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“If you are going to achieve excellence in big things, you develop the habit in little matters. Excellence is not an exception, it is a prevailing attitude.” ~Charles R. Swindoll
Metropolitan Community College 1 Template Rev. 7/24/06 WELCOME TO METROPOLITAN COMMUNITY COLLEGE Metropolitan Community College
Course Syllabus – Winter 2012
Title: Professional Roles of the Nurse II Prefix/Section: NURS 2210 9A Credit Hours: 1 Credit hours (Class hours 1, Lab hours 0) Begins/Ends: December 1, 2012 to February 23, 2013 No-Class Days: Holiday Break, December 24, 2012 to January 4, 2013 Meeting Day/Time: Saturdays/ 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Last Day to Withdraw Saturday, February 9, 2013 Delivery Type: Classroom Class Location: SOC, Mahoney RM 503/511 Lab Location: Course Web Address:
Instructor Name: Nancy Pares, RN, MSN Office Location: SOC-Mahoney, RM 513 Office Telephone: 402-738-4784 Facsimile: 402-738-4552 Office Hours: Posted outside office area: SOC-Mahoney, RM 513 Email Address: [email protected] Faculty Web Site: Academic Program Area: Health Careers
Course Description: This course is designed to assist the student in identifying the role of the registered nurse as a member of the health team. The role of the registered nurse, legal and ethical concepts, cultural influences, the nursing process, communication, the teaching-learning process and the health care delivery system are emphasized.
Course Prerequisites: Successful completion of the LPN program and/or licensure as an LPN. Course Objectives: 1. Discuss the role of the registered nurse in the health care system. 2. Apply the nursing process in identifying and meeting client needs. 3. Apply legal and ethical issues related to the Practice of Nursing. 4. Apply cultural knowledge in the care of clients in various settings. 5. Apply the concepts of therapeutic communication in nursing practice. 6. Apply the teaching-learning process in the delivery of nursing care. 7. Discuss the health care delivery system as it impacts client care.
Metropolitan Community College 2 Template Rev. 7/24/06 Required & Supplemental Materials: Required textbooks:
1. Pearson package #013313475X Osborn + MNL
2. Kozier, Fundamentals of Nursing, 9th Ed.
Course Structure: a. Class activities will include lecture, discussion, reading assignments, and application of content in the clinical portions of the program.
Types of Assessment/Assignments
COURSE OBJECTIVES ASSESSMENT MEASURES 1. Discuss the role of the RN in the health Unit quiz care setting. 2. Apply the nursing process as a tool to Small group discussion identify and meet client needs. Unit quiz 3. Apply legal and ethical issues related to Small group discussion the Practice of Nursing. Unit quiz 4. Apply cultural influences upon nursing Small group discussion care. Unit quiz 5. Apply the concepts of communication in Unit quiz nursing practice. 6. Apply the teaching-learning process in the Research Project (Unit Quiz) delivery of nursing care. 7. Discuss the health care delivery system as Unit quiz it impacts client care. Objectives 1 - 7 Comprehensive Final Exam
Grading Policy
METHODS OF ASSESSING STUDENT PROGRESS: Classroom assessment techniques will be utilized periodically to determine the student’s understanding of the materials being studied. Each unit of study will be assessed with a unit examination and project for the teaching and learning project.
Metropolitan Community College 3 Template Rev. 7/24/06 Unit quizzes will be assigned points and averaged at the end of the course. The quizzes are equal to 80% of the grade. The assigned project for research is 50 points and is part of the quizzes. The final exam is 20% of the final grade. Points for quizzes/exams are: Each unit quiz = 25 points for a total of 100 points Research Project = 50 points 150 points (80% of grade)
Final exam = 100 points (20% of grade)
There is a total of 200 points. At the end of the course, the points will be converted to a percent. The grading scale is: 93 - 100 = A, 84 - 92 = B, 78 - 83 = C, 70 - 77 = D, Below 70 = F. There will be NO rounding of grades, i.e., a 75.8 = 75%. A final course grade of C (78%) is required to continue in the program. Unit examinations will be administered as indicated on the course calendar. There is a research project that must be completed to successfully complete the course . Guidelines for research project and final exam are attached.
