The November Meeting at Brandeis Was Very Well Attended
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Northeastern Section of the ACS Monthly Board Meeting Written Reports Biogen Inc., Cambridge MA February 11, 2015 Chair: J. Jasinski No written report
Chair Elect: L. Johnson Attended the ACS Leadership Institute in Dallas last month. I learned a few things that can help our section and can save our section certain external (and in some cases, unnecessary) costs. o There are internal ACS affiliations for mass emails at no charge (to replace constant contact). o There are multiple options for web hosting services at no charge. o This could help with site redesign o Moving the plethora of information currently on the site would need to be managed, as well as future access to that information. o There are also meeting managers and planning apps that can help with calendar information and planning future events for the section and our committees. I continued discussions with many in ACS leadership to enhance programming at NESACS and our region for a few years to come. o Met Allison Campbell. Invited her to speak to NESACS in 2017, during her ACS presidency. o Met with Lee Latimer and Bill Carroll, both on the ACS Board of Directors (BOD). o Continued my discussions with Dorothy Phillips, panelist this month and catalyst for this month’s collaboration with NOBCChE. o Spoke to John Adams and Ingrid Montes, both on the ACS BOD, about various programs that might be of interest in the future for diversity and outreach. Confirmed with A123 their ability to host the May 12, 2016 Education Meeting. We are working on details.
Past-Chair: K. Lee No written report
Secretary: M. Singer Constant Contact continues to be used to communicate local area activities. This month an announcement for the Central MA section was circulated to the membership.
Treasurer: J. Piper See Treasurer’s report appended at the end of this report.
Archivist: K. Mattes No written report 0571e2ac5ff9a7aef282cb33e43d85c7.doc 1 of 14 Trustees: D. Phillips See Trustee’s report appended at the end of this report.
Councilors: Councilor reporting No written report
Standing Committees Budget Committee: J. Piper The proposed 2016 budget is appended at the end of this report. Committee Chairs should be aware of the 20% line by line reduction in order to reduce the proposed 2016 budget deficit. MOTION: The budget Committee moves that the Board approve the budget as presented.
Awards: D. Phillips No written report
Chemical Education: M. Schwartz Norris/Richards Summer Scholars Jonathan Rochford from UMass Boston has taken on the Norris/Richards Summer Scholars project and will be sending out a call for applications within a few days. All of the 2016 Summer Scholar reports have appeared in The Nucleus.
Theodore William Richards Award for Excellence in Teaching Secondary School Chemistry A call for nominations has gone out. Nominations are due April 8, 2016. The award will be presented in May 2016 at “Education Night”.
Philip L. Levins Prize A call for nominations has gone out. Nominations are due April 8, 2016. The prize will be presented in May 2016 at “Education Night”. There is still some confusion as to who decides the winner. I feel that it should be the Awards Committee, but they feel it should be the Education Committee. It might be useful for the Board to discuss and decide.
NSCRC The 18th Annual Northeast Student Chemistry Research Conference (NSCRC) will be held at UMass Boston in the new Integrated Sciences Complex on Saturday, April 16th, 2016. NESACS YCC is organizing.
Education Night (May) Will be held at A123 Systems in Waltham, MA The date is Thursday, May 12th.
0571e2ac5ff9a7aef282cb33e43d85c7.doc 2 of 14 Please note that the board meeting will start a half hour earlier as usual, since it is a school night! The speaker will be Dr. Luke Roberson from NASA.
Board of Publications: J. Phillips No written report
Nucleus Editor: M. Filosa No written report
Constitution & By-laws: C. Costello No written report
Membership: M. Chen No written report
Nominations: K. Lee The NESACS 2016 Nominating Committee recommends the following slate of candidates for the 2016 NESACS election. Candidates may be submitted by petition until March 13, 2016.
