BODY_Course Outline Template_V4b
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Preliminary instructions for Course Convenors: 1. Throughout this document, delete all instructional text and replace it with your course information; 2. Completion of all subsections of the Course Outline is mandatory; 3. Section headings and the underlined subsection headings must not be removed or re- ordered; 4. Within each section there are instructions as to the information that you are required to include in the Course Outline (mandatory) and information that you are encouraged (optional) to include to further enhance students' understanding of the course's teaching and learning context.
Course Aims Convenors are encouraged to first state why this course is important to the learner. Convenors are required to specify the overall, big-picture vision for students' learning for the course. Convenors may wish to detail the contribution of this Course to the Program/s in which it appears. The course aims relate to the combined impact of the curriculum, the pedagogy, and the assessment of the various course components.
REMINDER: Delete all instructional text and replace it with your course information.
Outcomes are what your students should achieve. Convenors are required to specify the learning outcomes the course is designed to bring about. The exact way in which these would be specified depends in part on the nature of the discipline. However, where possible, the following is offered as a guide to help staff. If possible, desired learning outcomes would be specified in behavioural and measurable terms (eg: Upon completion of this course students will be able to ...). Outcomes should generally be listed in order of: content based outcomes; cognitive outcomes (eg: understanding, analysis, evaluation) and/or affective outcomes (eg: attitudes, values, ethics); and application outcomes (ie: skills-based outcomes eg: problem solving). The balance between these three will vary from course to course, depending on its role in the program. Convenors are encouraged to number the learning outcomes in order to reference these outcomes when detailing assessment for the course. Outcomes may include core skills and competencies which contribute to the ideals of the Griffith Graduate .
Convenors are required to describe the way in which the course will be presented and the activities to be undertaken by students (lectures, tutorials, seminars, practical classes, work integrated learning activities, field placements, etc). In the case of resource-based teaching, this section will give an outline of the materials and the way in which they will be used, and the planned interactions between students and the teaching team. Convenors of multi-campus courses are reminded to clarify campus-specific information to students. Convenors may wish to include a statement such as: CAMPUS-SPECIFIC ARRANGEMENTS: This course is taught on two campuses this semester (Gold Coast and Nathan). You are required to enrol and participate at one campus ONLY. All concerns will be dealt with on a local campus basis. Throughout this Course Outline there will be campus specific information – please make sure that you refer to the information that is RELEVANT TO THE CAMPUS WHERE YOU ARE ENROLLED. Convenors are encouraged to specify how the teaching strategies for the course contribute to the development of all or some of the graduate skills. Where a graduate skill is taught or practised, convenors are encouraged to indicate the nature of the activity.
Contact Summary Convenors are required to include clear statements of the expectations on students, such as which activities are compulsory and which are optional. Mandatory requirements for the course should be specified, including attendance and participation requirements.
Convenors are required to provide some form of structured summary specifying the topics to be covered in the course. This summary may be in the form of a weekly teaching schedule. It is particularly important when the course is being taught on-campus using on-site resources such as laboratories that the information is presented in the form of a weekly teaching schedule. The structured summary should be supplemented with an indication of sequence, development, and inter-relationships between the different elements of the course content. Convenors are encouraged to include statements about: the relevance and currency of the content of the course integration of theory and practice within the course breadth of coverage or degree of choice within the course relationship of the course to the students' professional needs. The table below may help convenors to illustrate teaching topics, but may be edited or deleted if its use is not appropriate to the course structure. However, convenors are required to provide some form of structured summary of course content in this section.
Topic Lecture Content Tutorial/Laboratory Content Readings 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 2 Topic Lecture Content Tutorial/Laboratory Content Readings 10. 11.
12. 13.
Summary of Assessment Convenors are required to complete the summary of assessment table below, including the number, type, weight and due date of each item of assessment, and referencing the stated Learning Outcomes associated with each assessment task. The ‘length’ column in this table may be deleted if the concept of ‘length’ is inappropriate given the nature of the assessment. With the exception of the ‘length’ column, convenors are required to complete all columns in the summary of assessment table.