ASSESSMENT OF STUDENT LEARNING PROGRAM: Metropolitan Community College is committed to continuous improvement of teaching and learning. You may be asked to help us to accomplish this objective. For example, you may be asked to respond to surveys or questionnaires. In other cases, tests or assignments you are required to do for this course may be shared with faculty and used for assessment purposes.
MAKE-UP TEST PROCEDURES: If it is necessary to be absent during an assigned test period, the student must make-up that examination within one week of the original test date (i.e., if the exam is given on Monday, it must be made up PRIOR to the next Monday). Failure to do so will result in a zero for the examination. The student may miss one examination without penalty, as long as the test is made up within the specific time period. If the student misses more than one examination, the exam may be made up, but the maximum score allowed is 80%. Any further exams missed will be a maximum of 50%. The final examination must be taken on the scheduled date and at the scheduled time.
Students may not enter the classroom after the testing has begun. If the student is not in the classroom when tests are being distributed the student must follow the procedure for make up testing.
When it is necessary to make up an examination, it will be placed in the testing center. It is the student’s responsibility to make an appointment and take the test within the specified period of time.
Exceptions to these guidelines may be considered, but only if the student consults with the instructor in advance.
LATE ASSIGNMENTS: The assignment for the teaching project is to be submitted at the time indicated. Failure to submit at the appropriate time will result in a zero.
Maintenance of Student Records
Metropolitan Community College 4 Template Rev. 7/24/06 The research project will be returned to the student following its submission and grading. The tests will be reviewed in the following class period.. All test papers are to be returned to the instructor at the completion of the review. Exams will be kept for one academic year.
ATTENDANCE Class Attendance – Each student is expected to recognize the importance of class attendance and of promptness. If a student should miss a class for any reason he/she is expected to cover, on his/her own, the material he/she missed. All work must be made up to the satisfaction of the instructor. For absences on days when examinations are given, refer to the section related to “Missed Examinations”. It is the student’s responsibility to notify the faculty immediately if he/she is unable to attend class. If a student demonstrates unprofessional behavior in the classroom, the student will be asked to leave. WX: After the first class meeting and through the Census Date, the instructor will disenroll (WX) students who have never attended. The Census Date is listed under the Important Dates for the course in the official Class Schedule at There is no appeal for this disenrollment. FX is a final grade given to a student who stops attending a class (participating in a class if it's an online class), does not return, and fails. Clinical Attendance – Refer to Attendance Policy in the Nursing Program Policy/Procedure student manual. COMMUNICATION EXPECTATIONS: When you communicate with others in this course, you must follow the Student Code of Conduct (, which calls for responsible and cooperative behavior. Please think critically, ask questions, and challenge ideas, but also show respect for the opinions of others, respond to them politely, and maintain the confidentiality of thoughts expressed in the class. You may also wish to review information at
RECORDING IN THE CLASSROOM: Students may not video or audio record class sessions without the instructor’s knowledge and permission. If recording of class sessions is authorized as a reasonable accommodation under Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the instructor must have the appropriate documentation from College Disability Support Services. Permitted recordings are to be used only for the individual student’s educational review of the class session and may not be reproduced, posted, sold or distributed to others. Students who violate this policy are subject to disciplinary procedures as outlined in the Student Conduct Code.
ACADEMIC HONESTY STATEMENT: Students are reminded that materials they use as sources for classwork may be subject to copyright protection. Additional information about copyright is provided on the library website at or by your instructor. In response to incidents of student dishonesty (cheating, plagiarism, illegal peer-to-peer file sharing, etc.), the College imposes specific actions that may include receiving a failing grade on a test, failure in the course, suspension from the College, or dismissal from the College. Disciplinary procedures are available in the Advising/Counseling Centers or at STUDENT WITHDRAWAL:
Metropolitan Community College 5 Template Rev. 7/24/06 If you cannot participate in and complete this course, you should officially withdraw through WebAdvisor at or by calling Central Registration at 402-457-5231 or 1- 800-228-9553. Failure to officially withdraw will result in either an attendance-related failure (FX) or failing (F) grade. The last date to withdraw is noted in the CLASS IDENTIFICATION section of this syllabus.