Chair - Elect Dr. Mukund S. Chorghade Dr. Mindy Levine Norris Committee Dr. R. Christian (Chris) Moreton Treasurer Dr. George O'Doherty Dr. Ashis Saha Dr. Samuel Pazicni Dr. Ajay Purohit Trustee Dr. Robert Lichter Councilor/Alternate Councilors Dr. Dorothy J. Phillips Mr. Raymond E. Borg Dr. Mukund S. Chorghade Director-at-Large Dr. Thomas R. Gilbert Dr. Michael Filosa Dr. Patrick M. Gordon Dr. David Harris Dr. Jerry P. Jasinski Dr. John Neumeyer Mr. Leland L. Johnson, Jr. Mr. James Phillips Dr. Robert Lichter Dr. Myron S. Simon Dr. Mary A. Mahaney Ms. Vivian K. Walworth Dr. Lisa Marcaurelle Dr. Kenneth C. Mattes Nominating Committee Dr. Carol Mulrooney Dr. Thomas R. Gilbert Dr. R. Christian (Chris) Moreton Mr. James Phillips Dr. Ajay Purohit Dr. Mary Jane Shultz Dr. Raj (SB) Rajur Dr. Sophia Su Ms. Sofia Santos Dr. Marietta Schwartz Dr. Mary Jane Shultz 0571e2ac5ff9a7aef282cb33e43d85c7.doc 3 of 14 Dr. Michael Singer Dr. Sonja Strah-Pleynet
Respectfully submitted, NESACS 2016 Nominating Committee Katherine Lee, Chair John Burke Andrew Scholte Anna Sromek John Williams
Professional Relations: M. Chorghade No written report
Public Relations: J. Driscoll This month we continued our work on STEM Journey III. We expect 1,500 (40+% increase from STEM Journey II) to attend on April 2, 2016 at Cape Cod Community College. We finally have our three keynote speakers and the theme is “Transportation: Land, Air, and Sea”. I wanted to find a speaker on autonomous cars and wrote to google and all the auto manufacturers to no avail. Finally, I knew that MIT had autonomous vehicle programs so I was able to get Professor of Mechanical & Ocean Engineering, John Leonard, whose interests are Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and Computer programming. He also teaches a course on Autonomous Cars. The speaker for Air will be either MA Senator Dan Wolf (founder of Cape Air) or Linda Markum (President of Cape Air) who is the only woman President of a North American Airline. The talk will be about “Advances in Aviation”. The third talk will be on “Autonomous Underwater Vehicles” by Megan Carroll, Research Engineer, at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute. Now, we focus on fund raising and increasing exhibitors to about 45. These will include the Heritage Museum STEM program, RC Flying Club of Cape Cod, walk along gliders, aircraft simulators, an air captain to supervise the drones and RC planes, an undersea drone simulator, MIT Mechanical engineering program-Robotics, Tech Schools, Marconi Maritime Center, WHOI. We will be interviewed this month by Cape Cod Community Media, our local cable TV station for their “What’s Up, Cape Cod?” 15 minute segment. Boston Tweetup will promote the event through their weekly subscriber-based e- newsletter. Watch for a PR events email next week with a call for volunteers for STEM Journey III, CCED MOS, Cambridge Science Festival and other public outreach opportunities.
Special Committees Fundraising: M. Tebbe No written report
0571e2ac5ff9a7aef282cb33e43d85c7.doc 4 of 14 Government Relations: D. Lewis No written report
Esselen Award: K. Hansen The Esselen Award Committee has selected Dr. Timothy M. Swager, John D. MacArthur Professor of Chemistry and Director of the Deshpande Center for Technological Innovation at MIT, as the 2016 awardee. He is being recognized for his development of highly sensitive “chemosensors” which have applications to medical, military, security, food safety and many other fields. The award meeting will be held on April 7, 2016 and Dr. Swager's address is entitled "Chemical/Biological Sensing: Science and Real World Applications". Eleven nominations were received for the 2016 award, providing a source of excellent candidates for future years.
Medicinal Chemistry Group: R. Rajur No written report
National Chemistry Week: J. Ranga NESACS will be celebrating Chemists Celebrate Earth Day Event at Blue Wing of Museum of Science on Sunday April 10, 2016 from 12 - 4 pm. There will be hands-on activities from various institutions. The theme for this event is "The Great Indoors - The Home Ecosystem” covering topics pertaining to indoor air and water quality of the home. If interested in volunteering, please visit and provide the requested information by Feb 26, 2016. NESACS will be participating in ACS sponsored CCED illustrated poem contest for students in Kindergarten - 12th grade.
