Landscape Changes Impact Jaguars and Cattle Predation
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1 Consequences of Human Landscape Changes for Distributions of Jaguar Panthera onca
2 and Cattle Predation
4 Landscape Changes Impact Jaguars and Cattle Predation
6 Marina Zanin 1*, Rahel Sollmann 2,3, Natália M. Tôrres 2,4, Mariana M. Furtado 2,5, Anah T. A.
7 Jácomo 2, Leandro Silveira 2, Paulo De Marco 6
9 1 Earth Sciences and Ecology Center, Emílio Goeldi Museum of Pará, Av. Perimetral, 1901 -
10 Terra Firme, CEP 66077-830 Belém PA, Brasil
11 2 Jaguar Conservation Fund, Caixa Postal 193, CEP 75830-000 Mineiros, Goiás, Brazil
12 3 North Carolina State University, Department of Forestry and Environmental Resources,
13 Raleigh, NC, USA
14 4 Biology Institution, Federal University of Uberlândia, Campus Umuarama, Rua Ceará, s/no,
15 Bloco 2D, CEP 38400-902 Uberlândia, Minas Gerais, Brazil
16 5 Medical Veterinary and Animal Health Department, São Paulo University, Av. Prof. Dr.
17 Orlando Marques de Paiva, 87, CEP 05508-270 São Paulo, Brazil
18 6 Ecology Departament, Federal University of Goiás, Caixa Postal 131, CEP 74001-970 Goiania,
19 Goiás, Brazil.
* Corresponding author: Tel.:+55 91 3075 6172; E-mail address: [email protected] 21 Appendix A – Standard questioner used to interview local resident about jaguar, cattle predation, and 22 prey occurrence. 23 24 Jaguar preys selection 25 We determined potential prey species based on published diet studies (for a 26 review see Foster et al. 2011). 27 28 Interview 29 1. General aspects 30 1.1. General information 31 Name of interviewer: ______32 Date: ______/______/______33 Duration of the interview: ______minutes 34 35 1.2. Characterization of sampling location 36 Sampling unit*: ______37 City*: ______38 Latitude*: ______Longitude*: ______39 Farm: no yes 40 Name of farm: ______41 42 2. Profile of interviewees 43 Name of interviewees: ______44 Years old: ______45 Profession: ______46 How much time working in the region: ______47 48 3. Occurrence of species and cattle depredation Armadillo Cabassous unicinctus Southern Naked-Tailed Armadillo no yes Dasypus novemcinctus Nine-banded Armadillo no yes Dasypus septemcinctus Brazilian Lesser Long-nosed Armadillo no yes Dasypus kappleri Greater Long-nosed Armadillo no yes Euphractus sexcinctus Six-banded armadillo no yes Priodontes maximus Giant armadillo no yes Deer Blastocerus dichotomus Marsh deer no yes Mazama americana Red brocket deer no yes Mazama gouazoubira Grey brocket deer no yes Ozotoceros bezoarticus Pampas deer no yes Peccary Pecari tajacu Collared peccary no yes Tayassu pecari White- lipped peccary no yes Other Tapirus terrestris Lowland tapir no yes Myrmecophaga tridactyla Giant anteater no yes Hydrochaeris hydrochaeris Capybara no yes Dasyprocta sp Agouti no yes Cuniculus paca Paca no yes Rhea americana Greater Rhea no yes 49
2 50 3.2. Do jaguars occur in the region? no yes 51 If yes, how do you know? direct observation 52 track roar 53 has skin or skull 54 someone said so Other: ______55 56 3.3. Does livestock depredation by jaguars occur in the region? no 57 yes 58 If yes, what did the kill look like? Steer 59 Adult 60 61 Covered with leaves Not covered with leaves 62 63 What part of animal was eaten?______64 65 4. Observation 66 ______67 ______68 ______