South 15 Carolina: 16 17 SECTION 1. In accordance with the provisions of Article III, 18 Section 36(B)(2) and (3), Constitution of South Carolina, 1895, 19 and Section 11-11-320(C) and (D) of the 1976 Code, there is 20 appropriated from the monies available in the Capital Reserve 21 Fund for fiscal year 1999-00 the following amounts: 22 23 (1) State Department of Education 24 Transportation - Buses, Fuel, and Parts $4,009,770 25 (2) University of South Carolina - Columbia 26 New Law School Building 5,000,000 27 (3) University of Charleston 28 New Science Building 4,000,000 29 (4) Coastal Carolina University 30 Athletic Complex 4,000,000 31 (5) State Department of Education 32 Governor’s School for Math and 33 Science New Building 1,000,000 34 (6) Department of Commerce 35 Spartanburg Renaissance Project 1,000,000 36 (7) Department of Commerce 37 Columbia Convention Center 2,500,000 38 (8) University of Charleston 39 School of the Arts Addition 3,000,000 40 (9) University of South Carolina - Spartanburg 41 New Library/Technology Building 6,000,000 42 (10) University of South Carolina - Columbia

1 [4776] 1 1 Gibbes Green/LeConte College Renovation 4,000,000 2 (11) Clemson University 3 Civil/Textile Building 6,000,000 4 (12) Citadel 5 Replace Padgett-Thomas Barracks 3,000,000 6 (13) Francis Marion University 7 Schools of Education and Business Building 1,000,000 8 (14) Board for Technical and Comprehensive Education 9 Equipment and Technology Infrastructure 7,000,000 10 (15) Board for Technical and Comprehensive Education 11 Florence-Darlington TEC 12 New Advanced Manufacturing Center 3,500,000 13 (16) Board for Technical and Comprehensive Education 14 Horry-Georgetown TEC 15 Grand Strand Campus 500,000 16 (17) Board for Technical and Comprehensive Education 17 Spartanburg TEC 18 New Student Life Building 3,508,000 19 (18) Board for Technical and Comprehensive Education 20 Tri-County TEC 21 Anderson, Miller & Pickens Halls 2,200,000 22 (19) Board for Technical and Comprehensive Education 23 Trident TEC 24 Industrial/Economic Development Renovation 3,500,000 25 (20) Department of Mental Health 26 Columbia Area Mental Health Center 27 Construction 2,000,000 28 (21) South Carolina State University 29 Lowman Hall Renovation 1,094,625 30 (22) Clemson University 31 Renovation/Expansion of Wellness Center 2,000,000 32 (23) MUSC 33 College of Dental Medicine Building 6,300,000 34 (24) Ports Authority 35 Charleston Harbor Dredging 5,400,000 36 (25) Lander University 37 Genesis Hall Renovation 125,000 38 (26) Lander University 39 Deferred Maintenance 40 Math/Science Building 150,000 41 (27) Lander University 42 HVAC Repair & Control Upgrade 485,000 43 (28) Department of Archives & History

1 [4776] 2 1 Old Exchange & Provost Dungeon 925,000 2 (29) Department of Health & Human Services 3 Gaffney Senior Citizens Center Repairs 125,000 4 (30) State Library 5 Bamberg County Library 350,000 6 (31) University of South Carolina - Beaufort 7 New River Facility 1,500,000 8 (32) Department of Health and Human Services 9 Edgefield County Hospital Wellness Center 125,000 10 (33) Winthrop University 11 Waterproofing/Roof Repair - Rutledge Building 964,636 12 (34) Department of Commerce 13 SC Biotechnology Center (Greenwood Genetics) 360,000 14 (35) Department of Public Safety 15 Computer System 9,292,000 16 (36) Budget & Control Board 17 Division of Operations 18 Governor’s Mansion Renovation 1,000,000 19 TOTAL $96,914,031. 20 21 SECTION 2. The Comptroller General shall post the 22 appropriations contained in this joint resolution in fiscal year 23 2000-2001. Unexpended funds appropriated pursuant to this joint 24 resolution may be carried forward to succeeding fiscal years and 25 expended for the same purpose. 26 27 SECTION 3. This joint resolution takes effect thirty days after the 28 completion of the 1999-00 fiscal year in accordance with the 29 provisions of Article III, Section 36(B)(3)(a), Constitution of 30 South Carolina, 1895, and Section 11-11-320(D)(1) of the 1976 31 Code. 32 ----XX----

1 [4776] 3

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