MCC's Academic Resource Centers, Math Centers, and Writing Centers offer friendly, supportive learning environments that can help students achieve educational success. Staff members in these centers provide free drop-in assistance with basic computing, reading, math, and writing skills. Self- paced, computer-assisted instructional support in reading, vocabulary, typing, English as a Second Language, and online course orientation is also available.
Detailed information about the Academic Resource, Math, and Writing Centers is in the Student Handbook, College Catalog, and online at
ACCOMMODATIONS FOR STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES: Metropolitan Community College will provide reasonable accommodations for persons with documented qualifying disabilities. It is the student’s responsibility to request accommodations from Disability Support Services (DSS) located in each Student Services Office. After students have arranged for accommodations with DSS, the student and instructor should privately discuss these accommodations. For further information, please contact DSS or visit
For assistance with student email, passwords, and most other MCC technology, contact the Help Desk at 457-2900 or [email protected].
TECHNOLOGY RESOURCES: By using the information technology systems at MCC (including the computer systems and phones), you acknowledge and consent to the conditions of use as set forth in the Metropolitan Community College Procedures Memorandum on Acceptable Use of Information Technology and Resources. It is your responsibility as a student to be familiar with these procedures. The full text of the Procedures Memorandum may be found at the following website: 15_Technology_Resources_Use.pdf.
Metropolitan Community College 6 Template Rev. 7/24/06 SCHEDULE OF ASSIGNMENTS
DATE CLASSROOM ACTIVITY Week 1 Introduction of course Jan. 12 Lecture Unit 1
Week 2 Quiz Unit I Jan. 19 Lecture Unit 2
Week 3 Quiz Unit 2 Jan. 26 Lecture Unit 3 and 4 Research project due (see guidelines)
Week 4 Quiz Unit 3 and 4 Feb. 2 Lecture Unit 5 and 6
Week 5 Quiz Unit 5 and 6 Feb. 9
NOTE: Final is 100 points—worth 20% of grade (see guidelines) Can be handed in anytime but due on Feb. 9
Metropolitan Community College 7 Template Rev. 7/24/06 NURS 2210 Research Project (50 points)
Directions: Identify a current issue in nursing that is of interest to you. Find three (3) professional journal articles that pertain to the issue identified. Using the outline below and example attached, analyze the information found in each article. (you should have one page for each article) Then write a brief summary (3-4 paragraphs) of your overall conclusions regarding the issue identified from the three articles and the implications for the future of nursing. (Total of 4 pages) …..articles do not need to be attached.
Article Information: APA format (see example provided in class)
Research Problem: What is the issue? (This should be the same for all three articles)
Research Question: What question does this article address?
Data Collection: What does it study? How was the data obtained? Was it a scientific model? Identify independent or dependent variables.
Findings: What did the article conclude? How is this applicable to the problem identified?
Metropolitan Community College 8 Template Rev. 7/24/06 Harrison, Jeffrey (2004). The effect of case management on US hospitals. Nursing Economics, 22(2): 64-70, Jannetti Publications Inc. Retrieved March 31, 2005 from
Research Problem:
Hospitals across the US are identifying the need for effective management of resources and cost effective quality outcomes.
Research Question:
What effect does a care management program have on US hospitals?
Data Collection:
This article studies the characteristics of hospitals with a case management program and contrasts them with hospitals that do not have case management programs. Data was obtained and analyzed from American Heart Association annual survey, the Area Resource File and the CMS Minimum Data Set. The dependent variable is hospitals with a case management model. There were 11 variables in several different categories including operating performance and organizational.
The conclusion of this study indicated a strong correlation between the presence of a case management program and an increasing return on assets. The result indicates that case management programs may be an effective way to improve hospital profitability. The implications for nursing leadership is to nurture and develop case management education for the staff that allows them to identify their role in supporting the case management department.
Metro Community College Final Exam NURS 2210
Metropolitan Community College 9 Template Rev. 7/24/06 Professional Interview Process 50 points Directions: This final has four components. It must be typed and include a picture of you in interview attire or a detailed description of what you would wear and how you would look. A personal interview is not a requirement, but if you would like to have that experience, please schedule time (approx 30 min) with me before May 17.