Item Assessment Task Length Weighting Total Relevant Due Day and Marks Learning Time Outcomes
1. eg, 1, 2, 4. eg Wednesday of Week 7, 4pm 2. 3. 4.
Assessment Details Convenors are required to provide brief descriptive information on the assessment for the course and may include assessment rationale, assessment strategy, particulars of each assessment item, including item length or scope, marking criteria information etc. It is not expected that every convenor will provide detailed information on assessment for the course in the Course Outline. However, convenors are required to provide clear information to students on how, where and when detailed information will be provided (eg posted on Learning@Griffith in Week 1). Convenors are encouraged to specify how the assessment contributes to the stated learning outcomes, and also to the assessed graduate skills, for example “the groupwork assessment item, which requires you to work in teams, will help you to develop your communication skills.” Convenors are reminded to specify any additional conditions associated with the assessment for the course, for instance, stipulating that a student is required to submit all assessment items to qualify for a passing grade.
Return of Assessment Items Convenors are required to provide details to students on the mechanism for return of marked assessment items, or direct students to where this information is contained on the Learning@Griffith website.
Notification of Availability of Feedback on Assessment Convenors are required to indicate the timeframe in which feedback on each assessment item will be provided to students.
GRADUATE SKILLS 3 The Griffith Graduate Statement states the characteristics that the University seeks to engender in its graduates through its degree programs. Convenors are encouraged to make reference to graduate skills development within the subsections Learning Outcomes, Content, Organisation and Teaching Strategies and Assessment. In this section, convenors are required to summarise how this course contributes to the development of all or some of these graduate skills by checking the appropriate boxes in the following table. t d d h e e g
Graduate Skills s s i u s t a e c T s a
r s P A
Effective communication (written) Effective communication (oral) Effective communication (interpersonal) Information literacy Problem solving Critical evaluation Work autonomously Work in teams Creativity and innovation Ethical behaviour in social / professional / work environments Responsible, effective citizenship
Professional Skills Convenors are encouraged to add extra skills information where appropriate, for instance, in the case of discipline specific graduate skills. Convenors may wish to add a similar table with rows reflecting the additional professional skills/ discipline-related skills.
Convenors are required to provide information about the teaching team. For courses offered at more than one campus, the following table may be copied for each campus, or columns may be added/deleted as required.
Course Convenor
Convenor Details Gold Coast
Campus Convenor Email Office Location Phone Fax Consultation times (if not yet determined, include details on where in Learning@Griffith this information will appear)
Additional teaching team members Include details of additional members of the teaching team (tutors etc.) or, if unknown, details of where, when and how this information will be provided to students.
Convenors are required to provide information to students about how to communicate with the Course Convenor and/or any other member of the teaching team. Issues such as their availability for face-to-face consultations, the use of email and what issues to address to the teaching team via email, the use of electronic bulletin boards etc. should be addressed. Convenors are encouraged to add information, as appropriate, to indicate the way they intend to use the Learning@Griffith site, expectations regarding how frequently students will check it, etc.
Convenors are required to provide information on prescribed textbooks, required and recommended readings, additional course support materials (eg Study Guides, Learning@Griffith resources) course related educational products and websites, and reference materials, including a statement of their availability. Convenors are encouraged to provide statements regarding hardware and software requirements, where appropriate.
If no additional course information is to be included in this Section, a statement such as ”Students should refer to the Learning@Griffith website for further information about this course” should be included. Faculties/Schools/Convenors may wish to include information in Course Outlines which falls outside the specified subsection headings in Section A. Schools may wish to include additional University policy information in this section, or provide their own information, which accords with, but provides more detail than University policy. Below are a number of potential subsection headings (sample University level content may be available for some of these): Assignment Extensions and Penalties Assignment Submissions and Returns Copyright Course Evaluation Employment Screening Examinations Grade Descriptions Study Program Student Charter Risk assessment/health and safety information The following types of information may previously have been included in the Course Outline but should now be provided via Learning@Griffith and are not considered appropriate for inclusion in the Course Outline: Referencing guidelines Further reading/additional references Forms associated with course administration (attendance forms, assignment cover sheets, etc.) Equipment guidelines