Sophomore Health Class Expectations and Guidelines
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Sophomore Health Class Expectations and Guidelines
Units: Mental Health Fitness Nutrition Human Sexuality Drug Prevention
Classroom Procedures: 1. Students should work on only health related materials during class time 2. Students should always be courteous to class mates and visitors (speakers, teachers, administration, etc.) 3. When leaving the classroom for any reason, students must sign out and sign back in upon return 4. Lateness is not tolerated 5. Please remove all hoods, music devices, cell phones, etc. and put away before the bell to begin class rings 6. All procedures and rules listed in the student handbook also apply in the Health classroom
Attendance/Homework/Class work 1. You are expected to be in class each day. Involvement in class discussions and activities is important. 2. If you are absent, you are responsible for finding what was missed and making up the required work 3. Outside reading or writing activities will be assigned periodically
Make-up work (pages 16-17 in Student/Parent Handbook)
1. It is the responsibility of the student to make up all work after an absence from class. The H.A.T.S. period provides students a unique opportunity to meet with teachers and complete assignments that they have missed due to absence. 2. Students that miss class because of a class cut or unlawful absence will NOT be given the opportunity to make up any assignments from the day(s) of absence and will be the given the grade of “0” for all assignments covered and/or due on the date in question. 3. Students that miss one (1) day of school due to an excused absence are responsible to make up work the day they return to school. Students that are out for more than one day are afforded time equal to the amount of days they were absent from class. It is the student’s responsibility to arrange the make-up work schedule. Failure to do so may result in losing credit for the work. 4. An assignment with a due date must be turned in on the first day the student returns after an excused absence, even if the excused absence occurs between the day the assignment was issued and the due date. The same is true of tests or quizzes which are announced. These must be taken on the date announced or on the first day the student returns after an excused absence. Grading 1. Grades are determined on a 40/40/20 scale (40 for each of the quarters and 20 for the final exam or project). Points are accumulated from quiz/test scores, class participation, in-class assignments, and projects. 2. All assignments/homework/class work must be turned in on the appropriate due date. 10% will be deducted off each assignment each school day an assignment is not turned in. 3. Plagiarism: Students will be held to the standards of the Student/Parent Handbook (page 25)
Throughout the course of the semester students will be viewing and listening to the following videos/Guest Speakers. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me via email. [email protected]
1) The Blind Side/The Pursuit of Happiness/Pay It Forward/A Beautiful Mind- These movies will be shown during our Mental Health units as it displays many of the concepts discussed in class. These movies are PG-13. Due to some language we request your permission for your son or daughter to view the movie.
2) Cocaine Anonymous-This panel of guest speakers will be joining us toward the end of the semester to share their stories of substance abuse and their roads to recovery.
3) Horsham Police-This guest speaker will be presenting various scenarios of substance use/abuse and the law. Legal consequences for various decisions will be discussed.
4) Rehabilitation Center Counselor –This individual will speak to our students on the topic of addiction and its consequences.
5) Emily- This video is based on an award winning story of a girl struggling with low-self- esteem and depression. Her depression and low self-esteem led her down to the path of anorexia nervosa. Please sign on the appropriate line to indicate that you understand and agree to the course expectations. Please keep the expectation/guideline page for your reference and return this page to me by our next class meeting. Thank you.
Student Signature ______
Student’s Name Printed______
Parent/Guardian ______