Final Exam components:
Appearance 20 points ______
Cover letter 20 points ______
Resume 20 points ______
Interview questions 40 points ______
Total ______
Choose four of the following questions and type your answers
1. Tell me about a time when you seized opportunities, grabbed something, and ran with it yourself. Do you think this is a teachable skill? 2. Tell me about a conflict you handled well and one you didn’t handle well. What did you learn from these experiences? 3. Tell me about a time when you didn’t know what to do in a work situation and what was the outcome. What do you do when others have ‘caught on’ and you have not? 4. Tell me about a time when you realized things you had done in the past weren’t working anymore. 5. Have you ever had to listen to feedback from someone you really disliked? How did that make you feel? 6. Tell me about a time when you changed jobs/schools and your behavior needed to change along with it to survive. 7. Do you look at your successes or failures for hints about what you could have done better? Why? 8. Tell me about a time when you stood alone to stand up for what was right. How did others react when you did that? 9. Tell me about a time when you learned to get along with someone you initially found a very difficult person. How did that make you feel? 10. Have you ever been caught between a ‘rock and a hard place’, where whatever you said or did would anger one group or person? How did others react ?
UNIT 1: Role of the RN in the Health Care System
Unit Objectives: At the completion of this unit of study the student will be able to:
Metropolitan Community College 10 Template Rev. 7/24/06 1. Discuss the levels of education which are available in the field of nursing. 2. Discuss the roles and functions of the registered nurse in health care. 3. Discuss the scope of practice for the registered nurse. 4. Discuss the importance of evidence based practice to nursing. 5. Discuss the role critical thinking plays in the delivery of safe, competent care.
Osborn, pg 11-22; Chap 8. Kozier, Chap 2. Complete the unit objectives. Unit grade evaluated by unit quiz.
Discuss the roles of the nurse: caregiver, teacher, advocate, manager, expert, case manager, team member. Discuss the importance of developing the characteristics of critical thinking.
UNIT 2: Legal and Ethical Concepts
Unit Objectives: At the completion of this unit of study the student will be able to:
Metropolitan Community College 11 Template Rev. 7/24/06 l. Review the legal standards related to nursing. 2. Review the ethical principles applicable to nursing. 3. Apply ethical principles to classroom situations. 4. Apply legal standards to classroom situations. 5. Apply legal and ethical standards in the clinical site. 6. Explain the relationship between accountability, responsibility, and ethics. 7. Discuss the Code of Ethics. 8. Define federal statutory issues in nursing practice.
Osborn Chap 4. Kozier Chap 4 & 5. Complete the unit objectives. Unit grade evaluated by unit quiz.
Search professional journals and read articles that discuss the legal and ethical implications of nursing. Discuss actual cases of ethical/legal breaches and how the problem could have been prevented.
Metropolitan Community College 12 Template Rev. 7/24/06 UNIT 3: Nursing Process
Unit Objectives: At the completion of this unit of study the student will be able to:
1. Discuss the registered nurse’s role in contributing to the nursing diagnosis. 2. Explain methods of establishing priorities of client problems. 3. Discuss establishment of the priority nursing diagnosis. 4. Discuss the components of the planning phase of the nursing process. 5. Discuss the need for goals and expected outcomes. 6. Discuss the criteria for goals and expected outcomes. 7. Discuss the types of nursing interventions. 8. Explain how to select and validate appropriate nursing interventions. 9. Explain the process of care plan revision. 10. Discuss the steps of the evaluation process. 11. Utilize Maslow for establishing priorities of client care. 12. Apply the nursing process and its component parts in client care.
Osborn; Chap 7. Kozier, Chap 10. Complete the unit objectives. Unit grade evaluated by unit quiz.
Use case studies to apply the concepts of priority nursing diagnosis. Complete the nursing process using a case study. Apply the concepts of the nursing process in the care of clients.
Metropolitan Community College 13 Template Rev. 7/24/06 UNIT 4: Teaching and Learning
Unit objectives: At the completion of this unit of study the student will be able to:
1. Recall the principles of teaching and learning. 2. Discuss the role of the registered nurse in client teaching. 3. Apply the domains of learning to client situations. 4. Discuss factors which comprise readiness to learn with those of willingness to learn.