Norris Award: P. Gordon No written report
NERM: M. Hoffman NERM 2016 will be held at the Binghamton University Downtown Center in Binghamton, NY, on Wednesday-Saturday, October 5-8; the meeting website is
Project Seed: C. Schnitzer No written report
0571e2ac5ff9a7aef282cb33e43d85c7.doc 5 of 14 Richards Award: M. Hoffman Finally, after a great deal of effort on the part of the Committee, especially Past-Chair Hauck, the medal plaque shadowbox was completed by the vendor, Metalcraft Mint, Inc., of Green Bay, WI, displayed at the January NESACS Board meeting, and sent to Harry Gray, the 2014 awardee. The result is considered to be “fantastic.”
Preparations are now underway for the solicitation of nominees and the selection of the winner of the 2016 Theodore William Richards Medal Award. The presentation of the Award will take place at the NESACS meeting on Thursday, March 9, 2017.
Summerthing: D. Lewis No written report
Women’s Chemist Committee: P. Mabrouk No written report
YCC: F. Lucci No written report
YCC / GDCh exchange: L. Johnson Germany- o All flight tickets for the 2016 Exchange to Kiel, Germany have been purchased. o Both students requiring visas have been granted those visas. o Arrangements for travel within Germany are now being finalized. Seville, Spain- September 2016 o Interviews are commencing for the 11 applicants to the Seville Young Chemists Crossing Borders (YCCB) program o Fundraising efforts are underway for that program
0571e2ac5ff9a7aef282cb33e43d85c7.doc 6 of 14 o Applications for grants have been made. Another round of grant applications will be made with a deadline of June 30, 2016. Our committee will oversee the interview process, but due to budgetary constraints, the number of travelers will be limited to the amount of fundraising we are able to achieve. Please feel free to approach the members of our committee with regard to any questions you might have! On behalf of the committee (Strem, Hoffman, Tanner, Scholte, Lucci, Johnson, Thiele, others) thank you!
BAGIM: K. Mattes No written report
New Hampshire Area Committee : J. Jasinski No written report
Southeast MA area Committee (SE-MA) : J. Driscoll No written report
Senior Chemists Committee : M. Chen Our first Meeting this year is on Wednesday April 20th, and we are planning to have a membership drive
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The American Chemical Society (ACS) Fellows Program recognizes members of the ACS for outstanding achievements in and contributions to science, the profession, and the Society.
ELIGIBILITY The selection of ACS Fellows is based on two defined areas: (1) Documented excellence and leadership that has an impact in the science, the profession, education, and/or management; and (2) Documented excellence and leadership in volunteer service, based on specific results achieved, in service to the ACS and its membership and community. Nominees and nominators must be current members (including retired and emeritus members) in good standing of the ACS. Former members or deceased members will not be considered as nominees. Current members of the Fellows Selection Committee, Fellows Oversight Committee, ACS Board of Directors, and current ACS staff are not eligible to be nominees or nominators.
NOMINATIONS Nominations for ACS Fellows are solicited from the following: . ACS National Committees* – Each Committee may nominate one nominee. The Primary Nominator must be a current member of the Committee. . ACS Technical Divisions* – Each Division may nominate up to two times the number of Councilors from the Division. The Primary Nominator and the Nominee must be current members of the Division. . ACS Local Sections* – Each Local Section may nominate up to the number of Councilors from the Local Section. The Primary Nominator and the Nominee must be current members of the Local Section. . Individual ACS Members – Each individual ACS member in good standing may serve as the primary nominator for one nominee. *If the Chair is not a nominator, he/she must provide a Letter of Attestation. Self-nominations are not accepted. Each nomination requires a primary nominator and two secondary nominators, each of whom must provide a letter of recommendation. The online nomination form also requires the following nominee information: Code of Conduct, Award Citations, Professional Organization Affiliations, Volunteer Service to the ACS Community, Contributions to the Science/Profession, Honors and Awards, and Resume/CV. The Primary Nominator is responsible for submitting the nomination. Please note the following changes for 2016: (1) The Selection Criteria have been updated. (2) The Education and Professional History sections have been removed from the online nomination form. (3) Code of Conduct and Award Citations sections have been added to the online nomination form. Detailed guidelines and instructions for submitting nominations are at . 2016 nominations will only be accepted online at during the period February 1 – April 1, 2016 [11:59 PDT].
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