Osborn; Chap 13 Complete the unit objectives. Unit grade evaluated by unit quiz.
Apply teaching-learning principles in the clinical area.
Metropolitan Community College 14 Template Rev. 7/24/06 UNIT 5: Cultural Influences upon Nursing Care
Unit Objectives: At the completion of the unit of study each student will be able to:
1. Discuss cultural concepts related to nursing and health care. 2. Discuss health habits and beliefs of major ethnic groups in the United States. 3. Discuss cultural influences and implications for nursing care. 4. Apply the concepts of culturally competent care when delivering care to clients.
Osborn ; pg 402-405 ; pg 154 Kozier - Chap 18. Complete the unit objectives. Unit grade evaluated by unit quiz.
Discuss with classmates the cultural concepts that will influence nursing care.
Metropolitan Community College 15 Template Rev. 7/24/06 Unit 6: Health Care Delivery Systems and Conflict
Unit Objectives: At the completion of this unit of study, the student will be able to:
1. Discuss the health care team and specific registered nurse roles. 2. Discuss trends in health care delivery. 3. Discuss factors that influence healthcare. 4. Describe payment sources in the health care system. 5. Identify sources of conflict within the health care system. 6. Discuss the various methods of conflict resolution. 7. Identify how health care institutions set and monitor budgets.
Osborn; Chap 3 and 5. Kozier Chap 6. Complete the unit objectives. Unit grade evaluated by unit quiz.
Discuss the role of the nurse in providing safe, effective care within the constraints of unit budgets. Discuss methods of conflict resolution when delivering safe care to clients within the constraints of third party payers.
Metropolitan Community College 16 Template Rev. 7/24/06 2012/13 Winter Quarter Important Dates
Classes Begin...... Nov 28 W ***Census Date/Tenth Day*...... Dec 11 Tu Holiday Recess/College Closed...... Dec 24-Jan 1 Holiday Recess ends for Staff...... Jan 2 W Holiday Recess ends Faculty Report/classes Resume...... Jan 5 Sa Current Student (greater than 50 hours) Spring 2013 (12/SP) Registration begins...... Jan 3 Th Current Student (less than 50 hours) Spring 2013 (12/SP) Registration begins...... Jan 9 W General Spring 2013 (12/SP) Registration begins...... Jan 16 W Martin Luther King Recess/College closed...... Jan 21 M Fall Quarter Term Incomplete “I” Grades Due...... Feb 12 Tu No Classes...... Feb 23-24 Sa-Su Classes end...... Feb 26 Tu Winter grades due and posted by 11:59 p.m...... Feb 28 Th Student Withdrawal Deadline to “drop” a class without receiving a grade...... Varies by Class** Student Withdrawal Deadline to “drop” a class with a refund varies **...... See Refund Policy****
* Tenth Day is the date on which your enrollment level is checked. **To view the last day to withdraw “drop” a class to prevent receiving a grade, go to the class schedule found on line at . Then, find the course section and click on the Important Dates link on the same line as the course title. Dates for each course section are automatically calculated based on the start and end dates and the number of sessions for a course. A student must withdraw by this date to avoid an “F” grade.
Note: Schedule changes may have implications for students on Financial Aid. Check with the Financial Aid Office prior to any schedule changes at 402-457-2330. The Census Date*** is the date on which Financial Aid Student’s enrollment is checked to determine the type and amount of authorized funds for the quarter. Payment is based on enrollment as of that date.
****REFUND POLICY for Credit Courses
A student is responsible for withdrawing “dropping” from a course(s) if unable to attend. Non- attendance or non-payment does not relieve a student from the obligation to pay.
An official schedule change that reduces or terminates a student’s academic credit load may entitle the student to a refund. Go to “My Services” and click “Student Accounts”, then “Tuition Modeler” to see the refund percentage received through midnight of the same day you “drop” withdraw from a class.
To withdraw “drop” from a course in My Way, go to “My Services”, click “Registration”. Then click “Register and Drop Sections”. Find the class you wish to drop and check the box under the word Drop and click Submit. You have successfully dropped the class if the message at the bottom of the screen states “the following request(s) have been processed”.